int search2(int *arr, int low, int high, int val) { // return smallest i such that a[i] >= val // and low <= i < high // if all a[i] < val, return high if (low == high) return high; if (arr[low] >= val) return low; if (low == high - 1) return high; int mid = (low + high) / 2; if (arr[mid] <= val) return search2(arr, mid, high, val); return search2(arr, low, mid, val); }
//menu void menu() { int choice; do { printf(" \033[36m DICTIONARY\n"); printf("1:Xoa Tu\n"); printf("2:Tim Kiem Tu \n"); printf("3:Tim Kiem Tu Su Dung Tab \n"); printf("4:Them Tu \n"); printf("5:Tim Kiem Nang Cao \n"); printf("6:Thoat \033[0m\n"); printf("Lua chon: "); scanf("%d",&choice); printf("-------------------------*_*---------------------------\n\n"); switch (choice) { case 1: delete_key(); system("clear"); break; case 2: search(); system("clear"); break; case 3: search_tab(); system("clear"); break; case 4: edit(); system("clear"); break; case 5: search2(); system("clear"); break; case 6: system("clear"); break; } } while (choice != 6); }
bool cCharStuff::cBankerAI::DoAI(int c, P_CHAR pBanker, const QString& comm) { P_CHAR pc_currchar = currchar[c]; string search2("BALANCE"); string search3("WITHDRAW") ; string search4("CHECK") ; if (SrvParams->useSpecialBank()) { if ((comm.contains(SrvParams->specialBankTrigger(), false)) &&(!(pc_currchar->dead))) { openspecialbank(c, currchar[c]); return true; } } else if ((comm.contains("BANK")) &&(!(pc_currchar->dead))) { OpenBank(c); return true; } else if ((comm.contains("BALANCE")) &&(!(pc_currchar->dead))) { return Balance(c, pBanker); } else if ((comm.contains("WITHDRAW")) &&(!(pc_currchar->dead))) { return Withdraw(c, pBanker, comm.latin1()); } else if ((comm.contains("CHECK")) &&(!(pc_currchar->dead))) { return BankCheck(c, pBanker, comm.latin1()); } return true; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int arr[] = {1, 3, 4, 7, 11, 18}; int len = 6; int i; int val; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { val = arr[i]; printf("%d %d\n", search2(arr, 0, len, val), val); } val = 0; printf("%d %d\n", search2(arr, 0, len, val), val); val = 10; printf("%d %d\n", search2(arr, 0, len, val), val); val = 20; printf("%d %d\n", search2(arr, 0, len, val), val); return 0; }
int solve(struct solver *self, int *puzzle) { int nsol; int clues = applyclues(self, puzzle); /* printgrid(puzzle, stdout); */ if (clues == -1) return 0; nsol = search2(self, clues); return nsol; }
main( )/*只是为了引用函数search2( )*/ { int *vp,i; int a[ ]={1,3,5,7,9,13,15,27,29,37}; int b[ ]={2,4,6,8,10,13,14,27,29,37}; clrscr(); puts("The elements of array a is:"); for(i=0;i<sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]);i++) printf(" %d",a[i]); puts("\nThe elements of array b is:"); for(i=0;i<sizeof(b)/sizeof(b[0]);i++) printf(" %d",b[i]); vp=search2(a,b,sizeof a/sizeof a[0],sizeof b/sizeof b[0]); if(vp) printf("\nThe first same number in both arrays is %d\n",*vp); else printf("Not found!\n"); puts("\n Press any key to quit...\n"); getch(); }
int easier(struct solver *self, int *puzzle) { int n; int clues = applyclues(self, puzzle); self->solver_backtracks = 0; self->first_branch = -1; n = search2(self, clues); assert(n == 1); if (self->first_branch != -1) { int r = self->solution_row[self->first_branch]; int cell = r/9; int newval = r%9+1; dbprintf("first_branch = %d; r = %d\n", self->first_branch, r); dbprintf("changing puzzle[%d] from %d to %d\n", cell, puzzle[cell], newval); puzzle[cell] = newval; return 1; } return 0; }
main() { int choose; stud *head,*searchpoint,*forepoint; char fullname[20]; while(1) { menu(); scanf("%d",&choose); switch(choose) { case 1: clrscr(); head=creat(); puts("Linklist created successfully! \nPress any key to return..."); getch(); break; case 2: clrscr(); printf("Input the student's name which you want to find:\n"); scanf("%s",fullname); searchpoint=search(head,fullname); printf("The stud name you want to find is:%s",*&searchpoint->name); printf("\nPress any key to returen..."); getchar(); getchar(); break; case 3: clrscr(); insert(head); print(head); printf("\nPress any key to returen..."); getchar();getchar(); break; case 4: clrscr(); print(head); printf("\nInput the student's name which you want to delete:\n"); scanf("%s",fullname); searchpoint=search(head,fullname); forepoint=search2(head,fullname); del(forepoint,searchpoint); print(head); puts("\nDelete successfully! Press any key to return..."); getchar(); getchar(); break; case 5:print(head); printf("\nPress any key to return..."); getchar();getchar(); break; case 6:quit(); break; default: clrscr(); printf("Illegal letter! Press any key to return..."); menu(); getchar(); } } }
void adajoint_chr(char **R_file_prefix, int *R_method, int *R_nperm, int *R_seed, int *R_nthread, int *R_nsnp, int *R_ngene, double *R_vU, double *R_score0, double *R_vV, int *R_vgene_idx, int *R_gene_start, int *R_gene_end, int *R_vgene_cutpoint, int *R_gene_cutpoint_start, int *R_gene_cutpoint_end, double *R_gene_pval, int *R_arr_rank, int *R_sel_id, int *R_marg_id){ int len_file_prefix = strlen(*R_file_prefix); char *file_prefix = new char[len_file_prefix + 1]; file_prefix[0] = '\0'; strcat(file_prefix, *R_file_prefix); int method = *R_method; assert(method == 1 || method == 2); int nperm = *R_nperm; int seed = *R_seed; int nthread = *R_nthread; int nsnp = *R_nsnp; int ngene = *R_ngene; fvec score0; fmat V; fmat U; load_score0(R_score0, score0, nsnp); load_cov(R_vV, V, nsnp); load_U(R_vU, U, nsnp); imat gene_idx; // index of SNPs in a gene load_gene_idx(R_vgene_idx, R_gene_start, R_gene_end, gene_idx, ngene); imat cutpoint; load_gene_cutpoint(R_vgene_cutpoint, R_gene_cutpoint_start, R_gene_cutpoint_end, cutpoint, ngene); string fprefix (file_prefix); svec gene_out (ngene, fprefix); for(int g = 0; g < ngene; ++g){ ostringstream gid; gid << g; gene_out[g] = gene_out[g] + string("GID.") + gid.str() + string(".bin"); } // write obs statistics for all genes imat sel_id(ngene); ivec marg_id(ngene); for(int g = 0; g < ngene; ++g){ fstream gout(gene_out[g].c_str(), ios::out | ios::binary); if(!gout){ error("Fail to write observed statistics to file"); } fvec S; fmat Sigma; extract_score(S, score0, gene_idx[g]); extract_cov(Sigma, V, gene_idx[g]); fvec s; int ncp = cutpoint[g].size(); int mc = cutpoint[g][ncp - 1]; if(method == 1){ search1(s, sel_id[g], marg_id[g], S, Sigma, mc); }else{//assert(method == 2) search2(s, sel_id[g], marg_id[g], S, Sigma, mc); } for(int k = 0; k < ncp; ++k){ float u = s[cutpoint[g][k]]; gout.write((char*)(&u), sizeof(u)); } gout.close(); } int i_sel_id = -1; for(int g = 0; g < ngene; ++g){ R_marg_id[g] = gene_idx[g][marg_id[g]] + 1; for(int k = 0; k < sel_id[g].size(); ++k){ ++i_sel_id; R_sel_id[i_sel_id] = gene_idx[g][sel_id[g][k]] + 1; } int nn = gene_idx[g].size() - sel_id[g].size(); while(nn){ ++i_sel_id; R_sel_id[i_sel_id] = -1; --nn; } } int ngap = min(10000, nperm); int nblock = nperm / ngap; for(int b = 0; b < nblock; ++b){ fmat null(ngap, fvec (nsnp, .0f)); drand48_data buf; // compute null score #pragma omp parallel num_threads(nthread) private(buf) { srand48_r(seed + b * nthread + omp_get_thread_num(), &buf); #pragma omp for for(int i = 0; i < ngap; ++i){ fvec rn; rnorm(buf, nsnp, rn); for(int j = 0; j < nsnp; ++j){ null[i][j] = .0f; for(int k = 0; k < nsnp; ++k){ null[i][j] += rn[k] * U[k][j]; } } } } // write null statistics to local files (per gene) #pragma omp parallel num_threads(min(nthread, ngene)) { #pragma omp for for(int g = 0; g < ngene; ++g){ ofstream gout;[g].c_str(), ios::out | ios::binary | ios::app); if(!gout){ error("Fail to write null statistics to file"); } fmat Sigma; extract_cov(Sigma, V, gene_idx[g]); int ns = gene_idx[g].size(); int ncp = cutpoint[g].size(); int mc = cutpoint[g][ncp - 1]; for(int i = 0; i < ngap; ++i){ fvec S; extract_score(S, null[i], gene_idx[g]); fvec s; ivec sel_id; int marg_id; if(method == 1){ search1(s, sel_id, marg_id, S, Sigma, mc); }else{ search2(s, sel_id, marg_id, S, Sigma, mc); } for(int k = 0; k < ncp; ++k){ float u = s[cutpoint[g][k]]; gout.write((char*)(&u), sizeof(u)); } } gout.close(); } } //fmat().swap(null); } // read null statistics (per gene) int irk = -1; for(int g = 0; g < ngene; ++g){ int ncp = cutpoint[g].size(); vector<VecStat> stat(ncp, VecStat (nperm + 1, STAT0)); fstream gin(gene_out[g].c_str(), ios::in | ios::binary); for(int i = 0; i < nperm + 1; ++i){ for(int j = 0; j < ncp; ++j){ float s = .0f;*)(&s), sizeof(s)); stat[j][i].stat = s; stat[j][i].id = i; } } gin.close(); if(remove(gene_out[g].c_str())){ error("Cannot delete gene output file"); } imat arr_rank(ncp, ivec (nperm + 1, 0)); #pragma omp parallel num_threads(min(ncp, nthread)) { #pragma omp for for(int j = 0; j < ncp; ++j){ sort(stat[j].begin(), stat[j].end(), descending); for(int i = 0; i < nperm + 1; ++i){ int id = stat[j][i].id; arr_rank[j][id] = i; } } } vector<VecStat>().swap(stat); ivec gene_min_p (nperm + 1, -1); ivec subsum(nthread, 0); ivec subtie(nthread, 0); int m = nperm + 1; for(int j = 0; j < ncp; ++j){ ++irk; R_arr_rank[irk] = arr_rank[j][0]; if(arr_rank[j][0] < m){ m = arr_rank[j][0]; } } gene_min_p[0] = m; #pragma omp parallel num_threads(nthread) { #pragma omp for for(int i = 1; i < nperm + 1; ++i){ int tid = omp_get_thread_num(); int m = nperm + 1; for(int j = 0; j < ncp; ++j){ if(arr_rank[j][i] < m){ m = arr_rank[j][i]; } } gene_min_p[i] = m; if(gene_min_p[i] < gene_min_p[0]){ subsum[tid] += 1; }else if(gene_min_p[i] == gene_min_p[0]){ subtie[tid] += 1; }else{ ; } } } R_gene_pval[g] = 1.0; int rep = 0; for(int t = 0; t < nthread; ++t){ R_gene_pval[g] += subsum[t]; rep += subtie[t]; } R_gene_pval[g] += rep / 2.0; R_gene_pval[g] /= nperm + 1; fstream gout(gene_out[g].c_str(), ios::out | ios::binary); if(!gout){ error("Fail to write gene statistics to file"); } for(int i = 0; i < nperm + 1; ++i){ gout.write((char*)(&(gene_min_p[i])), sizeof(gene_min_p[i])); } gout.close(); } delete[] file_prefix; }
int search(int A[], int n, int target) { if (random()%2){ return search1(A, n, target); } return search2(A, n, target); }
//funkcja usuwajac napis w tablicy void del(char word[]) { strcpy(napisy[search2(word)], "-------"); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, s; list q; list1 q1; list2 q2; record d; personal f; record *ptr, *pt; personal *ptr2, *pt2; FILE *fp, *fp1, *fp2, *fp3, *fp4, *fp6, *fp8, *fp9, *fp10; fp1 = fopen("b.txt", "a+"); node2 *st2; init(&q); init1(&q1); init2(&q2); char a[48]; char br[32]; int m, posi, choice, roll, size, s1, s2, s3, s4, num, posii, yr, MIS; while(1) { choice = printmenu(); switch(choice) { case 1 : printf("\nEnter the Name, MIS, Branch, Year of student and the MIS before which you wish to insert the record :\n"); /*if it is the first record 'posi' can be anything*/ scanf(" %[^\n]%d%s%d%d", a, &m, br, &yr, &posi); fp = fopen("k.txt", "a+"); Add_academic(&q, a, m, br, posi, yr, fp); fclose(fp); print(&q); break; case 2 : printf("Enter the MIS of the student record to be deleted :\n"); scanf("%d", &posii); fp = fopen("k.txt", "a+"); fp4 = fopen("d.txt", "w+"); if(pt = delet_academic(&q, posii,fp,fp4)) { printf("Name:%s\n MIS:%d\n Branch:%s\n Year :%d\n", pt->name, pt->MIS, pt->branch, pt->year); } else { printf("INVALID ENTRY\n"); } print(&q); fclose(fp); fclose(fp4); break; case 3 : printf("Enter the MIS of student :\n"); scanf("%d", &roll); if(ptr = search(&q, roll)) { printf("\nName :%s\tMIS :%d\tBranch :%s\tYear :%d\n", ptr->name, ptr->MIS, ptr->branch, ptr->year); } else { printf("\nRECORD NOT FOUND\n"); } break; case 4 : printf("Enter the Name, MIS, Branch, Year of student :\n"); scanf(" %[^\n]%d%s%d", a, &m, br, &yr); fp = fopen("k.txt", "a+"); append_academic(&q, a, m, br, yr, fp); print(&q); fclose(fp); break; case 5 : size = length(&q); printf("Number of student records(academic) : %d\n", size); break; case 6 : printf("Enter the MIS of student :\n"); scanf("%d", &roll); creatingID(&q, roll); break; case 7 : fp = fopen("k.txt", "a+"); fp3 = fopen("a.txt", "r"); academicfromfile(&q, fp3, fp); print(&q); fclose(fp); fclose(fp3); break; case 8 : printf("Enter the Name, MIS, Branch and Year of student:\n"); scanf(" %[^\n]%d%s%d", a, &m, br, &yr); /*MIS should be same*/ fp = fopen("k.txt", "a+"); fp6 = fopen("n.txt", "w+"); Modify_academic(&q, m, a, br, yr, fp, fp6); print(&q); fclose(fp); fclose(fp6); break; case 9 : num = length1(&q1); printf("No of students who appeared for final exam : %d\n", num); break; case 10 : printf("Enter MIS, T1 marks of 4 subjects ,MIS before which you wish to enter the record and the semester :\n"); scanf("%d%d%d%d%d%d%d",&roll,&s1,&s2,&s3,&s4,&m, &i); T1Marks(&q1,roll,s1,s2,s3,s4,m,i); printT1(&q1, i); break; case 11 : printf("Enter MIS and T2 marks of 4 subjects and the semester :\n"); scanf("%d%d%d%d%d%d",&roll,&s1,&s2,&s3,&s4, &i); T2Marks(&q1,roll,s1,s2,s3,s4,i); printT2(&q1, i); break; case 12 : printf("Enter MIS and ESE marks of 4 subjects and the semester :\n"); scanf("%d%d%d%d%d%d",&roll,&s1,&s2,&s3,&s4,&i); ESEMarks(&q1,roll,s1,s2,s3,s4,i); printESE(&q1, i); break; case 13 : printf("Enter the MIS and the semester :\n"); scanf("%d%d", &MIS, &i); Total(&q1, MIS,i, fp1); printTOT(&q1, i); break; case 14 : printf("Enter the Name, MIS, Mobile no., Email Id of student and the MIS before which you wish to insert the record :\n"); /*if it is the first record, posi can be anything*/ scanf(" %[^\n]%d%d%s%d", a, &m, &yr, br, &posi); fp2 = fopen("c.txt", "a+"); Add2_personal(&q2, a, m, yr, br, posi, fp2); print2(&q2); fclose(fp2); break; case 15 : printf("Enter the MIS of the student record to be deleted :\n"); scanf("%d", &posii); fp2 = fopen("c.txt", "a+"); fp9 = fopen("s.txt", "w+"); if(pt2 = delet2_personal(&q2, posii,fp2, fp9)) { printf("Name:%s\n MIS:%d\n Mobile No:%d\n Email Id :%s\n", pt2->name, pt2->MISS, pt2->mobile, pt2->email_Id); } else { printf("INVALID ENTRY\n"); } print2(&q2); fclose(fp2); fclose(fp9); break; case 16 : printf("Enter the MIS of student :\n"); scanf("%d", &roll); if(ptr2 = search2(&q2, roll)) { printf("\nName :%s\tMIS :%d\tMobile No :%d\tEmail Id :%s\n", ptr2->name, ptr2->MISS, ptr2->mobile, ptr2->email_Id); } else { printf("\nRECORD NOT FOUND\n"); } break; case 17 : printf("Enter the Name, MIS, Mobile no. and Email Id of student:\n"); scanf(" %[^\n]%d%d%s", a, &m, &yr, br); /*MIS should be same*/ fp8 = fopen("w.txt", "w+"); fp2 = fopen("c.txt", "a+"); Modify2_personal(&q2, m, a, yr, br,fp2, fp8); print2(&q2); fclose(fp2); fclose(fp8); break; case 18 : printf("\nEnter the MIS of the student and the semester :\n"); scanf("%d%d", &m, &s); link(&q, &q1, &q2, m, s); break; case 19 : fp2 = fopen("c.txt", "a+"); fp10 = fopen("p.txt", "r"); personalfromfile(&q2, fp10, fp2); print2(&q2); fclose(fp2); fclose(fp10); break; case 20 : fclose(fp1); exit(1); break; } } }