Esempio n. 1
INT32 SSL_Read( SOCK_SOCKET socket, char* Data, size_t size )

    void *sslData = g_Sockets_Driver.GetSocketSslData(socket);
    INT32 recv = 0;

    if(sslData == NULL || sslData == (void*)SSL_SOCKET_ATTEMPTED_CONNECT)
        return SOCK_SOCKET_ERROR;
    recv = secure_read( sslData, Data, size, 0 ); 

    if(recv == RTSSL_WANT_READ)
        Sockets_Driver::ClearStatusBitsForSocket( socket, FALSE );
        return SSL_RESULT__WOULD_BLOCK;

    if(SSL_DataAvailable(socket) <= 0)
        Sockets_Driver::ClearStatusBitsForSocket( socket, FALSE );

    return recv;
Esempio n. 2
/* --------------------------------
 *		pq_recvbuf - load some bytes into the input buffer
 *		returns 0 if OK, EOF if trouble
 * --------------------------------
static int
    if (PqRecvPointer > 0)
        if (PqRecvLength > PqRecvPointer)
            /* still some unread data, left-justify it in the buffer */
            memmove(PqRecvBuffer, PqRecvBuffer + PqRecvPointer,
                    PqRecvLength - PqRecvPointer);
            PqRecvLength -= PqRecvPointer;
            PqRecvPointer = 0;
            PqRecvLength = PqRecvPointer = 0;

    /* Ensure that we're in blocking mode */

    /* Can fill buffer from PqRecvLength and upwards */
    for (;;)
        int			r;

        r = secure_read(MyProcPort, PqRecvBuffer + PqRecvLength,
                        PQ_RECV_BUFFER_SIZE - PqRecvLength);

        if (r < 0)
            if (errno == EINTR)
                continue;		/* Ok if interrupted */

             * Careful: an ereport() that tries to write to the client would
             * cause recursion to here, leading to stack overflow and core
             * dump!  This message must go *only* to the postmaster log.
                     errmsg("could not receive data from client: %m")));
            return EOF;
        if (r == 0)
             * EOF detected.  We used to write a log message here, but it's
             * better to expect the ultimate caller to do that.
            return EOF;
        /* r contains number of bytes read, so just incr length */
        PqRecvLength += r;
        return 0;
Esempio n. 3
weechat_init (int argc, char *argv[], void (*gui_init_cb)())
    weechat_first_start_time = time (NULL); /* initialize start time        */
    gettimeofday (&weechat_current_start_timeval, NULL);

    /* catch signals */
    util_catch_signal (SIGINT, SIG_IGN);           /* signal ignored        */
    util_catch_signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);          /* signal ignored        */
    util_catch_signal (SIGSEGV, &debug_sigsegv);   /* crash dump            */
    util_catch_signal (SIGHUP, &weechat_sighup);   /* exit WeeChat          */
    util_catch_signal (SIGQUIT, &weechat_sigquit); /* exit WeeChat          */
    util_catch_signal (SIGTERM, &weechat_sigterm); /* exit WeeChat          */

    hdata_init ();                      /* initialize hdata                 */
    hook_init ();                       /* initialize hooks                 */
    debug_init ();                      /* hook signals for debug           */
    gui_color_init ();                  /* initialize colors                */
    gui_chat_init ();                   /* initialize chat                  */
    command_init ();                    /* initialize WeeChat commands      */
    completion_init ();                 /* add core completion hooks        */
    gui_key_init ();                    /* init keys                        */
    network_init_gcrypt ();             /* init gcrypt                      */
    if (!secure_init ())                /* init secured data options (sec.*)*/
        weechat_shutdown (EXIT_FAILURE, 0);
    if (!config_weechat_init ())        /* init WeeChat options (weechat.*) */
        weechat_shutdown (EXIT_FAILURE, 0);
    weechat_parse_args (argc, argv);    /* parse command line args          */
    weechat_create_home_dir ();         /* create WeeChat home directory    */
    log_init ();                        /* init log file                    */
    plugin_api_init ();                 /* create some hooks (info,hdata,..)*/
    secure_read ();                     /* read secured data options        */
    config_weechat_read ();             /* read WeeChat options             */
    network_init_gnutls ();             /* init GnuTLS                      */

    if (gui_init_cb)
        (*gui_init_cb) ();              /* init WeeChat interface           */

    if (weechat_upgrading)
        upgrade_weechat_load ();        /* upgrade with session file        */
        weechat_upgrade_count++;        /* increase /upgrade count          */
    weechat_startup_message ();         /* display WeeChat startup message  */
    gui_chat_print_lines_waiting_buffer (NULL); /* display lines waiting    */
    weechat_term_check ();              /* warning about wrong $TERM        */
    weechat_locale_check ();            /* warning about wrong locale       */
    command_startup (0);                /* command executed before plugins  */
    plugin_init (weechat_force_plugin_autoload, /* init plugin interface(s) */
                 argc, argv);
    command_startup (1);                /* commands executed after plugins  */
    if (!weechat_upgrading)
        gui_layout_window_apply (gui_layout_current, -1);
    if (weechat_upgrading)
        upgrade_weechat_end ();         /* remove .upgrade files + signal   */
Esempio n. 4
/* --------------------------------
 *		pq_getbyte_if_available - get a single byte from connection,
 *			if available
 * The received byte is stored in *c. Returns 1 if a byte was read,
 * 0 if no data was available, or EOF if trouble.
 * --------------------------------
pq_getbyte_if_available(unsigned char *c)
    int			r;

    if (PqRecvPointer < PqRecvLength)
        *c = PqRecvBuffer[PqRecvPointer++];
        return 1;

    /* Put the socket into non-blocking mode */

    r = secure_read(MyProcPort, c, 1);
    if (r < 0)
         * Ok if no data available without blocking or interrupted (though
         * EINTR really shouldn't happen with a non-blocking socket).
         * Report other errors.
        if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == EINTR)
            r = 0;
             * Careful: an ereport() that tries to write to the client
             * would cause recursion to here, leading to stack overflow
             * and core dump!  This message must go *only* to the
             * postmaster log.
                     errmsg("could not receive data from client: %m")));
            r = EOF;
    else if (r == 0)
        /* EOF detected */
        r = EOF;

    return r;
Esempio n. 5
/* --------------------------------
 *		pq_getbyte_if_available - get a single byte from connection,
 *			if available
 * The received byte is stored in *c. Returns 1 if a byte was read,
 * 0 if no data was available, or EOF if trouble.
 * --------------------------------
pq_getbyte_if_available(unsigned char *c)
	int			r;

	if (PqRecvPointer < PqRecvLength)
		*c = PqRecvBuffer[PqRecvPointer++];
		return 1;

	/* Temporarily put the socket into non-blocking mode */
#ifdef WIN32
	pgwin32_noblock = 1;
	if (!pg_set_noblock(MyProcPort->sock))
				(errmsg("could not set socket to non-blocking mode: %m")));
	MyProcPort->noblock = true;
		r = secure_read(MyProcPort, c, 1);
		if (r < 0)
			 * Ok if no data available without blocking or interrupted (though
			 * EINTR really shouldn't happen with a non-blocking socket).
			 * Report other errors.
			if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == EINTR)
				r = 0;
				 * Careful: an ereport() that tries to write to the client
				 * would cause recursion to here, leading to stack overflow
				 * and core dump!  This message must go *only* to the
				 * postmaster log.
						 errmsg("could not receive data from client: %m")));
				r = EOF;
		else if (r == 0)
			/* EOF detected */
			r = EOF;
		 * The rest of the backend code assumes the socket is in blocking
		 * mode, so treat failure as FATAL.
#ifdef WIN32
		pgwin32_noblock = 0;
		if (!pg_set_block(MyProcPort->sock))
					(errmsg("could not set socket to blocking mode: %m")));
		MyProcPort->noblock = false;
#ifdef WIN32
	pgwin32_noblock = 0;
	if (!pg_set_block(MyProcPort->sock))
				(errmsg("could not set socket to blocking mode: %m")));
	MyProcPort->noblock = false;

	return r;
Esempio n. 6
weechat_init (int argc, char *argv[], void (*gui_init_cb)())
    weechat_first_start_time = time (NULL); /* initialize start time        */
    gettimeofday (&weechat_current_start_timeval, NULL);

    weechat_locale_ok = (setlocale (LC_ALL, "") != NULL);   /* init gettext */
    bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
    bind_textdomain_codeset (PACKAGE, "UTF-8");
    textdomain (PACKAGE);

    weechat_local_charset = strdup (nl_langinfo (CODESET));
    weechat_local_charset = strdup ("");
    utf8_init ();

    /* catch signals */
    util_catch_signal (SIGINT, SIG_IGN);           /* signal ignored        */
    util_catch_signal (SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN);          /* signal ignored        */
    util_catch_signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);          /* signal ignored        */
    util_catch_signal (SIGSEGV, &debug_sigsegv);   /* crash dump            */
    util_catch_signal (SIGHUP, &weechat_sighup);   /* exit WeeChat          */
    util_catch_signal (SIGQUIT, &weechat_sigquit); /* exit WeeChat          */
    util_catch_signal (SIGTERM, &weechat_sigterm); /* exit WeeChat          */

    hdata_init ();                      /* initialize hdata                 */
    hook_init ();                       /* initialize hooks                 */
    debug_init ();                      /* hook signals for debug           */
    gui_color_init ();                  /* initialize colors                */
    gui_chat_init ();                   /* initialize chat                  */
    command_init ();                    /* initialize WeeChat commands      */
    completion_init ();                 /* add core completion hooks        */
    gui_key_init ();                    /* init keys                        */
    network_init_gcrypt ();             /* init gcrypt                      */
    if (!secure_init ())                /* init secured data options (sec.*)*/
        weechat_shutdown (EXIT_FAILURE, 0);
    if (!config_weechat_init ())        /* init WeeChat options (weechat.*) */
        weechat_shutdown (EXIT_FAILURE, 0);
    weechat_parse_args (argc, argv);    /* parse command line args          */
    weechat_create_home_dir ();         /* create WeeChat home directory    */
    log_init ();                        /* init log file                    */
    plugin_api_init ();                 /* create some hooks (info,hdata,..)*/
    secure_read ();                     /* read secured data options        */
    config_weechat_read ();             /* read WeeChat options             */
    network_init_gnutls ();             /* init GnuTLS                      */

    if (gui_init_cb)
        (*gui_init_cb) ();              /* init WeeChat interface           */

    if (weechat_upgrading)
        upgrade_weechat_load ();        /* upgrade with session file        */
        weechat_upgrade_count++;        /* increase /upgrade count          */
    weechat_welcome_message ();         /* display WeeChat welcome message  */
    gui_chat_print_lines_waiting_buffer (NULL); /* display lines waiting    */
    weechat_term_check ();              /* warnings about $TERM (if wrong)  */
    weechat_locale_check ();            /* warning about wrong locale       */
    command_startup (0);                /* command executed before plugins  */
    plugin_init (weechat_auto_load_plugins, /* init plugin interface(s)     */
                 argc, argv);
    command_startup (1);                /* commands executed after plugins  */
    if (!weechat_upgrading)
        gui_layout_window_apply (gui_layout_current, -1);
    if (weechat_upgrading)
        upgrade_weechat_end ();         /* remove .upgrade files + signal   */
Esempio n. 7
main (int argc, char *argv[])
    weechat_first_start_time = time (NULL); /* initialize start time        */
    gettimeofday (&weechat_current_start_timeval, NULL);

    setlocale (LC_ALL, "");             /* initialize gettext               */
    bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
    bind_textdomain_codeset (PACKAGE, "UTF-8");
    textdomain (PACKAGE);

    weechat_local_charset = strdup (nl_langinfo (CODESET));
    weechat_local_charset = strdup ("");
    utf8_init ();

    util_catch_signal (SIGINT, SIG_IGN);  /* ignore SIGINT signal           */
    util_catch_signal (SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN); /* ignore SIGQUIT signal          */
    util_catch_signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); /* ignore SIGPIPE signal          */
    util_catch_signal (SIGSEGV,
                       &debug_sigsegv); /* crash dump for SIGSEGV signal    */
    hdata_init ();                      /* initialize hdata                 */
    hook_init ();                       /* initialize hooks                 */
    debug_init ();                      /* hook signals for debug           */
    gui_main_pre_init (&argc, &argv);   /* pre-initialize interface         */
    command_init ();                    /* initialize WeeChat commands      */
    completion_init ();                 /* add core completion hooks        */
    gui_key_init ();                    /* init keys                        */
    network_init_gcrypt ();             /* init gcrypt                      */
    if (!secure_init ())                /* init secured data options (sec.*)*/
        weechat_shutdown (EXIT_FAILURE, 0);
    if (!config_weechat_init ())        /* init WeeChat options (weechat.*) */
        weechat_shutdown (EXIT_FAILURE, 0);
    weechat_parse_args (argc, argv);    /* parse command line args          */
    weechat_create_home_dir ();         /* create WeeChat home directory    */
    log_init ();                        /* init log file                    */
    plugin_api_init ();                 /* create some hooks (info,hdata,..)*/
    secure_read ();                     /* read secured data options        */
    config_weechat_read ();             /* read WeeChat options             */
    network_init_gnutls ();             /* init GnuTLS                      */
    gui_main_init ();                   /* init WeeChat interface           */
    if (weechat_upgrading)
        upgrade_weechat_load ();        /* upgrade with session file        */
        weechat_upgrade_count++;        /* increase /upgrade count          */
    weechat_welcome_message ();         /* display WeeChat welcome message  */
    gui_chat_print_lines_waiting_buffer (NULL); /* display lines waiting    */
    command_startup (0);                /* command executed before plugins  */
    plugin_init (weechat_auto_load_plugins, /* init plugin interface(s)     */
                 argc, argv);
    command_startup (1);                /* commands executed after plugins  */
    if (!weechat_upgrading)
        gui_layout_window_apply (gui_layout_current, -1);
    if (weechat_upgrading)
        upgrade_weechat_end ();         /* remove .upgrade files + signal   */

    gui_main_loop ();                   /* WeeChat main loop                */

    gui_layout_store_on_exit ();        /* store layout                     */
    plugin_end ();                      /* end plugin interface(s)          */
    if (CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_look_save_config_on_exit))
        (void) config_weechat_write (); /* save WeeChat config file         */
    (void) secure_write ();             /* save secured data                */
    gui_main_end (1);                   /* shut down WeeChat GUI            */
    proxy_free_all ();                  /* free all proxies                 */
    config_weechat_free ();             /* free WeeChat options             */
    secure_free ();                     /* free secured data options        */
    config_file_free_all ();            /* free all configuration files     */
    gui_key_end ();                     /* remove all keys                  */
    unhook_all ();                      /* remove all hooks                 */
    hdata_end ();                       /* end hdata                        */
    secure_end ();                      /* end secured data                 */
    string_end ();                      /* end string                       */
    weechat_shutdown (EXIT_SUCCESS, 0); /* quit WeeChat (oh no, why?)       */

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;                /* make C compiler happy            */