void SourcePage::initializePage()
    if ( _source.size() == 1 )
        //load source from wizard, if available
        if ( !((AlarmWizard*) wizard())->getSource().isEmpty() )
            QString src = ((AlarmWizard*) wizard())->getSource();
            int index = src.indexOf("/");
            src.remove(index, src.length());
            QList<QListWidgetItem*> items = _ui->sourceList->findItems(src, Qt::MatchExactly);
            if ( items.size() != 1 )

    } else {
        Msg::AudioPlugin* plugin = getPlugin();
        //load source from wizard, if available
        if ( !((AlarmWizard*) wizard())->getSource().isEmpty() )
            QString src = ((AlarmWizard*) wizard())->getSource();
            int index = src.indexOf("/");
            src.remove(0, index + 1);
            QList<QListWidgetItem*> items = _ui->sourceList->findItems(src, Qt::MatchExactly);
            if ( items.size() != 1 )


    if ( _ui->sourceList->selectedItems().size() == 0 )
void PackageHandling::setFile(const QString &a)

	if (a != filename) {
		filename = a;
		emit fileChanged();
Playlist::ViewCommon::actionsFor( QWidget *parent, const QModelIndex *index, bool coverActions )
    QList<PopupDropperAction*> actions;

    Meta::TrackPtr track = index->data( Playlist::TrackRole ).value< Meta::TrackPtr >();

    PopupDropperAction *separator = new PopupDropperAction( parent );
    separator->setSeparator( true );
    const bool isCurrentTrack = index->data( Playlist::ActiveTrackRole ).toBool();

    PopupDropperAction *stopAction = new PopupDropperAction( KIcon( "media-playback-stop-amarok" ), i18n( "Stop Playing After This Track" ), parent );
    QObject::connect( stopAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), parent, SLOT( stopAfterTrack() ) );
    actions << stopAction;
    actions << separator;
    const bool isQueued = index->data( Playlist::StateRole ).toInt() & Item::Queued;
    const QString queueText = !isQueued ? i18n( "Queue Track" ) : i18n( "Dequeue Track" );
    PopupDropperAction *queueAction = new PopupDropperAction( KIcon( "media-track-queue-amarok" ), queueText, parent );
    if( isQueued )
        QObject::connect( queueAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), parent, SLOT( dequeueSelection() ) );
        QObject::connect( queueAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), parent, SLOT( queueSelection() ) );

    actions << queueAction;

    actions << separator;

    PopupDropperAction *removeAction = new PopupDropperAction( KIcon( "media-track-remove-amarok" ), i18n( "Remove From Playlist" ), parent );
    QObject::connect( removeAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), parent, SLOT( removeSelection() ) );
    actions << removeAction;

    actions << separator;

    //lets see if parent is the currently playing tracks, and if it has CurrentTrackActionsCapability
    if( isCurrentTrack )
        QList<QAction*> globalCurrentTrackActions = The::globalCurrentTrackActions()->actions();
        foreach( QAction *action, globalCurrentTrackActions )
            actions << PopupDropperAction::from( action );
        if ( track->hasCapabilityInterface( Meta::Capability::CurrentTrackActions ) )
            Meta::CurrentTrackActionsCapability *cac = track->create<Meta::CurrentTrackActionsCapability>();
            if ( cac )
                QList<PopupDropperAction *> actions = cac->customActions();

                foreach( PopupDropperAction *action, actions )
                    actions << action;
            delete cac;

    actions << separator;

    if ( coverActions )
        Meta::AlbumPtr album = track->album();
        if ( album )
            Meta::CustomActionsCapability *cac = album->create<Meta::CustomActionsCapability>();
            if ( cac )
                QList<PopupDropperAction *> customActions = cac->customActions();

                foreach( PopupDropperAction *customAction, customActions )
                    actions << customAction;
            delete cac;

    actions << separator;
    const bool isMultiSource = index->data( Playlist::MultiSourceRole ).toBool();
    if( isMultiSource )
        PopupDropperAction *selectSourceAction = new PopupDropperAction( KIcon( "media-playlist-repeat" ), i18n( "Select Source" ), parent );
        QObject::connect( selectSourceAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), parent, SLOT( selectSource() ) );

        actions << selectSourceAction;
    PopupDropperAction *editAction = new PopupDropperAction( KIcon( "media-track-edit-amarok" ), i18n( "Edit Track Details" ), parent );
    QObject::connect( editAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), parent, SLOT( editTrackInformation() ) );
    actions << editAction;

    return actions;