Esempio n. 1
void init_dlgs(t_x11 *x11, t_gmx *gmx)
    static t_dlginit di[] = {
        { "export.dlg",   ExportCB },
        { "bonds.dlg",    BondsCB  }
    static t_mmb *mi[emNR] = { quit_mb,    help_mb,    about_mb,   ni_mb };
    unsigned int i;

    snew(gmx->dlgs, edNR);
    for (i = 0; (i < asize(di)); i++)
        gmx->dlgs[i] = ReadDlg(x11, gmx->wd->self, di[i].dlgfile,
                               0, 0, true, false, di[i].cb, gmx);

    gmx->dlgs[edFilter] = select_filter(x11, gmx);

    snew(gmx->mboxes, emNR);
    for (i = 0; (i < emNR); i++)
        gmx->mboxes[i] = mi[i](x11, gmx);
    gmx->which_mb = -1;
Esempio n. 2
void init_dlgs(t_x11 *x11, t_gmx *gmx)
    static t_dlginit di[] = {
        { edExport,   "export.dlg",   ExportCB },
        { edBonds,    "bonds.dlg",    BondsCB  }
    static t_mbinit mi[emNR] = {
        { emQuit,       quit_mb,    QuitCB     },
        { emHelp,       help_mb,    MBCallback },
        { emAbout,      about_mb,   MBCallback },
        { emNotImplemented, ni_mb,      MBCallback }
    int i;

    snew(gmx->dlgs, edNR);
    for (i = 0; (i < asize(di)); i++)
        gmx->dlgs[i] = ReadDlg(x11, gmx->wd->self, di[i].dlgfile,
                               x11->fg, x11->bg, di[i].dlgfile,
                               0, 0, TRUE, FALSE, di[i].cb, gmx);

    gmx->dlgs[edFilter] = select_filter(x11, gmx);

    snew(gmx->mboxes, emNR);
    for (i = 0; (i < emNR); i++)
        gmx->mboxes[i] = mi[i].mmb(x11, gmx);
    gmx->which_mb = -1;
Esempio n. 3
//' @title Discrete Wavelet Transform
//' @description Calculation of the coefficients for the discrete wavelet transformation. 
//' @param x           A \code{vector} with dimensions \eqn{N\times 1}{N x 1}. 
//' @param filter_name A \code{string} indicating the filter.
//' @param nlevels     An \code{integer}, \eqn{J}, indicating the level of the decomposition.
//' @param boundary    A \code{string} indicating the type of boundary method to use. Either \code{boundary="periodic"} or \code{"reflection"}.
//' @param brickwall   A \code{bool} indicating whether the a brick wall procedure should be applied to the coefficients.
//' @return y A \code{field<vec>} that contains the wavelet coefficients for each decomposition level
//' @details
//' Performs a level J decomposition of the time series using the pyramid algorithm
//' @author JJB
//' @keywords internal
//' @examples
//' set.seed(999)
//' x = rnorm(2^8)
//' dwt_cpp(x, filter_name = "haar", nlevels = 4, boundary = "periodic", brickwall = TRUE)
// [[Rcpp::export]]
arma::field<arma::vec> dwt_cpp(arma::vec x, std::string filter_name, 
                                   unsigned int nlevels, std::string boundary, bool brickwall) {
  if(boundary == "periodic"){
  }else if(boundary == "reflection"){
    unsigned int temp_N = x.n_elem;
    arma::vec rev_vec = reverse_vec(x);
    x.rows(temp_N, 2*temp_N-1) = rev_vec;
      Rcpp::stop("The supplied 'boundary' argument is not supported! Choose either periodic or reflection."); 

  unsigned int N = x.n_elem;
  unsigned int J = nlevels;
  unsigned int tau = pow(2,J);
  if(double(N)/double(tau) != floor(double(N)/double(tau))){
    Rcpp::stop("The supplied sample size ('x') must be divisible by 2^(nlevels). Either truncate or expand the number of samples.");
  if(tau > N){
    Rcpp::stop("The number of levels [ 2^(nlevels) ] exceeds sample size ('x'). Supply a lower number of levels.");

  arma::field<arma::vec> filter_info = select_filter(filter_name);
  int L = arma::as_scalar(filter_info(0));
  arma::vec h = filter_info(1); //check the pulls
  arma::vec g = filter_info(2);
  arma::field<arma::vec> y(J);
  for(unsigned int j = 1; j <= J; j++) {
    unsigned int M = N/pow(2,(j-1));
    unsigned int M_over_2 = double(M)/2;
    arma::vec Wj(M_over_2);
    arma::vec Vj(M_over_2);
    for(unsigned t = 0; t < M_over_2; t++) {
      int u = 2*t + 1;

      double Wjt = h(0)*x(u);
      double Vjt = g(0)*x(u);
      for(int n = 1; n < L; n++){
        u -= 1;
        if(u < 0){
          u = M - 1;
        Wjt += h(n)*x(u);
        Vjt += g(n)*x(u);
      Wj[t] = Wjt;
      Vj[t] = Vjt;
    y(j-1) = Wj;
    x = Vj;
  // Apply brickwall
    y = brick_wall(y, filter_info, "dwt");
  return y;
Esempio n. 4
//' @title Maximum Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transform
//' @description 
//' Calculation of the coefficients for the discrete wavelet transformation
//' @inheritParams dwt_cpp
//' @return y A \code{field<vec>} that contains the wavelet coefficients for each decomposition level
//' @keywords internal
//' @details
//' Performs a level J decomposition of the time series using the pyramid algorithm.
//' Use this implementation to supply custom parameters instead of modwt(x),
//' which serves as a wrapper function.
//' @author JJB
//' @keywords internal
//' @examples
//' set.seed(999)
//' x = rnorm(100)
//' modwt_cpp(x, filter_name = "haar", nlevels = 4, boundary = "periodic", brickwall = TRUE)
// [[Rcpp::export]]
arma::field<arma::vec> modwt_cpp(arma::vec x, std::string filter_name, 
                                   unsigned int nlevels, std::string boundary, bool brickwall){
  if(boundary == "periodic"){
  }else if(boundary == "reflection"){
    unsigned int temp_N = x.n_elem;
    arma::vec rev_vec = reverse_vec(x);
    x.rows(temp_N, 2*temp_N-1) = rev_vec;
    Rcpp::stop("The supplied 'boundary' argument is not supported! Choose either periodic or reflection."); 

  unsigned int N = x.n_elem;
  unsigned int J = nlevels;
  unsigned int tau = pow(2,J);
  if(tau > N) Rcpp::stop("The number of levels [ 2^(nlevels) ] exceeds sample size ('x'). Supply a lower number of levels.");

  arma::field<arma::vec> filter_info = select_filter(filter_name);
  int L = arma::as_scalar(filter_info(0));
  arma::vec ht = filter_info(1); 
  arma::vec gt = filter_info(2);
  // modwt transform
  double transform_factor = sqrt(2);
  ht /= transform_factor;
  gt /= transform_factor;

  arma::field<arma::vec> y(J);
  arma::vec Wj(N);
  arma::vec Vj(N);
  for(unsigned int j = 1; j <= J; j++) {
    for(unsigned t = 0; t < N; t++) {
      int k = t;

      double Wjt = ht(0)*x(k);
      double Vjt = gt(0)*x(k);
      for(int n = 1; n < L; n++){
        k -= pow(2, j-1);
        if(k < 0){
          k += N;
        Wjt += ht(n)*x(k);
        Vjt += gt(n)*x(k);
      Wj[t] = Wjt;
      Vj[t] = Vjt;
    y(j-1) = Wj;
    x = Vj;
  // Apply brickwall
   y = brick_wall(y, filter_info, "modwt");
  return y;