Code assign_stat(Pnode p) { Psymbol symbol; Code exprcode; Schema exprschema; /* assign_stat / / ID ---> expr */ // Semantica: Carico gli schemi di ID e expr symbol = lookup(valname(p->child)); if (symbol == NULL) semerror(p->child, "Undefined identifier in assignment"); exprcode = expr(p->child->brother, &exprschema); // Type checking: if (!type_equal(symbol->schema, &exprschema)) semerror(p->child->brother, "Incompatible types in assignment"); if ( != NULL) free_schema(; Value v1; v1.ival = symbol->oid; return concode( exprcode, makecode1(T_STO, v1), endcode()); }
/*Controlla i vincoli semantici dell'assegnamento e ne ritorna il codice*/ Code assign_stat(Pnode assign_stat_node){ #ifdef DEBUG_ASSIGN_STAT printf("ASSIGN_STAT - enter\n"); #endif //Imposto le due parti del nodo Pnode id_node = assign_stat_node->child; Pnode expr_node = assign_stat_node->child->brother; //Definisco la variabile che contiene il codice da ritornare Code assign_stat_code ; //Controllo i vincoli semantici //Visibilità del nome if (lookup(valname(id_node))==NULL) semerror(id_node,"Undefined variable"); //Compatibilità degli schemi Pschema schema_expr = (Pschema) newmem(sizeof(Schema)); Code expr_code = expr(expr_node,schema_expr); Psymbol symbol = lookup(valname(id_node)); if (!type_equal((symbol->schema),*(schema_expr))) semerror(assign_stat_node,"Incompatible types"); //Genero il codice assign_stat_code = appcode(expr_code,makecode1(T_STO,symbol->oid)); #ifdef DEBUG_ASSIGN_STAT printf("ASSIGN_STAT - exit\n"); #endif return assign_stat_code; }
static int checkfill(Symbol* tsym, Datasrc* src) { int i,iscmpd,result; Constant* con; Symbol* original = tsym; result = 1; switch (tsym->subclass) { case NC_ENUM: case NC_OPAQUE: case NC_PRIM: con = srcnext(src); if(src == NULL) { semerror(srcline(src),"%s: malformed _FillValue",original->name); result = 0; } else if(con->nctype != tsym->typ.typecode) result = 0; /* wrong type*/ break; case NC_COMPOUND: if(!issublist(src)) {/* fail on no compound*/ semerror(srcline(src),"Compound constants must be enclosed in {..}"); } srcpush(src); for(i=0;i<listlength(tsym->subnodes);i++) { Symbol* field = (Symbol*)listget(tsym->subnodes,i); result = checkfill(field,src,original); if(!result) break; } srcpop(src); break; case NC_VLEN: if(!issublist(src)) { semerror(srcline(src),"%s: vlen instances in _FillValue must be enclosed in {...}",original->name); result = 0; } else { srcpush(src); while(srcmore(src)) { result = checkfill(tsym->typ.basetype,src,original); if(!result) break; } srcpop(src); } break; case NC_FIELD: /* Braces are optional */ if((iscmpd=issublist(src))) srcpush(src); if(tsym->typ.dimset.ndims > 0) { result = checkarray(tsym->typ.basetype,&tsym->typ.dimset,0,src,original,!TOPLEVEL); } else result = checkfill(tsym->typ.basetype,src,original); if(iscmpd) srcpop(src); break; default: PANIC1("checkfillvalue: unexpected subclass %d",tsym->subclass); } return result; }
static void genbin_data(Symbol* tsym, Datasrc* datasrc, Datalist* fillsrc, Bytebuffer* memory) { int usecmpd; Constant* con = srcpeek(datasrc); if(con == NULL || con->nctype == NC_FILLVALUE) { srcnext(datasrc); genbin_fillvalue(tsym,fillsrc,datasrc,memory); return; } switch (tsym->subclass) { case NC_ENUM: case NC_OPAQUE: case NC_PRIM: if(issublist(datasrc)) { semerror(srcline(datasrc),"Expected primitive found {..}"); } genbin_primdata(tsym,datasrc,fillsrc,memory); break; case NC_COMPOUND: genbin_compound(tsym,datasrc,fillsrc,memory); break; case NC_VLEN: { Constant* cp; nc_vlen_t ptr; if(!issublist(datasrc)) { semerror(srcline(datasrc),"Vlen data must be enclosed in {..}"); } cp = srcnext(datasrc); /* generate the nc_vlen_t instance*/ ptr.p = vlendata[cp->value.compoundv->vlen.uid].data; ptr.len = vlendata[cp->value.compoundv->vlen.uid].count; bbAppendn(memory,(char*)&ptr,sizeof(ptr)); } break; case NC_FIELD: /* enclose in braces if and only if field is an array */ usecmpd = (issublist(datasrc) && tsym->typ.dimset.ndims > 0); if(usecmpd) srcpush(datasrc); if(tsym->typ.dimset.ndims > 0) { genbin_fieldarray(tsym->typ.basetype,datasrc,&tsym->typ.dimset,0,memory); } else { genbin_data(tsym->typ.basetype,datasrc,NULL,memory); } if(usecmpd) srcpop(datasrc); break; default: PANIC1("genbin_data: unexpected subclass %d",tsym->subclass); } }
/*Genera il codice per il nodo def_stat e controlla i vincoli semantici*/ Code def_stat(Pnode def_stat_node){ //Imposto le due parti del nodo Pnode type_node = def_stat_node->child; Pnode id_list_head_node = def_stat_node->child->brother; //Definisco la variabile che contiene il codice da ritornare Code def_stat_code ; def_stat_code.head = NULL; def_stat_code.tail = NULL; def_stat_code.size = 0; //Sintetizzo il type Pschema schema_type = type(type_node); //Ottengo la id_list int id_list_len; Pname id_list_name = id_list(id_list_head_node,&id_list_len); //Controllo gli errori semantici //id ripetuti Boolean repetition = repeated_names(id_list_name); if (repetition == TRUE){ semerror(def_stat_node,"More than one variable with the same name"); } //variabili già assegnate Pnode id_node; for (id_node = id_list_head_node; id_node!=NULL; id_node=id_node->brother) if (name_in_environment(valname(id_node))) semerror(id_node,"Variable already defined"); //Genero il codice per la definizione delle variabili e inserisco i nomi nel contesto for (id_node = id_list_head_node; id_node!=NULL; id_node=id_node->brother){ //Genero il codice dell'id Code id_code ; int spazio_da_allocare = get_size(schema_type); if (schema_type->type == TABLE) id_code = makecode1(T_NEWTAB,spazio_da_allocare); else id_code = makecode1(T_NEWATOM,spazio_da_allocare); //Inserisco il nome nell'ambiente insert_name_into_environment(valname(id_node)); //Inserisco il nome nella symbol table Pschema schema_symbol = clone_schema(schema_type); schema_symbol->name = valname(id_node); insert(*schema_symbol); //Appendo a def_stat_code l'id_code def_stat_code = appcode(def_stat_code,id_code); } return def_stat_code; }
SharedQueue::SharedQueue(key_t key, bool is_server) { union semun arg; this->is_server = is_server; // init shared memory if( (shmid = shmget(key, CAPACITY, (is_server ? IPC_CREAT : 0) | 0666)) < 0) { throw shmerror(); } if( (buf = (char*)shmat(shmid, NULL, 0)) == (char*) -1) { throw shmerror(); } // init indexes if( ( indid = shmget(key+1, CAPACITY, (is_server ? IPC_CREAT : 0) | 0666)) < 0) { throw shmerror(); } if( (head = (char*)shmat(indid, NULL, 0)) == (char*) -1) { throw shmerror(); } end = head + 1; end_priority = head + 2; end_medium = head + 3; // init semaphores if( (semsid = semget(key+2, SEM_COUNT, (is_server ? IPC_CREAT | 0666 : 0))) < 0) { throw semerror(); } // init values if(is_server) { *head = 0; *end = 0; *end_priority = 0; arg.val = 1; if( semctl(semsid, mutex, SETVAL, arg) < 0) { throw semerror(); } arg.val = CAPACITY; if( semctl(semsid, space, SETVAL, arg) < 0) { throw semerror(); } } }
Code tuple_const(Pnode p, Pschema s) { Pschema schema; // Scorro tutti gli elementi della tupla Code result = endcode(); Pnode elem; for (elem = p->child; elem != NULL; elem = elem->brother) { Code elemcode; switch (elem->type) { case N_INTCONST: case N_BOOLCONST: elemcode = makecode1(T_IATTR, elem->value); break; case N_STRCONST: elemcode = makecode1(T_SATTR, elem->value); break; default: noderror(elem); } if (result.head == NULL) result = elemcode; else result = appcode(result, elemcode); } // Type checking schema = tuple_to_schema(p); if (!type_equal(schema, s)) semerror(p, "Incompatible tuples in table constant"); free_schema(schema); return result; }
void processvars(void) { int i,j; for(i=0;i<listlength(vardefs);i++) { Symbol* vsym = (Symbol*)listget(vardefs,i); Symbol* basetype = vsym->typ.basetype; /* If we are in classic mode, then convert long -> int32 */ if(usingclassic) { if(basetype->typ.typecode == NC_LONG || basetype->typ.typecode == NC_INT64) { vsym->typ.basetype = primsymbols[NC_INT]; basetype = vsym->typ.basetype; } } /* fill in the typecode*/ vsym->typ.typecode = basetype->typ.typecode; /* validate uses of NIL */ validateNIL(vsym); for(j=0;j<vsym->typ.dimset.ndims;j++) { /* validate the dimensions*/ /* UNLIMITED must only be in first place if using classic */ if(vsym->typ.dimset.dimsyms[j]->dim.declsize == NC_UNLIMITED) { if(usingclassic && j != 0) semerror(vsym->lineno,"Variable: %s: UNLIMITED must be in first dimension only",fullname(vsym)); } } } }
static void generate_primdata(Symbol* basetype, Constant* prim, Bytebuffer* codebuf, Datalist* filler, Generator* generator) { Constant target; if(prim == NULL || isfillconst(prim)) { Datalist* fill = (filler==NULL?getfiller(basetype):filler); ASSERT(fill->length == 1); prim = datalistith(fill,0); } ASSERT(prim->nctype != NC_COMPOUND); target.nctype = basetype->typ.typecode; if(target.nctype != NC_ECONST) { convert1(prim,&target); } switch (target.nctype) { case NC_ECONST: if(basetype->subclass != NC_ENUM) { semerror(constline(prim),"Conversion to enum not supported (yet)"); } break; case NC_OPAQUE: setprimlength(&target,basetype->typ.size*2); break; default: break; } generator->constant(generator,&target,codebuf); return; }
/*Controlla la semantica del nodo while e ne restituisce il codice*/ Code while_stat(Pnode while_stat_node){ //Imposto le due parti del nodo Pnode expr_node = while_stat_node->child; Pnode stat_list_node = while_stat_node->child->brother; //Definisco la variabile che contiene il codice da ritornare Code while_stat_code; //La generazione dell'ambiente viene fatta all'interno della funzione stat_list //Genero il codice di expr Pschema schema_expr = (Pschema) newmem(sizeof(Schema)); Code expr_code = expr(expr_node,schema_expr); //Controllo i vincoli semantici if (schema_expr->type!=BOOLEAN) semerror(expr_node,"Expected boolean type"); //Genero il codice di stat_list Code stat_list_code = stat_list(stat_list_node); //Calcolo gli offset int exit = stat_list_code.size + 2; int up = -(expr_code.size + stat_list_code.size + 1); //Genero il codice di while_stat while_stat_code = concode(expr_code,makecode1(T_SKIPF,exit),stat_list_code,makecode1(T_SKIP,up),endcode()); return while_stat_code; }
/* ** generates an error for an undefined 'goto'; choose appropriate ** message when label name is a reserved word (which can only be 'break') */ static void undefgoto (LexState *ls, Labeldesc *gt) { const char *msg = (gt->name->tsv.reserved > 0) ? "<%s> at line %d not inside a loop" : "no visible label " LUA_QS " for <goto> at line %d"; msg = luaO_pushfstring(ls->L, msg, getstr(gt->name), gt->line); semerror(ls, msg); }
void gen_charattr(Symbol* asym, Bytebuffer* databuf) { Datasrc* src; Constant* con; if(asym->data == NULL) return; src = datalist2src(asym->data); while((con=srcnext(src))) { switch (con->nctype) { /* Following list should be consistent with isstringable */ case NC_CHAR: bbAppend(databuf,con->value.charv); break; case NC_BYTE: bbAppend(databuf,con->value.int8v); break; case NC_UBYTE: bbAppend(databuf,con->value.uint8v); break; case NC_STRING: bbCat(databuf,con->value.stringv.stringv); bbNull(databuf); break; case NC_FILL: bbAppend(databuf,NC_FILL_CHAR); break; default: semerror(srcline(src), "Encountered non-string constant in attribute: %s", asym->name); return; } } }
/*Controlla la semantica della write e ne ritorna il codice*/ Code write_stat(Pnode write_stat_node){ //Imposto le due parti del nodo Pnode specifier_node = write_stat_node->child; Pnode expr_node = write_stat_node->child->brother; //Definisco la variabile che contiene il codice da ritornare Code write_stat_code; //Calcolo il codice di specifier Pschema schema_specifier = (Pschema) newmem(sizeof(Schema)); Code specifier_code = specifier(specifier_node,schema_specifier); //Controllo che non ci siano errori semantici //Controllo che il tipo di specifier sia corretto if (schema_specifier->type != STRING && schema_specifier->type != NIHIL) semerror(write_stat_node,"Expected string type"); //Genero il codice di write_stat //Genero il codice di expr Pschema schema_expr = (Pschema) newmem(sizeof(Schema)); Code expr_code = expr(expr_node,schema_expr); //La sintassi della write dipende dalla presenza dello specifier if (specifier_node->child == NULL) write_stat_code = appcode(expr_code,make_print_fprint(T_PRINT,get_format(*schema_expr))); else write_stat_code = concode(expr_code,specifier_code,make_print_fprint(T_FPRINT,get_format(*schema_expr)),endcode()); return write_stat_code; }
/* ** generates an error for an undefined 'goto'; choose appropriate ** message when label name is a reserved word (which can only be 'break') */ static l_noret undefgoto (LexState *ls, Labeldesc *gt) { const char *msg = isreserved(gt->name) ? "<%s> at line %d not inside a loop" : "no visible label '%s' for <goto> at line %d"; msg = luaO_pushfstring(ls->L, msg, getstr(gt->name), gt->line); semerror(ls, msg); }
static void closegoto(LexState *ls, int g, Labeldesc *label) { int i; FuncState *fs = ls->fs; Labellist *gl = &ls->dyd->gt; Labeldesc *gt = &gl->arr[g]; lua_assert(luaS_eqstr(gt->name, label->name)); if (gt->nactvar < label->nactvar) { TString *vname = getlocvar(fs, gt->nactvar)->varname; const char *msg = luaO_pushfstring(ls->L, "<goto %s> at line %d jumps into the scope of local " LUA_QS, getstr(gt->name), gt->line, getstr(vname)); semerror(ls, msg); } luaK_patchlist(fs, gt->pc, label->pc); /* remove goto from pending list */ for (i = g; i < gl->n - 1; i++) gl->arr[i] = gl->arr[i + 1]; gl->n--; }
Code read_stat(Pnode p) { Code result, specifiercode; int op; // Vincoli semantici Psymbol symbol = lookup(valname(p->child->brother)); if (symbol == NULL) semerror(p->child, "Unknown identifier"); if (p->child->child != NULL) { // Con specifier op = T_FGET; specifiercode = specifier(p->child); } else { op = T_GET; } Value v1; v1.ival = symbol->oid; Value v2; v2.sval = get_format(symbol->schema); result = makecode2(op, v1, v2); if (op == T_GET) return result; else return appcode(specifiercode, result); }
static void genbin_arraydatar(Symbol* vsym, Bytebuffer* memory, nciter_t iter, Iterodom* iterodom, int index) { int i; int rank = iterodom->rank; int lastdim = (index == (rank - 1)); /* last dimension*/ int firstdim = (index == 0); int declsize = odom->dims[index].declsize; int isunlimited = (declsize == 0); Symbol* basetype = vsym->typ.basetype; Datalist* fillsrc = vsym->var.special._Fillvalue; Constant* con; ASSERT(index >= 0 && index < rank); odom->dims[index].index = 0; /* reset*/ if(isunlimited) { Constant* con; if(!firstdim) { if(!issublist(src)) { semerror(srcline(src),"Unlimited data must be enclosed in {..}"); return; } srcpush(src); /* enter the unlimited data */ } while((con=srcpeek(src))!=NULL) { if(lastdim) { genbin_data(basetype,src,fillsrc,memory); } else { genbin_arraydatar(vsym,src,odom,index+1, checkpoint,memory); } odom->dims[index].index++; if(docheckpoint) { closure->putvar(closure,odom,memory); } } odom->dims[index].datasize = odom->dims[index].index; if(!firstdim) srcpop(src); } else { /* !isunlimited*/ for(i=0;i<declsize;i++) { con = srcpeek(src); if(lastdim) { genbin_data(basetype,src,fillsrc,memory); } else { /* ! lastdim*/ (void)genbin_arraydatar(vsym,src,odom, index+1,checkpoint,memory); } odom->dims[index].index++; if(docheckpoint) { closure->putvar(closure,odom,memory); } } } }
void SharedQueue::down(Semaphore sem) { sembuf buf; buf.sem_num = sem; buf.sem_op = -1; buf.sem_flg = 0; if(semop(semsid, &buf, 1)) throw semerror(); }
void gen_charfield(Datasrc* src, Odometer* odom, int index, Bytebuffer* fieldbuf) { int i; int lastdim = (index == (odom->rank - 1)); size_t declsize = odom->declsize[index]; Constant* con; ASSERT(declsize != 0); if(lastdim) { for(i=0;i<declsize;) { con = srcnext(src); if(con == NULL) break; if(!isstringable(con->nctype)) { semerror(srcline(src), "Encountered non-string constant in compound field"); return; } i += collectstring(con,declsize,fieldbuf); } if(i < declsize) i=fillstring(declsize,i,fieldbuf); } else { /* ! lastdim*/ int exploded = 0; size_t slicesize; /* Compute subslice size */ slicesize = 1; for(i=index+1;i<odom->rank;i++) slicesize *= MAX(odom->declsize[i],odom->unlimitedsize[i]); con = srcpeek(src); if(con != NULL && !isstringable(con->nctype)) { semerror(srcline(src), "Encountered non-string constant in compound field"); return; } if(con != NULL && con->value.stringv.len > slicesize) { /* Constant is larger than just our slice */ /* Explode the constant into subchunks */ exploded = stringexplode(src,slicesize); } for(i=0;i<declsize;i++) { gen_charfield(src,odom,index+1,fieldbuf); } if(exploded) srcpop(src); } }
static void fixeconstref(Symbol* avsym, NCConstant* con) { Symbol* basetype = NULL; Symbol* refsym = con->value.enumv; Symbol* varsym = NULL; int i; /* Figure out the proper type associated with avsym */ ASSERT(avsym->objectclass == NC_VAR || avsym->objectclass == NC_ATT); if(avsym->objectclass == NC_VAR) { basetype = avsym->typ.basetype; varsym = avsym; } else { /*(avsym->objectclass == NC_ATT)*/ basetype = avsym->typ.basetype; varsym = avsym->container; if(varsym->objectclass == NC_GRP) varsym = NULL; } if(basetype->objectclass != NC_TYPE && basetype->subclass != NC_ENUM) semerror(con->lineno,"Enumconstant associated with a non-econst type"); if(con->nctype == NC_FILLVALUE) { Datalist* filllist = NULL; NCConstant* filler = NULL; filllist = getfiller(varsym == NULL?basetype:varsym); if(filllist == NULL) semerror(con->lineno, "Cannot determine enum constant fillvalue"); filler = datalistith(filllist,0); con->value.enumv = filler->value.enumv; return; } for(i=0;i<listlength(basetype->subnodes);i++) { Symbol* econst = listget(basetype->subnodes,i); ASSERT(econst->subclass == NC_ECONST); if(strcmp(econst->name,refsym->name)==0) { con->value.enumv = econst; return; } } semerror(con->lineno,"Undefined enum or enum constant reference: %s",refsym->name); }
/* * generates an error for an undefined 'goto'; choose appropriate * message when label name is a reserved word (which can only be 'break') */ static void undefgoto(ktap_lexstate *ls, ktap_labeldesc *gt) { const char *msg = isreserved(gt->name) ? "<%s> at line %d not inside a loop" : "no visible label " KTAP_QS " for <goto> at line %d"; msg = ktapc_sprintf(msg, getstr(gt->name), gt->line); semerror(ls, msg); }
Code specifier(Pnode p) { Schema schema; Code code = expr(p->child, &schema); // Vincoli semantici if (schema.type != STRING) semerror(p->child, "String type required for specifier"); return code; }
/* recursive helper for validataNIL */ static void validateNILr(Datalist* src) { int i; for(i=0;i<src->length;i++) { NCConstant* con = datalistith(src,i); if(isnilconst(con)) semerror(con->lineno,"NIL data can only be assigned to variables or attributes of type string"); else if(islistconst(con)) /* recurse */ validateNILr(con->value.compoundv); } }
/* Specialty wrappers for genbin_data */ void genbin_attrdata(Symbol* asym, Bytebuffer* memory) { Datasrc* src; int chartype = (asym->typ.basetype->typ.typecode == NC_CHAR); if(asym->data == NULL) return; if(chartype) {gen_charattr(asym,memory); return;} src = datalist2src(asym->data); while(srcmore(src)) { genbin_data(asym->typ.basetype,src,NULL,memory); } } #if 0 /* Apparently not used */ void genbin_scalardata(Symbol* vsym, Bytebuffer* memory) { Datasrc* src; if(vsym->data == NULL) return; src = datalist2src(vsym->data); genbin_data(vsym->typ.basetype,src, vsym->var.special._Fillvalue,memory); if(srcmore(src)) { semerror(srcline(src),"Extra data at end of datalist"); } }
static void cdata_primdata(Symbol* basetype, Datasrc* src, Bytebuffer* codebuf, Datalist* fillsrc) { Constant* prim; Constant target; prim = srcnext(src); if(prim == NULL) prim = &fillconstant; ASSERT(prim->nctype != NC_COMPOUND); if(prim->nctype == NC_FILLVALUE) { Datalist* filler = getfiller(basetype,fillsrc); ASSERT(filler->length == 1); srcpushlist(src,filler); bbAppend(codebuf,' '); cdata_primdata(basetype,src,codebuf,NULL); srcpop(src); goto done; } target.nctype = basetype->typ.typecode; if(target.nctype != NC_ECONST) { convert1(prim,&target); } switch (target.nctype) { case NC_ECONST: if(basetype->subclass != NC_ENUM) { semerror(prim->lineno,"Conversion to enum not supported (yet)"); } else { Datalist* econ = builddatalist(1); Symbol* enumv = prim->value.enumv; srcpushlist(src,econ); dlappend(econ,&enumv->typ.econst); cdata_primdata(enumv->typ.basetype,src,codebuf,fillsrc); srcpop(src); } break; case NC_OPAQUE: { setprimlength(&target,basetype->typ.size*2); } break; default: break; } bbCat(codebuf,cdata_const(&target)); done: return; }
/*Controlla la semantica della read e ritorna il codice della read*/ Code read_stat(Pnode read_stat_node){ #ifdef DEBUG_READ_STAT printf("READ_STAT - enter\n"); #endif //Imposto le due parti del nodo Pnode specifier_node = read_stat_node->child; Pnode id_node = read_stat_node->child->brother; //Definisco il codice del nodo Code read_stat_code; read_stat_code.head = NULL; //Calcolo il codice di specifier Pschema schema_specifier = (Pschema) newmem(sizeof(Schema)); Code specifier_code = specifier(specifier_node,schema_specifier); //Controllo che non ci siano errori semantici //Controllo che il tipo di specifier sia corretto if ((schema_specifier->type != STRING) && (schema_specifier->type != NIHIL)) semerror(read_stat_node,"Expected string type"); //Controllo che il nome dell'id sia visibile if (lookup(valname(id_node))==NULL) semerror(id_node,"Variable not defined"); //Genero il codice di readstat //La sintassi della read dipende dalla presenza dello specifier Psymbol symbol = lookup(valname(id_node)); if (specifier_node->child == NULL) read_stat_code = make_get_fget(T_GET,symbol->oid,get_format((symbol->schema))); else read_stat_code = appcode(specifier_code,make_get_fget(T_FGET,symbol->oid,get_format((symbol->schema)))); #ifdef DEBUG_READ_STAT printf("READ_STAT - exit\n"); #endif return read_stat_code; }
/* Generate an instance of the basetype using datasrc */ void f77data_basetype(Symbol* tsym, Datasrc* datasrc, Bytebuffer* codebuf, Datalist* fillsrc) { switch (tsym->subclass) { case NC_PRIM: if(issublist(datasrc)) { semerror(srcline(datasrc),"Expected primitive found {..}"); } bbAppend(codebuf,' '); f77data_primdata(tsym,datasrc,codebuf,fillsrc); break; default: PANIC1("f77data_basetype: unexpected subclass %d",tsym->subclass); } }
/*Controlla la semantica del nodo if e ne ritorna il codice*/ Code if_stat(Pnode if_stat_node){ #ifdef DEBUG_IF_STAT printf("IF_STAT - enter\n"); #endif //Imposto le tre parti del nodo Pnode expr_node = if_stat_node->child; Pnode then_node = if_stat_node->child->brother; Pnode else_node = if_stat_node->child->brother->brother; //Definisco la variabile che contiene il codice da ritornare Code if_stat_code ; //La generazione dell'ambiente viene fatta all'interno della funzione stat_list //Genero il codice di expr Pschema schema_expr = (Pschema) newmem(sizeof(Schema)); Code expr_code = expr(expr_node,schema_expr); //Controllo i vincoli semantici if (schema_expr->type!=BOOLEAN) semerror(expr_node,"Expected boolean type"); //Genero il codice di then_node Code then_code = stat_list(then_node); if (else_node==NULL){//if then endif //Calcolo l'offset int offset = then_code.size + 1; //Genero il codice di if_stat if_stat_code = concode(expr_code,makecode1(T_SKIPF,offset),then_code,endcode()); } else {//if then else //Genero il codice di else_node Code else_code = stat_list(else_node); //Calcolo gli offset int offset_then = then_code.size + 2; int offset_else = else_code.size + 1; //Genero il codice di if_stat if_stat_code = concode(expr_code,makecode1(T_SKIPF,offset_then),then_code,makecode1(T_SKIP,offset_else),else_code,endcode()); } #ifdef DEBUG_IF_STAT printf("IF_STAT - exit\n"); #endif return if_stat_code; }
static void processunlimiteddims(void) { int i; /* Set all unlimited dims to size 0; */ for(i=0;i<listlength(dimdefs);i++) { Symbol* dim = (Symbol*)listget(dimdefs,i); if(dim->dim.isunlimited) dim->dim.declsize = 0; } /* Walk all variables */ for(i=0;i<listlength(vardefs);i++) { Symbol* var = (Symbol*)listget(vardefs,i); int first,ischar; Dimset* dimset = &var->typ.dimset; if(dimset->ndims == 0) continue; /* ignore scalars */ if(var->data == NULL) continue; /* no data list to walk */ ischar = (var->typ.basetype->typ.typecode == NC_CHAR); first = findunlimited(dimset,0); if(first == dimset->ndims) continue; /* no unlimited dims */ if(first == 0) { computeunlimitedsizes(dimset,first,var->data,ischar); } else { int j; for(j=0;j<var->data->length;j++) { NCConstant* con = var->data->data[j]; if(con->nctype != NC_COMPOUND) semerror(con->lineno,"UNLIMITED dimension (other than first) must be enclosed in {}"); else computeunlimitedsizes(dimset,first,con->value.compoundv,ischar); } } } #ifdef GENDEBUG1 /* print unlimited dim size */ if(listlength(dimdefs) == 0) fprintf(stderr,"unlimited: no unlimited dimensions\n"); else for(i=0;i<listlength(dimdefs);i++) { Symbol* dim = (Symbol*)listget(dimdefs,i); if(dim->dim.isunlimited) fprintf(stderr,"unlimited: %s = %lu\n", dim->name, (unsigned long)dim->dim.declsize); } #endif }
void gen_charvlen(Datalist* data, Bytebuffer* databuf) { int i; NCConstant* c; ASSERT(bbLength(databuf) == 0); for(i=0;i<data->length;i++) { c = datalistith(data,i); if(isstringable(c->nctype)) { (void)gen_charconstant(c,databuf,NC_FILL_CHAR); } else { semerror(constline(c), "Encountered non-string and non-char constant in datalist"); return; } } }