void handlePageReadCommand(ts_channel_s *tsChannel, ts_response_format_e mode, uint16_t pageId, uint16_t offset, uint16_t count) { tsState.readPageCommandsCounter++; currentPageId = pageId; #if EFI_TUNER_STUDIO_VERBOSE scheduleMsg(&tsLogger, "READ m=%d p=%d o=%d c=%d", mode, (int) currentPageId, offset, count); printTsStats(); #endif if (currentPageId >= PAGE_COUNT) { // something is not right here currentPageId = 0; tunerStudioError("ERROR: invalid page number"); return; } int size = getTunerStudioPageSize(currentPageId); if (size < offset + count) { scheduleMsg(&tsLogger, "invalid offset/count %d/%d", offset, count); sendErrorCode(tsChannel); return; } const uint8_t *addr = (const uint8_t *) (getWorkingPageAddr(currentPageId) + offset); tsSendResponse(tsChannel, mode, addr, count); #if EFI_TUNER_STUDIO_VERBOSE scheduleMsg(&tsLogger, "Sending %d done", count); #endif }
void handlePageReadCommand(ts_response_format_e mode, uint16_t pageId, uint16_t offset, uint16_t count) { tsState.readPageCommandsCounter++; tunerStudioDebug("got R (Read page)"); tsState.currentPageId = pageId; #if EFI_TUNER_STUDIO_VERBOSE scheduleMsg(&logger, "Page requested: page %d offset=%d count=%d", (int)tsState.currentPageId, offset, count); #endif if (tsState.currentPageId > MAX_PAGE_ID) { scheduleMsg(&logger, "invalid Page number %x", tsState.currentPageId); // something is not right here tsState.currentPageId = 0; tunerStudioError("ERROR: invalid page"); return; } int size = getTunerStudioPageSize(tsState.currentPageId); if (size < offset + count) { scheduleMsg(&logger, "invalid offset/count %d/%d", offset, count); sendErrorCode(); return; } const uint8_t *addr = (const uint8_t *) (getWorkingPageAddr(tsState.currentPageId) + offset); tsSendResponse(mode, addr, count); #if EFI_TUNER_STUDIO_VERBOSE scheduleMsg(&logger, "Sending %d done", count); #endif }
///<summary> Handles the network negotiation of an outgoing connection. Uses synchronous reads and sends. </summary> ///<param name='ipAddress'> The IP address string to connect to. </param> ///<param name='l4Port'> The transport layer port to connection to. </param> ///<param name='protocol'> The protocol the connection will use. </param> ///<param name='out_connectionPointer'> (OUT) The connection object for the newly initialized connection. </param> ///<returns> Error code on failure, result code from remote server on success. <returns> uint16_t initializeOutgoingConnection(char *ipAddress, uint16_t l4Port, uint8_t protocol, POLYM_CONNECTION_INFO **out_connectionInfo) { POLYM_CONNECTION_INFO *connection_info; uint16_t connectionID = allocateNewPeer(&connection_info); char l4PortString[6]; _itoa(l4Port, l4PortString, 10); void *connection = openNewConnection(ipAddress, l4PortString, &connection_info, protocol); if (connection == NULL) return POLY_COMMAND_CONNECT_ERROR_CONNECTION_FAIL; uint8_t buffer[500]; if (6 != sockRecv(connection, buffer, 6)) // recieve "POLY v" from greeting { sendErrorCode(POLY_COMMAND_CONNECT_ERROR_CONNECTION_FAIL, connection); removeConnection(connection_info); return POLY_COMMAND_CONNECT_ERROR_CONNECTION_FAIL; } int index = 6; for (; index <= POLYM_GREETING_MAX_LENGTH; ++index) // recieve the rest of the greeting { if (1 != sockRecv(connection, &buffer[index], 1)) { sendErrorCode(POLY_COMMAND_CONNECT_ERROR_CONNECTION_FAIL, connection); removeConnection(connection_info); return POLY_COMMAND_CONNECT_ERROR_CONNECTION_FAIL; } if (buffer[index] == '\n') { break; } } if (index > POLYM_GREETING_MAX_LENGTH) // greeting is too long, close the connection closeConnectionSocket(connection); insertShortIntoBuffer(buffer, POLY_ENC_NONE); // encryption mode insertShortIntoBuffer(&buffer[2], POLY_REALM_PEER); // realm code sockSend(connection, buffer, 4); // send the connection request if (2 != sockRecv(connection, buffer, 2)) { sendErrorCode(POLY_COMMAND_CONNECT_ERROR_CONNECTION_FAIL, connection); removeConnection(connection_info); return POLY_COMMAND_CONNECT_ERROR_CONNECTION_FAIL; } initializeNewPeerInfo(connection_info, connection, connectionID); // TODO: send service update request *out_connectionInfo = connection_info; return getShortFromBuffer(buffer); //return result code recieved from remote server }
void runBinaryProtocolLoop(ts_channel_s *tsChannel, bool_t isConsoleRedirect) { int wasReady = false; while (true) { int isReady = ts_serial_ready(isConsoleRedirect); if (!isReady) { chThdSleepMilliseconds(10); wasReady = false; continue; } if (!wasReady) { wasReady = true; // scheduleSimpleMsg(&logger, "ts channel is now ready ", hTimeNow()); } tsState.tsCounter++; int recieved = chnReadTimeout(tsChannel->channel, &firstByte, 1, TS_READ_TIMEOUT); if (recieved != 1) { // tunerStudioError("ERROR: no command"); continue; } // scheduleMsg(logger, "Got first=%x=[%c]", firstByte, firstByte); if (handlePlainCommand(tsChannel, firstByte)) continue; recieved = chnReadTimeout(tsChannel->channel, &secondByte, 1, TS_READ_TIMEOUT); if (recieved != 1) { tunerStudioError("ERROR: no second"); continue; } // scheduleMsg(logger, "Got secondByte=%x=[%c]", secondByte, secondByte); uint32_t incomingPacketSize = firstByte * 256 + secondByte; if (incomingPacketSize == BINARY_SWITCH_TAG) { // we are here if we get a binary switch request while already in binary mode. We will just ignore it. tunerStudioWriteData(tsChannel, (const uint8_t *) &BINARY_RESPONSE, 2); continue; } if (incomingPacketSize == 0 || incomingPacketSize > (sizeof(tsChannel->crcReadBuffer) - CRC_WRAPPING_SIZE)) { scheduleMsg(&tsLogger, "TunerStudio: invalid size: %d", incomingPacketSize); tunerStudioError("ERROR: CRC header size"); sendErrorCode(tsChannel); continue; } recieved = chnReadTimeout(tsChannel->channel, (uint8_t* )tsChannel->crcReadBuffer, 1, TS_READ_TIMEOUT); if (recieved != 1) { tunerStudioError("ERROR: did not receive command"); continue; } char command = tsChannel->crcReadBuffer[0]; if (!isKnownCommand(command)) { scheduleMsg(&tsLogger, "unexpected command %x", command); sendErrorCode(tsChannel); continue; } // scheduleMsg(logger, "TunerStudio: reading %d+4 bytes(s)", incomingPacketSize); recieved = chnReadTimeout(tsChannel->channel, (uint8_t * ) (tsChannel->crcReadBuffer + 1), incomingPacketSize + CRC_VALUE_SIZE - 1, TS_READ_TIMEOUT); int expectedSize = incomingPacketSize + CRC_VALUE_SIZE - 1; if (recieved != expectedSize) { scheduleMsg(&tsLogger, "got ONLY %d for packet size %d/%d for command %c", recieved, incomingPacketSize, expectedSize, command); tunerStudioError("ERROR: not enough"); continue; } uint32_t expectedCrc = *(uint32_t*) (tsChannel->crcReadBuffer + incomingPacketSize); expectedCrc = SWAP_UINT32(expectedCrc); uint32_t actualCrc = crc32(tsChannel->crcReadBuffer, incomingPacketSize); if (actualCrc != expectedCrc) { scheduleMsg(&tsLogger, "TunerStudio: CRC %x %x %x %x", tsChannel->crcReadBuffer[incomingPacketSize + 0], tsChannel->crcReadBuffer[incomingPacketSize + 1], tsChannel->crcReadBuffer[incomingPacketSize + 2], tsChannel->crcReadBuffer[incomingPacketSize + 3]); scheduleMsg(&tsLogger, "TunerStudio: command %c actual CRC %x/expected %x", tsChannel->crcReadBuffer[0], actualCrc, expectedCrc); tunerStudioError("ERROR: CRC issue"); continue; } // scheduleMsg(logger, "TunerStudio: P00-07 %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x", crcIoBuffer[0], crcIoBuffer[1], // crcIoBuffer[2], crcIoBuffer[3], crcIoBuffer[4], crcIoBuffer[5], crcIoBuffer[6], crcIoBuffer[7]); int success = tunerStudioHandleCrcCommand(tsChannel, tsChannel->crcReadBuffer, incomingPacketSize); if (!success) print("got unexpected TunerStudio command %x:%c\r\n", command, command); } }
static msg_t tsThreadEntryPoint(void *arg) { (void) arg; chRegSetThreadName("tunerstudio thread"); int wasReady = false; while (true) { int isReady = ts_serail_ready(); if (!isReady) { chThdSleepMilliseconds(10); wasReady = false; continue; } if (!wasReady) { wasReady = TRUE; // scheduleSimpleMsg(&logger, "ts channel is now ready ", hTimeNow()); } tsCounter++; int recieved = chSequentialStreamRead(getTsSerialDevice(), &firstByte, 1); if (recieved != 1) { tunerStudioError("ERROR: no command"); continue; } // scheduleMsg(&logger, "Got first=%x=[%c]", firstByte, firstByte); if (handlePlainCommand(firstByte)) continue; recieved = chSequentialStreamRead(getTsSerialDevice(), &secondByte, 1); if (recieved != 1) { tunerStudioError("ERROR: no second"); continue; } // scheduleMsg(&logger, "Got secondByte=%x=[%c]", secondByte, secondByte); uint32_t incomingPacketSize = firstByte * 256 + secondByte; if (incomingPacketSize == 0 || incomingPacketSize > (sizeof(crcIoBuffer) - CRC_WRAPPING_SIZE)) { scheduleMsg(&logger, "TunerStudio: invalid size: %d", incomingPacketSize); tunerStudioError("ERROR: size"); sendErrorCode(); continue; } recieved = chnReadTimeout(getTsSerialDevice(), crcIoBuffer, 1, MS2ST(TS_READ_TIMEOUT)); if (recieved != 1) { tunerStudioError("ERROR: did not receive command"); continue; } char command = crcIoBuffer[0]; if (!isKnownCommand(command)) { scheduleMsg(&logger, "unexpected command %x", command); sendErrorCode(); continue; } // scheduleMsg(&logger, "TunerStudio: reading %d+4 bytes(s)", incomingPacketSize); recieved = chnReadTimeout(getTsSerialDevice(), (uint8_t * ) (crcIoBuffer + 1), incomingPacketSize + CRC_VALUE_SIZE - 1, MS2ST(TS_READ_TIMEOUT)); int expectedSize = incomingPacketSize + CRC_VALUE_SIZE - 1; if (recieved != expectedSize) { scheduleMsg(&logger, "got ONLY %d for packet size %d/%d for command %c", recieved, incomingPacketSize, expectedSize, command); tunerStudioError("ERROR: not enough"); continue; } uint32_t expectedCrc = *(uint32_t*) (crcIoBuffer + incomingPacketSize); expectedCrc = SWAP_UINT32(expectedCrc); uint32_t actualCrc = crc32(crcIoBuffer, incomingPacketSize); if (actualCrc != expectedCrc) { scheduleMsg(&logger, "TunerStudio: CRC %x %x %x %x", crcIoBuffer[incomingPacketSize + 0], crcIoBuffer[incomingPacketSize + 1], crcIoBuffer[incomingPacketSize + 2], crcIoBuffer[incomingPacketSize + 3]); scheduleMsg(&logger, "TunerStudio: command %c actual CRC %x/expected %x", crcIoBuffer[0], actualCrc, expectedCrc); tunerStudioError("ERROR: CRC issue"); continue; } // scheduleMsg(&logger, "TunerStudio: P00-07 %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x", crcIoBuffer[0], crcIoBuffer[1], // crcIoBuffer[2], crcIoBuffer[3], crcIoBuffer[4], crcIoBuffer[5], crcIoBuffer[6], crcIoBuffer[7]); int success = tunerStudioHandleCrcCommand(crcIoBuffer, incomingPacketSize); if (!success) print("got unexpected TunerStudio command %x:%c\r\n", command, command); } #if defined __GNUC__ return 0; #endif }