Esempio n. 1
RssReader::RssReader(QWidget *parent) :
    ui(new Ui::RssReader)
    QTreeWidgetItem *root1 = new QTreeWidgetItem(this->ui->treeWidget_Rsslist,QStringList(QString(QObject::tr("科技"))));
    QTreeWidgetItem *root2 = new QTreeWidgetItem(this->ui->treeWidget_Rsslist,QStringList(QString(QObject::tr("社会"))));
    QTreeWidgetItem *root3 = new QTreeWidgetItem(this->ui->treeWidget_Rsslist,QStringList(QString(QObject::tr("生活"))));
    QTreeWidgetItem *leaf1 = new QTreeWidgetItem(root1,QStringList(QString("cnBeta")));
    QTreeWidgetItem *leaf2 = new QTreeWidgetItem(root1,QStringList(QString("新浪焦点新闻")));
    QTreeWidgetItem *leaf3 = new QTreeWidgetItem(root3,QStringList(QString("糗事百科")));
    ui->webView_Rss->setHtml("<body style=\"background-color:rgb(222,222,222);font-family:微软雅黑\"></body>");
    //ui->webView_Passage->setHtml("<body style=\"background-color:rgb(222,222,222);font-family:微软雅黑\"></body>");
    pRssObject = new RssObject(this);
    pGetRss = new QNetworkAccessManager(this);
    pGetPassage = new QNetworkAccessManager(this);
Esempio n. 2
void SC_Web_Server::sendPage(const char *path)
             "<head><title>File Upload</title></head>\n"
             "<h2>Upload File</h2>\n"
             "<form method=\"post\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" action=\"upload\">\n"
             "Choose the file to upload:\n"
             "<input type=\"file\" name=\"fileID\" /><br />\n"
             "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Send\" />\n"
 <form action="upload.php" method="post">
 <input type="file" onchange="this.form.submit()" name="myFile"/>
  - or -
 document.getElementById('myfilefield').onchange = function() {
Esempio n. 3
char SC_Web_Server::on_receive()
    if (!available())
        return 1;

    if (pState==WEB_IDLE) {
        // start receiving a client request
        pBufferPos = recv(pBuffer, 4096);
        pBuffer[pBufferPos] = 0;

        if (strncmp(pBuffer, "GET ", 4)==0) {
            // client requests some document
            pState = WEB_CMD_GET;
        } else if (strncmp(pBuffer, "POST ", 5)==0) {
            // client sends a file
            pState = WEB_CMD_POST;
        } else {
            // FIXME: Zombie!
    } else {
        // append more data if available
        int n = available(), max = 4096-pBufferPos;
        if (n>max) n = max;
        pBufferPos += recv(pBuffer+pBufferPos, n);
        pBuffer[pBufferPos] = 0;
    if (pState==WEB_CMD_GET || pState==WEB_CMD_POST) {
        // find the magic empty line (header must be less than sizeof(pBuffer)
        const char *emptyLine = strstr(pBuffer, "\r\n\r\n");
        if (!emptyLine) emptyLine = strstr(pBuffer, "\n\n");
        if (emptyLine) {
            int nHeader = int(emptyLine-pBuffer) + ((*emptyLine=='\r')?4:2);
            pBuffer[nHeader-1]=0; printf("<---- POST: \n%s\n--->\n", pBuffer);
            if (pState==WEB_CMD_GET) {
                pState = WEB_IDLE;
            } else if (pState==WEB_CMD_POST) {
                // TODO: interprete the client request
                const char *cn = strstr(pBuffer, "Content-Length: ");
                if (cn) {
                    pUploadRemaining = atoi(cn+16);
                    printf("Content Length: >>%d<<\n", (int)pUploadRemaining);
                } else {
                const char *bd = strstr(pBuffer, "boundary=");
                if (bd) {
                    const char *bde = strstr(bd+9, "\r\n");
                    if (bde) {
                        size_t len = bde-bd-9;
                        strcpy(pBoundary, "\r\n--");
                        memcpy(pBoundary+4, bd+9, len);
                        pBoundary[len+4] = 0;
                        printf("Boundary found: >>%s<<\n", pBoundary);
                        strcat(pBoundary, "--\r\n");
                pState = WEB_UPLOAD_HEADER;
            // move the remaining part of the buffer to the buffer start
            int nData = pBufferPos - nHeader;
            memmove(pBuffer, pBuffer+nHeader, nData);
            pBufferPos = nData;
    if (pState==WEB_UPLOAD_HEADER) {
        const char *emptyLine = strstr(pBuffer, "\r\n\r\n");
        if (!emptyLine) emptyLine = strstr(pBuffer, "\n\n");
        if (emptyLine) {
            int nHeader = int(emptyLine-pBuffer) + ((*emptyLine=='\r')?4:2);
            pBuffer[nHeader-1]=0; printf("<---- POST content: \n%s\n--->\n", pBuffer);
            // TODO: interprete the content header
            const char *fn = strstr(pBuffer, "filename=\"");
            if (fn) {
                const char *fne = strstr(fn+10, "\"");
                if (fne) {
                    size_t len = fne-fn-10;
                    memcpy(pFilename, fn+10, len);
                    pFilename[len] = 0;
                    printf("Filename found: >>%s<<\n", pFilename);
            // move the remaining part of the buffer to the buffer start
            int nData = pBufferPos - nHeader;
            memmove(pBuffer, pBuffer+nHeader, nData);
            pBufferPos = nData;
            pState = WEB_UPLOAD_DATA;
            // TODO: open file
            char buf[2048];
            strcpy(buf, gUploadPath);
            strcat(buf, pFilename);
            pFile = fopen(buf, "wb");
    if (pState==WEB_UPLOAD_DATA) {
        pBuffer[pBufferPos] = 0;
        int n = pBufferPos;
        int nbd = (int)strlen(pBoundary);
        //const char *bd = strstr(pBuffer, pBoundary);
        const char *bd = (char*)memmem(pBuffer, pBufferPos, pBoundary, nbd);
        if (bd) {
            n = int(bd-pBuffer);
            //printf("End found\n");
        } else if (n<nbd) {
            //printf("Less than bd (%d)\n", n);
            const char *safe = strchr(pBuffer, '\r');
            if (safe) n = int(safe-pBuffer);
        } else {
            //printf("More than bd (%d)\n", n);
            const char *safe = strchr(pBuffer+pBufferPos-nbd, '\r');
            //if (safe) printf(">>%s<<\n", safe);
            if (safe) n = int(safe-pBuffer);
        // copy bytes to file
        //printf("Copying %d bytes\n", n);
        if (n>0)
            fwrite(pBuffer, 1, n, pFile);
        if (n<pBufferPos) {
            int nHeader = n;
            int nData = pBufferPos - nHeader;
            memmove(pBuffer, pBuffer+nHeader, nData);
            pBufferPos = nData;
            pBuffer[pBufferPos] = 0;
        } else {
            pBufferPos = 0;
        if (bd) {
            // close file
            sendHTML("<html><body><h1>Thank you!</h1></body></html>");
            pState = WEB_IDLE;
            pBufferPos = 0;
    return 1;
        // start is "POST /upload "
        // wait for line "Content-Type:", then find "boundary=" in line, key is the remainder of the line
        // wait for line "Content-Length:", then get the number in bytes
        // wait for line "--" + key
        // wait for line "Content-Disposition:", find "filename=", get filename
        // wait for empty line
        // read 'length' bytes
        // wait for line "--" + key + "--"
        // reply, so sender know we are fine
         POST /upload HTTP/1.1
         Host: localhost:8080
         Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7BlGom6EjFm9Oydz
         Origin: http://localhost:8080
         Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
         Connection: keep-alive
         Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,x/x;q=0.8
         User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_3) AppleWebKit/601.4.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0.3 Safari/601.4.4
         Referer: http://localhost:8080/upload
         Content-Length: 231
         Accept-Language: en-us

         Content-Disposition: form-data; name="fileID"; filename="00test.txt"
         Content-Type: text/plain
         The quick brown fox
         jumps over the lazy dog.
Esempio n. 4
void RssObject::getUrl(QString url)
       emit sendHTML(url);