Esempio n. 1
void ArmSpecial(void) {
		Format:		BType		$42
					BData0	BurstSize (1-15)
					BData1	Ammo (1-15)
					BData2	TrigRate (13-255)
					BSum		$cs
		BurstSize is in the range 1 to 15, 15 meaning unlimited firing.
		Ammo is the amount of ready ammo to indicate in the Ammo Power Bar and should normally be in the range 1-10.
		TrigRate is the number of milliseconds between shots in increments of 10msec.
	//Send it!
	//We're expecting another ACK from this.
	weAreReloading = 2;
void IRAM_ATTR QueuedInterrupt::delegatedInterrupt()
	int interruptMicros = micros();
	int interruptPinValue = digitalRead(interruptPin);
	QueuedInterruptMessage queuedInterruptMessage;

	queuedInterruptMessage.interruptPin = interruptPin;
	queuedInterruptMessage.interruptMicros = interruptMicros;
	queuedInterruptMessage.interruptPinValue = interruptPinValue;
	sendQueue(queuedInterruptMessage, true);
Esempio n. 3
void BarrelReply(void) {
		Format:		BType		$40
					BData0		Barrel Type
					BSum		$cs
		Barrels send this block in response to $00 ROLL-CALL blocks.
		BData0 should be 0x01 for a shotgun, 0x02 for a machinegun, 0x03 for a sniper, 0x04 for a grenade launcher.
		Other values are undefined, but can be used.
	//Send it!
Esempio n. 4
void LoadSpecial(void) {
		Format:		BType		$41
					BData0		Ammo Needed (1-10)
					BData1		DoubleTaps
					BData2		LoadSFX
					BData3		FireSFX
					BData4		DisplayMode
					BSum		$cs
		Unloads any ready ammo and loads special shot.
		Ammo Needed is how much ammo will be deducted from the available total.
		DoubleTaps is (UNKNOWN).
		LoadSFX is what sound effect will be played when this block is RX'd by the tagger.
		FireSFX is what sound effect will be played when the trigger is pulled after this
			special ammo is loaded/armed.
		DisplayMode is what will be shown on the ammo display of the tagger.
	//We also need to mark that we're trying to load something and are expecting a response from the tagger.
	weAreReloading = 1;
	//Send it!
Esempio n. 5
int run(const char *serverAddress, const int serverPort, char headless)
	int i, sockfd, show = ~0;
	int frames = 0;
	int returnValue = EXIT_SUCCESS;
	CvCapture *capture;
	CvMemStorage *storage;
	IplImage *grabbedImage;
	IplImage *imgThreshold;
	CvSeq *seq;
	CvFont font;
	SendQueue *queue;
	char strbuf[255];
	struct timeval oldTime, time, diff;
	float lastKnownFPS = 0;

	sockfd = initNetwork(serverAddress, serverPort);
	if (sockfd == -1) {
		fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: initNetwork returned -1\n");
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	queue = initSendQueue();

	capture = cvCaptureFromCAM(CV_CAP_ANY);
	if (capture == NULL) {
		fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: capture is NULL \n" );
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	// Create a window in which the captured images will be presented
	cvNamedWindow("mywindow", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);

	storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);

	// void cvInitFont(font, font_face, hscale, vscale, shear=0, thickness=1, line_type=8 )
	cvInitFont(&font, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, 1, 0, 1, 8);

	gettimeofday(&oldTime, NULL);
	// Show the image captured from the camera in the window and repeat
	while (1) {

		grabbedImage = cvQueryFrame(capture);
		if (grabbedImage == NULL) {
			fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: frame is null...\n" );
			returnValue = EXIT_FAILURE;

		//Create detection image
		imgThreshold = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(grabbedImage), 8, 1);
		cvInRangeS(grabbedImage, min, max, imgThreshold);

		//Flip images to act as a mirror. 
		//TODO remove when camera faces screen
		if (show) {
			cvFlip(grabbedImage, grabbedImage, 1);
			cvFlip(imgThreshold, imgThreshold, 1);

		//Find all dots in the image. This is where any calibration of dot detection is done, if needed, though it
		//should be fine as it is right now.
		 * image, circleStorage, method, double dp,	double minDist,	double param1, double param2, int minRadius, int maxRadius
		seq = cvHoughCircles(imgThreshold, storage, CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT, 2, 20, 20, 2, 0, 10);

		for (i = 0; i < seq->total; i++){
			// Get point
			float *p = (float*)cvGetSeqElem(seq, i);

			//Draw current circle to the original image
			if (show) paintCircle(p, grabbedImage);

			//Buffer current circle to be sent to the server
			addPointToSendQueue(p, queue);
		//Print some statistics to the image
		if (show) {
			snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf), "Dots: %i", seq->total);
			cvPutText(grabbedImage, strbuf, cvPoint(10, 20), &font, cvScalar(WHITE));
			snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf), "FPS: %.1f", lastKnownFPS);
			cvPutText(grabbedImage, strbuf, cvPoint(10, 200), &font, cvScalar(WHITE));

		//Show images 
		//TODO Comment these out will probably improve performance quite a bit
		if (show) {
			cvShowImage("mywindow", imgThreshold);
			cvShowImage("mywindow", grabbedImage);

		gettimeofday(&time, NULL);
		timeval_subtract(&diff, &time, &oldTime);
//		printf("Frames = %i\n", diff.tv_sec);
		if (diff.tv_sec >= 2) {
			lastKnownFPS = (float)frames / diff.tv_sec;
			oldTime = time;
			frames = 0;

		//Add one to the frame rate counter
		//Send to dots detected this frame to the server
		sendQueue(sockfd, queue);
		//If ESC key pressed, Key=0x10001B under OpenCV 0.9.7(linux version),
		//remove higher bits using AND operator
		i = (cvWaitKey(10) & 0xff);
		if (i == 'v') show = ~show;
		if (i == 27) break;

	// Release the capture device housekeeping
	cvReleaseCapture( &capture );
	cvDestroyWindow( "mywindow" );
	return returnValue;
Esempio n. 6
// Runs the dot detector and sends detected dots to server on port TODO Implement headless. Needs more config options and/or possibly a config file first though
int run( const char *serverAddress, const int serverPort, char headless ) {
    char calibrate_exposure = 0, show = ~0, flip = 0, vflip = 0, done = 0, warp = 0; //"Boolean" values used in this loop
    char noiceReduction = 2; //Small counter, so char is still ok.
    int i, sockfd; //Generic counter
    int dp = 0, minDist = 29, param1 = 0, param2 = 5; // Configuration variables for circle detection 
    int minDotRadius = 1;
    int detected_dots; //Detected dot counter
    int returnValue = EXIT_SUCCESS;
    int captureControl; //File descriptor for low-level camera controls
    int currentExposure = 150;
    int maxExposure = 1250; //Maximum exposure supported by the camera TODO Get this from the actual camera
    Color min = { 0, 70, 0, 0 }; //Minimum color to detect
    Color max = { 255, 255, 255, 0 }; //Maximum color to detect
    CvScalar colorWhite = cvScalar( WHITE ); //Color to draw detected dots on black and white surface
    BoundingBox DD_mask; //The box indicating what should and what should not be considered for dot search
    BoundingBox DD_transform; //The box indicating the plane we are looking at( and as such is the plane we would transform from )
    BoundingBox DD_transform_to; //The plane we are transforming to
    CvCapture *capture = NULL; //The camera
    CvMemStorage *storage; //Low level memory area used for dynamic structures in OpenCV
    CvSeq *seq; //Sequence to store detected dots in
    IplImage *grabbedImage = NULL; //Raw image from camera( plus some overlay in the end )
    IplImage *imgThreshold = NULL; //Image with detected dots
    IplImage *mask = NULL; //Mask to be able to remove uninteresting areas
    IplImage *coloredMask = NULL; //Mask to be able to indicate above mask on output image
    CvFont font; //Font for drawing text on images
    SendQueue *queue; //Head of the linked list that is the send queue
    char strbuf[255]; //Generic buffer for text formatting( with sprintf())
    struct timeval oldTime, time, diff; //Structs for measuring FPS
    float lastKnownFPS = 0; //Calculated FPS
    CvMat* pointRealMat = cvCreateMat( 1,1,CV_32FC2 ); //Single point matrix for point transformation
    CvMat* pointTransMat = cvCreateMat( 1,1,CV_32FC2 ); //Single point matrix for point transformation
    CvMat* transMat = cvCreateMat( 3,3,CV_32FC1 ); //Translation matrix for transforming input to a straight rectangle
    ClickParams clickParams = { TOP_LEFT, NULL, &DD_transform_to, transMat }; //Struct holding data needed by mouse-click callback function

    // Set up network
    sockfd = initNetwork( serverAddress, serverPort );
    if( sockfd == -1 ) {
        fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: initNetwork returned -1\n");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    queue = initSendQueue();

    if( openCamera( &capture, &captureControl ) == 0 ) {
        fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: capture is NULL \n" );
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    if( ( disableAutoExposure( captureControl ) ) == -1 ) {
        fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Cannot disable auto exposure \n" );
        //return EXIT_FAILURE;

    if( ( updateAbsoluteExposure( captureControl, currentExposure ) ) == 0 ) {
        fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Cannot set exposure\n");

    // Create a window in which the captured images will be presented
    cvNamedWindow( imagewindowname, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE | CV_WINDOW_KEEPRATIO | CV_GUI_NORMAL );

    // Create a window to hold the configuration sliders and the detection frame TODO This is kind of a hack. Make a better solution
    cvNamedWindow( configwindowname, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE | CV_WINDOW_KEEPRATIO | CV_GUI_NORMAL );

    // Create a window to hold the transformed image. Handy to see how the dots are translated, but not needed for functionality
    if( warp ) cvNamedWindow( warpwindowname, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE | CV_WINDOW_KEEPRATIO | CV_GUI_NORMAL );

    // Create sliders to adjust the lower color boundry
    cvCreateTrackbar( red_lable  , configwindowname, &,   255, NULL );
    cvCreateTrackbar( green_lable, configwindowname, &, 255, NULL );
    cvCreateTrackbar( blue_lable , configwindowname, &,  255, NULL );

    //Create sliters for the contour based dot detection
    cvCreateTrackbar( min_area_lable, configwindowname, &minDotRadius,255, NULL );

    /* Slider for manual exposure setting */
    cvCreateTrackbar( exposure_lable, configwindowname, &currentExposure, maxExposure, NULL );

    //Create the memory storage
    storage = cvCreateMemStorage( 0 );

    // void cvInitFont( font, font_face, hscale, vscale, shear=0, thickness=1, line_type=8 )
    cvInitFont( &font, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, 1, 0, 1, 8 );

    // Grab an initial image to be able to fetch image size before the main loop.
    grabbedImage = cvQueryFrame( capture );

    //Move the two windows so both are visible at the same time
    cvMoveWindow( imagewindowname, 0, 10 );
    cvMoveWindow( configwindowname, grabbedImage->width+2, 10 );

    //TODO Move these three inits to a function
    // Set masking defaults TODO load from file? Specify file for this file loading?
    DD_mask.topLeft.x = 0;  
    DD_mask.topLeft.y = 0;

    DD_mask.topRight.x = grabbedImage->width-1;
    DD_mask.topRight.y = 0;

    DD_mask.bottomLeft.x = 0;
    DD_mask.bottomLeft.y = grabbedImage->height-1;

    DD_mask.bottomRight.x = grabbedImage->width-1;
    DD_mask.bottomRight.y = grabbedImage->height-1;

    // Set transformation defaults TODO load from file? Specify file for this file loading?
    DD_transform.topLeft.x = 0;  
    DD_transform.topLeft.y = 0;

    DD_transform.topRight.x = grabbedImage->width-1;
    DD_transform.topRight.y = 0;

    DD_transform.bottomLeft.x = 0;
    DD_transform.bottomLeft.y = grabbedImage->height-1;

    DD_transform.bottomRight.x = grabbedImage->width-1;
    DD_transform.bottomRight.y = grabbedImage->height-1;

    // Set the transformation destination
    DD_transform_to.topLeft.x = 0;  
    DD_transform_to.topLeft.y = 0;

    DD_transform_to.topRight.x = grabbedImage->width-1;
    DD_transform_to.topRight.y = 0;

    DD_transform_to.bottomLeft.x = 0;
    DD_transform_to.bottomLeft.y = grabbedImage->height-1;

    DD_transform_to.bottomRight.x = grabbedImage->width-1;
    DD_transform_to.bottomRight.y = grabbedImage->height-1;

    calculateTransformationMatrix( &DD_transform, &DD_transform_to, transMat );

    // Set callback function for mouse clicks
    cvSetMouseCallback( imagewindowname, calibrateClick, ( void* ) &clickParams );

    gettimeofday( &oldTime, NULL );

    // Main loop. Grabbs an image from cam, detects dots, sends dots,and prints dots to images and shows to user
    while( !done ) {

        //PROFILING_PRO_STAMP(); //Uncomment this and the one in the end of the while-loop, and comment all other PROFILING_* to profile main-loop

        // ------ Common actions
        cvClearMemStorage( storage );
        detected_dots = 0;

        //Grab a fram from the camera
        grabbedImage = cvQueryFrame( capture );
        PROFILING_POST_STAMP( "cvQueryFrame");

        if( grabbedImage == NULL ) {
            fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: frame is null...\n" );
            returnValue = EXIT_FAILURE;

        //Flip images to act as a mirror. 
        if( show && flip ) {
            cvFlip( grabbedImage, grabbedImage, 1 );
        if( show && vflip ) {
            cvFlip( grabbedImage, grabbedImage, 0 );

        // ------ State based actions
        switch( state ) {
            case GRAB_DOTS:

                //Create detection image
                imgThreshold = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize( grabbedImage ), 8, 1 );
                cvInRangeS( grabbedImage, cvScalar( DD_COLOR( min )), cvScalar( DD_COLOR( max )), imgThreshold );

                //Mask away anything not in our calibration area
                mask = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize( grabbedImage ), 8, 1 );
                cvZero( mask );
                cvFillConvexPoly( mask, ( CvPoint* ) &DD_mask, 4, cvScalar( WHITE ), 1, 0 );
                cvAnd( imgThreshold, mask, imgThreshold, NULL );

                // Invert mask, increase the number of channels in it and overlay on grabbedImage //TODO Tint the mask red before overlaying
                cvNot( mask, mask );
                coloredMask = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize( grabbedImage ), grabbedImage->depth, grabbedImage->nChannels );
                cvCvtColor( mask, coloredMask, CV_GRAY2BGR );
                cvAddWeighted( grabbedImage, 0.95, coloredMask, 0.05, 0.0, grabbedImage );

                // Reduce noise. 
                // Erode is kind of floor() of pixels, dilate is kind of ceil()
                // I'm not sure which gives the best result.
                switch( noiceReduction ) {
                    case 0: break; //No noice reduction at all
                    case 1: cvErode( imgThreshold, imgThreshold, NULL, 2 ); break;
                    case 2: cvDilate( imgThreshold, imgThreshold, NULL, 2 ); break;

                // Warp the warp-image. We are reusing the coloredMask variable to save some space
                if( show && warp ) cvWarpPerspective( grabbedImage, coloredMask, transMat, CV_INTER_LINEAR+CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS, cvScalarAll( 0 ));
                PROFILING_POST_STAMP( "Warping perspective" );

                // Find all dots in the image

                // Clear old data from seq
                seq = 0;

                // Find the dots
                        sizeof( CvContour ),
                        cvPoint( 0,0 )
                // cvFindContours destroys the original image, so we wipe it here
                // and then repaints the detected dots later
                cvZero( imgThreshold );

                PROFILING_POST_STAMP( "Dot detection" );

                //Process all detected dots
                for( ; seq != 0; seq = seq->h_next ) {

                    // Calculate radius of the detected contour
                    CvRect rect =( ( CvContour * )seq )->rect;
                    float relCenterX = rect.width / 2;
                    float relCenterY = rect.height / 2;

                    // Make sure the dot is big enough
                    if( relCenterX < minDotRadius || relCenterY < minDotRadius ) {

                    // Note that we have found another dot

                    // Transform the detected dot according to transformation matrix.
                    float absCenter[] = { rect.x + relCenterX, rect.y + relCenterY };
                    pointRealMat->data.fl = absCenter;
                    cvPerspectiveTransform( pointRealMat, pointTransMat, transMat );

                    // Draw the detected contour back to imgThreshold
                    // Draw the detected dot both to real image and to warped( if warp is active )
                    if( show ) {
                        cvDrawContours( imgThreshold, seq, colorWhite, colorWhite, -1, CV_FILLED, 8, cvPoint( 0,0 ) );
                        drawCircle( absCenter[0], absCenter[1], ( relCenterX + relCenterY ) / 2, grabbedImage );
                        if( warp ) {
                            drawCircle( pointTransMat->data.fl[0], pointTransMat->data.fl[1], ( relCenterX + relCenterY ) / 2, coloredMask );

                    // Add detected dot to to send queue
                    addPointToSendQueue( pointTransMat->data.fl, queue ); 

                PROFILING_POST_STAMP("Painting dots");

                //Calculate framerate
                gettimeofday( &time, NULL );
                timeval_subtract( &diff, &time, &oldTime );
                lastKnownFPS = lastKnownFPS * 0.7 + ( 1000000.0 / diff.tv_usec ) * 0.3; //We naïvly assume we have more then 1 fps
                oldTime = time;

                //Send the dots detected this frame to the server
                sendQueue( sockfd, queue );
                clearSendQueue( queue );
                PROFILING_POST_STAMP( "Sending dots" );

                /* If calibrating, do the calibration */
                if( calibrate_exposure ) {
                    int ret;
                    ret = calibrateExposureLow( captureControl, detected_dots, &currentExposure, DD_MAX_EXPOSURE, lastKnownFPS );
                    switch( ret ) {
                        case 0: // We are done. Let's leave calibration mode
                            calibrate_exposure = 0;
                            printf( "done\n" );

                        case -1: // We hit the upper limit with no detected dots
                            fprintf( stderr, "Reached upper limit (%d). Aborting!\n", DD_MAX_EXPOSURE );
                            calibrate_exposure = 0;

                        case -2: // We hit lower limit with more then one dot detected
                            fprintf( stderr, "Too bright. More then one dot found even with minimal exposure. Aborting!\n");
                            calibrate_exposure = 0;

                        case -3: //No conclusive results.
                            fprintf( stderr, "No conclusive results. Giving up\n" );
                            calibrate_exposure = 0;

                break; //End of GRAB_DOTS

            case SELECT_TRANSFORM:
                //Falling through here. Poor man's multi-case clause. Not putting this in default as we might
                //want to do different things in these two some day.
            case SELECT_MASK:
                snprintf( strbuf, sizeof( strbuf ), "Select %s point", pointTranslationTable[clickParams.currentPoint]);
                cvDisplayOverlay( imagewindowname, strbuf, 5 );
                break; //End of SELECT_MASK and SELECT_TRANSFORM

        // Paint the corners of the detecting area and the calibration area
        paintOverlayPoints( grabbedImage, &DD_transform );

        //Print some statistics to the image
        if( show ) {
            snprintf( strbuf, sizeof( strbuf ), "Dots: %i", detected_dots ); //Print number of detected dots to the screen
            cvPutText( grabbedImage, strbuf, cvPoint( 10, 20 ), &font, cvScalar( WHITE ));
            snprintf( strbuf, sizeof( strbuf ), "FPS: %.1f", lastKnownFPS );
            cvPutText( grabbedImage, strbuf, cvPoint( 10, 40 ), &font, cvScalar( WHITE ));
            cvCircle( grabbedImage, cvPoint( 15, 55 ), minDotRadius, cvScalar(,,, min.alpha ), -1, 8, 0 ); // Colors given in order BGR-A, Blue, Green, Red, Alpha

        //Show images 
        if( show ) {
            cvShowImage( configwindowname, imgThreshold );
            cvShowImage( imagewindowname, grabbedImage );
            if( warp ) cvShowImage( warpwindowname, coloredMask );
        PROFILING_POST_STAMP("Showing images");

        //Release the temporary images
        cvReleaseImage( &imgThreshold );
        cvReleaseImage( &mask );
        cvReleaseImage( &coloredMask );

        /* Update exposure if needed */
        updateAbsoluteExposure( captureControl, currentExposure );
        cvSetTrackbarPos( exposure_lable, configwindowname, currentExposure );

        //If ESC key pressed, Key=0x10001B under OpenCV 0.9.7( linux version ),
        //remove higher bits using AND operator
        i = ( cvWaitKey( 10 ) & 0xff );
        switch( i ) {
            case 'g': 
                makeCalibrate( &DD_transform, &DD_transform_to, transMat, capture, captureControl, 20 );
                updateAbsoluteExposure( captureControl, currentExposure+1 );

            case 'e': 
                toggleCalibrationMode( &calibrate_exposure, &currentExposure );
                break; /* Toggles calibration mode */

            case 'c':
                openCamera( &capture, &captureControl );

            case 's': 
                show = ~show;
                break; //Toggles updating of the image. Can be useful for performance of slower machines... Or as frame freeze

            case 'm': 
                state = SELECT_MASK;
                clickParams.currentPoint = TOP_LEFT;
                clickParams.DD_box = &DD_mask;
                break; //Starts selection of masking area. Will return to dot detection once all four points are set

            case 't':
                state = SELECT_TRANSFORM;
                clickParams.currentPoint = TOP_LEFT;
                clickParams.DD_box = &DD_transform;
                break; //Starts selection of the transformation area. Returns to dot detection when done.

            case 'f':
                flip = ~flip;
                break; //Toggles horizontal flipping of the image
            case 'v':
                vflip = ~vflip;
                break; //Toggles vertical flipping of the image

            case 'w':
                warp = ~warp;
                toggleWarpOutput( warp );
                break; //Toggles showing the warped image

            case 'n':
                noiceReduction = ( noiceReduction + 1 ) % 3;
                break; //Cycles noice reduction algorithm

            case 'q': //falling through here to quit

            case  27: 
                done = 1;
                break; //ESC. Kills the whole thing( in a nice and controlled manner )
        fflush( stdout ); //Make sure everything in the buffer is printed before we go on

        //PROFILING_POST_STAMP("Main loop");
    } //End of main while-loop

    // Release the capture device and do some housekeeping
    cvReleaseImage( &grabbedImage );
    cvReleaseCapture( &capture );
    cvReleaseMemStorage( &storage );
    cvDestroyWindow( imagewindowname );
    cvDestroyWindow( configwindowname );
    if( warp ) cvDestroyWindow( warpwindowname ); //If now warp it is already destroyed
    destroySendQueue( queue );
    close( sockfd );
    close( captureControl );
    return returnValue;