bool hasRights(const string& who, int i, bool msg) { user* u = yace->users().getUser(who); if (u == NULL) { return false; } if (u->igetProp("rights") < i) { if(msg) { ostringstream os; os << "R_" << i << "_R"; string status = yace->sql().getText(os.str()); if(status == "") sendUser(who, yace->sql().getString("no_rights_alt")); else sendUser(who, replace(yace->sql().getString("no_rights"), "%STATUS%", status)); u->DecRef(); return false; } } else { u->DecRef(); return true; } return false; }
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked() { QSqlQuery q; q.exec("SELECT, usertype.typeuser FROM user, usertype\ WHERE = user.type_user AND = '"\ + ui->user->currentData().toString() + "' AND user.pass = '******'");; int userID = q.value("id").toInt(); QString typeUser = q.value(1).toString(); qDebug()<<userID<<" "<<typeUser; qDebug()<<q.lastError(); /*db.close(); db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QMYSQL"); db.setHostName(""); db.setPort(3306); db.setDatabaseName("gkhdb");*/ this->hide(); if(typeUser == "администратор") { /*db.setUserName("root"); db.setPassword("qwer");;*/ Admin* a = new Admin; a->showMaximized(); connect(this,SIGNAL(sendUser(int)),a,SLOT(recieveUserID(int))); emit sendUser(userID); a->exec(); a->deleteLater(); }
/** * Отправка команды FTP-серверу. * * @param command FTP-команда. * * @return Флаг успешности выполнения (0 - не успешно, другое - успешно). */ int ProtocolInterpreter::sendCommand(string command) { int success; if (command == "USER") { success = sendUser(); } else if (command == "PASS") { success = sendPass(); } else if (command == "TYPE") { success = sendType(); } else if (command == "MODE") { success = sendMode(); } else if (command == "STRU") { success = sendStru(); } else if (command == "PORT") { success = sendPort(); } else if (command == "PASV") { success = sendPasv(); } else if (command == "NLST") { success = sendNlst(); } else if (command == "LIST") { success = sendList(); } else if (command == "RETR") { success = sendRetr(); } else if (command == "STOR") { success = sendStor(); } else if (command == "RNTO") { success = sendRnto(); } else if (command == "RNFR") { success = sendRnfr(); } else if (command == "DELE") { success = sendDele(); } else if (command == "MKD") { success = sendMkd(); } else if (command == "RMD") { success = sendRmd(); } else if (command == "CWD") { success = sendCwd(); } else if (command == "CDUP") { success = sendCdup(); } else if (command == "PWD") { success = sendPwd(); } else if (command == "ABOR") { success = sendAbor(); } else if (command == "REIN") { success = sendRein(); } else if (command == "QUIT") { success = sendQuit(); } else if (command == "SYST") { success = sendSyst(); } else if (command == "STAT") { success = sendStat(); } else if (command == "NOOP") { success = sendNoop(); } else { service->printMessage(1, "Unknown command!"); } return success; }
createUsers::createUsers(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), ui(new Ui::createUsers) { ui->setupUi(this); connect(ui->exitButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(hide())); connect(ui->okButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(sendUser())); }
bool sameRoom(const string& caller, const string& target) { if(roomof(caller) == roomof(target)) return true; sendUser(caller, replaceUser(target, yace->sql().getString("not_sameroom"))); return false; }
bool canJoin(const string& room, const string& who) { if(!locked(room)) return true; if(isInvited(room, who)) return true; sendUser(who, replace(yace->sql().getString("locked"),"%TEXT%",room)); return false; }
bool exists(const string& who, const string& errorto) { if(yace->users().existsUser(who)) return true; if(errorto != "") sendUser(errorto, yace->sql().getString("no_target")); return false; }
bool POP3Client::login() { if (state_ == Transaction) return true; if (!sendUser(email_)) return false; if (!sendPasswd(password_)) return false; state_ = Transaction; return true; }
/* sendJson["sendUser"] = Json::Value(CStringUtil::getStdString(user.m_userName)); sendJson["group"] = json["name"]; sendJson["msg"] = json["msg"]; */ bool CUserService::getMsgFromGroup(const Json::Value& json) { CString sendUser(json["sendUser"].asCString()); CString group(json["group"].asCString()); CString msg(json["msg"].asCString()); CMFCUtil::getActiveDoc()->updateGroupHtml(group, sendUser, msg); CMFCUtil::getActiveView()->flushChat(); return true; }
void sendRoomI(const string& user, const string& what, bool raw) { ::user* u = yace->users().getUser(user); if(u == NULL) return; room* r = yace->rooms().getRoom(u->getRoom()); if(r == NULL) { u->DecRef(); return; } string modsend = yace->sql().getString("modsend"); set<string> members = r->getAllUsers(); if(!u->igetProp("gag")) { bool cantalk = (u->igetProp("rights")) >= (r->igetProp("modtalk")); for(set<string>::iterator it = members.begin(); it != members.end(); ++it) { ::user* act = yace->users().getUser(*it); if(!ignores(*it, user)) { if(cantalk) { sendUser(*it, what, raw); } else if(((act->igetProp("rights")) >= (r->igetProp("modhear"))) || (act == u)) { sendUser(*it, replace(modsend, "%TEXT%", what), raw); } } act->DecRef(); } } u->DecRef(); r->DecRef(); }
void main(){ int sockfd; struct sockaddr_in destination; sockfd = createsocket(); create(&destination,DEST_PORT,IP); conn(sockfd,&destination); struct reply r; // struct hold replies from server printf("Please enter your email id: "); scanf("%s",u.username); printf("Please enter your password: "******"%s",u.password); start(sockfd,AUTH); //notify auth sendUser(sockfd,u); //send user credentials to server r = recieveReply(sockfd); if(r.status == SUCCESS){ //auth success printf("\n Authenticated Successfully. \n"); menu(sockfd); }else{ //auth error printf("\n Invalid Username or Password. \n"); } close(sockfd); }
void *run(void *arg){ pthread_detach(pthread_self()); vector<string>tok; Account currentUser; int n; char mesg[MAXLINE], sendline[MAXLINE], recvline[MAXLINE]; ClientSock clientSock=*(ClientSock*)arg; int connfd=clientSock.connfd; struct sockaddr_in cliaddr=clientSock.addr; free(arg); while((n=receive(connfd, recvline)) >0) { recvline[n]=0; /* null terminate */ printf("from client IP %s port %d\n", getIP(cliaddr), getPort(cliaddr)); printf("connfd = %d\n", connfd); tok.clear(); tok=parse(recvline); if(userAccount.find(User(getIP(cliaddr), getPort(cliaddr), cliaddr))==userAccount.end()){ if(tok[0][0]=='R'){ writeRecv(connfd, recvline, strlen(recvline));// send to client //register currentUser=Account(tok[1], tok[2]); currentUser.state=Normal; userAccount[User(getIP(cliaddr), getPort(cliaddr), cliaddr, connfd)]=currentUser; accountUser[currentUser]=User(getIP(cliaddr), getPort(cliaddr), cliaddr, connfd); if(insertUser(currentUser)){ puts("register sucess"); write(connfd, SUCCESS, strlen(SUCCESS)); // update filelist recvFilelist(connfd, currentUser.ID); } else{ puts("register fail"); write(connfd, FAIL, strlen(FAIL)); } } else if(tok[0][0]=='L'){ writeRecv(connfd, recvline, strlen(recvline));// send to client if(login(Account(tok[1], tok[2]))){ currentUser=Account(tok[1], tok[2]); currentUser.state=Normal; userAccount[User(getIP(cliaddr), getPort(cliaddr), cliaddr, connfd)]=currentUser; accountUser[currentUser]=User(getIP(cliaddr), getPort(cliaddr), cliaddr, connfd); puts("login sucess"); write(connfd, SUCCESS, strlen(SUCCESS)); // update filelist recvFilelist(connfd, currentUser.ID); } else{ puts("login fail"); write(connfd, FAIL, strlen(FAIL)); } } } else{ // login already currentUser=userAccount[User(getIP(cliaddr), getPort(cliaddr), cliaddr)]; accountUser[currentUser]=User(getIP(cliaddr), getPort(cliaddr), cliaddr); if(currentUser.state==Normal){ if(tok[0]=="Del"){// delete account writeRecv(connfd, recvline, strlen(recvline));// send to client puts("Delete account"); deleteUser(currentUser);// delete in db userAccount.erase(User(getIP(cliaddr), getPort(cliaddr), cliaddr)); accountUser.erase(currentUser); write(connfd, SUCCESS, strlen(SUCCESS)); } else if(tok[0]=="L"){// logout writeRecv(connfd, recvline, strlen(recvline));// send to client puts("Logout"); userAccount.erase(User(getIP(cliaddr), getPort(cliaddr), cliaddr)); accountUser.erase(currentUser); deleteFile(currentUser.ID); write(connfd, SUCCESS, strlen(SUCCESS)); } //------------------------------------------------ // show filelist/ show user else if(tok[0]=="SU"){// show user writeRecv(connfd, recvline, strlen(recvline));// send to client writeRecv(connfd, SUCCESS, strlen(SUCCESS)); sendUser(connfd); } else if(tok[0]=="SF"){// show filelist writeRecv(connfd, recvline, strlen(recvline));// send to client writeRecv(connfd, SUCCESS, strlen(SUCCESS)); showFilelist(); sendResult(connfd, 2, result); } //------------------------------------------------ // upload download else if(tok[0]=="D"){// download writeRecv(connfd, recvline, strlen(recvline));// send to client int numFile=existNumFile(tok[1]); printf("number of file = %d\n", numFile); // total authors if(numFile){ vector<string>author=getFileAuthor(); writeRecv(connfd, SUCCESS, strlen(SUCCESS)); string str=toString((int)author.size()); // how many author write(connfd, str.c_str(), str.length()); // to user A recvWrite(connfd, recvline);// tell B connect to "port" // to user A User userA=accountUser[currentUser]; for(int i=0;i<author.size();i++){ cout<<author[i]<<endl; User userB=accountUser[Account(author[i])]; // user B str=string(DOWNLOAD)+" "+userA.IP+" "+recvline+" "+tok[1]+" "+toString(i)+" "+toString((int)author.size()); write(userB.connfd, str.c_str(), str.length());// tell B :(A's) IP port path idx total } // update filelist puts("update filelist"); addFile(currentUser.ID, tok[1]); } else{ write(connfd, FAIL, strlen(FAIL)); } } else if(tok[0]=="U"){// upload writeRecv(connfd, recvline, strlen(recvline));// send to client if(accountUser.find(Account(tok[1]))!=accountUser.end()){ // to user A write(connfd, SUCCESS, strlen(SUCCESS)); User userA=accountUser[currentUser]; User userB=accountUser[Account(tok[1])]; string str; // to user A recvWrite(connfd, recvline);// tell B connect to "port" // user B str=string(UPLOAD)+" "+userA.IP+" "+recvline+" "+tok[2]; write(userB.connfd, str.c_str(), str.length());// tell B :(A's) IP port // update B's filelist addFile(tok[1], tok[2]); } else{ write(connfd, FAIL, strlen(FAIL)); } } //------------------------------------------------ else if(tok[0]=="T"){// A tell B writeRecv(connfd, recvline, strlen(recvline));// send to client if(accountUser.find(Account(tok[1]))!=accountUser.end()){ currentUser.state=Tell; userAccount[User(getIP(cliaddr), getPort(cliaddr), cliaddr, connfd)]=currentUser; // to user A write(connfd, SUCCESS, strlen(SUCCESS)); User userA=accountUser[currentUser]; User userB=accountUser[Account(tok[1])]; Account accountB=userAccount[userB]; accountB.state=Tell; userAccount[userB]=accountB; string str; // to user A recvWrite(connfd, recvline);// tell B connect to "port" // user B printf("user B connfd = %d\n", userB.connfd); str=string(TALK)+" "+userA.IP+" "+recvline; // write(userB.connfd, TALK, strlen(TALK)); write(userB.connfd, str.c_str(), str.length());// tell B :(A's) IP port // string str=userB.IP+" "+toString(userB.port); // writeWithSleep(connfd, str.c_str(), str.length()); } else{ write(connfd, FAIL, strlen(FAIL)); } } } else if(currentUser.state==Tell){ if(tok[0]=="EXIT"){ printf("%s EXIT~\n", currentUser.ID.c_str()); currentUser.state=Normal; userAccount[User(getIP(cliaddr), getPort(cliaddr), cliaddr, connfd)]=currentUser; } else{ printf("%s tell~\n", currentUser.ID.c_str()); } } } puts(recvline); // write(connfd, recvline, strlen(recvline)); } close(connfd); return NULL; }
void sendUserI(const string& who, const string& whom, const string& what, bool raw) { if(!ignores(whom, who)) sendUser(whom, what, raw); }