Esempio n. 1
void communicate_field_data(
    const Ghosting                        & ghosts ,
    const std::vector< const FieldBase *> & fields )
    if ( fields.empty() ) {

    const BulkData & mesh = ghosts.mesh();
    const int parallel_size = mesh.parallel_size();
    const int parallel_rank = mesh.parallel_rank();
    const unsigned ghost_id = ghosts.ordinal();

    const std::vector<const FieldBase *>::const_iterator fe = fields.end();
    const std::vector<const FieldBase *>::const_iterator fb = fields.begin();
    std::vector<const FieldBase *>::const_iterator fi ;

    // Sizing for send and receive

    const unsigned zero = 0 ;
    std::vector<unsigned> send_size( parallel_size , zero );
    std::vector<unsigned> recv_size( parallel_size , zero );

    for ( EntityCommListInfoVector::const_iterator
            i =  mesh.internal_comm_list().begin() , iend = mesh.internal_comm_list().end(); i != iend ; ++i ) {
        Entity e = i->entity;
        const MeshIndex meshIdx = mesh.mesh_index(e);
        const unsigned bucketId = meshIdx.bucket->bucket_id();

        const bool owned = i->owner == parallel_rank ;

        unsigned e_size = 0 ;
        for ( fi = fb ; fi != fe ; ++fi ) {
            const FieldBase & f = **fi ;

            if(is_matching_rank(f, *meshIdx.bucket)) {
                e_size += field_bytes_per_entity( f , bucketId );

        if (e_size == 0) {

        const EntityCommInfoVector& infovec = i->entity_comm->comm_map;
        PairIterEntityComm ec(infovec.begin(), infovec.end());
        if ( owned ) {
            for ( ; ! ec.empty() ; ++ec ) {
                if (ec->ghost_id == ghost_id) {
                    send_size[ ec->proc ] += e_size ;
        else {
            for ( ; ! ec.empty() ; ++ec ) {
                if (ec->ghost_id == ghost_id) {
                    recv_size[ i->owner ] += e_size ;
                    break;//jump out since we know we're only recving 1 msg from the 1-and-only owner

    // Allocate send and receive buffers:

    CommAll sparse ;

        const unsigned * const snd_size = ;
        const unsigned * const rcv_size = ;
        sparse.allocate_buffers( mesh.parallel(), snd_size, rcv_size);

    // Send packing:

    for (int phase = 0; phase < 2; ++phase) {

        for ( EntityCommListInfoVector::const_iterator i =  mesh.internal_comm_list().begin(), iend = mesh.internal_comm_list().end() ; i != iend ; ++i ) {
            if ( (i->owner == parallel_rank && phase == 0) || (i->owner != parallel_rank && phase == 1) ) {
                Entity e = i->entity;
                const MeshIndex meshIdx = mesh.mesh_index(e);
                const unsigned bucketId = meshIdx.bucket->bucket_id();

                for ( fi = fb ; fi != fe ; ++fi ) {
                    const FieldBase & f = **fi ;

                    if(!is_matching_rank(f, e)) continue;

                    const unsigned size = field_bytes_per_entity( f , e );

                    if ( size ) {
                        unsigned char * ptr =
                            reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(stk::mesh::field_data( f , bucketId, meshIdx.bucket_ordinal, size ));

                        const EntityCommInfoVector& infovec = i->entity_comm->comm_map;
                        PairIterEntityComm ec(infovec.begin(), infovec.end());
                        if (phase == 0) { // send
                            for ( ; !ec.empty() ; ++ec ) {
                                if (ec->ghost_id == ghost_id) {
                                    CommBuffer & b = sparse.send_buffer( ec->proc );
                                    b.pack<unsigned char>( ptr , size );
                        else { //recv
                            for ( ; !ec.empty(); ++ec ) {
                                if (ec->ghost_id == ghost_id) {
                                    CommBuffer & b = sparse.recv_buffer( i->owner );
                                    b.unpack<unsigned char>( ptr , size );
        if (phase == 0) {
inline void parallel_sum_including_ghosts(
  const BulkData                        & mesh ,
  const std::vector< const FieldBase *> & fields )
  if ( fields.empty() ) { return; }

  const int parallel_size = mesh.parallel_size();
  const int parallel_rank = mesh.parallel_rank();

  const std::vector<const FieldBase *>::const_iterator fe = fields.end();
  const std::vector<const FieldBase *>::const_iterator fb = fields.begin();
        std::vector<const FieldBase *>::const_iterator fi ;

  // Sizing for send and receive

  const unsigned zero = 0 ;
  std::vector<unsigned> send_size( parallel_size , zero );
  std::vector<unsigned> recv_size( parallel_size , zero );

  const EntityCommListInfoVector& comm_info_vec = mesh.internal_comm_list();
  size_t comm_info_vec_size = comm_info_vec.size();
  for ( fi = fb ; fi != fe ; ++fi ) {
    const FieldBase & f = **fi ;

    for (size_t i=0; i<comm_info_vec_size; ++i) {
        if (!mesh.is_valid(comm_info_vec[i].entity))
            ThrowAssertMsg(mesh.is_valid(comm_info_vec[i].entity),"parallel_sum_including_ghosts found invalid entity");
      const Bucket* bucket = comm_info_vec[i].bucket;

      unsigned e_size = 0 ;
      if(is_matching_rank(f, *bucket)) {
        const unsigned bucketId = bucket->bucket_id();
        e_size += field_bytes_per_entity( f , bucketId );

      if (e_size == 0) {

      const bool owned = comm_info_vec[i].owner == parallel_rank ;

      if ( !owned ) {
         send_size[ comm_info_vec[i].owner ] += e_size ;
      else {
          const EntityCommInfoVector& infovec = comm_info_vec[i].entity_comm->comm_map;
          size_t info_vec_size = infovec.size();
          for (size_t j=0; j<info_vec_size; ++j ) {
              recv_size[ infovec[j].proc ] += e_size ;

  // Allocate send and receive buffers:

  CommAll sparse ;

    const unsigned * const snd_size = & send_size[0] ;
    const unsigned * const rcv_size = & recv_size[0] ;
    sparse.allocate_buffers( mesh.parallel(), snd_size, rcv_size);

  // Send packing:

  for (int phase = 0; phase < 2; ++phase) {

    for ( fi = fb ; fi != fe ; ++fi ) {
      const FieldBase & f = **fi ;

      for (size_t i=0; i<comm_info_vec_size; ++i) {
        const bool owned = comm_info_vec[i].owner == parallel_rank;
        if ( (!owned && phase == 0) || (owned && phase == 1) )
            const Bucket* bucket = comm_info_vec[i].bucket;

            if(!is_matching_rank(f, *bucket)) continue;

            const unsigned bucketId = bucket->bucket_id();
            const size_t bucket_ordinal = comm_info_vec[i].bucket_ordinal;
            const unsigned scalars_per_entity = field_scalars_per_entity(f, bucketId);

            if ( scalars_per_entity > 0 ) {
              int owner = comm_info_vec[i].owner;

              if (f.data_traits().is_floating_point && f.data_traits().size_of == 8)
                  send_or_recv_field_data_for_assembly<double>(sparse, phase, f, owner, comm_info_vec[i].entity_comm->comm_map, scalars_per_entity, bucketId, bucket_ordinal);
              else if (f.data_traits().is_floating_point && f.data_traits().size_of == 4)
                  send_or_recv_field_data_for_assembly<float>(sparse, phase, f, owner, comm_info_vec[i].entity_comm->comm_map, scalars_per_entity, bucketId, bucket_ordinal);
              else if (f.data_traits().is_integral && f.data_traits().size_of == 4 && f.data_traits().is_unsigned)
                  send_or_recv_field_data_for_assembly<unsigned>(sparse, phase, f, owner, comm_info_vec[i].entity_comm->comm_map, scalars_per_entity, bucketId, bucket_ordinal);
              else if (f.data_traits().is_integral && f.data_traits().size_of == 4 && f.data_traits().is_signed)
                  send_or_recv_field_data_for_assembly<int>(sparse, phase, f, owner, comm_info_vec[i].entity_comm->comm_map, scalars_per_entity, bucketId, bucket_ordinal);
                  ThrowRequireMsg(false,"Unsupported field type in parallel_sum_including_ghosts");

      if (phase == 0) { sparse.communicate(); }

  copy_from_owned(mesh, fields);