Esempio n. 1
void OpenGLSdlGraphicsManager::notifyResize(const uint width, const uint height) {
	// We sometime get outdated resize events from SDL2. So check that the size we get
	// is the actual current window size. If not ignore the resize.
	// The issue for example occurs when switching from fullscreen to windowed mode or
	// when switching between different fullscreen resolutions because SDL_DestroyWindow
	// for a fullscreen window that doesn't have the SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP flag
	// causes a SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED event with the old resolution to be sent, and this
	// event is processed after recreating the window at the new resolution.
	int currentWidth, currentHeight;
	getWindowDimensions(&currentWidth, &currentHeight);
	if (width != (uint)currentWidth || height != (uint)currentHeight)
	setActualScreenSize(width, height);
	_eventSource->resetKeyboardEmulation(width - 1, height - 1);
	if (!_ignoreResizeEvents && _hwScreen && !(_hwScreen->flags & SDL_FULLSCREEN)) {
		// We save that we handled a resize event here. We need to know this
		// so we do not overwrite the users requested window size whenever we
		// switch aspect ratio or similar.
		_gotResize = true;
		if (!setupMode(width, height)) {
			warning("OpenGLSdlGraphicsManager::notifyResize: Resize failed ('%s')", SDL_GetError());
Esempio n. 2
result TizenGraphicsManager::Construct() {
	// Initialize our OpenGL ES context.

	// Notify the OpenGL code about our context.

	// We default to RGB565 and RGBA5551 which is closest to the actual output
	// mode we setup.
	notifyContextCreate(Graphics::PixelFormat(2, 5, 6, 5, 0, 11, 5, 0, 0), Graphics::PixelFormat(2, 5, 5, 5, 1, 11, 6, 1, 0));

	// Tell our size.
	int x, y, width, height;
	_appForm->GetBounds(x, y, width, height);
	AppLog("screen size: %dx%d", width, height);
	setActualScreenSize(width, height);
	return E_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 3
void OpenGLGraphicsManager::notifyContextCreate(const Graphics::PixelFormat &defaultFormat, const Graphics::PixelFormat &defaultFormatAlpha) {
	// Initialize all extensions.

	// Disable 3D properties.

	// Default to black as clear color.
	GLCALL(glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
	GLCALL(glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));

	// Setup alpha blend (for overlay and cursor).

	// Enable rendering with vertex and coord arrays.


	// We use a "pack" alignment (when reading from textures) to 4 here,
	// since the only place where we really use it is the BMP screenshot
	// code and that requires the same alignment too.

	// Query information needed by textures.

	// Refresh the output screen dimensions if some are set up.
	if (_outputScreenWidth != 0 && _outputScreenHeight != 0) {
		setActualScreenSize(_outputScreenWidth, _outputScreenHeight);

	// TODO: Should we try to convert textures into one of those formats if
	// possible? For example, when _gameScreen is CLUT8 we might want to use
	// defaultFormat now.
	_defaultFormat = defaultFormat;
	_defaultFormatAlpha = defaultFormatAlpha;

	if (_gameScreen) {

	if (_overlay) {

	if (_cursor) {

#ifdef USE_OSD
	if (_osd) {
Esempio n. 4
bool OpenGLSdlGraphicsManager::setupMode(uint width, uint height) {
	// In case we request a fullscreen mode we will use the mode the user
	// has chosen last time or the biggest mode available.
	if (_wantsFullScreen) {
		if (_desiredFullscreenWidth && _desiredFullscreenHeight) {
			// In case only a distinct set of modes is available we check
			// whether the requested mode is actually available.
			if (!_fullscreenVideoModes.empty()) {
				VideoModeArray::const_iterator i = Common::find(_fullscreenVideoModes.begin(),
				                                                VideoMode(_desiredFullscreenWidth, _desiredFullscreenHeight));
				// It's not available fall back to default.
				if (i == _fullscreenVideoModes.end()) {
					_desiredFullscreenWidth = 0;
					_desiredFullscreenHeight = 0;

		// In case no desired mode has been set we default to the biggest mode
		// available or the requested mode in case we don't know any
		// any fullscreen modes.
		if (!_desiredFullscreenWidth || !_desiredFullscreenHeight) {
			if (!_fullscreenVideoModes.empty()) {
				VideoModeArray::const_iterator i = _fullscreenVideoModes.end();

				_desiredFullscreenWidth  = i->width;
				_desiredFullscreenHeight = i->height;
			} else {
				_desiredFullscreenWidth  = width;
				_desiredFullscreenHeight = height;

		// Remember our choice.
		ConfMan.setInt("last_fullscreen_mode_width", _desiredFullscreenWidth, Common::ConfigManager::kApplicationDomain);
		ConfMan.setInt("last_fullscreen_mode_height", _desiredFullscreenHeight, Common::ConfigManager::kApplicationDomain);

		// Use our choice.
		width  = _desiredFullscreenWidth;
		height = _desiredFullscreenHeight;

	// This is pretty confusing since RGBA8888 talks about the memory
	// layout here. This is a different logical layout depending on
	// whether we run on little endian or big endian. However, we can
	// only safely assume that RGBA8888 in memory layout is supported.
	// Thus, we chose this one.
	const Graphics::PixelFormat rgba8888 =
	                                       Graphics::PixelFormat(4, 8, 8, 8, 8, 0, 8, 16, 24);
	                                       Graphics::PixelFormat(4, 8, 8, 8, 8, 24, 16, 8, 0);

	if (_glContext) {

		_glContext = nullptr;


	uint32 flags = SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL;
	if (_wantsFullScreen) {
	} else {

	// Request a OpenGL (ES) context we can use.
	SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK, _glContextProfileMask);
	SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION, _glContextMajor);
	SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION, _glContextMinor);

	if (!_window->createWindow(width, height, flags)) {
		// We treat fullscreen requests as a "hint" for now. This means in
		// case it is not available we simply ignore it.
		if (_wantsFullScreen) {
			_window->createWindow(width, height, SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL | SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE);

		if (!_window->getSDLWindow()) {
			return false;

	_glContext = SDL_GL_CreateContext(_window->getSDLWindow());
	if (!_glContext) {
		return false;

	notifyContextCreate(rgba8888, rgba8888);
	int actualWidth, actualHeight;
	getWindowDimensions(&actualWidth, &actualHeight);
	setActualScreenSize(actualWidth, actualHeight);
	_eventSource->resetKeyboardEmulation(actualWidth - 1, actualHeight - 1);
	return true;
	// WORKAROUND: Working around infamous SDL bugs when switching
	// resolutions too fast. This might cause the event system to supply
	// incorrect mouse position events otherwise.
	// Reference:
	const uint32 curTime = SDL_GetTicks();
	if (_hwScreen && (curTime < _lastVideoModeLoad || curTime - _lastVideoModeLoad < 100)) {
		for (int i = 10; i > 0; --i) {

	uint32 flags = SDL_OPENGL;
	if (_wantsFullScreen) {
		flags |= SDL_FULLSCREEN;
	} else {
		flags |= SDL_RESIZABLE;

	if (_hwScreen) {
		// When a video mode has been setup already we notify the manager that
		// the context is about to be destroyed.
		// We do this because on Windows SDL_SetVideoMode can destroy and
		// recreate the OpenGL context.

	_hwScreen = SDL_SetVideoMode(width, height, 32, flags);

	if (!_hwScreen) {
		// We treat fullscreen requests as a "hint" for now. This means in
		// case it is not available we simply ignore it.
		if (_wantsFullScreen) {
			_hwScreen = SDL_SetVideoMode(width, height, 32, SDL_OPENGL | SDL_RESIZABLE);

	// Part of the WORKAROUND mentioned above.
	_lastVideoModeLoad = SDL_GetTicks();

	if (_hwScreen) {
		notifyContextCreate(rgba8888, rgba8888);
		setActualScreenSize(_hwScreen->w, _hwScreen->h);
		_eventSource->resetKeyboardEmulation(_hwScreen->w - 1, _hwScreen->h - 1);

	// Ignore resize events (from SDL) for a few frames, if this isn't
	// caused by a notification from SDL. This avoids bad resizes to a
	// (former) resolution for which we haven't processed an event yet.
	if (!_gotResize)
		_ignoreResizeEvents = 10;

	return _hwScreen != nullptr;
Esempio n. 5
void OpenGLGraphicsManager::notifyContextCreate(const Graphics::PixelFormat &defaultFormat, const Graphics::PixelFormat &defaultFormatAlpha) {
	// Initialize context for use.

	// Initialize pipeline.
	delete _pipeline;
	_pipeline = nullptr;

	if (g_context.shadersSupported) {
		_pipeline = new ShaderPipeline(ShaderMan.query(ShaderManager::kDefault));

	if (_pipeline == nullptr) {
		_pipeline = new FixedPipeline();


	// Disable 3D properties.

	g_context.getActivePipeline()->setColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);


	// Setup backbuffer state.

	// Default to black as clear color.
	_backBuffer.setClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	// Setup alpha blend (for overlay and cursor).
	// Setup scissor state accordingly.


	// Clear the whole screen for the first three frames to assure any
	// leftovers are cleared.
	_scissorOverride = 3;

	// We use a "pack" alignment (when reading from textures) to 4 here,
	// since the only place where we really use it is the BMP screenshot
	// code and that requires the same alignment too.
	GL_CALL(glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 4));

	// Refresh the output screen dimensions if some are set up.
	if (_outputScreenWidth != 0 && _outputScreenHeight != 0) {
		setActualScreenSize(_outputScreenWidth, _outputScreenHeight);

	// TODO: Should we try to convert textures into one of those formats if
	// possible? For example, when _gameScreen is CLUT8 we might want to use
	// defaultFormat now.
	_defaultFormat = defaultFormat;
	_defaultFormatAlpha = defaultFormatAlpha;

	if (_gameScreen) {

	if (_overlay) {

	if (_cursor) {

#ifdef USE_OSD
	if (_osdMessageSurface) {

	if (_osdIconSurface) {
bool OpenGLSdlGraphicsManager::setupMode(uint width, uint height) {
	// In case we request a fullscreen mode we will use the mode the user
	// has chosen last time or the biggest mode available.
	if (_wantsFullScreen) {
		if (_desiredFullscreenWidth && _desiredFullscreenHeight) {
			// In case only a distinct set of modes is available we check
			// whether the requested mode is actually available.
			if (!_fullscreenVideoModes.empty()) {
				VideoModeArray::const_iterator i = Common::find(_fullscreenVideoModes.begin(),
				                                                VideoMode(_desiredFullscreenWidth, _desiredFullscreenHeight));
				// It's not available fall back to default.
				if (i == _fullscreenVideoModes.end()) {
					_desiredFullscreenWidth = 0;
					_desiredFullscreenHeight = 0;

		// In case no desired mode has been set we default to the biggest mode
		// available or the requested mode in case we don't know any
		// any fullscreen modes.
		if (!_desiredFullscreenWidth || !_desiredFullscreenHeight) {
			if (!_fullscreenVideoModes.empty()) {
				VideoModeArray::const_iterator i = _fullscreenVideoModes.end();
				_desiredFullscreenWidth  = i->width;
				_desiredFullscreenHeight = i->height;
			} else {
				_desiredFullscreenWidth  = width;
				_desiredFullscreenHeight = height;

		// Remember our choice.
		ConfMan.setInt("last_fullscreen_mode_width", _desiredFullscreenWidth, Common::ConfigManager::kApplicationDomain);
		ConfMan.setInt("last_fullscreen_mode_height", _desiredFullscreenHeight, Common::ConfigManager::kApplicationDomain);

		// Use our choice.
		width  = _desiredFullscreenWidth;
		height = _desiredFullscreenHeight;

	// WORKAROUND: Working around infamous SDL bugs when switching
	// resolutions too fast. This might cause the event system to supply
	// incorrect mouse position events otherwise.
	// Reference:
	const uint32 curTime = SDL_GetTicks();
	if (_hwScreen && (curTime < _lastVideoModeLoad || curTime - _lastVideoModeLoad < 100)) {
		for (int i = 10; i > 0; --i) {
	_lastVideoModeLoad = curTime;

	uint32 flags = SDL_OPENGL;
	if (_wantsFullScreen) {
		flags |= SDL_FULLSCREEN;
	} else {
		flags |= SDL_RESIZABLE;

	_hwScreen = SDL_SetVideoMode(width, height, 32, flags);

	if (!_hwScreen) {
		// We treat fullscreen requests as a "hint" for now. This means in
		// case it is not available we simply ignore it.
		if (_wantsFullScreen) {
			_hwScreen = SDL_SetVideoMode(width, height, 32, SDL_OPENGL | SDL_RESIZABLE);

	if (_hwScreen) {
		const Graphics::PixelFormat rgba8888 = Graphics::PixelFormat(4, 8, 8, 8, 8, 24, 16, 8, 0);
		notifyContextChange(rgba8888, rgba8888);
		setActualScreenSize(_hwScreen->w, _hwScreen->h);

	return _hwScreen != nullptr;