void Cursor::setMode(Cursor::Mode m) { // m_mode = m; if (m_mode == m) { return; } m_mode = m; switch (m) { case Mode::PanningGallery: setImage(images[ordinal(Mode::PanningImage)]); setAnimate(false); break; case Mode::PanningImage: setImage(images[ordinal(Mode::PanningImage)]); break; case Mode::Selecting: setImage(images[ordinal(Mode::Selecting)]); setAnimate(true); break; case Mode::Selected: setImage(images[ordinal(Mode::Selected)]); setAnimate(false); break; case Mode::Normal: default: setImage(images[ordinal(Mode::Normal)]); setAnimate(false); break; } }
void effectFlame(struct Animate *a) { int yellow[3] = {255, rand() % 51 + 75, rand() % 10 + 1}; int red = rand() % 16 + 240; if (a->open) { setAnimate(a, (yellow[0] + red) / 2, yellow[1], yellow[2], 0, 15); } nextStep(a); }
void Cursor::update(float dt) { if (m_animate) { m_angle += (m_da * dt); if (m_angle > 365.0f) { setAnimate(false); } } }
void Context::copySimulationContext(const Context& c) { worldGravity_.setValue(c.getGravity()); ///< Gravity IN THE WORLD COORDINATE SYSTEM. setDt(c.getDt()); setTime(c.getTime()); setAnimate(c.getAnimate()); }
void Context::copySimulationContext(const Context& c) { worldGravity_.setValue(c.getGravity()); ///< Gravity IN THE WORLD COORDINATE SYSTEM. setDt(c.getDt()); setTime(c.getTime()); setAnimate(c.getAnimate()); #ifdef SOFA_SMP if(c.gpuPrioritary.getValue()) gpuPrioritary.setValue(true); #endif #ifdef SOFA_SUPPORT_MOVING_FRAMES setPositionInWorld( c.getPositionInWorld()); spatialVelocityInWorld_ = c.spatialVelocityInWorld_; velocityBasedLinearAccelerationInWorld_ = c.velocityBasedLinearAccelerationInWorld_; #endif #ifdef SOFA_SUPPORT_MULTIRESOLUTION // for multiresolution // finestLevel_ = c.finestLevel_; // coarsestLevel_ = c.coarsestLevel_; // currentLevel_ = c.currentLevel_; #endif #ifdef SOFA_SMP if(!partition_) { if(processor.getValue()!=-1) is_partition_.setValue(true); if(is_partition()) { partition_= new Iterative::IterativePartition(); // partition_->setCPU(processor.getValue()); } } if(processor.getValue()==-1&&c.processor.getValue()!=-1) { processor.setValue(c.processor.getValue()); is_partition_.setValue(true); } if(c.is_partition()&&!partition_) { partition_=c.getPartition(); is_partition_.setValue(true); } if((gpuPrioritary.getValue())&&partition_) { partition_->setGPUPrioritary(); } #endif }
Audio::Audio(): mStateInput(StateInput::getInstance()), mMainBackground("Main", 1, 1), mInGameBackground("Ingame", 1, 1), mSoundVolume("SoundVolume", 1, 2), mEffectLeftArrow("LeftArrow", 1, 2), mEffectRightArrow("RightArrow", 1, 2), mEffectNumbers1("Numbers", 1, 20), mEffectNumbers10("Numbers", 1, 20), mEffectNumbers100("Numbers", 1, 20), mMusicVolume("MusicVolume", 1, 2), mMusicLeftArrow("LeftArrow", 1, 2), mMusicRightArrow("RightArrow", 1, 2), mMusicNumbers1("Numbers", 1, 20), mMusicNumbers10("Numbers", 1, 20), mMusicNumbers100("Numbers", 1, 20), mSoundMute("SoundMute", 1, 4), mMusicMute("MusicMute", 1, 4), mBack("Back", 1, 2), mBlip("Blip", 1, 1), mWindow(Window::getWindow()), mStatus(0), mBlipPos(240, 150), currentBackground(&mMainBackground), currentSelection(&mBack), mEVolume(100), mMVolume(100), mChangeVolume(false), mEffectNr1(0), mEffectNr10(0), mEffectNr100(1), mEffectHighlightNr(0), mMusicNr1(0), mMusicNr10(0), mMusicNr100(1), mMusicHighlightNr(0), mEMute(false), mMMute(false), mHighlight(1) { setSpritePosition(); setAnimate(); }
void FalagardActionButton::updateAnimate(ANIMATE& animate) { if(!animate.d_animate) return; int time_now = (int)(System::getSingleton().getCurTimeElapsed()*1000.0f); const Image* pFrame = animate.d_animate->getFrame( time_now-animate.d_time_start, animate.d_time_total ); animate.d_currentFrame = pFrame; animate.d_alpha = animate.d_animate->getFrameAlpha( time_now-animate.d_time_start, animate.d_time_total ); requestRedraw(); if( pFrame == NULL ) { if( m_bCoolDown ) // 如果是cooldown ,就开始播放特效动画 { setAnimate( "CoolDownEnd", -1, 0 ); animate.d_alpha = 0; } } }
HippoBubble::HippoBubble(void) { idle_ = FALSE; screenSaverRunning_ = FALSE; haveMouse_ = FALSE; effectiveIdle_ = FALSE; shown_ = FALSE; desiredWidth_ = BASE_WIDTH; desiredHeight_ = BASE_HEIGHT; layerDC_ = NULL; oldBitmap_ = NULL; images_ = NULL; // Notes on animation // // * Without our usage of UpdateLayeredWindow, it would fade the window in and // out using AnimateWindow, but you turn on fading in then you'll probably have difficulties // the second time you show the window ... it appears that the web browser control has some // bugs with WM_PRINTCLIENT; the first time the contents of the window are properly // initialized before fade-in, but on subsequent shows they are not. A crude // workaround might be to reembed a new control every time, but there are probably // less sledgehammer methods. Even without animation there are sometimes problems // with reshowing the window, which is why we turn on updateOnShow(). (This may // no longer be necessary with our usage of UpdateLayeredWindow()) // // * AnimateWindow isn't compatible with UpdateLayeredWindow() ... when you start // animating the window, the shape is removed. This is presumably because AnimateWindow // internally uses SetLayeredWindowAttributes, which is exclusive with UpdateLayeredWindow // So to animate a shaped window, we'd have to fade the bits in and out ourselves. // setAnimate(false); setUseParent(true); setUpdateOnShow(true); setWindowStyle(WS_POPUP); setExtendedStyle(WS_EX_TOPMOST | WS_EX_LAYERED | WS_EX_NOACTIVATE); setClassName(L"HippoBubbleClass"); setTitle(L"Hippo Notification"); setApplication(this); }