    InterpolatedYoYOptionletVolatilityCurve(Natural settlementDays,
                                            const Calendar &cal,
                                            BusinessDayConvention bdc,
                                            const DayCounter& dc,
                                            const Period &lag,
                                            Frequency frequency,
                                            bool indexIsInterpolated,
                                            const std::vector<Date> &d,
                                            const std::vector<Volatility> &v,
                                            Rate minStrike,
                                            Rate maxStrike,
                                            const Interpolator1D &i)
    : YoYOptionletVolatilitySurface(settlementDays, cal, bdc, dc, lag,
                                    frequency, indexIsInterpolated),
      dates_(d), minStrike_(minStrike), maxStrike_(maxStrike) {
        QL_REQUIRE(d.size() == v.size(),
                   "must have same number of dates and vols: "
                   << d.size() << " vs " << v.size());
        QL_REQUIRE(d.size() > 1,
                   "must have at least two dates: " << d.size());

        for (Size i = 0; i < d.size(); i++ ){
            this->times_.push_back( this->timeFromReference(dates_[i]) );
            nodes_.push_back( std::make_pair( dates_[i], this->data_[i]) );

        // set the base vol level to that predicted by the interpolation
        // this is allowed by the extrapolation
        Time baseTime = this->timeFromReference(baseDate());
 InterpolatedYoYOptionletVolatilityCurve(Natural settlementDays,
                                         const Calendar &cal,
                                         BusinessDayConvention bdc,
                                         const DayCounter& dc,
                                         const Period &lag,
                                         Frequency frequency,
                                         bool indexIsInterpolated,
                                         Rate minStrike,
                                         Rate maxStrike,
                                         Volatility baseYoYVolatility,
                                         const Interpolator1D &interpolator)
 : YoYOptionletVolatilitySurface(settlementDays, cal, bdc, dc, lag,
                                 frequency, indexIsInterpolated),
 interpolator_(interpolator), minStrike_(minStrike), maxStrike_(maxStrike) {
     // don't have the data yet except for the base volatility
     // must set to communicate with bootstrap