Esempio n. 1
void MrimContact::setFlags(int arg) {
    d->flags = arg;
    if ( isChatContact() ) {
        setFileCapable( false );
    } else {
        setFileCapable( true );
Esempio n. 2
 * JabberContact constructor
JabberContact::JabberContact (const XMPP::RosterItem &rosterItem, Kopete::Account *_account, Kopete::MetaContact * mc, const QString &legacyId)
	: JabberBaseContact ( rosterItem, _account, mc, legacyId)  , mDiscoDone(false), m_syncTimer(0L)
	kDebug(JABBER_DEBUG_GLOBAL) << contactId() << "  is created  - " << this;
	// this contact is able to transfer files
	setFileCapable ( true );

	 * Catch when we're going online for the first time to
	 * update our properties from a vCard. (properties are
	 * not available during startup, so we need to read
	 * them later - this also serves as a random update
	 * feature)
	 * Note: The only time account->myself() could be a
	 * NULL pointer is if this contact here is the myself()
	 * instance itself. Since in that case we wouldn't
	 * get updates at all, we need to treat that as a
	 * special case.

	mVCardUpdateInProgress = false;

	if ( !account()->myself () )
		// this contact is a regular contact
		connect ( this,
				  SIGNAL (onlineStatusChanged(Kopete::Contact*,Kopete::OnlineStatus,Kopete::OnlineStatus)),
				  this, SLOT (slotCheckVCard()) );
Esempio n. 3
WlmContact::WlmContact (Kopete::Account * _account,
                        const QString & uniqueName,
                        const QString & contactSerial,
                        Kopete::MetaContact * parent):
Kopete::Contact (_account, uniqueName, parent)
    kDebug (14210) << k_funcinfo << " uniqueName: " << uniqueName;
    m_msgManager = 0L;
    m_account = qobject_cast<WlmAccount*>(account());
    setFileCapable (true);
    setOnlineStatus (WlmProtocol::protocol ()->wlmOffline);
    m_contactSerial = contactSerial;
    m_disabled = false;
    m_dontShowEmoticons = false;

    if ( metaContact() )
        m_currentGroup = metaContact()->groups().first();

    m_actionBlockContact = new KToggleAction(KIcon("wlm_blocked"), i18n("Block Contact"), this );
    QObject::connect( m_actionBlockContact, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(blockContact(bool)) );

    m_actionShowProfile = new KAction(i18n("Show Profile"), this);
    QObject::connect(m_actionShowProfile, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(slotShowProfile()));

    m_actionUpdateDisplayPicture = new KAction(i18n("Update Photo"), this);
    QObject::connect(m_actionUpdateDisplayPicture, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateDisplayPicture()));

    m_actionDontShowEmoticons = new KToggleAction (KIcon ("wlm_fakefriend"), 
           i18n ("&Block custom emoticons"), this);
    QObject::connect (m_actionDontShowEmoticons, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(slotDontShowEmoticons(bool)));
 * JabberGroupMemberContact constructor
JabberGroupMemberContact::JabberGroupMemberContact (const XMPP::RosterItem &rosterItem,
													JabberAccount *account, Kopete::MetaContact * mc)
													: JabberBaseContact ( rosterItem, account, mc)

	mc->setDisplayName ( rosterItem.jid().resource() );
	setNickName ( rosterItem.jid().resource() );

	setFileCapable ( true );

	mManager = 0;

	mRequestOfflineEvent = false;
	mRequestDisplayedEvent = false;
	mRequestDeliveredEvent = false;
	mRequestComposingEvent = false;

	mRequestReceiptDelivery = false;
Esempio n. 5
MrimContact::MrimContact( Kopete::Account* _account,
                          const QString &uniqueName,
                          const QString &displayName,
                          int flags,
                          Kopete::MetaContact *parent )
    : Kopete::Contact( _account, uniqueName, parent, QString("mrim_protocol") )
    , d(new Private)
    mrimDebug()<< " uniqueName: " << uniqueName << ", displayName: " << displayName << "flags: " << flags;

    QTimer::singleShot( 10 * 1000, this, SLOT(slotLoadAvatar()) );

    d->requestForAuthorization = new KAction( KIcon("mail-reply-sender"), tr( "(Re)request Authorization From" ), this );
    connect( d->requestForAuthorization, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(slotPerformRequestForAuthorization()) );

    d->flags = flags;

    if ( not isChatContact() ) {
        setFileCapable( true );

Esempio n. 6
IRCUserContact::IRCUserContact(IRCContactManager *contactManager, const QString &nickname, Kopete::MetaContact *m )
	: IRCContact(contactManager, nickname, m ),

	mOnlineTimer = new QTimer( this );

	QObject::connect(mOnlineTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT( slotUserOffline() ) );

	QObject::connect(kircEngine(), SIGNAL(incomingChannelModeChange(const QString&, const QString&, const QString&)),
		this, SLOT(slotIncomingModeChange(const QString&,const QString&, const QString&)));

	mInfo.isOperator = false;
	mInfo.isIdentified = false;
	mInfo.idle = 0;
	mInfo.hops = 0;
	mInfo.away = false; = metaContact()->isTemporary();
