bool LocalDomainUriFilter::filterUri(KUriFilterData& data) const { const QUrl url = data.uri(); const QString protocol = url.scheme(); // When checking for local domain just validate it is indeed a local domain, // but do not modify the hostname! See bug# if ((protocol.isEmpty() || !KProtocolInfo::isKnownProtocol(protocol)) && m_hostPortPattern.exactMatch(data.typedString())) { QString host (data.typedString().left(data.typedString().indexOf(QL1C('/')))); const int pos = host.indexOf(QL1C(':')); if (pos > -1) host.truncate(pos); // Remove port number if (exists(host)) { QString scheme (data.defaultUrlScheme()); if (scheme.isEmpty()) scheme = QL1S("http://"); setFilteredUri(data, QUrl(scheme + data.typedString())); setUriType(data, KUriFilterData::NetProtocol); return true; } } return false; }
bool KShortUriFilter::filterUri( KUriFilterData& data ) const { /* * Here is a description of how the shortURI deals with the supplied * data. First it expands any environment variable settings and then * deals with special shortURI cases. These special cases are the "smb:" * URL scheme which is very specific to KDE, "#" and "##" which are * shortcuts for man:/ and info:/ protocols respectively. It then handles * local files. Then it checks to see if the URL is valid and one that is * supported by KDE's IO system. If all the above checks fails, it simply * lookups the URL in the user-defined list and returns without filtering * if it is not found. TODO: the user-defined table is currently only manually * hackable and is missing a config dialog. */ KUrl url = data.uri(); QString cmd = data.typedString(); // WORKAROUND: Allow the use of '@' in the username component of a URL since // other browsers such as firefox in their infinite wisdom allow such blatant // violations of RFC 3986. BR# 69326/118413. if (cmd.count(QLatin1Char('@')) > 1) { const int lastIndex = cmd.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('@')); // Percent encode all but the last '@'. QString encodedCmd = QUrl::toPercentEncoding(cmd.left(lastIndex), ":/"); encodedCmd += cmd.mid(lastIndex); KUrl u (encodedCmd); if (u.isValid()) { cmd = encodedCmd; url = u; } } const bool isMalformed = !url.isValid(); QString protocol = url.protocol(); kDebug(7023) << cmd; // Fix misparsing of "foo:80", QUrl thinks "foo" is the protocol and "80" is the path. // However, be careful not to do that for valid hostless URLs, e.g. file:///foo! if (!protocol.isEmpty() && && !url.path().isEmpty() && cmd.contains(':') && !KProtocolInfo::protocols().contains(protocol)) { protocol.clear(); } //kDebug(7023) << "url=" << url << "cmd=" << cmd << "isMalformed=" << isMalformed; if (!isMalformed && (protocol.length() == 4) && (protocol != QLatin1String("http")) && (protocol[0]=='h') && (protocol[1]==protocol[2]) && (protocol[3]=='p')) { // Handle "encrypted" URLs like: h++p:// url.setProtocol( QLatin1String("http")); setFilteredUri( data, url); setUriType( data, KUriFilterData::NetProtocol ); return true; } // TODO: Make this a bit more intelligent for Minicli! There // is no need to make comparisons if the supplied data is a local // executable and only the argument part, if any, changed! (Dawit) // You mean caching the last filtering, to try and reuse it, to save stat()s? (David) const QString starthere_proto = QL1S("start-here:"); if (cmd.indexOf(starthere_proto) == 0 ) { setFilteredUri( data, KUrl("system:/") ); setUriType( data, KUriFilterData::LocalDir ); return true; } // Handle MAN & INFO pages shortcuts... const QString man_proto = QL1S("man:"); const QString info_proto = QL1S("info:"); if( cmd[0] == '#' || cmd.indexOf( man_proto ) == 0 || cmd.indexOf( info_proto ) == 0 ) { if( cmd.left(2) == QL1S("##") ) cmd = QL1S("info:/") + cmd.mid(2); else if ( cmd[0] == '#' ) cmd = QL1S("man:/") + cmd.mid(1); else if ((cmd==info_proto) || (cmd==man_proto)) cmd+='/'; setFilteredUri( data, KUrl( cmd )); setUriType( data, KUriFilterData::Help ); return true; } // Detect UNC style (aka windows SMB) URLs if ( cmd.startsWith( QLatin1String( "\\\\") ) ) { // make sure path is unix style cmd.replace('\\', '/'); cmd.prepend( QLatin1String( "smb:" ) ); setFilteredUri( data, KUrl( cmd )); setUriType( data, KUriFilterData::NetProtocol ); return true; } bool expanded = false; // Expanding shortcut to HOME URL... QString path; QString ref; QString query; QString nameFilter; if (KUrl::isRelativeUrl(cmd) && QDir::isRelativePath(cmd)) { path = cmd; //kDebug(7023) << "path=cmd=" << path; } else { if (url.isLocalFile()) { //kDebug(7023) << "hasRef=" << url.hasRef(); // Split path from ref/query // but not for "/tmp/a#b", if "a#b" is an existing file, // or for "/tmp/a?b" (#58990) if( ( url.hasRef() || !url.query().isEmpty() ) && !url.path().endsWith(QL1S("/")) ) // /tmp/?foo is a namefilter, not a query { path = url.path(); ref = url.ref(); //kDebug(7023) << "isLocalFile set path to " << stringDetails( path ); //kDebug(7023) << "isLocalFile set ref to " << stringDetails( ref ); query = url.query(); if (path.isEmpty() && url.hasHost()) path = '/'; } else { path = cmd; //kDebug(7023) << "(2) path=cmd=" << path; } } } if( path[0] == '~' ) { int slashPos = path.indexOf('/'); if( slashPos == -1 ) slashPos = path.length(); if( slashPos == 1 ) // ~/ { path.replace ( 0, 1, QDir::homePath() ); } else // ~username/ { const QString userName (path.mid( 1, slashPos-1 )); KUser user (userName); if( user.isValid() && !user.homeDir().isEmpty()) { path.replace (0, slashPos, user.homeDir()); } else { if (user.isValid()) { setErrorMsg(data, i18n("<qt><b>%1</b> does not have a home folder.</qt>", userName)); } else { setErrorMsg(data, i18n("<qt>There is no user called <b>%1</b>.</qt>", userName)); } setUriType( data, KUriFilterData::Error ); // Always return true for error conditions so // that other filters will not be invoked !! return true; } } expanded = true; } else if ( path[0] == '$' ) { // Environment variable expansion. if ( sEnvVarExp.indexIn( path ) == 0 ) { QByteArray exp = qgetenv( path.mid( 1, sEnvVarExp.matchedLength() - 1 ).toLocal8Bit().data() ); if(! exp.isNull()) { path.replace( 0, sEnvVarExp.matchedLength(), QString::fromLocal8Bit(exp.constData()) ); expanded = true; } } } if ( expanded || cmd.startsWith( '/' ) ) { // Look for #ref again, after $ and ~ expansion (testcase: $QTDIR/doc/html/functions.html#s) // Can't use KUrl here, setPath would escape it... const int pos = path.indexOf('#'); if ( pos > -1 ) { const QString newPath = path.left( pos ); if ( QFile::exists( newPath ) ) { ref = path.mid( pos + 1 ); path = newPath; //kDebug(7023) << "Extracted ref: path=" << path << " ref=" << ref; } } } bool isLocalFullPath = (!path.isEmpty() && path[0] == '/'); // Checking for local resource match... // Determine if "uri" is an absolute path to a local resource OR // A local resource with a supplied absolute path in KUriFilterData const QString abs_path = data.absolutePath(); const bool canBeAbsolute = (protocol.isEmpty() && !abs_path.isEmpty()); const bool canBeLocalAbsolute = (canBeAbsolute && abs_path[0] =='/' && !isMalformed); bool exists = false; /*kDebug(7023) << "abs_path=" << abs_path << "protocol=" << protocol << "canBeAbsolute=" << canBeAbsolute << "canBeLocalAbsolute=" << canBeLocalAbsolute << "isLocalFullPath=" << isLocalFullPath;*/ KDE_struct_stat buff; if ( canBeLocalAbsolute ) { QString abs = QDir::cleanPath( abs_path ); // combine absolute path (abs_path) and relative path (cmd) into abs_path int len = path.length(); if( (len==1 && path[0]=='.') || (len==2 && path[0]=='.' && path[1]=='.') ) path += '/'; //kDebug(7023) << "adding " << abs << " and " << path; abs = QDir::cleanPath(abs + '/' + path); //kDebug(7023) << "checking whether " << abs << " exists."; // Check if it exists if( KDE::stat( abs, &buff ) == 0 ) { path = abs; // yes -> store as the new cmd exists = true; isLocalFullPath = true; } } if (isLocalFullPath && !exists && !isMalformed) { exists = ( KDE::stat( path, &buff ) == 0 ); if ( !exists ) { // Support for name filter (/foo/*.txt), see also KonqMainWindow::detectNameFilter // If the app using this filter doesn't support it, well, it'll simply error out itself int lastSlash = path.lastIndexOf( '/' ); if ( lastSlash > -1 && path.indexOf( ' ', lastSlash ) == -1 ) // no space after last slash, otherwise it's more likely command-line arguments { QString fileName = path.mid( lastSlash + 1 ); QString testPath = path.left( lastSlash + 1 ); if ( ( fileName.indexOf( '*' ) != -1 || fileName.indexOf( '[' ) != -1 || fileName.indexOf( '?' ) != -1 ) && KDE::stat( testPath, &buff ) == 0 ) { nameFilter = fileName; //kDebug(7023) << "Setting nameFilter to " << nameFilter; path = testPath; exists = true; } } } } //kDebug(7023) << "path =" << path << " isLocalFullPath=" << isLocalFullPath << " exists=" << exists; if( exists ) { KUrl u; u.setPath(path); //kDebug(7023) << "ref=" << stringDetails(ref) << " query=" << stringDetails(query); u.setRef(ref); u.setQuery(query); if (!KAuthorized::authorizeUrlAction( QLatin1String("open"), KUrl(), u)) { // No authorization, we pretend it's a file will get // an access denied error later on. setFilteredUri( data, u ); setUriType( data, KUriFilterData::LocalFile ); return true; } // Can be abs path to file or directory, or to executable with args bool isDir = S_ISDIR( buff.st_mode ); if( !isDir && access ( QFile::encodeName(path).data(), X_OK) == 0 ) { //kDebug(7023) << "Abs path to EXECUTABLE"; setFilteredUri( data, u ); setUriType( data, KUriFilterData::Executable ); return true; } // Open "uri" as file:/xxx if it is a non-executable local resource. if( isDir || S_ISREG( buff.st_mode ) ) { //kDebug(7023) << "Abs path as local file or directory"; if ( !nameFilter.isEmpty() ) u.setFileName( nameFilter ); setFilteredUri( data, u ); setUriType( data, ( isDir ) ? KUriFilterData::LocalDir : KUriFilterData::LocalFile ); return true; } // Should we return LOCAL_FILE for non-regular files too? kDebug(7023) << "File found, but not a regular file nor dir... socket?"; } if( data.checkForExecutables()) { // Let us deal with possible relative URLs to see // if it is executable under the user's $PATH variable. // We try hard to avoid parsing any possible command // line arguments or options that might have been supplied. QString exe = removeArgs( cmd ); //kDebug(7023) << "findExe with" << exe; if (!KStandardDirs::findExe( exe ).isNull() ) { //kDebug(7023) << "EXECUTABLE exe=" << exe; setFilteredUri( data, KUrl::fromPath( exe )); // check if we have command line arguments if( exe != cmd ) setArguments(data, cmd.right(cmd.length() - exe.length())); setUriType( data, KUriFilterData::Executable ); return true; } } // Process URLs of known and supported protocols so we don't have // to resort to the pattern matching scheme below which can possibly // slow things down... if ( !isMalformed && !isLocalFullPath && !protocol.isEmpty() ) { //kDebug(7023) << "looking for protocol " << protocol; if ( KProtocolInfo::isKnownProtocol( protocol ) ) { setFilteredUri( data, url ); if ( protocol == QL1S("man") || protocol == QL1S("help") ) setUriType( data, KUriFilterData::Help ); else setUriType( data, KUriFilterData::NetProtocol ); return true; } } // Short url matches if ( !cmd.contains( ' ' ) ) { // Okay this is the code that allows users to supply custom matches for // specific URLs using Qt's regexp class. This is hard-coded for now. // TODO: Make configurable at some point... Q_FOREACH(const URLHint& hint, m_urlHints) { if (hint.regexp.indexIn(cmd) == 0) { //kDebug(7023) << "match - prepending" << (*it).prepend; const QString cmdStr = hint.prepend + cmd; KUrl url(cmdStr); if (KProtocolInfo::isKnownProtocol(url)) { setFilteredUri( data, url ); setUriType( data, hint.type ); return true; } } } // No protocol and not malformed means a valid short URL such as or // [email protected]. However, it might also be valid only because it lacks // the scheme component, e.g. www.kde,org (illegal ',' before 'org'). The // check below properly deciphers the difference between the two and sends // back the proper result. if (protocol.isEmpty() && isPotentialShortURL(cmd)) { QString urlStr = data.defaultUrlScheme(); if (urlStr.isEmpty()) urlStr = m_strDefaultUrlScheme; const int index = urlStr.indexOf(QL1C(':')); if (index == -1 || !KProtocolInfo::isKnownProtocol(urlStr.left(index))) urlStr += QL1S("://"); urlStr += cmd; KUrl url (urlStr); if (url.isValid()) { setFilteredUri(data, url); setUriType(data, KUriFilterData::NetProtocol); } else if (KProtocolInfo::isKnownProtocol(url.protocol())) { setFilteredUri(data, data.uri()); setUriType(data, KUriFilterData::Error); } return true; } }