Esempio n. 1
  {//Setup initial vertex positions
    std::vector<float> VertexPos(3 * _N * 2, 0.0);
    for (size_t i(0); i < _N; ++i)
	VertexPos[6*i+0] = i * 1.0f / _N;
	VertexPos[6*i+1] = i * 1.0f / _N;
	VertexPos[6*i+2] = i * 1.0f / _N;
	VertexPos[6*i+3] = i * 1.0f / _N;
	VertexPos[6*i+4] = (i + 0.5f) * 1.0f / _N;
	VertexPos[6*i+5] = i * 1.0f / _N;
    std::vector<cl_uchar4> VertexColor(_N * 2);
    for (size_t icol = 0; icol < _N * 2; ++icol)
	VertexColor[icol].s[0] = 255;
	VertexColor[icol].s[1] = 255;
	VertexColor[icol].s[2] = 255;
	VertexColor[icol].s[3] = 255;

  {//Setup initial element data
    std::vector<int> ElementData(2 * _N, 0);

    for (size_t i(0); i < _N; ++i)
	ElementData[2 * i + 0] = 2 * i + 0;
	ElementData[2 * i + 1] = 2 * i + 1;
Esempio n. 2
  RSurface::init(const std::shared_ptr<magnet::thread::TaskQueue>& systemQueue)

    {//Setup initial vertex positions
      std::vector<float> VertexPos(3 * _N * _N, 0.0);
      Vector axis1step = _axis1 / (_N-1), axis2step = _axis2 / (_N-1);

      for (size_t i = 0; i < _N; ++i)
	for (size_t j = 0; j < _N; ++j)
	    Vector pos = i * axis1step + j * axis2step + _origin;
	    VertexPos[0 + 3 * (i + _N * j)] = pos[0];	
	    VertexPos[1 + 3 * (i + _N * j)] = pos[1];
	    VertexPos[2 + 3 * (i + _N * j)] = pos[2];


    {//Setup inital normal vectors
      std::vector<float> VertexNormals(3 * _N * _N, 0.0);
      Vector normal = _axis3 / _axis3.nrm();

      for (size_t i = 0; i < _N; ++i)
	for (size_t j = 0; j < _N; ++j)
	    VertexNormals[0 + 3 * (i + _N * j)] = normal[0];
	    VertexNormals[1 + 3 * (i + _N * j)] = normal[1];
	    VertexNormals[2 + 3 * (i + _N * j)] = normal[2];

    {//Setup initial Colors
      std::vector<GLubyte> VertexColor(_N * _N * 4);
      for (size_t i = 0; i < _N; ++i)
	for (size_t j = 0; j < _N; ++j)
	    VertexColor[(i + _N * j) * 4 + 0] = 255;
	    VertexColor[(i + _N * j) * 4 + 1] = 255;
	    VertexColor[(i + _N * j) * 4 + 2] = 255;
	    VertexColor[(i + _N * j) * 4 + 3] = 255;
    {//Setup initial element data
      std::vector<GLuint> ElementData(3*2*(_N-1)*(_N-1), 0.0);
      for  (size_t i = 0; i < _N - 1; i++)
	for (size_t j = 0; j < _N - 1; j++)
	    ElementData[6 * (i + (_N - 1) * j) + 0] = i + _N * j;
	    ElementData[6 * (i + (_N - 1) * j) + 1] = i + _N * (j + 1);
	    ElementData[6 * (i + (_N - 1) * j) + 2] = i + 1 + _N * (j + 1);
	    ElementData[6 * (i + (_N - 1) * j) + 3] = i + _N * j;
	    ElementData[6 * (i + (_N - 1) * j) + 4] = i + 1 + _N * (j + 1);
	    ElementData[6 * (i + (_N - 1) * j) + 5] = i + 1 + _N * j;
Esempio n. 3
  RTSpheres::init(const std::tr1::shared_ptr<magnet::thread::TaskQueue>& systemQueue)

    magnet::GL::Context& context = magnet::GL::Context::getContext();
    //Build the sort functor now so we can grab the padding, context.getCLContext());
    //We must pad the sort data out to a multiple of sortFunctor.padding()
    cl_uint padding = std::max(sortFunctor.padding(), size_t(1024));
    cl_uint paddedN = ((_N + padding - 1) / padding) * padding;

      _spherePositions = cl::Buffer(context.getCLContext(), CL_MEM_ALLOC_HOST_PTR | CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, 
				    sizeof(cl_float4) *  _N);

      _sortKeys = cl::Buffer(context.getCLContext(), CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, sizeof(cl_float) * paddedN);
      _sortData = cl::Buffer(context.getCLContext(), CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, sizeof(cl_uint) * paddedN);
      _sphereColors = cl::Buffer(context.getCLContext(), CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, sizeof(cl_uchar4) * paddedN);

      cl_float4* Pos = (cl_float4*)context.getCLCommandQueue().enqueueMapBuffer(_spherePositions, true, 
										CL_MAP_WRITE, 0, 
										_N * sizeof(cl_float4));
      const float density = 0.1;

      cl_float particleDiam = std::pow(1 * density / _N, float(1.0 / 3.0));
      //Generates positions on a simple cubic lattice
      for (size_t partID(0); partID < _N; ++partID)
	  Pos[partID].x = ((1.0 * rand()) / RAND_MAX) - 0.5;
	  Pos[partID].y = ((1.0 * rand()) / RAND_MAX) - 0.5;
	  Pos[partID].z = ((1.0 * rand()) / RAND_MAX) - 0.5;

	  Pos[partID].w = particleDiam * 0.5;

      //Start copying this data to the graphics card
      context.getCLCommandQueue().enqueueUnmapMemObject(_spherePositions, (void*)Pos);

    {//Setup initial vertex positions
      size_t nVertice = 0;
      for (std::vector<SphereDetails>::const_iterator iPtr = _renderDetailLevels.begin();
	   iPtr != _renderDetailLevels.end(); ++iPtr)
	nVertice += iPtr->_type.getVertexCount() * iPtr->_nSpheres;

      std::vector<float> VertexPos(3 * nVertice, 0.0);
    {//Setup inital normal vectors
      size_t nNormals = 0;
      for (std::vector<SphereDetails>::const_iterator iPtr = _renderDetailLevels.begin();
	   iPtr != _renderDetailLevels.end(); ++iPtr)
	nNormals += iPtr->_type.getVertexCount() * iPtr->_nSpheres;

      std::vector<float> VertexNormals(3 * nNormals, 0.0);

      nNormals = 0;
      for (std::vector<SphereDetails>::const_iterator iPtr = _renderDetailLevels.begin();
	   iPtr != _renderDetailLevels.end(); ++iPtr)
	  for (size_t i = 0; i < iPtr->_nSpheres; ++i)
	    for (int j = 0; j < 3 * iPtr->_type.getVertexCount(); ++j)
	      VertexNormals[nNormals + 3 * iPtr->_type.getVertexCount() * i + j] = iPtr->_type.getVertices()[j];

	  nNormals += 3 * iPtr->_nSpheres * iPtr->_type.getVertexCount();

    {//Setup initial Colors
      size_t nColors = 0;
      for (std::vector<SphereDetails>::const_iterator iPtr = _renderDetailLevels.begin();
	   iPtr != _renderDetailLevels.end(); ++iPtr)
	nColors += iPtr->_type.getVertexCount() * iPtr->_nSpheres;

      std::vector<GLubyte> VertexColor(nColors * 4);
      for (size_t icol = 0; icol < nColors; ++icol)
	  VertexColor[icol * 4 + 0] = 255;
	  VertexColor[icol * 4 + 1] = 255;
	  VertexColor[icol * 4 + 2] = 255;
	  VertexColor[icol * 4 + 3] = 255;

    {//Setup initial element data
      size_t nElements = 0;
      for (std::vector<SphereDetails>::const_iterator iPtr = _renderDetailLevels.begin();
	   iPtr != _renderDetailLevels.end(); ++iPtr)
	nElements += 3 * iPtr->_type.getFaceCount() * iPtr->_nSpheres;

      std::vector<GLuint> ElementData(nElements, 0.0);

      nElements = 0;
      size_t nSphereVertices = 0;
      for (std::vector<SphereDetails>::const_iterator iPtr = _renderDetailLevels.begin();
	   iPtr != _renderDetailLevels.end(); ++iPtr)
	  for (size_t i = 0; i < iPtr->_nSpheres; ++i)
	    for (int j = 0; j < 3 * iPtr->_type.getFaceCount(); ++j)
	      ElementData[nElements + 3 * iPtr->_type.getFaceCount() * i + j] 
		= i * iPtr->_type.getVertexCount() + iPtr->_type.getFaces()[j]
		+ nSphereVertices;

	  nSphereVertices += iPtr->_type.getVertexCount() * iPtr->_nSpheres;
	  nElements += 3 * iPtr->_type.getFaceCount() * iPtr->_nSpheres;

    std::stringstream fullSource;
    //It is ideal if the workgroup size divides by 3(coords), 64
    //(warp/wave) AND the number of vertices per particle (not so important)

    //An Icosahedron, of order 0 (12), fits exactly into
    _workgroupsize = 2*32*3;
    _globalsize = _workgroupsize * (std::min((_N +_workgroupsize-1) / _workgroupsize, 
					     _workgroupsize*(9216 / _workgroupsize)));

    fullSource << "#define WORKGROUP_SIZE " << _workgroupsize << "\n";
    fullSource << sphereKernelSource;
    //Need to make the c_str() point to a valid data area, so copy the string
    std::string finalSource = fullSource.str();

    cl::Program::Sources kernelSource;
    kernelSource.push_back(std::pair<const char*, ::size_t>
			   (finalSource.c_str(), finalSource.size()));
    _program = cl::Program(context.getCLCommandQueue().getInfo<CL_QUEUE_CONTEXT>(), kernelSource);
    std::string buildOptions;
    cl::Device clDevice = context.getCLCommandQueue().getInfo<CL_QUEUE_DEVICE>();
    try {<cl::Device>(1, clDevice), buildOptions.c_str());
    } catch(cl::Error& err) {
      std::string msg = _program.getBuildInfo<CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG>(context.getCLDevice());
      std::cout << "Compilation failed for device " <<
		<< "\nBuild Log:" << msg;
    _renderKernel = cl::Kernel(_program, "SphereRenderKernel");
    _sortDataKernel = cl::Kernel(_program, "GenerateData");
    _colorKernel = cl::Kernel(_program, "SphereColorKernel");
    _pickingKernel = cl::Kernel(_program, "SpherePickingKernel");

    _sortDataKernelFunc = _sortDataKernel.bind(context.getCLCommandQueue(), cl::NDRange(paddedN), 

    _renderKernelFunc = _renderKernel.bind(context.getCLCommandQueue(), cl::NDRange(_globalsize), 

    _pickingKernelFunc = _pickingKernel.bind(context.getCLCommandQueue(), cl::NDRange(_globalsize), 

    for (std::vector<SphereDetails>::iterator iPtr = _renderDetailLevels.begin();
	 iPtr != _renderDetailLevels.end(); ++iPtr)