//___________________________________________________ bool Factory::reset(unsigned long changed) { if( changed & SettingColors ) { shadowCache().invalidateCaches(); } // read in the configuration setInitialized( false ); bool _configurationchanged = readConfig(); setInitialized( true ); if( _configurationchanged || (changed & (SettingDecoration | SettingButtons | SettingBorder)) ) { // returning true triggers all decorations to be re-created return true; } else { // no need to re-create the decorations // trigger repaint only resetDecorations(changed); return false; } }
OperatorItem::OperatorItem(OperatorModel* model, QGraphicsItem * parent) : QGraphicsObject(parent), m_model(model) { QPainterPath path; path.addRoundedRect(QRectF(-SIZE/2, -SIZE/2, SIZE, SIZE), RADIUS, RADIUS); m_opRect = new QGraphicsPathItem(path, this); QPen pen = m_opRect->pen(); pen.setWidthF(WIDTH); m_opRect->setPen(pen); m_opRect->setBrush(Qt::white); setPos(m_model->pos()); m_label = new QGraphicsTextItem(this); m_label->setPlainText(QString::fromStdString(m_model->op()->name())); m_label->setPos(-m_label->boundingRect().width()/2, SIZE/2 + LABEL_OFFSET); setFlag(ItemIsMovable, true); setFlag(ItemIsSelectable, true); setFlag(ItemIsFocusable, true); setFlag(ItemSendsScenePositionChanges, true); setInitialized(model->isInitialized()); connect(m_model, SIGNAL(nameChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(setName(QString))); connect(m_model, SIGNAL(initializedChanged(bool)), this, SLOT(setInitialized(bool))); connect(m_model, SIGNAL(posChanged(QPointF)), this, SLOT(setOperatorPos(QPointF))); connect(m_model, SIGNAL(connectorOccupiedChanged(OperatorModel::ConnectorType,uint,bool)), this, SLOT(setConnectorOccupied(OperatorModel::ConnectorType,uint,bool))); connect(m_model, SIGNAL(activeChanged(bool)), this, SLOT(resetAllConnectors())); }
void SwitchNode::uninitialize() { if (isInitialized() == true) { UninitializeSwitch(this); setInitialized(false); } }
// Constructor with estimate and time. HomogeneousPointParameterBlock::HomogeneousPointParameterBlock( const Eigen::Vector3d& point, uint64_t id, bool initialized) { setEstimate(Eigen::Vector4d(point[0], point[1], point[2], 1.0)); setId(id); setInitialized(initialized); setFixed(false); }
void ScriptNode::initialize() { #ifdef SUPPORT_JSAI if (!isInitialized()) { if (mpJScriptNode) { delete mpJScriptNode; mpJScriptNode = NULL; } JScript *sjnode = new JScript(this); assert(sjnode); if (sjnode->isOK()) { mpJScriptNode = sjnode; } else delete sjnode; setInitialized(true); } if (mpJScriptNode) { mpJScriptNode->setValue(this); mpJScriptNode->initialize(); mpJScriptNode->getValue(this); } #endif }
void KonquerorProfilesMenu::initialize() { if (initialized()) clear(); setInitialized(true); QStringList profiles = KGlobal::dirs()->findAllResources( "data", "konqueror/profiles/*", false, true ); m_profiles.resize(profiles.count()); int id=1; QStringList::ConstIterator pEnd = profiles.end(); for (QStringList::ConstIterator pIt = profiles.begin(); pIt != pEnd; ++pIt ) { QFileInfo info( *pIt ); QString profileName = KIO::decodeFileName( info.baseName() ); QString niceName=profileName; KSimpleConfig cfg( *pIt, true ); if ( cfg.hasGroup( "Profile" ) ) { cfg.setGroup( "Profile" ); if ( cfg.hasKey( "Name" ) ) niceName = cfg.readEntry( "Name" ); insertItem(niceName, id); m_profiles[id-1]=profileName; id++; } } }
int OpenGLThread::initBPS() { //Initialize BPS library bps_initialize(); m_api = GL_ES_1; //Create a screen context that will be used to create an EGL surface to to receive libscreen events if (EXIT_SUCCESS != screen_create_context(&m_screen_ctx, 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "screen_request_events failed\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // wait for rendering API to be set while (m_api == GL_UNKNOWN) { usleep(10); }; // initialize EGL if (EXIT_SUCCESS != initEGL()) { fprintf(stderr, "initialize EGL failed\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } //Signal BPS library that screen events will be requested if (BPS_SUCCESS != screen_request_events(m_screen_ctx)) { fprintf(stderr, "screen_request_events failed\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } setInitialized(true); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
AAFRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ImplEnumAAFStorablePropVals::Initialize( ImplAAFRefContainerValue* containerValue, OMReferenceContainerIterator* containerIterator) { AAFRESULT result = AAFRESULT_SUCCESS; if (NULL == containerValue || NULL == containerIterator) return AAFRESULT_NULL_PARAM; ASSERTU(!isInitialized()); if (isInitialized()) return AAFRESULT_ALREADY_INITIALIZED; _elementType = containerValue->GetElementType(); if (NULL == _elementType) return AAFRESULT_INVALID_OBJ; _containerIterator = containerIterator; _containerValue = containerValue; containerValue->AcquireReference(); // This instance is now fully initialized. setInitialized(); return result; }
void nuVertexBuffer::update(void) { if(!isInitialized()) { CHECK_GL_ERROR(glGenBuffers(1, &mVertexBufferID)); NU_ASSERT(mVertexBufferID != 0, "Cannot generate vertex buffer object.\n"); CHECK_GL_ERROR(glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, mVertexBufferID)); CHECK_GL_ERROR(glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, mSize, mpBuffer, getResourceUsage())); if(getUsage() == nuGResource::STATIC_RESOURCE) releaseBuffer(); mCommitSize = 0; setInitialized(true); } else { CHECK_GL_ERROR(glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, mVertexBufferID)); if(mCommitSize > VERTEX_BUFFER_MAP_THRESHOLD) { void* p_buffer; CHECK_GL_ERROR(p_buffer = glMapBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, GL_WRITE_ONLY)); memcpy(p_buffer, mpBuffer, mCommitSize); CHECK_GL_ERROR(glUnmapBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER)); } else { CHECK_GL_ERROR(glBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, mCommitSize, mpBuffer)); } mCommitSize = 0; } }
void Node::initializeMember() { mName = mOrgName = new String(); mType = mOrgType = new String(); mExposedField = mOrgExposedField = new Vector<Field>(); mEventInField = mOrgEventInField = new Vector<Field>(); mEventOutField = mOrgEventOutField = new Vector<Field>(); mField = mOrgField = new Vector<Field>(); mPrivateField = mOrgPrivateField = new Vector<Field>(); mPrivateNodeVector = new Vector<Node>(); mInitialized = new bool; mChildNodes = new LinkedList<Node>(); setName(NULL); setParentNode(NULL); setSceneGraph(NULL); #ifdef SUPPORT_JSAI setJavaNodeObject(NULL); #endif setValue(NULL); setInitialized(false); setName(NULL); setReferenceNode(NULL); }
void MenuMedia::initialize() { if(initialized()) { return; } if (KickerSettings::menuEntryHeight() > -1) { insertItem(SmallIconSet("system",KickerSettings::menuEntryHeight()), i18n("Storage Media"), this, SLOT(slotOpenMediaSlave() )); } else { insertItem( i18n("Storage Media"), this, SLOT(slotOpenMediaSlave() )); } insertSeparator(); m_DirLister->stop(); m_DirLister->clearMimeFilter(); m_DirLister->setMimeExcludeFilter(m_ExcludedTypesList); m_DirLister->openURL(KURL("media:/")); setInitialized( true ); }
void SwitchNode::initialize() { if (isInitialized() == false) { InitializeSwitch(this); setInitialized(true); } }
//___________________________________________________ Factory::Factory(): _initialized( false ), _helper( "oxygenDeco" ), _shadowCache( _helper ) { readConfig(); setInitialized( true ); }
void DeviceManager::uninitialize() { if (initialized()) { if (watcher()) watcher()->stop(); setInitialized(false); } }
bool DeviceManager::initialize() { if (!initialized()) { if (watcher() && !watcher()->start()) return false; setInitialized(true); } return true; }
void ShardingInitializationMongoD::initializeFromShardIdentity( OperationContext* opCtx, const ShardIdentityType& shardIdentity) { invariant(serverGlobalParams.clusterRole == ClusterRole::ShardServer); invariant(opCtx->lockState()->isLocked()); uassertStatusOKWithContext( shardIdentity.validate(), "Invalid shard identity document found when initializing sharding state"); log() << "initializing sharding state with: " << shardIdentity; const auto& configSvrConnStr = shardIdentity.getConfigsvrConnectionString(); auto const shardingState = ShardingState::get(opCtx); auto const shardRegistry = Grid::get(opCtx)->shardRegistry(); stdx::unique_lock<stdx::mutex> ul(_initSynchronizationMutex); if (shardingState->enabled()) { uassert(40371, "", shardingState->shardId() == shardIdentity.getShardName()); uassert(40372, "", shardingState->clusterId() == shardIdentity.getClusterId()); auto prevConfigsvrConnStr = shardRegistry->getConfigServerConnectionString(); uassert(40373, "", prevConfigsvrConnStr.type() == ConnectionString::SET); uassert(40374, "", prevConfigsvrConnStr.getSetName() == configSvrConnStr.getSetName()); return; } auto initializationStatus = shardingState->initializationStatus(); uassert(ErrorCodes::ManualInterventionRequired, str::stream() << "Server's sharding metadata manager failed to initialize and will " "remain in this state until the instance is manually reset" << causedBy(*initializationStatus), !initializationStatus); try { _initFunc(opCtx, shardIdentity, generateDistLockProcessId(opCtx)); shardingState->setInitialized(shardIdentity.getShardName().toString(), shardIdentity.getClusterId()); } catch (const DBException& ex) { shardingState->setInitialized(ex.toStatus()); } }
//___________________________________________________ Factory::Factory(QObject *parent): KDecorationFactory(parent), _initialized( false ), _helper(), _shadowCache( _helper ) { readConfig(); setInitialized( true ); connect(options(), &KDecorationOptions::colorsChanged, [this]() { _shadowCache.invalidateCaches(); }); connect(options(), &KDecorationOptions::configChanged, [this]() { // read in the configuration setInitialized( false ); readConfig(); setInitialized( true ); emit recreateDecorations(); }); }
void andGate::init(unsigned int numInputs) { setInitialized(); for(unsigned int x = 0; x < numInputs;x++) { input newinput; newinput.ConnectedGate = NULL; newinput.isConnected = false; m_inputs.append(newinput); } }
void Database::init() { qDebug() << "Initializing ..."; if (isInitialized()) return; qDebug() << "Not initialized"; createTables(); resetDefaults(); setInitialized(); }
void FsManager_c::init() { isoaglib_assert (!initialized()); m_commands.init(); getSchedulerInstance().registerTask( *this, 0 ); getIsoMonitorInstance4Comm().registerControlFunctionStateHandler(mc_saClaimHandler); setInitialized(); }
// Initialize the optimizer void SolverGurobi::initialize() { ProblemClass probClass = constraints->assessClass(); if (probClass != ProblemClass::LP && probClass != ProblemClass::MILP) { cout << "Problem class not LP or MILP: cannot use Gurobi!" << endl; exit(1); } setInitialized(true); }
void connect( adicontroller::Instrument::Session * session, const char * token ) { if ( !isInitialized_ && ( session_ = session->pThis() ) ) { setInitialized( true ); if ( ( receiver_ = std::make_shared< ReceiverImpl >( this ) ) ) { session_->connect( receiver_.get(), token ); if ( auto observer = session_->getObserver() ) { if ( ( observerEvents_ = std::make_shared< ObserverEventsImpl >( this ) ) ) observer->connect( observerEvents_.get(), adicontroller::SignalObserver::Realtime, token ); } emit connected( this ); } } }
void BaseCommon_c::init() { isoaglib_assert (!initialized()); getSchedulerInstance().registerTask(mt_task, 0); // set configure values with call for config config_base (NULL, IsoAgLib::IdentModeImplement, 0 /* No individual PGN disabling */); // now let concrete specialized classes init their part... init_specialized(); setInitialized(); }
void KateSessionMenu::slotExec( int id ) { if ( id < 0 ) return; QStringList args; if ( id > 0 ) args << "--start"; // If a new session is requested we try to ask for a name. if ( id == 1 ) { bool ok (false); QString name = KInputDialog::getText( i18n("Session Name"), i18n("Please enter a name for the new session"), QString::null, &ok, 0, 0, new Validator( m_parent ) ); if ( ! ok ) return; if ( name.isEmpty() && KMessageBox::questionYesNo( 0, i18n("An unnamed session will not be saved automatically. " "Do you want to create such a session?"), i18n("Create anonymous session?"), KStdGuiItem::yes(), KStdGuiItem::cancel(), "kate_session_button_create_anonymous" ) == KMessageBox::No ) return; if ( m_sessions.contains( name ) && KMessageBox::warningYesNo( 0, i18n("You allready have a session named %1. Do you want to open that session?").arg( name ), i18n("Session exists") ) == KMessageBox::No ) return; else // mark the menu as dirty so that it gets rebuild at next display // to show the new session setInitialized( false ); args << name; } else if ( id == 2 ) args << ""; else if ( id > 2 ) args << m_sessions[ id-3 ]; kapp->kdeinitExec("kate", args); }
FastSerial::FastSerial(const uint8_t portNumber, volatile uint8_t *ubrrh, volatile uint8_t *ubrrl, volatile uint8_t *ucsra, volatile uint8_t *ucsrb, const uint8_t u2x, const uint8_t portEnableBits, const uint8_t portTxBits) : BufferedStream(&__FastSerial__rxBuffer[portNumber], &__FastSerial__txBuffer[portNumber]), _ubrrh(ubrrh), _ubrrl(ubrrl), _ucsra(ucsra), _ucsrb(ucsrb), _u2x(u2x), _portEnableBits(portEnableBits), _portTxBits(portTxBits) { setInitialized(portNumber); begin(57600); }
void REIXSXESScanController::onInitialSetupMoveSucceeded() { // remember the state of the beamline at the beginning of the scan. AMControlInfoList positions(REIXSBeamline::bl()->exposedControls()->toInfoList()); // add the spectrometer grating selection, since it's not a "control" anywhere. AMControlInfo grating("spectrometerGrating", REIXSBeamline::bl()->spectrometer()->specifiedGrating(), 0, 0, "[choice]", 0.1, "Spectrometer Grating"); grating.setEnumString(REIXSBeamline::bl()->spectrometer()->spectrometerCalibration()->gratingAt(int(grating.value())).name()); positions.insert(0, grating); scan_->setScanInitialConditions(positions); // tell the controller API we're now ready to go. setInitialized(); }
void ScriptNode::uninitialize() { setInitialized(false); #ifdef SUPPORT_JSAI if (hasScript()) { JScript *jscript = getJavaNode(); jscript->setValue(this); jscript->shutdown(); jscript->getValue(this); } #endif }
AAFRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ImplAAFRIFFChunk::Initialize ( aafUInt32 chunkID) { if( isInitialized() ) { return AAFRESULT_ALREADY_INITIALIZED; } _chunkID = chunkID; AAFRESULT ar = AAFRESULT_SUCCESS; setInitialized(); return ar; }
AAFRESULT ImplAAFWeakRefArrayValue::Initialize ( const ImplAAFTypeDefArray *containerType, bool fixed) { AAFRESULT result = AAFRESULT_SUCCESS; result = ImplAAFRefArrayValue::Initialize(containerType, fixed); if (AAFRESULT_SUCCEEDED(result)) { // This instance is now fully initialized. setInitialized(); } return result; }
AAFRESULT ImplAAFWeakRefValue::Initialize ( const ImplAAFTypeDefWeakObjRef *referenceType, OMProperty *property) { AAFRESULT result = AAFRESULT_SUCCESS; result = ImplAAFRefValue::Initialize(referenceType, property); if (AAFRESULT_SUCCEEDED(result)) { // This instance is now fully initialized. setInitialized(); } return result; }