void C3DMeshSkin::copyFrom(C3DMeshSkin* skin, C3DNode::CloneContext& context)
    _bindShape = skin->_bindShape;
    std::map<const C3DNode*, C3DNode*>::iterator it = context.cloneMap.find(skin->_rootJoint);
    C3DBone* rootbone = NULL;
    if (it == context.cloneMap.end())
        rootbone = (C3DBone*)skin->_rootJoint->clone(context);
        rootbone = (C3DBone*)it->second;
    size_t i;
    for (i = 0; i < skin->_joints.size(); i++) 
        std::string strid = skin->_joints[i]->getId();
      //  strid += context.idSuffix;
       //C3DBone* bone = (strid == rootbone->getId() ? rootbone : (C3DBone*)rootbone->findNode(strid.c_str()));
		//C3DBone* bone = (C3DBone*)context.cloneMap[skin->_joints[i]];

			std::map<const C3DNode*, C3DNode*>::iterator itr = context.cloneMap.find(skin->_joints[i]);

            C3DBone* bone = NULL;
			if (itr != context.cloneMap.end())
                bone = static_cast<C3DBone*>(itr->second);
				C3DBone* newNode = static_cast<C3DBone*>(skin->_joints[i]->clone(context));
				if (newNode)
					context.cloneMap[skin->_joints[i]] = newNode;
                    bone = newNode;

        setJoint(bone, i);
    for (i = 0; i < skin->_partCount; i++) {
        addPart(skin->_parts[i]->_batchID, skin->_parts[i]->_offsetVertexIndex, skin->_parts[i]->_numVertexIndex);
        _parts[i]->setIndexData(&skin->_parts[i]->_indices[0], skin->_parts[i]->_indices.size());
Esempio n. 2
void MakeHSkeleton::fitToMakeHMesh(const std::vector<vec3>& _V)
	if(_V.size() != 19811)
		PRINTERROR("no make human topology used");

	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 19; ++i)
		vec3 jPos = REAL(0.5) * (_V[skelIdsMakeH[i][0]] + _V[skelIdsMakeH[i][1]]);
		setJoint(i, jPos);
void ColladaBodyLoaderImpl::buildLinks(DaeNode* extNode, DaeNode* parentNode, Link* parentLink, Body& body, int& jointId)
    bool duplicate; Link* link = NULL;

    if (DaeLink* extLink = dynamic_cast<DaeLink*>(extNode)) {
        // It will record the link.
        // The link and joint is one in two. 
        // In addition, link will be child relationship (except root) in the parent joint always.
        setLink(extNode, parentLink, body);
        setMass(extLink, parentLink);
        for (DaeLinkChildren::iterator iterl = extLink->children.begin(); iterl != extLink->children.end(); iterl++) {
            DaeNode* extJoint = parser->findJointByLink(*iterl);
            buildLinks(extJoint, extLink, parentLink, body, jointId);

    } else
        if (DaeJoint* extJoint = dynamic_cast<DaeJoint*>(extNode)) {
            if (!parentLink) {
                throwException((format(_("joint node can not be root link"))).str());
            // It will record the link.
            link = createLink(body, static_cast<DaeJoint*>(extNode)->name, &duplicate);
            // The joint and link is one in the link.
            setJoint(extNode, parentNode, link, jointId);

            for (DaeJointChildren::iterator iterj = extJoint->children.begin(); iterj != extJoint->children.end(); iterj++) {
                // Joint is same as link. (Comprehension)
                DaeNode* extLink = parser->findLinkByJoint(*iterj);
                buildLinks(extLink, extJoint, link, body, jointId);

        } else {