Esempio n. 1
void ContactCluster::init()
    _ignoreSignals = false;

    _titleSingular = tr("Contact");
    _titlePlural = tr("Contacts");
    _query = "SELECT cntct.*, crmacct_name "
	     "FROM cntct LEFT OUTER JOIN crmacct ON (cntct_crmacct_id = crmacct_id) ";

    _layoutDone = false;
    _minimalLayout = false;

    _grid->removeWidget(_label);	// will be reinserted
    _grid->removeWidget(_list);		// will be reinserted
    _grid->removeWidget(_info);		// will be reinserted
    delete _description;


    _nameBox		= new QHBoxLayout;
    _titleBox		= new QHBoxLayout;

    _change             = new QLineEdit(this);
    _numberLit		= new QLabel(tr("Number:"), this, "_numberLit");
    _number		= new QLineEdit(this, "_number");
    _honorific		= new XComboBox(this, "_honorific");
    _firstLit		= new QLabel(tr("First:"), this, "_firstLit");
    _first		= new QLineEdit(this, "_first");
    _lastLit		= new QLabel(tr("Last:"), this, "_lastLit");
    _last		= new QLineEdit(this, "_last");
    _initialsLit	= new QLabel(tr("Initials:"), this, "_initialsLit");
    _initials		= new QLineEdit(this, "_initials");
    _initials->resize(_initials->size().width() / 3, _initials->size().height());
    _titleLit		= new QLabel(tr("Job Title:"), this, "_titleLit");
    _title		= new QLineEdit(this, "_title");
    _mapper		= new XDataWidgetMapper(this);

    _nameBox->addWidget(_honorific,	0);
    _nameBox->addWidget(_firstLit,	0);
    _nameBox->addWidget(_first,		1);
    _nameBox->addWidget(_lastLit,	0);
    _nameBox->addWidget(_last,		2);
    _nameBox->addWidget(_initialsLit,	0);
    _nameBox->addWidget(_initials,	0);
    _nameBox->addWidget(_list,		0, Qt::AlignRight);
    _nameBox->addWidget(_info,		0, Qt::AlignRight);

    _titleBox->addWidget(_titleLit,	0);
    _titleBox->addWidget(_title,	2);

    _buttonBox 		= new QHBoxLayout;
    _crmAcct		= new CRMAcctCluster(this, "_crmAcct");
    _active		= new QCheckBox(tr("Active"), this, "_active");
    _buttonBox->addWidget(_crmAcct,	1, Qt::AlignLeft);
    _buttonBox->addWidget(_active,	0);

    _phoneLit		= new QLabel(tr("Voice:"), this, "_phoneLit");
    _phone		= new QLineEdit(this, "_phone");
    _phone2Lit		= new QLabel(tr("Alternate:"), this, "_phone2Lit");
    _phone2		= new QLineEdit(this, "_phone2");
    _faxLit		= new QLabel(tr("Fax:"), this, "_faxLit");
    _fax		= new QLineEdit(this, "_fax");
    _emailLit		= new QLabel(tr("E-Mail:"), this, "_emailLit");
    _email		= new QLineEdit(this, "_email");
    _webaddrLit		= new QLabel(tr("Web:"), this, "_webaddrLit");
    _webaddr		= new QLineEdit(this, "_webaddr");
    _address		= new AddressCluster(this, "_address");

    _numberLit->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter);
    _label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter);
    _firstLit->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter);
    _lastLit->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter);
    _titleLit->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter);
    _phoneLit->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter);
    _phone2Lit->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter);
    _faxLit->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter);
    _emailLit->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter);
    _initialsLit->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter);
    _webaddrLit->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter);


    _crmAcct->setLabel(tr("CRM Account:"));


    connect(_list,	SIGNAL(clicked()),	this, SLOT(sEllipses()));
    connect(_info,	SIGNAL(clicked()),	this, SLOT(sInfo()));

    connect(_honorific,	SIGNAL(newID(int)),		     this, SIGNAL(changed()));
    connect(_first,	SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SIGNAL(changed()));
    connect(_last,	SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SIGNAL(changed()));
    connect(_initials,	SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SIGNAL(changed()));
    connect(_crmAcct,	SIGNAL(newId(int)),		     this, SIGNAL(changed()));
    connect(_phone,	SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SIGNAL(changed()));
    connect(_phone2,	SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SIGNAL(changed()));
    connect(_fax,	SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SIGNAL(changed()));
    connect(_email,	SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SIGNAL(changed()));
    connect(_webaddr,	SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SIGNAL(changed()));
    connect(_address,	SIGNAL(changed()),	       this, SIGNAL(changed()));

    connect(_honorific,	SIGNAL(newID(int)),  this, SLOT(sCheck()));
    connect(_first,	SIGNAL(lostFocus()), this, SLOT(sCheck()));
    connect(_last,	SIGNAL(lostFocus()), this, SLOT(sCheck()));
    connect(_initials,	SIGNAL(lostFocus()), this, SLOT(sCheck()));
    connect(_crmAcct,	SIGNAL(newId(int)),  this, SLOT(sCheck()));
    connect(_phone,	SIGNAL(lostFocus()), this, SLOT(sCheck()));
    connect(_phone2,	SIGNAL(lostFocus()), this, SLOT(sCheck()));
    connect(_fax,	SIGNAL(lostFocus()), this, SLOT(sCheck()));
    connect(_email,	SIGNAL(lostFocus()), this, SLOT(sCheck()));
    connect(_webaddr,	SIGNAL(lostFocus()), this, SLOT(sCheck()));
    connect(_address,	SIGNAL(changed()),   this, SLOT(sCheck()));

    setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
    _limits = 0;
    setInfoVisible(false);	// TODO - remove this and implement Info button
Esempio n. 2
 Name(const ChannelID &id) :
     LineEditSetting(this), ChannelDBStorage(this, id, "name")
     setLabel(QObject::tr("Channel Name"));
Esempio n. 3
 Hue(const ChannelID &id) :
     SliderSetting(this, 0, 65535, 655), ChannelDBStorage(this, id, "hue")
Esempio n. 4
kernelWindowComponent *kernelWindowNewIcon(objectKey parent, image *imageCopy,
	const char *label, componentParameters *params)
	// Formats a kernelWindowComponent as a kernelWindowIcon

	kernelWindowComponent *component = NULL;
	kernelWindowIcon *icon = NULL;
	pixel *pix = NULL;
	unsigned count;

	// Check params
	if (!parent || !imageCopy || !label || !params)
		kernelError(kernel_error, "NULL parameter");
		return (component = NULL);

	if (!imageCopy->data)
		kernelError(kernel_error, "Image data is NULL");
		return (component = NULL);

	// Get the basic component structure
	component = kernelWindowComponentNew(parent, params);
	if (!component)
		return (component);

	component->type = iconComponentType;

	// Set the functions
	component->draw = &draw;
	component->focus = &focus;
	component->setData = &setData;
	component->mouseEvent = &mouseEvent;
	component->keyEvent = &keyEvent;
	component->destroy = &destroy;

	// If default colors are requested, override the standard component colors
	// with the ones we prefer
	if (!(component->params.flags & WINDOW_COMPFLAG_CUSTOMFOREGROUND))
		component-> = 0x28;
		component-> = 0x5D;
		component-> = 0xAB;
		component->params.flags |= WINDOW_COMPFLAG_CUSTOMFOREGROUND;
	if (!(component->params.flags & WINDOW_COMPFLAG_CUSTOMBACKGROUND))
		memcpy((color *) &component->params.background, &COLOR_WHITE,
		component->params.flags |= WINDOW_COMPFLAG_CUSTOMBACKGROUND;

	// Always use our font
	component->params.font = windowVariables->font.varWidth.small.font;

	// Copy all the relevant data into our memory
	icon = kernelMalloc(sizeof(kernelWindowIcon));
	if (!icon)
		return (component = NULL);

	component->data = (void *) icon;

	// Copy the image to kernel memory
	if (kernelImageCopyToKernel(imageCopy, (image *) &icon->iconImage) < 0)
		return (component = NULL);

	// Icons use pure green as the transparency color
	icon-> = 0;
	icon-> = 255;
	icon-> = 0;

	// When the icon is selected, we do a little effect that makes the image
	// appear yellowish.
	if (kernelImageCopyToKernel(imageCopy, (image *) &icon->selectedImage) < 0)
		return (component = NULL);

	// Icons use pure green as the transparency color
	icon-> = 0;
	icon-> = 255;
	icon-> = 0;

	for (count = 0; count < icon->selectedImage.pixels; count ++)
		pix = &((pixel *) icon->[count];

		if (!PIXELS_EQ(pix, &icon->selectedImage.transColor))
			pix->red = ((pix->red + 255) / 2);
			pix->green = ((pix->green + 255) / 2);
			pix->blue /= 2;

	if (component->params.font)
		setLabel(icon, label, (asciiFont *) component->params.font);

	// Now populate the main component
	component->width = max(imageCopy->width,
		((unsigned)(icon->labelWidth + 3)));
	component->height = (imageCopy->height + 5);
	if (component->params.font)
		component->height += (((asciiFont *)
			component->params.font)->glyphHeight * icon->labelLines);

	component->minWidth = component->width;
	component->minHeight = component->height;

	return (component);
Esempio n. 5
 Callsign(const ChannelID &id) :
     LineEditSetting(this), ChannelDBStorage(this, id, "callsign")
Esempio n. 6
void AddressCluster::init()
    _list = new QPushButton(tr("..."), this);
    _list->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed);

#ifndef Q_WS_MAC

    _titleSingular = tr("Address");
    _titlePlural   = tr("Addresses");
    _query = "SELECT * FROM address ";
    _searchAcctId = -1;

    // handle differences between VirtualCluster and AddressCluster
    delete _description;
    _description = 0;

    _addrChange    = new XLineEdit(this);
    _number        = new XLineEdit(this);
    _addrLit       = new QLabel(tr("Street\nAddress:"), this);
    _addr1         = new XLineEdit(this);
    _addr2         = new XLineEdit(this);
    _addr3         = new XLineEdit(this);
    _cityLit       = new QLabel(tr("City:"), this);
    _city          = new XLineEdit(this);
    _stateLit      = new QLabel(tr("State:"));
    _state         = new XComboBox(this, "_state");
    _postalcodeLit = new QLabel(tr("Postal Code:"));
    _postalcode    = new XLineEdit(this);
    _countryLit    = new QLabel(tr("Country:"));
    _country       = new XComboBox(this, "_country");
    _active        = new QCheckBox(tr("Active"), this);
    _mapper        = new XDataWidgetMapper(this);

#if defined Q_OS_MAC   
    if (! DEBUG)
    _addrLit->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter);
    _cityLit->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter);
    _stateLit->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter);
    _country->setEditable(! (_x_metrics &&
    if (DEBUG)
      qDebug("%s::_country.isEditable() = %d",
             (objectName().isEmpty() ? "AddressCluster":qPrintable(objectName())),

    _postalcodeLit->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter);
    _countryLit->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter);

    _grid->addWidget(_label,         0, 0, 1, -1);
    _grid->addWidget(_addrLit,       1, 0, 3, 1);
    _grid->addWidget(_addr1,         1, 1, 1, -1);
    _grid->addWidget(_addr2,         2, 1, 1, -1);
    _grid->addWidget(_addr3,         3, 1, 1, -1);
    _grid->addWidget(_cityLit,       4, 0);
    _grid->addWidget(_city,          4, 1);
    _grid->addWidget(_stateLit,      4, 2);
    _grid->addWidget(_state,         4, 3);
    _grid->addWidget(_postalcodeLit, 4, 4);
    _grid->addWidget(_postalcode,    4, 5, 1, 2);
    _grid->addWidget(_countryLit,    5, 0);
    _grid->addWidget(_country,       5, 1, 1, 3);
    _grid->addWidget(_active,        5, 4);

    QHBoxLayout* hbox = new QHBoxLayout;
    _grid->addLayout(hbox, 5, 5, 1, -1, Qt::AlignRight);

    _grid->setColumnStretch(0, 0);
    _grid->setColumnStretch(1, 3);
    _grid->setColumnStretch(2, 0);
    _grid->setColumnStretch(3, 1);
    _grid->setColumnStretch(4, 0);
    _grid->setColumnStretch(5, 2);

#if defined Q_WS_MAC
    setMinimumSize(_grid->columnCount() * 60, 132);

    connect(_list,      SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(sEllipses()));
    connect(_addr1,     SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SIGNAL(changed()));
    connect(_addr2,     SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SIGNAL(changed()));
    connect(_addr3,     SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SIGNAL(changed()));
    connect(_city,      SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SIGNAL(changed()));
    connect(_state, SIGNAL(editTextChanged(const QString&)), this, SIGNAL(changed()));
    connect(_state,                      SIGNAL(newID(int)), this, SIGNAL(changed()));
    connect(_postalcode,SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SIGNAL(changed()));
    connect(_country,SIGNAL(editTextChanged(const QString&)),this, SLOT(setCountry(const QString&)));
    connect(_country,                    SIGNAL(newID(int)), this, SIGNAL(changed()));
    connect(_country,                    SIGNAL(newID(int)), this, SLOT(populateStateComboBox()));

    connect(_addr1, SIGNAL(requestList()), this, SLOT(sList()));
    connect(_addr2, SIGNAL(requestList()), this, SLOT(sList()));
    connect(_addr3, SIGNAL(requestList()), this, SLOT(sList()));
    connect(_city, SIGNAL(requestList()), this, SLOT(sList()));
    connect(_postalcode, SIGNAL(requestList()), this, SLOT(sList()));
    connect(_addr1, SIGNAL(requestSearch()), this, SLOT(sSearch()));
    connect(_addr2, SIGNAL(requestSearch()), this, SLOT(sSearch()));
    connect(_addr3, SIGNAL(requestSearch()), this, SLOT(sSearch()));
    connect(_city,  SIGNAL(requestSearch()), this, SLOT(sSearch()));
    connect(_postalcode,  SIGNAL(requestSearch()), this, SLOT(sSearch()));

    connect(_addr1,     SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(emitAddressChanged()));
    connect(_addr2,     SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(emitAddressChanged()));
    connect(_addr3,     SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(emitAddressChanged()));
    connect(_city,      SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(emitAddressChanged()));
    connect(_postalcode,SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(emitAddressChanged()));

    _mode = Edit;
Esempio n. 7
int main(void)
    // seed pseudorandom number generator
    // instantiate window
    GWindow window = newGWindow(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    // instantiate bricks
    // instantiate ball, centered in middle of window
    GOval ball = initBall(window);
    // instantiate paddle, centered at bottom of window
    GRect paddle = initPaddle(window);
    // instantiate scoreboard, centered in middle of window, just above ball
    GLabel label = initScoreboard(window);
    // number of bricks initially
    int bricks = COLS * ROWS;
    // number of lives initially
    int lives = LIVES;
    // number of points initially
    int points = 0;
    // keep playing until game over
    double velocity_x = drand48() * 3;
    double velocity_y = 2.5;
    double x = getX(ball);
    double y = getY(ball);
    while (lives > 0 && bricks > 0)
        GEvent event = getNextEvent(MOUSE_EVENT);
        if (event != NULL)
        if(getEventType(event) == MOUSE_MOVED)
        double x = getX(event) - getWidth(paddle) / 2;
        double y = 500;
        setLocation(paddle, x, y);
        move(ball, velocity_x, velocity_y);
        if (getY(ball) + getHeight(ball) > getHeight(window))
            velocity_y = -velocity_y;
        else if (getY(ball) <= 0)
            velocity_y = -velocity_y;
        else if (getX(ball) + getWidth(ball) > getWidth(window))
            velocity_x = -velocity_x;
        else if (getX(ball) <= 0)
            velocity_x = -velocity_x;
        GObject object = detectCollision(window, ball);
        if (object == paddle)
          velocity_y = -velocity_y;  
        if ((strcmp(getType(object), "GRect") == 0) && (object != paddle))    
            points = points + 1;
            removeGWindow(window, object);
            velocity_y = -velocity_y;
            char s[12];
            sprintf(s, "Score: %i", points);
            setLabel(label, s);
            if (points == 50)
                char s[12];
                sprintf(s, "Well Done!");               
                setLabel(label, s);
        if (getY(ball) + 95 >= getHeight(window))
            lives = lives -1;
            removeGWindow(window, ball);
            ball = initBall(window);
            char t[12];
            sprintf(t, "Lives: %i", lives);
            setLabel(label, t); 
            if (lives == 0)
                char s[12];
                sprintf(s, "Score: %i", points);
                sprintf(s,"Nice try!");
                setLabel(label, s);
    // game over
    return 0;
Esempio n. 8
VSceneJumpEvent::VSceneJumpEvent( void ) :
        mTarget( String::EmptyString )
    setLabel( "SceneJumpEvent" );
Esempio n. 9
void ofxUILabel::setFont(ofxUIFont *_font)
    font = _font;
Esempio n. 10
Axis::Axis( const Name name, const float value, const bool incremental ) : _name{ name }, _inc{ incremental }
	setLabel( axisName() );
	setValue( value );
Esempio n. 11
Axis::Axis( const Name name, const uint8_t q, const Dir qdir ) : Field{ q, qdir }, _name{ name }, _inc{ false }
	setLabel( axisName() );
Esempio n. 12
Axis::Axis( const Name name, const float value ) : _name{ name }, _inc{ false }
	setLabel( axisName() );
	setValue( value );
Esempio n. 13
Axis::Axis() : _name{ Name::X }, _inc{ false }
	setLabel( axisName() );
Esempio n. 14
void Altimeter::setUnit(DistanceUnit unit) {
    units = unit;
Esempio n. 15
Object::Object(const char* label_in, int tracebackModeIn) : label_(0)
  tracebackMode = (tracebackModeIn != -1) ? tracebackModeIn : tracebackMode;
LMPacket LMHandler::handle( 
	cv::Point2f 	borderPoints[ 3 ] 	,
	MazeData 	mazeData 		, 
	bool debugMode

	if( debugMode )

		std::cout << std::endl						;
		std::cout << "<!---------------------------------------------"	;

		std::cout << std::endl						;

		std::cout << "LMHandler.handle() called. handling..."		;
		std::cout << std::endl						;


	if ( IsNull( mazeData ) )

		std::cerr << "LMHandler: mazeData of type MazeData is Null"	;
		std::cerr << std::endl						;

		return LMPacketNull						;


	if ( ! )

		std::cerr << "LMHandler: No mazeImage data!" 			;
		std::cerr << std::endl 						;

		return LMPacketNull						;


	// Declare local variables
	cv::Mat 	annotatedImage				;
	cv::Mat 	processingImage				;
	cv::Point2f	startLocation				;
	cv::Point2f	endLocation				;
	cv::Point2f	ballLocation				;
	cv::Point2f	centerLocation				;
	cv::Point2f	criticalPoints[ 6 ]			;
	float		criticalAngles[ 6 ]			;
	float 		zeroAngle				;
	float		ballAngle				;
	int		sextantIndex				;
	float		scalingArray[ 5 ]			;
	float		normalizedBallAngle			; // our guy!

	std::vector< std::vector< cv::Point > > contours	;
	std::vector< std::vector< cv::Point > > approxContours	;
	std::vector< cv::Vec4i > hierarchy			;

	//std::vector< cv::Point > boundingTriangleVertices 	;
	int boundingTriangleIndex ;

	// Initialize local variables
	annotatedImage	= mazeData.image.clone( )		;
	startLocation	= mazeData.mazePoints[ 0 ] 		;
	endLocation	= mazeData.mazePoints[ 1 ] 		;
	ballLocation	= mazeData.mazePoints[ 2 ] 		;

	centerLocation = startLocation ;
	criticalPoints[ 0 ] = borderPoints[ 0 ] ; // one end of upos
	criticalPoints[ 2 ] = borderPoints[ 1 ] ; // one end of vpos
	criticalPoints[ 4 ] = borderPoints[ 2 ] ; // one end of wpos
	criticalPoints[ 1 ] = findMidPoint( criticalPoints[ 0 ] , criticalPoints[ 2 ] ); // one end of wneg
	criticalPoints[ 3 ] = findMidPoint( criticalPoints[ 2 ] , criticalPoints[ 4 ] ); // one end of uneg
	criticalPoints[ 5 ] = findMidPoint( criticalPoints[ 0 ] , criticalPoints[ 4 ] ); // one end of vneg

 	for ( int i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++ )

 		std::stringstream ss;
		ss << std::to_string( i ) << std::fixed << std::setprecision( 0 ) << "(";
		ss <<  criticalPoints[ i ].x << "," << criticalPoints[ i ].y << ")";
		std::string label = ss.str();

		std::string label	;

	 	label.assign( std::to_string( i ) );
	 	label += "- ( ";
	 	label += std::to_string( criticalPoints[ i ].x ); 
	 	label += " ,  ";
	 	label += std::to_string( criticalPoints[ i ].y ); 
	 	label += " )";

 		setLabel( annotatedImage , label , criticalPoints[ i ]	)	; // start


	setLabel( annotatedImage , "0" , criticalPoints[ 0 ]	)	; // start
	setLabel( annotatedImage , "1" , criticalPoints[ 1 ]	)	; // start
	setLabel( annotatedImage , "2" , criticalPoints[ 2 ]	)	; // start
	setLabel( annotatedImage , "3" , criticalPoints[ 3 ]	)	; // start
	setLabel( annotatedImage , "4" , criticalPoints[ 4 ]	)	; // start
	setLabel( annotatedImage , "5" , criticalPoints[ 5 ]	)	; // start

	// Draw a line in between S & B
	cv::line( annotatedImage , centerLocation , criticalPoints[ 0 ] , CV_RGB ( 0 , 255 , 255 ) ,  1 ) ;
	cv::line( annotatedImage , centerLocation , criticalPoints[ 1 ] , CV_RGB ( 0 , 255 , 255 ) ,  1 ) ;
	cv::line( annotatedImage , centerLocation , criticalPoints[ 2 ] , CV_RGB ( 0 , 255 , 255 ) ,  1 ) ;
	cv::line( annotatedImage , centerLocation , criticalPoints[ 3 ] , CV_RGB ( 0 , 255 , 255 ) ,  1 ) ;
	cv::line( annotatedImage , centerLocation , criticalPoints[ 4 ] , CV_RGB ( 0 , 255 , 255 ) ,  1 ) ;
	cv::line( annotatedImage , centerLocation , criticalPoints[ 5 ] , CV_RGB ( 0 , 255 , 255 ) ,  1 ) ;

	ballAngle = findRelativeAngle( centerLocation, ballLocation);
	if( debugMode )

		std::cout << "Critical points importing complete. " ;
		std::cout << std::endl;

		std::cout << "Critical points:";
		std::cout << std::endl;
		for( int i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++ )
			std::cout << "[ " << i << " ] : ";
			std::cout << criticalPoints[ i ];
			std::cout << std::endl;

		std::cout << "Ball angle:";
		std::cout << ballAngle << std::endl;
	if( debugMode )

		std::cout << "Calculating critical angles. " ;
		std::cout << std::endl;
	criticalAngles[ 0 ] = findRelativeAngle( centerLocation, criticalPoints[ 0 ]); // upos
	criticalAngles[ 1 ] = findRelativeAngle( centerLocation, criticalPoints[ 1 ]); // wneg
	criticalAngles[ 2 ] = findRelativeAngle( centerLocation, criticalPoints[ 2 ]); // vpos
	criticalAngles[ 3 ] = findRelativeAngle( centerLocation, criticalPoints[ 3 ]); // uneg
	criticalAngles[ 4 ] = findRelativeAngle( centerLocation, criticalPoints[ 4 ]); // wpos
	criticalAngles[ 5 ] = findRelativeAngle( centerLocation, criticalPoints[ 5 ]); // vneg
	zeroAngle = criticalAngles[ 0 ]; // uneg is our zero
	if( debugMode )

		std::cout << "Calculating critical angles complete. " ;
		std::cout << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Critical angles:";
		std::cout << std::endl;
		for( int i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++ )
			std::cout << "[ " << i << " ] : ";
			std::cout << criticalAngles[ i ];
			std::cout << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Zero angle: ";
		std::cout << zeroAngle;
		std::cout << std::endl;

	if( debugMode )

		std::cout << "Finding sextant index. " ;
		std::cout << std::endl;
	sextantIndex = -1 ;

	for( int i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++ )

		if( ballAngle >= criticalAngles[ i ] )

			sextantIndex = i ;



	if( sextantIndex == -1 )

		std::cerr << "LMHandler: sextantIndex estimation failed" ;	
		std::cerr << std::endl ;

		return LMPacketNull ;


	if( debugMode )

		std::cout << "Finding sextant index complete. " ;
		std::cout << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Sextant index: ";
		std::cout << sextantIndex;
		std::cout << std::endl;
	if( debugMode )

		std::cout << "Updating critical angles. " ;
		std::cout << std::endl;
	for( int i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++)

		criticalAngles[ i ] -= zeroAngle ;

		criticalAngles[ i ] = ( criticalAngles[ i ] >= 0 ? 0 : 360 ) + criticalAngles[ i ];


	ballAngle -= zeroAngle ;

	ballAngle = ( ballAngle >= 0 ? 0 : 360 ) + ballAngle;
	if( debugMode )

		std::cout << "Updating critical angles complete. " ;
		std::cout << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Updated critical angles:";
		std::cout << std::endl;
		for( int i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++ )
			std::cout << "[ " << i << " ] : ";
			std::cout << criticalAngles[ i ];
			std::cout << std::endl;
	if( debugMode )

		std::cout << "Finding scaling parameters. " ;
		std::cout << std::endl;
	for( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ )

		scalingArray[ i ] = 60 / ( criticalAngles[ (i + 1) % 6 ] - criticalAngles[ i ] ) ;

	if( debugMode )

		std::cout << "Finding scaling parameters complete. " ;
		std::cout << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Scaling parameters:";
		std::cout << std::endl;
		for( int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++ )
			std::cout << "[ " << i << " ] : ";
			std::cout << scalingArray[ i ];
			std::cout << std::endl;
	if( debugMode )

		std::cout << "Finding normalized ball angle. " ;
		std::cout << std::endl;
	normalizedBallAngle = sextantIndex * 60 + ( ballAngle - criticalAngles[ sextantIndex ] ) * scalingArray[ sextantIndex ];
	if( debugMode )

		std::cout << "Finding normalized ball angle complete. " ;
		std::cout << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Ball angle: ";
		std::cout << ballAngle;
		std::cout << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Normalized ball angle: ";
		std::cout << normalizedBallAngle;
		std::cout << std::endl;
	if( normalizedBallAngle < 0 || normalizedBallAngle > 360 )

		std::cerr << "LMHandler: normalizedBallAngle is out of bounds!" ;	
		std::cerr << std::endl ;

		return LMPacketNull ;


	extractContours( mazeData.image , processingImage , contours, approxContours, hierarchy );
	if( debugMode )

		std::cout << "Contour extraction complete. Number of approx. contours found: " ;
		std::cout << approxContours.size() ;
		std::cout << std::endl;


	boundingTriangleIndex = findBoundingTriangle( approxContours ) ;

	if( boundingTriangleIndex == -1 )

		return LMPacketNull;


	if( debugMode )

		std::cout << "The bounding triangle found at index: " ;
		std::cout << std::to_string( boundingTriangleIndex ) ;
		std::cout << std::endl;

		std::cout << "The related hierarchy record: " ;
		std::cout << hierarchy[ boundingTriangleIndex ] ;
		std::cout << std::endl;

		std::cout << "The child record: " ;
		std::cout << hierarchy[ boundingTriangleIndex ][ 2 ] ;
		std::cout << std::endl;


	// Annote all vertices of the approximation curve vector and extract the vertices
	for( std::vector< cv::Point >::size_type i = 0 ; i != 3 ; i++ ) 

		setLabel( annotatedImage , "V" , approxContours[ boundingTriangleIndex ] );




	// Annote all vertices of the approximation curve vector and extract the vertices
	// hierarchy[i][2] -> first child
	int mazeBoundIndex = hierarchy[ boundingTriangleIndex ][ 2 ];
	for( std::vector< cv::Point >::size_type i = 0 ; i != 3 ; i++ ) 

		setLabel( annotatedImage , "M" , 
			approxContours[ mazeBoundIndex ] );


	cv::Mat dummyImage	;

	// Delete everything outside the triangle
	cv::Mat mask = cv::Mat::zeros( processingImage.size( ) , CV_8UC1 );

	//std::vector< std::vector< cv::Point > > dummyContours ;
	//dummyContours.push_back( contours );

	//cv::drawContours( mask , contours , -1 ,  cv::Scalar( 255 ) , CV_FILLED );
	cv::drawContours( mask , contours , -1 ,  cv::Scalar( 255 ) , CV_FILLED );

	if( debugMode )
		std::cout << "Search for contours is complete. Displaying the results:" ;
		std::cout << std::endl;

		showImage( "LM-mask" , mask );


	processingImage.copyTo( dummyImage , mask ) ;
	processingImage = dummyImage.clone( ) ;
	//processingImage.copyTo( processingImage , mask ) ;

	//annotatedImage.copyTo( dummyImage , mask ) ;
	//annotatedImage 	= dummyImage.clone( ) ;

	//setLabel( annotatedImage , "0" , contours[ 0 ] ) ;

	if( debugMode )

		std::cout << "Masking complete. Displaying the results:" ;
		std::cout << std::endl;

		showImage( "LM-maskedProcessingImage" , processingImage );


//ballLocation centerocation

	if( debugMode )

		//std::cout << "Search for contours is complete. Displaying the results:" ;
		//std::cout << std::endl;

			"LM-Contours on processingImage" , 
			processingImage.clone() , contours , hierarchy , // approxContours
			false , true ); 
			// true ); // for enumeration , for contour only mode

			"LM-Contours on mazeImage" , 
			mazeData.image.clone() , contours , hierarchy , // approxContours
			false , false ); 
			"LM-approxContours on processingImage" , 
			processingImage.clone() , approxContours , hierarchy , // approxContours
			false , true ); 
			// true ); // for enumeration , for contour only mode

			"LM-approxContours on mazeImage" , 
			mazeData.image.clone() , approxContours , hierarchy , // approxContours
			false , false ); */


	//slope = startLocation.y - ballLocation

	//Point2f a(0.3f, 0.f), b(0.f, 0.4f);
	//Point pt = (a + b)*10.f;

	// Label the annotatedImage
	setLabel( annotatedImage , "S" , centerLocation	)	; // start
	setLabel( annotatedImage , "E" , endLocation	)	; // end
	setLabel( annotatedImage , "B" , ballLocation	)	; // ball

	// Draw a line in between S & B
	cv::line( annotatedImage , centerLocation , ballLocation , CV_RGB ( 0 , 255 , 255 ) ,  1 ) ;

	//double radius = cv::norm( startLocation - ballLocation ) ;//Euclidian distance
	//cv::circle( annotatedImage, startLocation, radius, CV_RGB ( 0 , 255 , 0 ) ,  1 ) ;

	if( debugMode )

		std::cout << "Annotating feature points and drawing line complete." ;
		std::cout << std::endl;


	/////////////////////// EXPORTING //////////////////////

	// Export private variables
	this -> annotatedImage = annotatedImage.clone( )		;

	// Exporting state variables
	state.ballLocationData.wayBlocked[ 0 ]	= false			;
	state.ballLocationData.wayBlocked[ 1 ]	= false			;
	state.ballLocationData.wayBlocked[ 2 ]	= false			;
	state.ballLocationData.wayBlocked[ 3 ]	= false			;

	state.ballLocationData.currentPathNo	= 5			;

	state.ballPositionAngle			= normalizedBallAngle	;
	////////////////// EXPORTING COMPLETE //////////////////

	if( debugMode )

		std::cout << "State exporting complete." ;
		std::cout << std::endl;

		std::cout << "---------------------------------------------->";
		std::cout << std::endl;
		std::cout << std::endl;


	return state;

Esempio n. 17
Object::Object(const Object& Obj) : label_(0)
Esempio n. 18
VPostEffectToggleTrack::VPostEffectToggleTrack( void ) : 
        mPostEffect( NULL )
    setLabel( "PostEffectTrack" );
Esempio n. 19
ToolBar::ToolBar(Slag* slag) : 
    pattern_box(new QComboBox) 
    setLabel(tr("Playback controls"));

    // Play button
    QAction* play_action = new QAction(this);
    play_action->setAccel( Qt::Key_Space );
    play_action->setIconSet( QPixmap(":/icons/play.png") );
    connect(play_action, SIGNAL(activated()), slag,  SLOT(play()));

    // Stop button
    QAction* stop_action = new QAction(this);
    stop_action->setAccel( Qt::Key_Space );
    stop_action->setIconSet( QPixmap(":/icons/stop.png") );
    connect(stop_action, SIGNAL(activated()), slag, SLOT(stop()));

    // Pattern choice box

    connect(pattern_box, SIGNAL(activated(const QString &)), 
            slag,        SLOT(patternChange(const QString &)));

    // Play mode: pattern or song
    QButtonGroup* mode_group = new QButtonGroup;

    pattern_mode_radio = new QRadioButton;
    connect(pattern_mode_radio, SIGNAL(clicked()), 
            slag,               SLOT(setPatternMode()));

    song_mode_radio = new QRadioButton;
    connect(song_mode_radio, SIGNAL(clicked()), 
            slag,            SLOT(setSongMode()));

    QCheckBox* loopCheckBox = new QCheckBox(tr("Loop"));
    connect(loopCheckBox, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), 
            slag,        SLOT(setLoopMode(int)));

    // Tempo box
    tempoControl = new SpinSlider( 
            tr( "<font size=\"-1\">BPM:</font>" ) 
    connect(tempoControl, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), slag, SLOT(setTempo(int)));

    // Volume box
    volumeControl = new SpinSlider(tr( "<font size=\"-1\">Vol:</font>" ) );
    connect(volumeControl, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), 
            slag,    SLOT(setVolume(int)));
Esempio n. 20
VSceneJumpTrack::VSceneJumpTrack( void )
    setLabel( "SceneJumpTrack" );
Esempio n. 21
void PlotZozMarker::setFont(const QFont Font)
    QwtText qwttMark(label());
Esempio n. 22
ContactCluster::ContactCluster(QWidget* pParent, const char* pName) :
    VirtualCluster(pParent, pName)
  addNumberWidget(new ContactClusterLineEdit(this, pName));

  _crmAcctId = -1;
  _minLayout = true;
  _fname = new QStringList();
  for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)


  QSpacerItem* _cntctSpacer = new QSpacerItem(15, 3,QSizePolicy::Fixed,QSizePolicy::Fixed);
  _grid->addItem(_cntctSpacer, 1, 1, 1, 1);


  _titleLit = new QLabel(tr("Title:"),this);
  _phoneLit = new QLabel(tr("Phone:"),this);
  _phone2Lit = new QLabel(tr("Alternate:"),this);
  _faxLit = new QLabel(tr("Fax:"),this);
  _emailLit = new QLabel(tr("Email:"),this);
  _webaddrLit = new QLabel(tr("Web:"),this);

  _phone = new QLabel(this);
  _phone2 = new QLabel(this);
  _fax = new QLabel(this);
  _email = new XURLLabel(this);
  _webaddr = new XURLLabel(this);
  _addr = new QLabel(this);





  _addrLayout = new QVBoxLayout;
  QSpacerItem* _addrSpacer = new QSpacerItem(20,0,QSizePolicy::Preferred,QSizePolicy::Expanding);

  connect(this, SIGNAL(valid(bool)), this, SLOT(populate()));
  connect(_email, SIGNAL(leftClickedURL(QString)), this, SLOT(openUrl(QString)));
  connect(_webaddr, SIGNAL(leftClickedURL(QString)), this, SLOT(openUrl(QString)));
  connect(this, SIGNAL(newId(int)), this, SIGNAL(changed()));

Esempio n. 23
void GLabel::setText(const std::string& str) {
Esempio n. 24
void SelectionPointer::handleDrawerChange()
    m_cachedTheme = m_drawer->theme();
    setLabel(m_label, true);
Esempio n. 25
 Brightness(const ChannelID &id) :
     SliderSetting(this, 0, 65535, 655),
     ChannelDBStorage(this, id, "brightness")
Esempio n. 26
CLabel::CLabel (CRect &size, char *text): CParamDisplay (size)
	strcpy (label, "");
	setLabel (text);
Esempio n. 27
 Colour(const ChannelID &id) :
     SliderSetting(this, 0, 65535, 655),
     ChannelDBStorage(this, id, "colour")
Esempio n. 28
Object::Object(int tracebackModeIn) : label_(0)
  tracebackMode = (tracebackModeIn != -1) ? tracebackModeIn : tracebackMode;
Esempio n. 29
 Channum(const ChannelID &id) :
     LineEditSetting(this), ChannelDBStorage(this, id, "channum")
     setLabel(QObject::tr("Channel Number"));
Esempio n. 30
void DlgUpdate::beginUpdateCheck() {
    setLabel("Checking for updates...");