Esempio n. 1
	static void setMissingPropertiesToDefault( RepXCollection& collection, RepXReaderWriter& editor, const RepXDefaultEntry* defaults, PxU32 numDefaults )
		FoundationWrapper wrapper( collection.getAllocator() );
		//Release all strings at once, instead of piece by piece
		RepXMemoryAllocatorImpl alloc( collection.getAllocator() );
		//build a hashtable of the initial default value strings.
		TNameOffsetMap nameOffsets( wrapper );
		for ( PxU32 idx = 0; idx < numDefaults; ++idx )
			const RepXDefaultEntry& item( defaults[idx] );
			size_t nameLen = 0;
			const char* periodPtr = nextPeriod (;
			for ( ; periodPtr && *periodPtr; ++periodPtr ) if( *periodPtr == '.' )	break;
			if ( periodPtr == NULL || *periodPtr != '.' ) continue;
			nameLen = periodPtr -;
			char* newMem = (char*)alloc.allocate( PxU32(nameLen + 1) );
			memcpy( newMem,, nameLen );
			newMem[nameLen] = 0;
			if ( nameOffsets.find( newMem ) )
				alloc.deallocate( (PxU8*)newMem );
				nameOffsets.insert( newMem, idx );
		//Run through each collection item, and recursively find it and its children
		//If an object's name is in the hash map, check and add any properties that don't exist.
		//else return.
		for ( const RepXCollectionItem* item = collection.begin(), *end = collection.end(); item != end; ++ item )
			RepXCollectionItem theItem( *item );
			setMissingPropertiesToDefault( theItem.mDescriptor, editor, defaults, numDefaults, nameOffsets );
Esempio n. 2
	RepXCollection& RepXUpgrader::upgrade3_1CollectionTo3_2Collection(RepXCollection& src)
		XmlReaderWriter& editor( src.createNodeEditor() );
		setMissingPropertiesToDefault(src, editor, gRepX3_1Defaults, gNumRepX3_1Defaults );

		RepXCollection* dest = &src.createCollection("3.2.0");

		for ( const RepXCollectionItem* item = src.begin(), *end = src.end(); item != end; ++ item )
			//either src or dest could do the copy operation, it doesn't matter who does it.
			RepXCollectionItem newItem( item->liveObject, src.copyRepXNode( item->descriptor ) );
			editor.setNode( *const_cast<XmlNode*>( newItem.descriptor ) );
			if ( strstr( newItem.liveObject.typeName, "PxMaterial" ) )
				editor.removeChild( "DynamicFrictionV" );
				editor.removeChild( "StaticFrictionV" );
				editor.removeChild( "dirOfAnisotropy" );	
			//now desc owns the new node.  Collections share a single allocation pool, however,
			//which will get destroyed when all the collections referencing it are destroyed themselves.
			//Data on nodes is shared between nodes, but the node structure itself is allocated.
			dest->addCollectionItem( newItem );
		return *dest;
Esempio n. 3
	void setMissingPropertiesToDefault( RepXNode* topNode, RepXReaderWriter& editor, const RepXDefaultEntry* defaults, PxU32 numDefaults, TNameOffsetMap& map )
		for ( RepXNode* child = topNode->mFirstChild; child != NULL; child = child->mNextSibling )
			setMissingPropertiesToDefault( child, editor, defaults, numDefaults, map );

		const TNameOffsetMap::Entry* entry( map.find( topNode->mName ) );
		if ( entry )
			RepXReaderWriter& theReader( editor );
			theReader.setNode( *topNode );
			char nameBuffer[512] = {0};
			size_t nameLen = strlen( topNode->mName );
			//For each default property entry for this node type.
			for ( const RepXDefaultEntry* item = defaults + entry->second; strncmp( item->name, topNode->mName, nameLen ) == 0; ++item )
				bool childAdded = false;
				const char* nameStart = item->name + nameLen;
				const char* str = nameStart;
				while( *str )
					 const char *period = nextPeriod( str );
					 size_t len = PxMin( period - str, ptrdiff_t(1023) ); //can't be too careful these days.
					 memcpy( nameBuffer, str, len );
					 nameBuffer[len] = 0;
					 if ( theReader.gotoChild( nameBuffer ) == false )
						 childAdded = true;
						 theReader.addOrGotoChild( nameBuffer );
					 if (*period )
						 str = period + 1;
						 str = period;
				if ( childAdded )
					theReader.setCurrentItemValue( item->value );
Esempio n. 4
	RepXCollection& RepXUpgrader::upgrade10CollectionTo3_1Collection(RepXCollection& src)
		RepXReaderWriter& editor( src.createNodeEditor() );
		setMissingPropertiesToDefault(src, editor, gRepX1_0Defaults, gNumRepX1_0Default );
		RepXCollection* dest = &src.createCollection("3.1.1");
		for ( const RepXCollectionItem* item = src.begin(), *end = src.end(); item != end; ++ item )
			//either src or dest could do the copy operation, it doesn't matter who does it.
			RepXCollectionItem newItem( item->mLiveObject, src.copyRepXNode( item->mDescriptor ) );
			editor.setNode( *const_cast<RepXNode*>( newItem.mDescriptor ) );
			//Some old files have this name in their system.
			editor.renameProperty( "MassSpaceInertia", "MassSpaceInertiaTensor" );
			editor.renameProperty( "SleepEnergyThreshold", "SleepThreshold" );

			if ( strstr( newItem.mLiveObject.mTypeName, "Joint" ) || strstr( newItem.mLiveObject.mTypeName, "joint" ) )
				//Joints changed format a bit.  old joints looked like:
				<Actor0 >1627536</Actor0>
				<Actor1 >1628368</Actor1>
				<LocalPose0 >0 0 0 1 0.5 0.5 0.5</LocalPose0>
				<LocalPose1 >0 0 0 1 0.3 0.3 0.3</LocalPose1>*/
				//New joints look like:
				<Actors >
					<actor0 >58320336</actor0>
					<actor1 >56353568</actor1>
				<LocalPose >
					<eACTOR0 >0 0 0 1 0.5 0.5 0.5</eACTOR0>
					<eACTOR1 >0 0 0 1 0.3 0.3 0.3</eACTOR1>
				const char* actor0, *actor1, *lp0, *lp1;
				editor.readAndRemoveProperty( "Actor0", actor0 );
				editor.readAndRemoveProperty( "Actor1", actor1 ); 
				editor.readAndRemoveProperty( "LocalPose0", lp0 );
				editor.readAndRemoveProperty( "LocalPose1", lp1 );

				editor.addOrGotoChild( "Actors" );
				editor.writePropertyIfNotEmpty( "actor0", actor0 );
				editor.writePropertyIfNotEmpty( "actor1", actor1 );

				editor.addOrGotoChild( "LocalPose" );
				editor.writePropertyIfNotEmpty( "eACTOR0", lp0 );
				editor.writePropertyIfNotEmpty( "eACTOR1", lp1 );

			//now desc owns the new node.  Collections share a single allocation pool, however,
			//which will get destroyed when all the collections referencing it are destroyed themselves.
			//Data on nodes is shared between nodes, but the node structure itself is allocated.
			dest->addCollectionItem( newItem );
		return *dest;
Esempio n. 5
	RepXCollection& RepXUpgrader::upgrade3_2CollectionTo3_3Collection(RepXCollection& src)
		XmlReaderWriter& editor( src.createNodeEditor() );
		setMissingPropertiesToDefault(src, editor, gRepX3_2Defaults, gNumRepX3_2Defaults );

		RepXCollection* dest = &src.createCollection("3.3.0");


		struct RenameSpringToStiffness : public RecursiveTraversal
			RenameSpringToStiffness(XmlReaderWriter& editor_): RecursiveTraversal(editor_) {}
			void updateNode()
				mEditor.renameProperty("Spring", "Stiffness");
				mEditor.renameProperty("TangentialSpring", "TangentialStiffness");

		struct UpdateArticulationSwingLimit : public RecursiveTraversal
			UpdateArticulationSwingLimit(XmlReaderWriter& editor_): RecursiveTraversal(editor_) {}
			void updateNode()
				if(!PxStricmp(mEditor.getCurrentItemName(), "yLimit") && !PxStricmp(mEditor.getCurrentItemValue(), "0"))

				if(!PxStricmp(mEditor.getCurrentItemName(), "zLimit") && !PxStricmp(mEditor.getCurrentItemValue(), "0"))

				if(!PxStricmp(mEditor.getCurrentItemName(), "TwistLimit"))
					PxReal lower = (PxReal)strtod(mEditor.getCurrentItemValue(), NULL);
					PxReal upper = (PxReal)strtod(mEditor.getCurrentItemValue(), NULL);
						mEditor.writePropertyIfNotEmpty("lower", "-0.785398");
						mEditor.writePropertyIfNotEmpty("upper", "0.785398");

		for ( const RepXCollectionItem* item = src.begin(), *end = src.end(); item != end; ++ item )
			//either src or dest could do the copy operation, it doesn't matter who does it.
			RepXCollectionItem newItem( item->liveObject, src.copyRepXNode( item->descriptor ) );	

			if ( strstr( newItem.liveObject.typeName, "PxCloth" ) || strstr( newItem.liveObject.typeName, "PxClothFabric" ) )
				physx::shdfnd::getFoundation().error(PxErrorCode::eDEBUG_WARNING, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Didn't suppot PxCloth upgrate from 3.2 to 3.3! ");

			if ( strstr( newItem.liveObject.typeName, "PxParticleSystem" ) || strstr( newItem.liveObject.typeName, "PxParticleFluid" ) )
				editor.setNode( *const_cast<XmlNode*>( newItem.descriptor ) );
				editor.renameProperty( "PositionBuffer", "Positions" );
				editor.renameProperty( "VelocityBuffer", "Velocities" );
				editor.renameProperty( "RestOffsetBuffer", "RestOffsets" );

			if(strstr(newItem.liveObject.typeName, "PxPrismaticJoint" ) 
			|| strstr(newItem.liveObject.typeName, "PxRevoluteJoint")
			|| strstr(newItem.liveObject.typeName, "PxSphericalJoint")
			|| strstr(newItem.liveObject.typeName, "PxD6Joint")
			|| strstr(newItem.liveObject.typeName, "PxArticulation"))
				editor.setNode( *const_cast<XmlNode*>( newItem.descriptor ) );

			if(strstr(newItem.liveObject.typeName, "PxArticulation"))
				editor.setNode( *const_cast<XmlNode*>( newItem.descriptor ) );

			//now dest owns the new node.  Collections share a single allocation pool, however,
			//which will get destroyed when all the collections referencing it are destroyed themselves.
			//Data on nodes is shared between nodes, but the node structure itself is allocated.
			dest->addCollectionItem( newItem );
		return *dest;