Esempio n. 1
    invert_ = false;
    reverse_ = false;
    redScale_ = greenScale_ = blueScale_ = 1.0;
    setScales( 0.0, 0.0);
Esempio n. 2
        PWLinear & red, PWLinear & green, PWLinear & blue)
    red_ = red; green_ = green; blue_ = blue;
    invert_ = false;
    reverse_ = false;
    redScale_ = greenScale_ = blueScale_ = 1.0;
    setScales( 0.0, 0.0);
Esempio n. 3
matrix<double>& EvolDF1nlep::Df1Evolnlep(double mu, double M, orders order, orders_ew order_ew, schemes scheme) {
    switch (scheme) {
        case NDR:
        case LRI:
        case HV:
            std::stringstream out;
            out << scheme;
            throw std::runtime_error("EvolDF1nlep::Df1Evolnlep_EM(): scheme " + out.str()
                    + " not implemented ");

    if (mu == this->mu && M == this->M && scheme == this->scheme && order_ew == NULL_ew)
       return (*Evol(order));
    if (mu == this->mu && M == this->M && scheme == this->scheme &&  order_ew == NLO_ew)
       return (*Evol(order_ew));
    if (M < mu) {
        std::stringstream out;
        out << "M = " << M << " < mu = " << mu;
        throw out.str();

    setScales(mu, M); // also assign evol to identity

    double m_down = mu;
    double m_up = model.AboveTh(m_down);
    double nf = model.Nf(m_down);
    while (m_up < M) {
        Df1Evolnlep(m_down, m_up, nf, scheme);
        Df1threshold_nlep(m_up, nf+1.);
        m_down = m_up;
        m_up = model.AboveTh(m_down);
        nf += 1.;
    Df1Evolnlep(m_down, M, nf, scheme);
    if(order_ew != NULL_ew){
    return (*Evol(order_ew));
    else { 
    return (*Evol(order)); 
Esempio n. 4
StarDetector::StarDetector(CvSize size, int n, float response_threshold,
                           float line_threshold_projected,
                           float line_threshold_binarized)
  : m_upright(NULL),
  // Pre-allocate all the memory we need
Esempio n. 5
gslpp::matrix<double>& EvolDC1Buras::DC1EvolBuras(double mu, double M, orders order, schemes scheme) 
    switch (scheme) {
        case NDR:
        case LRI:
        case HV:
            std::stringstream out;
            out << scheme;
            throw std::runtime_error("EvolDC1::Df1EvolDC1(): scheme " + out.str() + " not implemented "); 

    double alsMZ = model.getAlsMz();
    double Mz = model.getMz();
    if(alsMZ == alsMZ_cache && Mz == Mz_cache) {
        if (mu == this-> mu && M == this->M && scheme == this->scheme)
        return (*Evol(order));        
    alsMZ_cache = alsMZ;
    Mz_cache = Mz;

    if (M < mu) {
        std::stringstream out;
        out << "M = " << M << " < mu = " << mu;
        throw out.str();

    setScales(mu, M); // also assign evol to identity

    double m_down = mu;
    double m_up = model.AboveTh(m_down);
    double nf = model.Nf(m_down);
    while (m_up < M) {
        DC1EvolBuras(m_down, m_up, nf, scheme);
        DC1PenguinThresholds(m_up, order);
        m_down = m_up;
        m_up = model.AboveTh(m_down);
        nf += 1.;
    DC1EvolBuras(m_down, M, nf, scheme);
    return (*Evol(order));
void Transform3D::setScales(float s)
  setScales(s, s, s);
Esempio n. 7
void FeatPyramid::featpyramid (const IplImage *im, const Model *model, int padX, int padY)
  float sbin, interval;
  float sc;
  int imsize[2];
  float maxScale;
  IplImage *imAux = NULL;
  int pad[3];

  if (padX == -1 && padY == -1)
    padX = getPaddingX(model);
    padY = getPaddingY(model);

  sbin = (float)model->getSbin();
  interval = (float) model->getInterval()+1.0;
  sc = pow (2, 1/(interval));
  imsize[0] = im->height;
  imsize[1] = im->width;
  maxScale = 1 + floor ( log ( min (imsize[0], imsize[1]) /
  (5*sbin) ) / log(sc) );

  // It is the number of elements that will contain pyramid->features
  // and pyramid->scales. At less must be 2*interval
  if ( (maxScale + interval) < (2*interval) )
    setDim (int(2*interval));

    setDim (int(maxScale + interval));

  assert (getDim() > 0);
//  _feat = new CvMatND* [getDim()];    // Suspicious
  for (int i = 0; i < getDim(); i++) // Pre-allocate memory
//  assert (_feat != NULL);
  _scales = new float [getDim()]; // Suspicious
  assert (_scales != NULL);

  // Field imsize is setted
  assert (imsize[0] > 0);
  assert (imsize[1] > 0);

  setImSize (imsize);
//cout << "Antes de bucle featpyramid" << endl;
  for (int i = 0; i < interval; i++)
    // Image is resized
    imAux = resize (im, (1/pow(sc, i)));

    // "First" 2x interval
    //setFeat(process(imAux, sbin/2), i);
	setFeat(process2(imAux, sbin/2), i);
    setScales(2/pow(sc, i), i);

    // "Second" 2x interval
    //setFeat (process (imAux, sbin), (int)(i+interval));
	setFeat (process2 (imAux, sbin), (int)(i+interval));
    setScales (1/pow(sc, i), (int)(i+interval));

    // Remaining intervals
    IplImage *imAux2; // mjmarin added
    for (int j = (int)(i+interval); j < (int)maxScale; j = j+(int)interval)
      // mjmarin: memory leak fixed
      //imAux = resize (imAux, 0.5); // Old sentence
      imAux2 = resize (imAux, 0.5);
      imAux = imAux2;

      //setFeat (process (imAux, sbin), (int)(j+interval));
	  setFeat (process2 (imAux, sbin), (int)(j+interval));
      setScales ((float)(0.5 * getScales()[j]), (int)(j+interval));

    // mjmarin: more release needed for imAux
  // Second loop
  for (int i = 0; i < getDim(); i++ )
    // Add 1 to padding because feature generation deletes a 1-cell
    // Wide border around the feature map
    pad[0] = padY + 1;
    pad[1] = padX + 1;
    pad[2] = 0;    
    //CvMatND* tmpfeat = getFeat()[i];
	cv::Mat tmpfeat = getFeat()[i];
	CvMatND tmpND = tmpfeat;
    //CvMatND* tmppad = padArray (tmpfeat, pad, 0);
	CvMatND* tmppad = padArray (&tmpND, pad, 0);
    setFeat (tmppad, i);
    //cvReleaseMatND(&tmpfeat); // mjmarin: commented out since it should be auto released with use of cv::Mat

    // Write boundary occlusion feature
	cv::Mat fMat = getFeat()[i];
    for (int j = 0; j <= padY; j++)
      //for (int k = 0; k < getFeat()[i]->dim[1].size; k++)
	  for (int k = 0; k < fMat.size.p[1]; k++)
        //cvSetReal3D (getFeat()[i], j, k, 31, 1);<double>(j, k, 31) = 1;

    //for (int j = getFeat()[i]->dim[0].size - padY -1; j < getFeat()[i]->dim[0].size; j++)
	for (int j = fMat.size.p[0] - padY -1; j < fMat.size.p[0]; j++)
      //for (int k = 0; k < getFeat()[i]->dim[1].size; k++)
	  for (int k = 0; k < fMat.size.p[1]; k++)
        //cvSetReal3D (getFeat()[i], j, k, 31, 1);<double>(j, k, 31) = 1;

    //for (int j = 0; j < getFeat()[i]->dim[0].size; j++)
	for (int j = 0; j < fMat.size.p[0]; j++)
      for (int k = 0; k <= padX; k++)
        //cvSetReal3D (getFeat()[i], j, k, 31, 1);<double>(j, k, 31) = 1;

    //for (int j = 0; j < getFeat()[i]->dim[0].size; j++)
	for (int j = 0; j < fMat.size.p[0]; j++)
      //for (int k = getFeat()[i]->dim[1].size - padX - 1; k < getFeat()[i]->dim[1].size; k++)
	  for (int k = fMat.size.p[1] - padX - 1; k < fMat.size.p[1]; k++)
        //cvSetReal3D (getFeat()[i], j, k, 31, 1);<double>(j, k, 31) = 1;

  setPadX (padX);
  setPadY (padY);