Esempio n. 1
bool DataLoader::createTemporaryFile() {

	// redirect 'git log' output to a temporary file
	dataFile = new UnbufferedTemporaryFile(this);

#ifndef Q_OS_WIN32
	   For performance reasons we would like to use a tmpfs filesystem
	   if available, this is normally mounted under '/tmp' in Linux.

	   According to Qt docs, a temporary file is placed in QDir::tempPath(),
	   that should be system's temporary directory. On Unix/Linux systems this
	   is usually /tmp; on Windows this is usually the path in the TEMP or TMP
	   environment variable.

	   But due to a bug in Qt 4.2 QDir::tempPath() is instead set to $HOME/tmp
	   under Unix/Linux, that is not a tmpfs filesystem.

	   So try to manually set the best directory for our temporary file.
		QDir dir("/tmp");
		bool foundTmpDir = (dir.exists() && dir.isReadable());
		if (foundTmpDir && dir.absolutePath() != QDir::tempPath()) {

			dataFile->setFileTemplate(dir.absolutePath() + "/qt_temp");
			if (!dataFile->open()) { // test for write access

				delete dataFile;
				dataFile = new UnbufferedTemporaryFile(this);
				dbs("WARNING: directory '/tmp' is not writable, "
				    "fallback on Qt default one, there could "
				    "be a performance penalty.");
			} else
	if (!dataFile->open()) // to read the file name
		return false;

	return true;
Esempio n. 2
MyProcess::MyProcess(QObject * parent) : QProcess(parent)
	setProcessChannelMode( QProcess::MergedChannels );
#if USE_TEMP_FILE; // Create temporary file
	QString filename = temp_file.fileName();
	setStandardOutputFile( filename );

	connect(&timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(readTmpFile()) );
	connect(this, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput()), this, SLOT(readStdOut()) );

	connect(this, SIGNAL(finished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus)), 
            this, SLOT(procFinished()) ); 

Esempio n. 3
VideoQualityJob::VideoQualityJob(const QString& name, const QString& xml,
                                 const QString& reportPath)
    : MeltJob(name, xml)
    , m_reportPath(reportPath)
    QAction* action = new QAction(tr("Open"), this);
    action->setToolTip(tr("Open original and encoded side-by-side in the Shotcut player"));
    connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onOpenTiggered()));
    m_successActions << action;

    action = new QAction(tr("View Report"), this);
    connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onViewReportTriggered()));
    m_successActions << action;

    action = new QAction(tr("Show In Folder"), this);
    connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onShowFolderTriggered()));
    m_successActions << action;

    setLabel(tr("Measure %1").arg(objectName()));
Esempio n. 4
MyProcess::MyProcess(QObject * parent) : QProcess(parent)
	setProcessChannelMode( QProcess::MergedChannels );
#if USE_TEMP_FILE; // Create temporary file
	QString filename = temp_file.fileName();
	setStandardOutputFile( filename );
	qDebug("MyProcess::MyProcess: temporary file: %s", filename.toUtf8().data());

	//connect(&temp_file, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readTmpFile()) );
	connect(&timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(readTmpFile()) );
	connect(this, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput()), this, SLOT(readStdOut()) );

	connect(this, SIGNAL(finished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus)), 
            this, SLOT(procFinished()) ); 

	// Test splitArguments
	//QStringList l = MyProcess::splitArguments("-opt 1 hello \"56 67\" wssx -ios");
Esempio n. 5
 * @fn setLogOutput
void QueuedProcess::setLogOutput(const QString &)
    setStandardOutputFile(logOutput(), QIODevice::Append);