void MailSyncSourceConfig::assign(const MailSyncSourceConfig& sc) { setName (sc.getName ()); setURI (sc.getURI ()); setSyncModes(sc.getSyncModes()); setType (sc.getType ()); setSync (sc.getSync ()); setLast (sc.getLast ()); setEncoding (sc.getEncoding ()); setVersion (sc.getVersion ()); setSupportedTypes(sc.getSupportedTypes()); //setCtCap (sc.getCtCap ()); setEncryption (sc.getEncryption ()); setDownloadAge(sc.getDownloadAge()); setBodySize(sc.getBodySize()); setAttachSize(sc.getAttachSize()); setInbox(sc.getInbox()); setOutbox(sc.getOutbox()); setSent(sc.getSent()); setTrash(sc.getTrash()); setDraft(sc.getDraft()); setSchedule(sc.getSchedule()); mailAccounts = sc.getMailAccounts(); }
void CCovarianceFunctionCacheOld::validateCache() { if (!isInSync()) { KCacheNull = true; SVDCacheNull = true; cholKCacheNull = true; //set sync } setSync(); }
/*CCovarainceFunctionCache*/ void CCovarianceFunctionCacheOld::setCovar(PCovarianceFunction covar) { //delete sync child of old covar if(this->covar) this->covar->delSyncChild(sync); //set new covar this->covar = covar; //register sync handler this->covar->addSyncChild(sync); //clear cache: setSync(false); }
/** * @brief This function is called when an UDP datagrm has been received on the port UDP_PORT. * @param arg user supplied argument (udp_pcb.recv_arg) * @param pcb the udp_pcb which received data * @param p the packet buffer that was received * @param addr the remote IP address from which the packet was received * @param port the remote port from which the packet was received * @retval None */ void udp_echoserver_receive_callback(void *arg, struct udp_pcb *upcb, struct pbuf *p, struct ip_addr *addr, u16_t port) { int answer[2] = {0, 0}; if(sizeof(buf_com) < p->tot_len || port!= BagAddr.port_c) return; pbuf_copy_partial(p, buf_com, p->tot_len, 0); switch(buf_com[0]) { case COM_SYNC: if(p->tot_len == sizeof(int32_t)) { setSync(); answer[0] = buf_com[0]; answer[1] = OK; trans_Control(answer, sizeof(answer)); } } pbuf_free(p); return; }
void encTmrISR(void) { encTmrClrIF(); /* clear interrupt */ if (encRun) { if (encRunCount != 0) /* if encoder counting */ { if (--encRunCount == 0) /* if count is now zero */ { encStop(); /* stop encoder */ } } encCounter += 1; /* update counter */ if (encCounter >= encMax) /* if at maximum */ { encCounter = 0; /* reset */ encRevCounter += 1; /* count a revolution */ setSync(); /* set the sync bit */ } else /* if not at maximum */ { clrSync(); /* clear sync bit */ } switch (encState) /* select on state */ { case 0: setABit(); break; case 1: setBBit(); break; case 2: clrABit(); break; case 3: clrBBit(); break; } encState += 1; /* update state */ encState &= 0x3; /* mas in range */ } }
void Entity::reSync(const M_EntitySync& m) { setSync(m); body->SetActive(isActive); body->SetAngularDamping(angularDamping); body->SetAngularVelocity(angularVelocity); body->SetAwake(isAwake); body->SetBullet(isBullet); body->SetFixedRotation(isFixedRotation); body->SetGravityScale(gravityScale); body->SetLinearDamping(linearDamping); body->SetLinearVelocity(b2Vec2(linearVelocityX, linearVelocityY)); //body->SetMassData body->SetSleepingAllowed(isSleepingAllowed); body->SetTransform( b2Vec2(positionX, positionY), angle); //body->SetType //body->SetUserData }
void SyncSourceConfig::assign(const SyncSourceConfig& sc) { if (&sc == this) { return; } setName (sc.getName ()); setURI (sc.getURI ()); setSyncModes (sc.getSyncModes ()); setType (sc.getType ()); setSync (sc.getSync ()); setLast (sc.getLast ()); setEncoding (sc.getEncoding ()); setVersion (sc.getVersion ()); setSupportedTypes(sc.getSupportedTypes()); setSyncMode (sc.getSyncMode ()); setIsAllowed (sc.isAllowed ()); // setCtCap (sc.getCtCap ()); setEncryption (sc.getEncryption ()); setLastSourceError(sc.getLastSourceError()); setLastSyncServerTime(sc.AbstractSyncSourceConfig::getLastSyncServerTime()); extraProps = sc.getExtraProps(); }
void lclcmd(int ch) { if (ch == 'd') /* dump memory */ { putx(' '); if (gethex()) { unsigned char *p; p = (unsigned char *) (int) val; if (gethex()) { newline(); prtbuf(p,val); } } } #if DBGMSG else if (ch == 'D') /* dump dbg buffer */ { newline(); int empty = dbgemp; for (int i = 0; i < dbgcnt; i++) { P_DBGMSG p = &dbgdata[empty]; float t = (float) p->time / 1000; printf("%8.3f %8s %8x %12d\n", t, p->str, (unsigned int) p->val, (int) p->val); empty++; if (empty >= MAXDBGMSG) empty = 0; while (1) { if (pollBufChar() == 0) break; } } printf("z %d x %d\n", zLoc, xLoc); } else if (ch == 'E') /* clear debug buffer */ { clrDbgBuf(); } #endif #if ENCTEST else if (ch == 'e') { printf(" counts "); fflush(stdout); if (getnum()) { encInit(); encRunCount = val; encStart(true); } else { printf(" stop[y] "); fflush(stdout); ch = getx(); if (ch == 'y') { encStop(); } } } #endif else if (ch == 't') { putx(' '); if (getnum()) { newline(); int i; int j = 0; for (i = 0; i < val; i++) { LOAD(XLDZCTL, j); read1(XRDZCTL); int testVal = j & ((1 << (zCtl_size)) - 1); if (readval.i != testVal) { setSync(); printf("%4d z testVal %8x readVal %8x\n", i, (unsigned int) testVal, (unsigned int) readval.i); clrSync(); } LOAD(XLDXCTL, j); read1(XRDXCTL); testVal = j & ((1 << (xCtl_size)) - 1); if (readval.i != testVal) { setSync(); printf("%4d x testVal %8x readVal %8x\n", i, (unsigned int) testVal, (unsigned int) readval.i); clrSync(); } j += 1; while (pollBufChar() != 0) ; } } } else if (ch == 'q') { gpioInfo(GPIOA); usartInfo(USART1); usartInfo(USART2); usartInfo(USART6); putstr1("start remcmd\n"); } else if (ch == 'r') /* read memory */ { putx(' '); if (gethex()) { printf("%x",*(int16_t *) (int) val); } } else if (ch == 'w') /* write memory */ { putx(' '); if (gethex()) { int16_t *p; p = (int16_t *) (int) val; printf(" %x ",*p); if (gethex()) { *p = val; } } } else if (ch == 'a') /* set command address */ { putx(' '); if (getnum()) addr = val; } else if (ch == 'g') /* read spi data */ { putx(' '); if (getnum()) { addr = val; /* save address */ read1(addr); /* read from device */ printf("\nread addr %x val %8lx %10ld",addr,readval.i,readval.i); } } else if (ch == 'G') /* read spi repeatedly */ { putx(' '); if (getnum()) /* enter address */ { addr = val; /* save address */ putx(' '); if (getnum()) /* enter number of tries */ { newline(); int16_t i = (int16_t) val; while (1) { read1(addr); /* read from device */ if (chRdy()) /* if character available */ { ch = chRead(); break; } if ((i != 0) && (--i <= 0)) break; } printf("spiw0 %d spiw1 %d",spiw0,spiw1); } } } else if (ch == 's') /* send val to address a */ { printf(" addr "); fflush(stdout); if (getnum()) /* read address */ { addr = val; printf(" data "); fflush(stdout); if (getnum()) /* read data */ { printf("\nsending addr %x %10ld val %8lx",addr,val,val); LOAD(addr,val); } } } else if (ch == 'p') /* set print flag */ { putx(' '); if (getnum()) { print = val; } } else if (ch == 'r') /* reset */ { LOAD(XLDZCTL,0); LOAD(XLDXCTL,0); LOAD(XLDTCTL,0); LOAD(XLDDCTL,0); } else if (ch == 'x') /* move x rel */ { putx(' '); if (getnum()) { xMoveRel(val, XMOV); } } else if (ch == 'z') /* move z rel */ { putx(' '); if (getnum()) { zMoveRel(val, XMOV); } } else if (ch == 'u') /* send debug message */ { putx(' '); if (getnum()) { dbgmsg("test",val); } } }
void setIsRmw() { theOperation = Rmw; setSync(); }