int32_t main(void) { #ifndef PIC32_STARTER_KIT /*The JTAG is on by default on POR. A PIC32 Starter Kit uses the JTAG, but for other debug tool use, like ICD 3 and Real ICE, the JTAG should be off to free up the JTAG I/O */ DDPCONbits.JTAGEN = 0; #endif /*Refer to the C32 peripheral library documentation for more information on the SYTEMConfig function. This function sets the PB divider, the Flash Wait States, and the DRM /wait states to the optimum value. It also enables the cacheability for the K0 segment. It could has side effects of possibly alter the pre-fetch buffer and cache. It sets the RAM wait states to 0. Other than the SYS_FREQ, this takes these parameters. The top 3 may be '|'ed together: SYS_CFG_WAIT_STATES (configures flash wait states from system clock) SYS_CFG_PB_BUS (configures the PB bus from the system clock) SYS_CFG_PCACHE (configures the pCache if used) SYS_CFG_ALL (configures the flash wait states, PB bus, and pCache)*/ /* TODO Add user clock/system configuration code if appropriate. */ SYSTEMConfig(SYS_FREQ, SYS_CFG_ALL); /* Initialize I/O and Peripherals for application */ InitApp(); /*Configure Multivector Interrupt Mode. Using Single Vector Mode is expensive from a timing perspective, so most applications should probably not use a Single Vector Mode*/ // Configure UART2 RX Interrupt INTEnable(INT_SOURCE_UART_RX(UART2), INT_ENABLED); INTSetVectorPriority(INT_VECTOR_UART(UART2), INT_PRIORITY_LEVEL_2); INTSetVectorSubPriority(INT_VECTOR_UART(UART2), INT_SUB_PRIORITY_LEVEL_0); // configure for multi-vectored mode INTConfigureSystem(INT_SYSTEM_CONFIG_MULT_VECTOR); // enable interrupts INTEnableInterrupts(); /* TODO <INSERT USER APPLICATION CODE HERE> */ //Open UART2 OpenUART2(UART_EN, UART_BRGH_FOUR|UART_RX_ENABLE | UART_TX_ENABLE, 21); //Open SPI 1 channel PORTBbits.RB11 = 1; OpenSPI1( SPI_MODE8_ON | MASTER_ENABLE_ON | SEC_PRESCAL_1_1 | PRI_PRESCAL_1_1 | FRAME_ENABLE_OFF | CLK_POL_ACTIVE_HIGH | ENABLE_SDO_PIN , SPI_ENABLE ); SPI1BRG=39; initRadio(); setTXAddress("UNIT2"); setRXAddress(0,"UNIT1"); char temp; char text[6]; text[0]='H'; text[1]='e'; text[2]='l'; text[3]='l'; text[4]='o'; text[5]='!'; while(1) { setTransmitter(); PORTBbits.RB11 = 0; DelayMs(20); transmitData(&text[0],6); printf("Hello world! \r\n"); PORTBbits.RB11 = 1; DelayMs(20); } }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main(int argc, char**argv) { int i; int fd = 0; uint16_t trial = 0; char* portPath = NULL; char* rx_addressString = NULL; char* tx_addressString = NULL; printf("> Simple message listener for tea-bootloader compatible nodes\n"); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if(argc == 4) { portPath = argv[1]; rx_addressString = argv[2]; sscanf(rx_addressString,"%X:%X:%X:%X:%X",rx_addressBuffer,rx_addressBuffer+1,rx_addressBuffer+2,rx_addressBuffer+3,rx_addressBuffer+4); tx_addressString = argv[3]; sscanf(tx_addressString,"%X:%X:%X:%X:%X",tx_addressBuffer,tx_addressBuffer+1,tx_addressBuffer+2,tx_addressBuffer+3,tx_addressBuffer+4); } else { printf("> Argument parsing error!\n"); printf("> Usage: [port path] [dongle RX address] [node RX address]\n"); printf("> Example: ./main /dev/tty.usbserial-A900cbrd 0xE7:0xE7:0xE7:0xE7:0x00 0xD7:0xD7:0xD7:0xD7:0xD7\n"); return 0; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ fd = serialport_init(portPath,115200,'n'); if(fd < 0) { printf("[err]: Connection error.\n"); return 0; } else { printf("> Conection OK.\n"); serialport_flush(fd); printf("> Serial port flush OK.\n"); if(loopbackTest(fd) != 0) { printf("> Loopback test failed!\r\n"); return 0; } else { uint8_t version = getVersion(fd); printf("> Dongle version: %d.%d\r\n",(version>>4),(version&0x0F)); } } printf("> Setting the TX address ...\n"); setTXAddress(fd,tx_addressBuffer); printf("> Setting the RX address ...\n"); setRXAddress(fd,rx_addressBuffer); while(1) { uint8_t thisBuffer[1024]; char sendBuffer[256]; uint8_t len; int temp; float realval; if(getRxFifoCount(fd)) { len = getRxFifoCount(fd); printf("> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("> New message!\n"); printf("> Length: %d\n",len); pullDataFromFifo(fd,len,thisBuffer); hexDump("> Dump",thisBuffer,len); temp = (thisBuffer[0]<<8)+thisBuffer[1]; realval = ((float)temp * 1100.0) / 1024.0; realval -= 500; realval /= 10.0; printf("> Raw: %d\n",temp); printf("> Readout: %f\n",realval); sprintf(sendBuffer,"./phant_client.rb %f",realval); system(sendBuffer); printf("> send process done.\n"); } } }