  * @brief Sets the team to which the player belongs
  * @param team_index 0,1 or 2 for teams red, green and blue respectively
  * @return 
 void setTeamName(int team_index = 0 /*default value*/)
     switch (team_index)
         case 0: 
             setTeamName("red"); break;
         case 1: 
             setTeamName("green"); break;
         case 2: 
             setTeamName("blue");  break;
             cout << "wrong team index given. Cannot set team" << endl; break;
 * Runs the user operator control code. This function will be started in its own task with the
 * default priority and stack size whenever the robot is enabled via the Field Management System
 * or the VEX Competition Switch in the operator control mode. If the robot is disabled or
 * communications is lost, the operator control task will be stopped by the kernel. Re-enabling
 * the robot will restart the task, not resume it from where it left off.
 * If no VEX Competition Switch or Field Management system is plugged in, the VEX Cortex will
 * run the operator control task. Be warned that this will also occur if the VEX Cortex is
 * tethered directly to a computer via the USB A to A cable without any VEX Joystick attached.
 * Code running in this task can take almost any action, as the VEX Joystick is available and
 * the scheduler is operational. However, proper use of delay() or taskDelayUntil() is highly
 * recommended to give other tasks (including system tasks such as updating LCDs) time to run.
 * This task should never exit; it should end with some kind of infinite loop, even if empty.
void operatorControl() {
	int leftPower,rightPower;
	while (1) {
		if (isJoystickConnected(CONTROLLER)){
			leftPower = joystickGetAnalog(CONTROLLER,3);
			rightPower = joystickGetAnalog(CONTROLLER,2);


             * @brief Constructor
             * @param name player name
             * @param team team name
            MyPlayer(string name, string team): Player(name)
            ros::NodeHandle node;

            //Initialize teams
            vector<string> myTeam_names, myHunters_names, myPreys_names;
            string myTeamId, myHuntersId, myPreysId;

            if (!team_info(node, myTeam_names, myHunters_names, myPreys_names, myTeamId, myHuntersId, myPreysId))
                ROS_ERROR("Something went wrong reading teams");
            my_team = (boost::shared_ptr<Team>) new Team(myTeamId, myTeam_names);
            hunter_team = (boost::shared_ptr<Team>) new Team(myHuntersId, myHunters_names);
            prey_team = (boost::shared_ptr<Team>) new Team(myPreysId, myPreys_names);


            //Initialize position according to team
            ros::Duration(0.5).sleep(); //sleep to make sure the time is correct
            tf::Transform t;
            struct timeval t1;      
            gettimeofday(&t1, NULL);
            double X=((((double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX) ) * 2 -1) * 5 ;
            double Y=((((double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX) ) * 2 -1) * 5 ;
            t.setOrigin( tf::Vector3(X, Y, 0.0) );
            tf::Quaternion q; q.setRPY(0, 0, 0);
            br.sendTransform(tf::StampedTransform(t, ros::Time::now(), "/map", name));

            //initialize the subscriber
            _sub = (boost::shared_ptr<ros::Subscriber>) new ros::Subscriber;
            *_sub = node.subscribe("/game_move", 1, &MyPlayer::moveCallback, this);

Esempio n. 4
 * Runs pre-initialization code. This function will be started in kernel mode one time while the
 * VEX Cortex is starting up. As the scheduler is still paused, most API functions will fail.
 * The purpose of this function is solely to set the default pin modes (pinMode()) and port
 * states (digitalWrite()) of limit switches, push buttons, and solenoids. It can also safely
 * configure a UART port (usartOpen()) but cannot set up an LCD (lcdInit()).
void initializeIO() {
Esempio n. 5
void initialize() {
	//int exit = 0;
//			int count=0;
//			while (!exit) {
//				delay(20);
//		// Selecting which auton program.
//				if (joystickGetDigital(1,7,JOY_DOWN)|| joystickGetDigital(2,7,JOY_DOWN))
//				{
//					exit=1;
//				}
//				else
//				{
//					switch (count)
//					{
//		//Autonomous 1.
//					case 0:  lcdSetText(uart2,1, "Autonomous 1");
//					lcdSetText(uart2,2, "<    Select   >");
//					if (lcdReadButtons(uart2)==LCD_BTN_LEFT){
//						count=3;
//					}
//					else if (lcdReadButtons(uart2)==LCD_BTN_RIGHT){
//						count++;
//				         }
//		//If selected, display...
//					else if (lcdReadButtons(uart2)==LCD_BTN_CENTER){
//						lcdSetText(uart2,1,"Autonomous 1");
//						lcdSetText(uart2,2,"is running.");
//						exit=1;
//						break;
//					}
//					break;
//		//Autonomous	 2.
//					case 1: lcdSetText(uart2,1,"Autonomous 2");
//					lcdSetText(uart2,2,"<    Select    >");
//					if (lcdReadButtons(uart2)==LCD_BTN_LEFT){
//						count--;
//						}
//						else if (lcdReadButtons(uart2)==LCD_BTN_RIGHT){
//							count++;
//						}
//		//If selected, display...
//				         else if (lcdReadButtons(uart2)==LCD_BTN_CENTER){
//				        	 lcdSetText(uart2,1,"Autonomous 2");
//				        	 lcdSetText(uart2,2,"is running.");
//							 exit=1;
//				        	 break;
//				         }
//						break;
//		//Autonomous 3.
//				case 2: lcdSetText(uart2,1,"Autonomous 3");
//						lcdSetText(uart2,2,"<    Select    >");
//						if (lcdReadButtons(uart2)==LCD_BTN_LEFT){
//							count--;
//						}
//						else if (lcdReadButtons(uart2)==LCD_BTN_RIGHT){
//							count++;
//						}
//		//If selected, display...
//				         else if (lcdReadButtons(uart2)==LCD_BTN_CENTER){
//				        	 lcdSetText(uart2,1,"Autonomous 3");
//				        	 lcdSetText(uart2,2,"is running.");
//							 exit=1;
//				        	 break;
//				         }
//						break;
//		//Autonomous 4.
//				case 3: lcdSetText(uart2,1,"Autonomous 4");
//						lcdSetText(uart2,2,"<    Select   >");
//						if (lcdReadButtons(uart2)==LCD_BTN_LEFT){
//							count--;
//						}
//						else if (lcdReadButtons(uart2)==LCD_BTN_RIGHT){
//							count++;
//						}
//		//If selected, display...
//				         else if (lcdReadButtons(uart2)==LCD_BTN_CENTER){
//				        	 lcdSetText(uart2,1,"Autonomous 4");
//				        	 lcdSetText(uart2,2,"is running.");
//							 exit=1;
//				        	 break;
//				         }
//						break;
//				case 4: lcdSetText(uart2,1,"Self Destruct");
//										lcdSetText(uart2,2,"<    Select   >");
//										if (lcdReadButtons(uart2)==LCD_BTN_LEFT){
//											count--;
//										}
//										else if (lcdReadButtons(uart2)==LCD_BTN_RIGHT){
//											count=0;
//										}
//						//If selected, display...
//								         else if (lcdReadButtons(uart2)==LCD_BTN_CENTER){
//								        	 lcdSetText(uart2,1,"Autonomous 4");
//								        	 lcdSetText(uart2,2,"is running.");
//								        	 count=0;
//											 exit=1;
//								        	 break;
//								         }
//										break;
//				default: count=0;
//						 break;
//				}
//			}
//			auton = count+1;
//		}
		lcdSetText(uart2,2,"THIS IS A ROBOT");