Esempio n. 1
// Ok
int KCalendarSystemHebrew::daysInYear(const TQDate & date) const
  TQDate first, last;
  setYMD(first, year(date), 1, 1); // 1 Tishrey
  setYMD(last, year(date) + 1, 1, 1); // 1 Tishrey the year later

  return first.daysTo(last);
Esempio n. 2
// Ok
int KCalendarSystemHebrew::dayOfYear(const TQDate & date) const
  TQDate first;
  setYMD(first, year(date), 1, 1);

  return first.daysTo(date) + 1;
Esempio n. 3
// Ok
int KCalendarSystemHebrew::weeksInYear(int year) const
  TQDate temp;
  setYMD(temp, year, 1, 1);  // don't pass an uninitialized TQDate to
                             // monthsInYear in the next call
  setYMD(temp, year, monthsInYear(temp), hndays(monthsInYear(temp), year) );

  int nWeekNumber = weekNumber(temp);
  if(nWeekNumber == 1)  // last week belongs to next year
    temp = TQT_TQDATE_OBJECT(temp.addDays(-7));
    nWeekNumber = weekNumber(temp);

  return nWeekNumber;
Esempio n. 4
int KCalendarSystemHebrew::weekNumber(const TQDate& date, int * yearNum) const
  TQDate firstDayWeek1, lastDayOfYear;
  int y = year(date);
  int week;
  int weekDay1, dayOfWeek1InYear;

  // let's guess 1st day of 1st week
  setYMD(firstDayWeek1, y, 1, 1);
  weekDay1 = dayOfWeek(firstDayWeek1);

  // iso 8601: week 1  is the first containing thursday and week starts on
  // monday
  if (weekDay1 > 4 /*Thursday*/)
    firstDayWeek1 = addDays(firstDayWeek1 , 7 - weekDay1 + 1); // next monday

  dayOfWeek1InYear = dayOfYear(firstDayWeek1);

  if ( dayOfYear(date) < dayOfWeek1InYear ) // our date in prev year's week
    if ( yearNum )
      *yearNum = y - 1;
    return weeksInYear(y - 1);

  // let's check if its last week belongs to next year
  setYMD(lastDayOfYear, y + 1, 1, 1);
  lastDayOfYear = addDays(lastDayOfYear, -1);
  if ( (dayOfYear(date) >= daysInYear(date) - dayOfWeek(lastDayOfYear) + 1)
       // our date is in last week
       && dayOfWeek(lastDayOfYear) < 4) // 1st week in next year has thursday
      if ( yearNum )
        *yearNum = y + 1;
      week = 1;
   if( weekDay1 < 5 ) // To calculate properly the number of weeks
                     //  from day a to x let's make a day 1 of week
      firstDayWeek1 = addDays( firstDayWeek1, -( weekDay1 - 1));

   week = firstDayWeek1.daysTo(date) / 7 + 1;

  return week;
Esempio n. 5
// Ok
TQDate KCalendarSystemHebrew::addYears( const TQDate & date, int nyears ) const
  TQDate result = date;
  int y = year(date) + nyears;

  setYMD( result, y, month(date), day(date) );

  return result;
QDate KCalendarSystemJalali::addMonths( const QDate &date, int nmonths ) const
    QDate result = date;
    int m = month( date );
    int y = year( date );

    if ( nmonths < 0 ) {
        m += 12;
        y -= 1;

    --m; // this only works if we start counting at zero
    m += nmonths;
    y += m / 12;
    m %= 12;

    setYMD( result, y, m, day( date ) );

    return result;
Esempio n. 7
QDate::QDate( int y, int m, int d )
    jd = 0;
    setYMD( y, m, d );