Esempio n. 1
void pot_test()
    long start = get_ms();
    char elapsed_ms;
    int value;

    print("   "); // to clear the display

    while((elapsed_ms = get_ms() - start) < 100)
        value = read_trimpot();
        play_frequency(value, 200, 15);

        if(value < elapsed_ms*10)
Esempio n. 2
int main()
  set_analog_mode(MODE_8_BIT);    // 8-bit analog-to-digital conversions
  sum = 0;
  samples = 0;
  avg = 0;
  start_analog_conversion(TRIMPOT);  // start initial conversion

    if (!analog_is_converting())     // if conversion is done...
      sum += analog_conversion_result();  // get result
      start_analog_conversion(TRIMPOT);   // start next conversion
      if (++samples == 20)           // if 20 samples have been taken...
        avg = sum / 20;             // compute 20-sample average of ADC result
        samples = 0;
        sum = 0;
    // when avg == 0, the red LED is almost totally off.
    // when avg == 255, the red LED is almost totally on.
    // brightness should scale approximately linearly in between.
    red_led(0);                 // red LED off
    delay_us(256 - avg);
    red_led(1);                 // red LED on
Esempio n. 3
int main()
  set_analog_mode(MODE_10_BIT); // 10-bit analog-to-digital conversions

  while(1)                      // run over and over again
    lcd_goto_xy(0,0);           // LCD cursor to home position (upper-left)
    print_long(to_millivolts(read_trimpot()));  // trimpot output in mV
    print(" mV  ");             // added spaces are to overwrite left over chars

    lcd_goto_xy(0, 1);          // LCD cursor to start of the second line

    unsigned int temp = read_temperature_f();  // get temp in tenths of a degree F
    print_long(temp/10);             // get the whole number of degrees
    print_character('.');            // print the decimal point
    print_long(temp - (temp/10)*10); // print the tenths digit
    print_character(223);       // print a degree symbol
    print("F  ");               // added spaces are to overwrite left over chars

    delay_ms(100);              // wait for 100 ms (otherwise LCD flickers too much)
Esempio n. 4
void test_analog()
  // test that set/get mode works
  assert(MODE_8_BIT == get_analog_mode());

  assert(MODE_10_BIT == get_analog_mode());

  // read the trimpot in 10 bit mode and compare it to 8 bit mode
  int x1 = analog_read(7);

  delay_ms(1); // required for readings to stabilize

  int x2 = analog_read(7);

  printf("\n8BIT10BIT %d %d",x1,x2);
  assert( abs((x1>>2) - x2) < 10 );

  // make sure that the average reading is more stable than individual readings
  unsigned char i;
  int min = 1023, max = 0, avg_min = 1023, avg_max = 0;
    int x1 = analog_read(7);
    int x2 = analog_read_average(7,256);

    if(x1 > max) max = x1;
    if(x1 < min) min = x1;

    if(x2 > avg_max) avg_max = x2;
    if(x2 < avg_min) avg_min = x2;

    printf("\nAvgComp %03x %03x", x1, x2);
    assert( abs(x1-x2) < 10);

  assert( max - min >= avg_max - avg_min);

  // check that temp C and F return appropriate values in 10bit mode
  x1 = analog_read_average(6,100);

  int expect_temp_f = (((int)(analog_read_average_millivolts(TEMP_SENSOR, 20)) * 12) - 634) / 13;
  int expect_temp_c = (((int)(analog_read_average_millivolts(TEMP_SENSOR, 20) * 20)) - 7982) / 39;
  int temp_f = read_temperature_f();
  int temp_c = read_temperature_c();

  printf("\nTF10 %d %d", expect_temp_f, temp_f);
  assert( expect_temp_f/5 == temp_f/5 );

  printf("\nTC10 %d %d", expect_temp_c, temp_c);
  assert( expect_temp_c/5 == temp_c/5 );

  // try temp in 8bit mode
  delay_ms(1); // required for readings to stabilize?
  temp_f = read_temperature_f();
  temp_c = read_temperature_c();

  printf("\nTF8 %d %d", expect_temp_f, temp_f);
  assert( (expect_temp_f - temp_f) <= 20 );

  printf("\nTC8 %d %d", expect_temp_c, temp_c);
  assert( abs(expect_temp_c - temp_c) <= 20 );

  // test background conversion
  delay_ms(1); // required for readings to stabilize
  x1 = analog_read_average(6,100);

  x2 = analog_conversion_result();
  printf("%d %d", x1, x2);
  assert( abs(x1 - x2) < 10 );

  // make sure to_millivolts works in 8 and 10 bit mode

  x1 = 5000;
  x2 = to_millivolts(1023);
  printf("\nmV1 %d %d",x1,x2);
  assert( x1 == x2 );

  x1 = 2498;
  x2 = to_millivolts(511);
  printf("\nmV2 %d %d",x1,x2);
  assert( x1 == x2 );

  x1 = 0;
  x2 = to_millivolts(0);
  printf("\nmV3 %d %d",x1,x2);
  assert( x1 == x2 );


  x1 = 5000;
  x2 = to_millivolts(255);
  printf("\nmV4 %d %d",x1,x2);
  assert( x1 == x2 );

  x1 = 2490;
  x2 = to_millivolts(127);
  printf("\nmV5 %d %d",x1,x2);
  assert( x1 == x2 );

  x1 = 0;
  x2 = to_millivolts(0);
  printf("\nmV6 %d %d",x1,x2);
  assert( x1 == x2 );
Esempio n. 5
int main()
	// wait
	wait_with_message("Press B");

	// init and calibrate light sensors
	unsigned int sensors[5];
	pololu_3pi_init_disable_emitter_pin(2000); // (2000 for the timeout corresponds to 2000*0.4 us = 0.8 ms on our 20 MHz processor)
	for(int counter=0;counter<80;counter++)
		if(counter < 20 || counter >= 60)



	// init IR sensors
	DDRC &= ~(1<< PORTC5);
	PORTC &= ~(1<< PORTC5);

	// wait
	wait_with_message("Press B");

	int left_speed = 110;
	int right_speed = 110;
	int set_point = 0;

		// check light sensors for our boundary
		unsigned int position = read_line(sensors,IR_EMITTERS_ON);

		if(position > 5 && position < 1000)
		else if(position > 1000 && position < 1800)
		else if(position > 1800 && position < 3000)
		else if(position > 3000 && position < 3995)

		// check IR sensors
		int left = analog_read(6);
		int right = analog_read(5);
		int front = analog_read(7);

		/*if((get_ms() % 300) == 0)

		int balance = 0;
		if (left > 20 || right > 20)
			balance = right - left - 20;

		if (set_point == 0 && front > 162)
			set_point = 1;
			set_motors(left_speed + balance,right_speed - balance);




	// end
Esempio n. 6
// *** triggered by middle button ***
// This function tests the eight user I/O pins and the trimmer potentiometer.
// At any given time, one pin is being driven low while the rest are weakly
// pulled high (to 5 V).  At the same time, the LCD is displaying the input
// values on the eight user I/O pins.  If you short a pin to *GROUND* (note:
// do not short the pin to power, only short it to one of the ground pads
// along the top edge of the board), you will see the corresponding bit on
// the LCD go to zero.  The PD1 bit will always read zero as it is being
// pulled down through the red user LED.
unsigned char IOTest()
	// the bits of the "outputs" byte will correspond to the pin states of
	// the user I/O lines as follows:

	// outputs:   b7  b6  b5  b4  b3  b2  b1  b0
	// user I/O: PC5 PC4 PC3 PC2 PC1 PC0 PD1 PD0

	// Only one bit of "outputs" will ever be set (1) at a time; the rest will
	// be cleared (0).  The user I/O pin that corresponds to the set bit will
	// be an output that is driven low while all of the other user I/O pins
	// will be inputs with internal pull-ups enabled (i.e. they will be weakly
	// pulled to 5V and will read as high).
	unsigned char outputs = 0x80;	// binary: 10000000
	unsigned char direction = 0;
	unsigned char button;

	red_led(0);		// turn red and green LEDs off

	clear();		// clear the LCD
	print("User I/O");

	set_analog_mode(MODE_8_BIT);	// configure ADC for 8-bit readings

	while (1)			// loop here until we detect a button press and return
		time_reset();				// reset millisecond timer count to zero

		DDRC = 0;					// make PC0 - PC5 inputs
		PORTC = 0;					// PC0 - PC5 -> high impedance inputs
		DDRD &= ~0x03;				// clear PD0 & PD1 bits (make them inputs)
		PORTD &= ~0x03;				// PD0 & PD1 -> high impedance inputs
		PORTC |= ~outputs >> 2;		// set the outputs states of PC0 - PC5
		DDRC |= outputs >> 2;		// make low pin an output (inputs for rest)
		PORTD |= ~outputs & 0x03;	// set the output states of PD0 and PD1
		DDRD |= outputs & 0x03;		// make low pin an output (inputs for rest)

		// The following loop will execute for an amount of time determined
		// by the position of the user trimmer potentiometer (trimpot).
		// When the trimpot is at one extreme, the loop will take 256*2 = 512
		// milliseconds.  When the trimpot is at the other extreme, the
		// loop will only execute once, which takes slightly more than 20 ms.
		// In this way, the trimpot controls the speed at which the output
		// byte changes.
			// The bits of the "inputs" byte reflect the input values of pins
			// PD0, PD1, and PC0 - PC5.  Bit 0 corresponds to PD0, bit 1 to
			// PD1, and bits 2 - 7 to PC0 - PC5, respectively.
			unsigned char inputs = PIND & 0x03;	// store PD0 and PD1 input vals
			inputs |= PINC << 2;	// store PC0 - PC5 input values
			lcd_goto_xy(0, 1);		// go to the start of the second LCD line
			print_binary(inputs);	// print the "input" byte in binary
			delay_ms(20);			// delay here for 20 milliseconds
			// check if top or bottom buttons have been pressed
			button = button_is_pressed(TOP_BUTTON | BOTTOM_BUTTON);
			if (button != 0)	// if so, reset I/O states, return button ID
				DDRC = 0;		// make PC0 - PC5 inputs
				PORTC = 0;		// disable pull-ups on PC0 - PC5
				DDRD &= ~0x03;	// make PD0 and PD1 inputs
				PORTD &= ~0x03;	// disable pull-ups on PD0 and PD1
				return button;
		while (get_ms() < read_trimpot() * 2);

		if (direction)
			outputs <<= 1;		// bit-shift our output byte left by one bit
			outputs >>= 1;		// bit-shift our output byte right by one bit

		if (outputs == 1)		// if we have reached the right edge
			direction = 1;		// switch direction to "left"
		if (outputs == 0x80)	// if we have reached the left edge
			direction = 0;		// switch direction to "right"
Esempio n. 7
// *** triggered by middle button ***
// This function tests the eight user I/O pins and the trimmer potentiometer.
// At any given time, one pin is being driven low while the rest are weakly
// pulled high (to 5 V).  At the same time, the LCD is displaying the input
// values on the eight user I/O pins.  If you short a pin to *GROUND* (note:
// do not short the pin to power, only short it to one of the ground pads
// along the top edge of the board), you will see the corresponding bit on
// the LCD go to zero.  The PD1 bit will always read zero as it is being
// pulled down through the red user LED.
unsigned char IOTest()
	// the bits of the "outputs" byte will correspond to the pin states of
	// the user I/O lines as follows:

	// outputs:   b7  b6  b5  b4  b3  b2  b1  b0
	// user I/O: PC5 PC4 PC3 PC2 PC1 PC0 PD1 PD0

	// Only one bit of "outputs" will ever be set (1) at a time; the rest will
	// be cleared (0).  The user I/O pin that corresponds to the set bit will
	// be an output that is driven low while all of the other user I/O pins
	// will be inputs with internal pull-ups enabled (i.e. they will be weakly
	// pulled to 5V and will read as high).
	unsigned int outputs = 0x8000;	// binary: 10000000 00000000
	unsigned char *outputsA = (unsigned char *)&outputs;	// pointer to low byte of outputs
	unsigned char *outputsD = outputsA + 1;					// pointer to high byte of outputs
	unsigned char direction = 0;
	unsigned char button;


	clear();		// clear the LCD
	print("User I/O");
	lcd_goto_xy(0, 1);
	lcd_goto_xy(0, 2);
	print("76543210 76543210");

	set_analog_mode(MODE_8_BIT);	// configure ADC for 8-bit readings

	while (1)			// loop here until we detect a button press and return
		time_reset();				// reset millisecond timer count to zero

		DDRA = 0;					// make PA0 - PA7 inputs
		PORTA = 0;					// PA0 - PA7 -> high impedance inputs
		DDRD = 0;					// make PD0 - PD7 inputs
		PORTD = 0;					// PD0 - PD7 -> high impedance inputs

		PORTD |= ~(*outputsD);
		DDRD |= *outputsD;
		PORTA |= (~(*outputsA)) & 0x3F;
		DDRA |= *outputsA & 0x3F;	// never make PA6 and PA7 outputs

		// The following loop will execute for an amount of time determined
		// by the position of the user trimmer potentiometer (trimpot).
		// When the trimpot is at one extreme, the loop will take 256*2 = 512
		// milliseconds.  When the trimpot is at the other extreme, the
		// loop will only execute once, which takes slightly more than 20 ms.
		// In this way, the trimpot controls the speed at which the output
		// byte changes.
			// The bits of the "inputs" byte reflect the input values of pins
			// PD0, PD1, and PC0 - PC5.  Bit 0 corresponds to PD0, bit 1 to
			// PD1, and bits 2 - 7 to PC0 - PC5, respectively.
			unsigned char inputsA = PINA;
			unsigned char inputsD = PIND;
			lcd_goto_xy(0, 3);		// go to the start of the fourth LCD line
			print_binary(inputsD);	// print the "input" byte in binary
			print(" ");
			delay_ms(20);			// delay here for 20 milliseconds
			// check if top or bottom buttons have been pressed
			button = button_is_pressed(TOP_BUTTON | BOTTOM_BUTTON);
			if (button != 0)	// if so, reset I/O states, return button ID
				DDRA = 0;					// make PA0 - PA7 inputs
				PORTA = 0;					// PA0 - PA7 -> high impedance inputs
				DDRD = 0;					// make PD0 - PD7 inputs
				PORTD = 0;					// PD0 - PD7 -> high impedance inputs
				return button;
		while (get_ms() < read_trimpot() * 2);

		if (direction)
			outputs <<= 1;		// bit-shift our output byte left by one bit
			outputs >>= 1;		// bit-shift our output byte right by one bit

		if (outputs == 1)		// if we have reached the right edge
			direction = 1;		// switch direction to "left"
		if (outputs == 0x8000)	// if we have reached the left edge
			direction = 0;		// switch direction to "right"