static void load_inifile(void) { const char *str; str = config_get("game.base"); if (str) { set_basepath(str); } str = config_get(""); if (str) { set_reportpath(str); } str = config_get(""); if (str) { set_datapath(str); } verbosity = config_get_int("game.verbose", 2); memdebug = config_get_int("game.memcheck", memdebug); #ifdef USE_CURSES /* only one value in the [editor] section */ force_color = config_get_int("editor.color", force_color); gm_codepage = config_get_int("editor.codepage", gm_codepage); #endif }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { ProgTime StartTime; int ch; opterr = 0; msg_prefix = argv[0]; while ((ch = getopt (argc, argv, "f:d:b:sh")) != -1) switch (ch) { case 'f': /* input file */ file_name = optarg; break; case 'd': set_basepath (optarg); break; case 'b': bits = atoi (optarg); if (bits > 32) { fprintf (stderr, "b may only take values 0-32\n"); exit (1); } break; case 'h': case '?': fprintf (stderr, "usage: %s [-f input_file]" "[-d data directory] [-b bits] [-s] [-h]\n", argv[0]); exit (1); } GetTime (&StartTime); GenerateWeights (); Make_weight_approx (); Make_text_idx_wgt (); Message ("%s", ElapsedTime (&StartTime, NULL)); exit (0); }
static void load_inifile(dictionary * d) { const char *reportdir = reportpath(); const char *datadir = datapath(); const char *basedir = basepath(); const char *str; assert(d); str = iniparser_getstring(d, "eressea:base", basedir); if (str != basedir) { set_basepath(str); } str = iniparser_getstring(d, "eressea:report", reportdir); if (str != reportdir) { set_reportpath(str); } str = iniparser_getstring(d, "eressea:data", datadir); if (str != datadir) { set_datapath(str); } lomem = iniparser_getint(d, "eressea:lomem", lomem) ? 1 : 0; str = iniparser_getstring(d, "eressea:encoding", NULL); if (str && (_strcmpl(str, "utf8") == 0 || _strcmpl(str, "utf-8") == 0)) { enc_gamedata = ENCODING_UTF8; } verbosity = iniparser_getint(d, "eressea:verbose", 2); battledebug = iniparser_getint(d, "eressea:debug", battledebug) ? 1 : 0; str = iniparser_getstring(d, "eressea:locales", "de,en"); make_locales(str); if (global.inifile) iniparser_freedict(global.inifile); global.inifile = d; }
void main (int argc, char **argv) { ProgTime StartTime; int ch; char type = 'C'; char mode = '0'; int lookback = 2; double k = 0; u_long mem_reqd; opterr = 0; msg_prefix = argv[0]; while ((ch = getopt (argc, argv, "0123CPSf:d:l:hk:HBDYM")) != -1) switch (ch) { case 'H': novel_method = MG_NOVEL_HUFFMAN_CHARS; break; case 'B': novel_method = MG_NOVEL_BINARY; break; case 'D': novel_method = MG_NOVEL_DELTA; break; case 'Y': novel_method = MG_NOVEL_HYBRID; break; case 'M': novel_method = MG_NOVEL_HYBRID_MTF; break; case 'f': /* input file */ file_name = optarg; break; case 'd': set_basepath (optarg); break; case 'C': case 'P': case 'S': type = ch; break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': mode = ch; break; case 'l': lookback = atoi (optarg); if (!is_power_of_two (lookback)) FatalError (1, "The lookback value must be a power of 2"); lookback = floorlog_2 (lookback); break; case 'k': k = atof (optarg) * 1024; break; case 'h': case '?': fprintf (stderr, "usage: %s [-l lookback] [-f input_file]" "[-d data directory] [-h] [-0|-1|-2|-3] [-C|-P|-S] [-k mem (Kb)]\n", argv[0]); exit (1); } GetTime (&StartTime); ReadInWords (file_name); if (type == 'C') { Select_all (); mem_reqd = WriteOutWords (file_name, MG_COMPLETE_DICTIONARY, lookback); } else { switch (mode) { case '0': Select_all (); break; case '1': Message ("Dictionary limit of %.2f Kb", k / 1024); Select_on ((int) k, OccuranceOrder); break; case '2': Message ("Dictionary limit of %.2f Kb", k / 1024); Select_on ((int) k, DecFreqIncWL); break; case '3': Message ("Dictionary limit of %.2f Kb", k / 1024); Method3 ((int) k); break; } if (type == 'P') { mem_reqd = WriteOutWords (file_name, MG_PARTIAL_DICTIONARY, lookback); } else { mem_reqd = WriteOutWords (file_name, MG_SEED_DICTIONARY, lookback); } } Message ("Num words : %8u -> %8u\n", Num[1], keep[1].num_wds); Message ("Num non-words : %8u -> %8u\n", Num[0], keep[0].num_wds); Message ("Chars of words : %8u -> %8u\n", chars[1], keep[1].chars); Message ("Chars of non-words : %8u -> %8u\n", chars[0], keep[0].chars); Message ("Mem usage : %8u -> %8u\n", (Num[0] + Num[1]) * sizeof (char *) + chars[0] + chars[1], (keep[0].num_wds + keep[1].num_wds) * sizeof (char *) + keep[0].chars + keep[1].chars); Message ("Actual mem required : %8u\n", mem_reqd); Message ("%s", ElapsedTime (&StartTime, NULL)); exit (0); }