Esempio n. 1
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    if(init() == 0){
        printf("Something went wrong, sorry...");
        return 0;
    int p = fork();
    if(p == 0){
        if(p == -1){
            return 1;
        kill(p, SIGSTOP);
    return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
Esempio n. 2
static bool _FrExecProgram(const char *hostname, int portnum,
			   int &pipe_in, int &pipe_out,
			   istream *&stream_in, ostream *&stream_out,
			   ostream &err,
			   const char *progname, char **arglist)
   set_child_pid(-1) ;
   if (progname && *progname)
      bool result ;
      if (portnum > 0)
	 result = popen_program(arglist,err) ;
	 if (result)
	 int sp ;
         sp = spawnvp(P_NOWAIT,arglist[0],(char const * const *)arglist) == 0 ;
	 if (sp == 0)
#endif /* FrUSING_POPEN */
	    result = true ;
	    // wait for the child program to contact us
	    FrSocket sock = FrAwaitConnection(portnum, FrPOPEN_LOAD_TIMEOUT,
					      err,false) ;
	    if (sock != (FrSocket)INVALID_SOCKET)
	       pipe_in = pipe_out = sock ;
	       stream_in = new FrISockStream(sock) ;
	       stream_out = new FrOSockStream(sock) ;
	       if (!stream_in || !stream_in->good())
		  result = false ;
	       // the child program is supposed to send us a line identifying
	       // itself
	       if (FramepaC_verbose)
		  char line[MAX_CMDLINE] ;
		  stream_in->getline(line,sizeof(line)) ;
		  err << "; Connected: " << line << endl ;
		  stream_in->ignore(MAX_CMDLINE,'\n') ;
	       result = false ;
	    // close the listening socket to avoid having it hang around
	    (void)FrAwaitConnection(-1,0,err,false) ;
	 result = fork_program(arglist,pipe_in,pipe_out) ;
	 if (result)
	    stream_in = Fr_ifstream(pipe_in) ;
	    stream_out = Fr_ofstream(pipe_out) ;
      return result ;
      return connect_to_port(hostname,portnum,pipe_in, pipe_out,
			     stream_in,stream_out) ;
Esempio n. 3
static bool fork_program(char **arglist, int &pipe_in, int &pipe_out)
#if defined(MSDOS) || defined(__MSDOS__) || defined(__WINDOWS__) || defined(__NT__)
  FrWarning("Sorry, fork() is not available under MS-DOS or Windoze.\n"
	    "Change the program's configuration to indicate a socket number\n"
	    "other than -1 to permit the use of "
#endif /* FrUSING_POPEN */
	    "(), which IS supported.") ;
  (void)arglist ; (void)pipe_in ; (void)pipe_out ;
  return false ;
  int pipe_desc[2] ;
  pipe_desc[0] = EOF ;
  pipe_desc[1] = EOF ;
  errno = 0 ;
  int pipe_stat = pipe( pipe_desc ) ;
  if (pipe_stat)
     if (pipe_desc[0] != EOF) close(pipe_desc[0]) ;
     if (pipe_desc[1] != EOF) close(pipe_desc[1]) ;
     FrErrorVA("bad write pipe (errno=%d: %s)",errno,strerror(errno)) ;
     return false ;
  int pipe_in_child = pipe_desc[0] ;
  int pipe_out_parent = pipe_desc[1] ;
  errno = 0 ;
  pipe_stat = pipe( pipe_desc ) ;
  if (pipe_stat)
     close(pipe_in_child) ;
     close(pipe_out_parent) ;
     if (pipe_desc[0] != EOF && pipe_desc[0] != pipe_in_child)
	(void)close(pipe_desc[0]) ;
     if (pipe_desc[1] != EOF && pipe_desc[1] != pipe_out_parent)
	(void)close(pipe_desc[1]) ;
     FrErrorVA("bad read pipe (errno=%d: %s)",errno,strerror(errno)) ;
     return false ;
  int pipe_in_parent = pipe_desc[0] ;
  int pipe_out_child = pipe_desc[1] ;

  errno = 0 ;
  int pid = fork() ;
  if (pid == -1)
     close(pipe_in_parent) ;
     close(pipe_in_child) ;
     close(pipe_out_parent) ;
     close(pipe_out_child) ;
     FrErrorVA("unable to fork %s (errno=%d)",arglist[0],errno) ;
     return false ;
  else if (pid == 0)
     dup2( pipe_in_child, 0 ) ;	  // put the read end of the pipe on stdin
     dup2( pipe_out_child, 1 ) ;  // put the write end of the pipe on stdout
//   dup2( 1, 2 ) ;		  // also put stderr thru the pipe
     if (!FramepaC_verbose)
	close(2) ;
     close(pipe_in_child) ;
     close(pipe_out_child) ;
     close( pipe_in_parent ) ;	 // close the unused ends of the pipes
     close( pipe_out_parent ) ;
     errno = 0 ;
     execvp( arglist[0], arglist) ;
     // not reached except when error
     FrErrorVA("couldn't exec program %s (errno=%d) -- check configuration file",
	       arglist[0],errno) ;
     return false ;
     close(pipe_in_child) ;	// close the unused ends of the pipes
     close(pipe_out_child) ;
     pipe_in = pipe_in_parent ;
     pipe_out = pipe_out_parent ;
     set_child_pid(pid) ;
  return true ;
#endif /* __WINDOWS__ || __NT__ */