/*************************************************************** * void vprintf_tests * * ****************************************************************/ void vprintf_tests() { set_col(2); set_row(4); vprintf_custom("Esto es una prueba: %x %x %x %x", 1000, 10000, 1000000, 99999999); set_col(2); set_row(5); vprintf_custom("Esto es una prueba: %d %d %d %d", 1000, 10000, 1000000, 99999999); set_col(2); set_row(6); vprintf_custom("Esto es una prueba: %x %d %x %d", 1000, 10000, 1000000, 999999); set_col(2); set_row(7); vprintf_custom("Esto es una prueba: %x %d %s %x", 1000, 10000, "Hello!!", 99999999); set_col(2); set_row(10); vprintf_custom("Esto es una prueba: %s %s", "dos strings muuuuuuuuuuuy largooooooos", "012345678901234567890123456789001234567890123456789"); print_vscreen(); }
void free_command(char* params) { char option[20]; bool leave = false; unsigned int address = 0; unsigned int i = 0; unsigned int len = 0; void* result = 0; len = strlen_custom(params); memset_custom(option, sizeof(option), 0); sscanf_custom(params, "%s", option); if( strcmp(option, "info") == 0 ) { newline(); set_col(2); vprintf_custom("Usa el comando \'free\' seguido de una direccion" " de memoria en base hexadecimal (es decir el numero precedido" " por 0x o 0X), para liberar la porcion de memoria que empieza" " en ese lugar."); } else { for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { if( ishex(option[i] == false) ) { leave = true; break; } } //compruebo que el numero esté en hexa if( leave == false && option[0] == '0' && (option[1] == 'x' || option[1] == 'X')) { sscanf_custom(option, "%x", &address); result = (void*)free((unsigned int*)address); if( result == (void*)address && (unsigned int)result > 0xF) { newline(); set_col(2); vprintf_custom("La memoria con direccion %x fue liberada.", address); } else { newline(); set_col(2); vprintf_custom("No existe ningun segmento de memoria alocado" "en esa direccion."); } } else { newline(); set_col(2); vprintf_custom("Debes ingresar un direccion de memoria en " "hexa para liberar esa porcion de memoria."); } } }
// Matrix-Vector algorithm for multiplying matrices void mat_vec(float* A, float* B, int m, int p, int n, float* C) { float* x = (float*) calloc(p,sizeof(float)); float* y = (float*) calloc(m,sizeof(float)); // If memory allocation fails then exit with error if(x == NULL || y == NULL) { exit(1); } int j; // Loop through columns of B for(j=0; j < n; j++) { // Get column j of B and load into x get_col(B,p,n,j,x); // Get column j of C and load into y get_col(C,m,n,j,y); // Saxpy level 2 operation y <- alpha*A*x + y cblas_sgemv(CblasRowMajor,CblasNoTrans,m,p,1.0,A,p,x,1,1.0,y,1); // Set column j of C to y set_col(C,m,n,j,y); } // Free intermediate values free(x); free(y); }
void raytrace(t_env *env) { int x; int y; t_ray ray; t_col col; y = 0; while (y <= WIN_Y) { x = 0; while (x <= WIN_X) { ray.start = OBJ.cam_s; ray.start.x += x; ray.start.y += y; ray.dir = OBJ.cam_dir; vector_norm(&ray.dir); set_col(&OBJ.col, 0, 0, 0); env->br = 0; col = shoot_ray(ray, 10, env); save_to_img(env, col, x, y); x++; } y++; } }
mat get_cols(int start_col, int end_col){ assert(start_col < end_offset - start_offset); assert(start_offset + end_col <= end_offset); mat retmat = zeros(end-start, end_col - start_col); for (int i=start_col; i< end_col; i++) set_col(retmat, i-start_col, this->operator[](i-start_col).to_vec()); return retmat; }
/*************************************************************** * int malloc_custom * ****************************************************************/ void init_malloc_data() { if(system_memory_size == 0) { vprintf_custom("System memory size is 0."); print_vscreen(); while(1) {} } bool show_data = true; unsigned int i = 0; unsigned int table_size = 0; unsigned int check = 0; memset_custom((char*)info, sizeof(info), 0); // Aloco el 10% de mi memoria total para mi // registro de headers de memoria. table_size = (unsigned int)(system_memory_size * 0.1); malloc_registry = (memory_segment*)SAFE_ADDRESS; user_space_start = (byte*)(SAFE_ADDRESS + table_size + sizeof(memory_segment)); user_memory_size = (unsigned int)(system_memory_size - (unsigned int)user_space_start); segments_amount = (unsigned int)(table_size / sizeof(memory_segment)); minimum_segment_size = (unsigned int)(user_memory_size / segments_amount); memset_custom((char*)malloc_registry, table_size, 0); // Imprime las características del mapa de memoria. if(show_data == true) { clear_vscreen(); set_row(3); set_col(0); vprintf_custom("Memory Table Size: %x", table_size); set_row(4); set_col(0); vprintf_custom("Malloc Registry Start: %x", malloc_registry); set_row(5); set_col(0); vprintf_custom("Total Memory Size: %x", system_memory_size); set_row(6); set_col(0); vprintf_custom("User Space Start: %x", user_space_start); set_row(7); set_col(0); vprintf_custom("User Memory Size: %x", user_memory_size); set_row(8); set_col(0); vprintf_custom("Number of Table Segments: %d", segments_amount); set_row(9); set_col(0); vprintf_custom("Minimum Allocable Space: %d(bytes)", minimum_segment_size); set_row(10); set_col(0); vprintf_custom("Memory Header Size: %x", sizeof(memory_segment)); print_vscreen(); } q_to_continue(SCREEN_LENGTH - 1, 2, 1); }
MAT *m_inverse(const MAT *A, MAT *out) { unsigned int i; char MatrixTempBuffer[ 4000 ]; VEC *tmp = VNULL, *tmp2 = VNULL; MAT *A_cp = MNULL; PERM *pivot = PNULL; if ( ! A ) error(E_NULL,"m_inverse"); if ( A->m != A->n ) error(E_SQUARE,"m_inverse"); if ( ! out || out->m < A->m || out->n < A->n ) out = m_resize(out,A->m,A->n); if( SET_MAT_SIZE( A->m, A->n ) < 1000 ) mat_get( &A_cp, (void *)( MatrixTempBuffer + 2000 ), A->m, A->n ); else A_cp = matrix_get( A->m, A->n ); A_cp = m_copy( A, A_cp ); if( SET_VEC_SIZE( A->m ) < 1000 ) { vec_get( &tmp, (void *)MatrixTempBuffer, A->m ); vec_get( &tmp2, (void *)(MatrixTempBuffer + 1000), A->m ); } else { tmp = v_get( A->m ); tmp2 = v_get( A->m ); } if( SET_PERM_SIZE( A->m ) < 1000 ) { perm_get( &pivot, (void *)( MatrixTempBuffer + 3000 ), A->m ); } else { pivot = px_get( A->m ); } LUfactor(A_cp,pivot); //tracecatch_matrix(LUfactor(A_cp,pivot),"m_inverse"); for ( i = 0; i < A->n; i++ ){ v_zero(tmp); tmp->ve[i] = 1.0; LUsolve(A_cp,pivot,tmp,tmp2); //tracecatch_matrix(LUsolve(A_cp,pivot,tmp,tmp2),"m_inverse"); set_col(out,i,tmp2); } if( tmp != (VEC *)(MatrixTempBuffer ) ) // память выделялась, надо освободить V_FREE(tmp); if( tmp2 != (VEC *)(MatrixTempBuffer + 1000) ) // память выделялась, надо освободить V_FREE(tmp2); if( A_cp != (MAT *)(MatrixTempBuffer + 2000) ) // память выделялась, надо освободить M_FREE(A_cp); if( pivot != (PERM *)(MatrixTempBuffer + 3000) ) // память выделялась, надо освободить PX_FREE( pivot ); return out; }
void col_gradient_green(void) { int x; for (x=0; x<WIDTH; x++) { set_col(x,0, 0,(int)(255.0*(float)x/(float)WIDTH)); //set_col(x, 0,(int)(255.0*(float)x/(float)WIDTH),0); //set_col(x, (int)(255.0*(float)x/(float)WIDTH),0,0); } send(); }
MAT *makeQ(const MAT *QR,const VEC *diag, MAT *Qout) #endif { STATIC VEC *tmp1=VNULL,*tmp2=VNULL; unsigned int i, limit; Real beta, r_ii, tmp_val; int j; limit = min(QR->m,QR->n); if ( ! QR || ! diag ) error(E_NULL,"makeQ"); if ( diag->dim < limit ) error(E_SIZES,"makeQ"); if ( Qout==(MAT *)NULL || Qout->m < QR->m || Qout->n < QR->m ) Qout = m_get(QR->m,QR->m); tmp1 = v_resize(tmp1,QR->m); /* contains basis vec & columns of Q */ tmp2 = v_resize(tmp2,QR->m); /* contains H/holder vectors */ MEM_STAT_REG(tmp1,TYPE_VEC); MEM_STAT_REG(tmp2,TYPE_VEC); for ( i=0; i<QR->m ; i++ ) { /* get i-th column of Q */ /* set up tmp1 as i-th basis vector */ for ( j=0; j<QR->m ; j++ ) tmp1->ve[j] = 0.0; tmp1->ve[i] = 1.0; /* apply H/h transforms in reverse order */ for ( j=limit-1; j>=0; j-- ) { get_col(QR,j,tmp2); r_ii = fabs(tmp2->ve[j]); tmp2->ve[j] = diag->ve[j]; tmp_val = (r_ii*fabs(diag->ve[j])); beta = ( tmp_val == 0.0 ) ? 0.0 : 1.0/tmp_val; /* hhtrvec(tmp2,beta->ve[j],j,tmp1,tmp1); */ hhtrvec(tmp2,beta,j,tmp1,tmp1); } /* insert into Q */ set_col(Qout,i,tmp1); } #ifdef THREADSAFE V_FREE(tmp1); V_FREE(tmp2); #endif return (Qout); }
static MAT *calc_VinvIminAw(MAT *Vw, MAT *X, MAT *VinvIminAw, int calc_Aw) { /* * calculate V_w^-1(I-A_w) (==VinvIminAw), * A = X(X'X)^-1 X' (AY = XBeta; Beta = (X'X)^-1 X'Y) * * on second thought (Nov 1998 -- more than 4 years later :-)) * calc (I-Aw) only once and keep this constant during iteration. */ MAT *tmp = MNULL, *V = MNULL; VEC *b = VNULL, *rhs = VNULL; int i, j; if (X->m != Vw->n || VinvIminAw->m != X->m) ErrMsg(ER_IMPOSVAL, "calc_VinvIminAw: sizes don't match"); if (calc_Aw) { IminAw = m_resize(IminAw, X->m, X->m); tmp = m_resize(tmp, X->n, X->n); tmp = mtrm_mlt(X, X, tmp); /* X'X */ m_inverse(tmp, tmp); /* (X'X)-1 */ /* X(X'X)-1 -> X(X'X)-1 X') */ IminAw = XVXt_mlt(X, tmp, IminAw); for (i = 0; i < IminAw->m; i++) /* I - Aw */ for (j = 0; j <= i; j++) if (i == j) IminAw->me[i][j] = 1.0 - IminAw->me[i][j]; else IminAw->me[i][j] = IminAw->me[j][i] = -IminAw->me[i][j]; } V = m_copy(Vw, V); LDLfactor(V); rhs = v_resize(rhs, X->m); b = v_resize(b, X->m); for (i = 0; i < X->m; i++) { /* solve Vw X = (I-A) for X -> V-1(I-A) */ rhs = get_col(IminAw, i, rhs); LDLsolve(V, rhs, b); set_col(VinvIminAw, i, b); } v_free(rhs); v_free(b); m_free(V); if (tmp) m_free(tmp); return VinvIminAw; }
MAT *makeHQ(MAT *H, VEC *diag, VEC *beta, MAT *Qout) #endif { int i, j, limit; STATIC VEC *tmp1 = VNULL, *tmp2 = VNULL; if ( H==(MAT *)NULL || diag==(VEC *)NULL || beta==(VEC *)NULL ) error(E_NULL,"makeHQ"); limit = H->m - 1; if ( diag->dim < limit || beta->dim < limit ) error(E_SIZES,"makeHQ"); if ( H->m != H->n ) error(E_SQUARE,"makeHQ"); Qout = m_resize(Qout,H->m,H->m); tmp1 = v_resize(tmp1,H->m); tmp2 = v_resize(tmp2,H->m); MEM_STAT_REG(tmp1,TYPE_VEC); MEM_STAT_REG(tmp2,TYPE_VEC); for ( i = 0; i < H->m; i++ ) { /* tmp1 = i'th basis vector */ for ( j = 0; j < H->m; j++ ) /* tmp1->ve[j] = 0.0; */ v_set_val(tmp1,j,0.0); /* tmp1->ve[i] = 1.0; */ v_set_val(tmp1,i,1.0); /* apply H/h transforms in reverse order */ for ( j = limit-1; j >= 0; j-- ) { get_col(H,(unsigned int)j,tmp2); /* tmp2->ve[j+1] = diag->ve[j]; */ v_set_val(tmp2,j+1,v_entry(diag,j)); hhtrvec(tmp2,beta->ve[j],j+1,tmp1,tmp1); } /* insert into Qout */ set_col(Qout,(unsigned int)i,tmp1); } #ifdef THREADSAFE V_FREE(tmp1); V_FREE(tmp2); #endif return (Qout); }
int main(int argc, char **argv){ char b[SIZE]; int **board; FILE *f; board = calloc(SIZE, sizeof(int)); int i; for(i=0; i<SIZE; i++){ if (board == NULL) { printf("Memory allocation failed\n"); exit(-1); } board[i] = calloc(SIZE, sizeof(int)); } f = fopen(argv[1], "r"); while ( (fgets(b, SIZE , f) != NULL) ){ char *comm = strtok(b, " "); int roc = 0; int val = 0; if( (strspn(comm, sc) == strlen(sc))){ roc = atoi(strtok(NULL, " ")); val = atoi(strtok(NULL, " ")); set_col(board, roc, val); }else if( (strspn(comm, sr)) == strlen(sr) ){ roc = atoi(strtok(NULL, " ")); val = atoi(strtok(NULL, " ")); set_row(board, roc, val); }else if( (strspn(comm, qc)) == strlen(qc) ){ roc = atoi(strtok(NULL, " ")); printf("%d\n", query_col(board, roc)); }else if( (strspn(comm, qr)) == strlen(qr) ){ roc = atoi(strtok(NULL, " ")); printf("%d\n", query_row(board, roc)); } } for(i=0; i<SIZE; i++){ free(board[i]); } free(board); fclose(f); }
MAT *m_inverse(const MAT *A, MAT *out) #endif { int i; STATIC VEC *tmp = VNULL, *tmp2 = VNULL; STATIC MAT *A_cp = MNULL; STATIC PERM *pivot = PNULL; if ( ! A ) error(E_NULL,"m_inverse"); if ( A->m != A->n ) error(E_SQUARE,"m_inverse"); if ( ! out || out->m < A->m || out->n < A->n ) out = m_resize(out,A->m,A->n); A_cp = m_resize(A_cp,A->m,A->n); A_cp = m_copy(A,A_cp); tmp = v_resize(tmp,A->m); tmp2 = v_resize(tmp2,A->m); pivot = px_resize(pivot,A->m); MEM_STAT_REG(A_cp,TYPE_MAT); MEM_STAT_REG(tmp, TYPE_VEC); MEM_STAT_REG(tmp2,TYPE_VEC); MEM_STAT_REG(pivot,TYPE_PERM); tracecatch(LUfactor(A_cp,pivot),"m_inverse"); for ( i = 0; i < A->n; i++ ) { v_zero(tmp); tmp->ve[i] = 1.0; tracecatch(LUsolve(A_cp,pivot,tmp,tmp2),"m_inverse"); set_col(out,i,tmp2); } #ifdef THREADSAFE V_FREE(tmp); V_FREE(tmp2); M_FREE(A_cp); PX_FREE(pivot); #endif return out; }
int call_tabla(void *nombre, int argc, char **argv, char **azColName) { char tmp[255]; char *formato="<L></B/5>%s"; char *coltitle[10], *rowtitle[10], *mesg[10]; int colwidth[10], colvalue[10]; int i=0; //char *titulo="<L></B/5>%s"; char titulo[255]; //sprintf(&titulo,nombre); CDKSCREEN *pantalla; initscr(); pantalla=initCDKScreen(stdscr); CDKMATRIX *matriz; sprintf(titulo,formato,nombre); for(i=0;i<argc;i++) { sprintf(tmp,formato,azColName[i]); rowtitle[i+1]=copyChar(tmp); printf(tmp); // set_row(i+1,azColName[i]); } set_col(1,57,titulo); matriz=newCDKMatrix( pantalla, CENTER,CENTER, argc,1,argc,1, "",rowtitle,coltitle,colwidth,colvalue,-1,-1,'.',COL,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE ); activateCDKMatrix(matriz,0); /* for(i=0;i<argc;i++) { printf("->%s: %s\n",azColName[i],argv[i]); } printf("%s",(char*)nombre);*/ return 0; }
void ClearScreen(){ unsigned char page; u16 i,j; page=0xB0; for(i=0;i<1024;i+=128) { P5OUT &= ~AA0; P4OUT=page; //page number Setting P5OUT &= ~AWRN; P5OUT |= AWRN; set_col(); // setup low/high column P5OUT |= AA0; for(j=0;j<128;j++){ //page_data=pic[pic_index][j+i*128]; //page_data=DC[j+(i<<7)]; P4OUT=0x00; //P4OUT=0X03; P5OUT &= ~AWRN; P5OUT |= AWRN; } page++; } }
// Saxpy operations for multiplying matrices void mat_saxpy(float* A, float* B, int m, int p, int n, float* C) { float* x = (float*) calloc(m,sizeof(float)); float* y = (float*) calloc(m,sizeof(float)); // If memory allocation fails then exit with error if(x == NULL || y == NULL) { exit(1); } int j,k; // Loop through columns of B for(j=0; j < n; j++) { // Loop through columns of A for(k=0; k < p; k++) { // Get column k of A and load into x get_col(A,m,p,k,x); // Get column j of C and load into y get_col(C,m,n,j,y); // Get alpha float alpha = B[k*n+j]; // Saxpy level 1 operation y <- alpha*x + y cblas_saxpy(m,alpha,x,1,y,1); // Set column j of C to y set_col(C,m,n,j,y); } } // Free intermediate values free(x); free(y); }
void ShowProgress(u8 progress){ unsigned char page; u16 j; //ClearScreen(); page=0xB0; P5OUT &= ~AA0; P4OUT=page; //page number Setting P5OUT &= ~AWRN; P5OUT |= AWRN; set_col(); // setup low/high column P5OUT |= AA0; for(j=0;j<128;j++){ //page_data=pic[pic_index][j+i*128]; //page_data=DC[j+(i<<7)]; if (j<=progress){ P4OUT=0xFF; }else{ P4OUT=0x00; }; //P4OUT=0X03; P5OUT &= ~AWRN; P5OUT |= AWRN; } }
void get_col(t_env *env, t_col *col) { if (env->info.wallside == 0) { if (env->wall_type == 0) if (env->info.step.x < 0) set_col(col, 51, 0, 102); else set_col(col, 0, 0, 102); else set_col(col, 255, 215, 0); } else if (env->info.wallside == 1) { if (env->wall_type == 0) if (env->info.step.y < 0) set_col(col, 0, 51, 0); else set_col(col, 192, 192, 192); else set_col(col, 255, 215, 0); } }
VEC *iter_gmres(ITER *ip) #endif { STATIC VEC *u=VNULL, *r=VNULL, *rhs = VNULL; STATIC VEC *givs=VNULL, *givc=VNULL, *z = VNULL; STATIC MAT *Q = MNULL, *R = MNULL; VEC *rr, v, v1; /* additional pointers (not real vectors) */ int i,j, done; Real nres; /* Real last_h; */ if (ip == INULL) error(E_NULL,"iter_gmres"); if ( ! ip->Ax || ! ip->b ) error(E_NULL,"iter_gmres"); if ( ! ip->stop_crit ) error(E_NULL,"iter_gmres"); if ( ip->k <= 0 ) error(E_BOUNDS,"iter_gmres"); if (ip->x != VNULL && ip->x->dim != ip->b->dim) error(E_SIZES,"iter_gmres"); if (ip->eps <= 0.0) ip->eps = MACHEPS; r = v_resize(r,ip->k+1); u = v_resize(u,ip->b->dim); rhs = v_resize(rhs,ip->k+1); givs = v_resize(givs,ip->k); /* Givens rotations */ givc = v_resize(givc,ip->k); MEM_STAT_REG(r,TYPE_VEC); MEM_STAT_REG(u,TYPE_VEC); MEM_STAT_REG(rhs,TYPE_VEC); MEM_STAT_REG(givs,TYPE_VEC); MEM_STAT_REG(givc,TYPE_VEC); R = m_resize(R,ip->k+1,ip->k); Q = m_resize(Q,ip->k,ip->b->dim); MEM_STAT_REG(R,TYPE_MAT); MEM_STAT_REG(Q,TYPE_MAT); if (ip->x == VNULL) { /* ip->x == 0 */ ip->x = v_get(ip->b->dim); ip->shared_x = FALSE; } v.dim = v.max_dim = ip->b->dim; /* v and v1 are pointers to rows */ v1.dim = v1.max_dim = ip->b->dim; /* of matrix Q */ if (ip->Bx != (Fun_Ax)NULL) { /* if precondition is defined */ z = v_resize(z,ip->b->dim); MEM_STAT_REG(z,TYPE_VEC); } done = FALSE; for (ip->steps = 0; ip->steps < ip->limit; ) { /* restart */ ip->Ax(ip->A_par,ip->x,u); /* u = A*x */ v_sub(ip->b,u,u); /* u = b - A*x */ rr = u; /* rr is a pointer only */ if (ip->Bx) { (ip->Bx)(ip->B_par,u,z); /* tmp = B*(b-A*x) */ rr = z; } nres = v_norm2(rr); if (ip->steps == 0) { if (ip->info) ip->info(ip,nres,VNULL,VNULL); ip->init_res = nres; } if ( nres == 0.0 ) { done = TRUE; break; } v.ve = Q->me[0]; sv_mlt(1.0/nres,rr,&v); v_zero(r); v_zero(rhs); rhs->ve[0] = nres; for ( i = 0; i < ip->k && ip->steps < ip->limit; i++ ) { ip->steps++; v.ve = Q->me[i]; (ip->Ax)(ip->A_par,&v,u); rr = u; if (ip->Bx) { (ip->Bx)(ip->B_par,u,z); rr = z; } if (i < ip->k - 1) { v1.ve = Q->me[i+1]; v_copy(rr,&v1); for (j = 0; j <= i; j++) { v.ve = Q->me[j]; /* r->ve[j] = in_prod(&v,rr); */ /* modified Gram-Schmidt algorithm */ r->ve[j] = in_prod(&v,&v1); v_mltadd(&v1,&v,-r->ve[j],&v1); } r->ve[i+1] = nres = v_norm2(&v1); if (nres <= MACHEPS*ip->init_res) { for (j = 0; j < i; j++) rot_vec(r,j,j+1,givc->ve[j],givs->ve[j],r); set_col(R,i,r); done = TRUE; break; } sv_mlt(1.0/nres,&v1,&v1); } else { /* i == ip->k - 1 */ /* Q->me[ip->k] need not be computed */ for (j = 0; j <= i; j++) { v.ve = Q->me[j]; r->ve[j] = in_prod(&v,rr); } nres = in_prod(rr,rr) - in_prod(r,r); if (sqrt(fabs(nres)) <= MACHEPS*ip->init_res) { for (j = 0; j < i; j++) rot_vec(r,j,j+1,givc->ve[j],givs->ve[j],r); set_col(R,i,r); done = TRUE; break; } if (nres < 0.0) { /* do restart */ i--; ip->steps--; break; } r->ve[i+1] = sqrt(nres); } /* QR update */ /* last_h = r->ve[i+1]; */ /* for test only */ for (j = 0; j < i; j++) rot_vec(r,j,j+1,givc->ve[j],givs->ve[j],r); givens(r->ve[i],r->ve[i+1],&givc->ve[i],&givs->ve[i]); rot_vec(r,i,i+1,givc->ve[i],givs->ve[i],r); rot_vec(rhs,i,i+1,givc->ve[i],givs->ve[i],rhs); set_col(R,i,r); nres = fabs((double) rhs->ve[i+1]); if (ip->info) ip->info(ip,nres,VNULL,VNULL); if ( ip->stop_crit(ip,nres,VNULL,VNULL) ) { done = TRUE; break; } } /* use ixi submatrix of R */ if (i >= ip->k) i = ip->k - 1; R = m_resize(R,i+1,i+1); rhs = v_resize(rhs,i+1); /* test only */ /* test_gmres(ip,i,Q,R,givc,givs,last_h); */ Usolve(R,rhs,rhs,0.0); /* solve a system: R*x = rhs */ /* new approximation */ for (j = 0; j <= i; j++) { v.ve = Q->me[j]; v_mltadd(ip->x,&v,rhs->ve[j],ip->x); } if (done) break; /* back to old dimensions */ rhs = v_resize(rhs,ip->k+1); R = m_resize(R,ip->k+1,ip->k); } #ifdef THREADSAFE V_FREE(u); V_FREE(r); V_FREE(rhs); V_FREE(givs); V_FREE(givc); V_FREE(z); M_FREE(Q); M_FREE(R); #endif return ip->x; }
MAT *iter_arnoldi(ITER *ip, Real *h_rem, MAT *Q, MAT *H) #endif { STATIC VEC *u=VNULL, *r=VNULL; VEC v; /* auxiliary vector */ int i,j; Real h_val, c; if (ip == INULL) error(E_NULL,"iter_arnoldi"); if ( ! ip->Ax || ! Q || ! ip->x ) error(E_NULL,"iter_arnoldi"); if ( ip->k <= 0 ) error(E_BOUNDS,"iter_arnoldi"); if ( Q->n != ip->x->dim || Q->m != ip->k ) error(E_SIZES,"iter_arnoldi"); m_zero(Q); H = m_resize(H,ip->k,ip->k); m_zero(H); u = v_resize(u,ip->x->dim); r = v_resize(r,ip->k); MEM_STAT_REG(u,TYPE_VEC); MEM_STAT_REG(r,TYPE_VEC); v.dim = v.max_dim = ip->x->dim; c = v_norm2(ip->x); if ( c <= 0.0) return H; else { v.ve = Q->me[0]; sv_mlt(1.0/c,ip->x,&v); } v_zero(r); for ( i = 0; i < ip->k; i++ ) { v.ve = Q->me[i]; u = (ip->Ax)(ip->A_par,&v,u); for (j = 0; j <= i; j++) { v.ve = Q->me[j]; /* modified Gram-Schmidt */ r->ve[j] = in_prod(&v,u); v_mltadd(u,&v,-r->ve[j],u); } h_val = v_norm2(u); /* if u == 0 then we have an exact subspace */ if ( h_val <= 0.0 ) { *h_rem = h_val; return H; } set_col(H,i,r); if ( i == ip->k-1 ) { *h_rem = h_val; continue; } /* H->me[i+1][i] = h_val; */ m_set_val(H,i+1,i,h_val); v.ve = Q->me[i+1]; sv_mlt(1.0/h_val,u,&v); } #ifdef THREADSAFE V_FREE(u); V_FREE(r); #endif return H; }
MAT *iter_arnoldi_iref(ITER *ip, Real *h_rem, MAT *Q, MAT *H) #endif { STATIC VEC *u=VNULL, *r=VNULL, *s=VNULL, *tmp=VNULL; VEC v; /* auxiliary vector */ int i,j; Real h_val, c; if (ip == INULL) error(E_NULL,"iter_arnoldi_iref"); if ( ! ip->Ax || ! Q || ! ip->x ) error(E_NULL,"iter_arnoldi_iref"); if ( ip->k <= 0 ) error(E_BOUNDS,"iter_arnoldi_iref"); if ( Q->n != ip->x->dim || Q->m != ip->k ) error(E_SIZES,"iter_arnoldi_iref"); m_zero(Q); H = m_resize(H,ip->k,ip->k); m_zero(H); u = v_resize(u,ip->x->dim); r = v_resize(r,ip->k); s = v_resize(s,ip->k); tmp = v_resize(tmp,ip->x->dim); MEM_STAT_REG(u,TYPE_VEC); MEM_STAT_REG(r,TYPE_VEC); MEM_STAT_REG(s,TYPE_VEC); MEM_STAT_REG(tmp,TYPE_VEC); v.dim = v.max_dim = ip->x->dim; c = v_norm2(ip->x); if ( c <= 0.0) return H; else { v.ve = Q->me[0]; sv_mlt(1.0/c,ip->x,&v); } v_zero(r); v_zero(s); for ( i = 0; i < ip->k; i++ ) { v.ve = Q->me[i]; u = (ip->Ax)(ip->A_par,&v,u); for (j = 0; j <= i; j++) { v.ve = Q->me[j]; /* modified Gram-Schmidt */ r->ve[j] = in_prod(&v,u); v_mltadd(u,&v,-r->ve[j],u); } h_val = v_norm2(u); /* if u == 0 then we have an exact subspace */ if ( h_val <= 0.0 ) { *h_rem = h_val; return H; } /* iterative refinement -- ensures near orthogonality */ do { v_zero(tmp); for (j = 0; j <= i; j++) { v.ve = Q->me[j]; s->ve[j] = in_prod(&v,u); v_mltadd(tmp,&v,s->ve[j],tmp); } v_sub(u,tmp,u); v_add(r,s,r); } while ( v_norm2(s) > 0.1*(h_val = v_norm2(u)) ); /* now that u is nearly orthogonal to Q, update H */ set_col(H,i,r); /* check once again if h_val is zero */ if ( h_val <= 0.0 ) { *h_rem = h_val; return H; } if ( i == ip->k-1 ) { *h_rem = h_val; continue; } /* H->me[i+1][i] = h_val; */ m_set_val(H,i+1,i,h_val); v.ve = Q->me[i+1]; sv_mlt(1.0/h_val,u,&v); } #ifdef THREADSAFE V_FREE(u); V_FREE(r); V_FREE(s); V_FREE(tmp); #endif return H; }
/*************************************************************** * void malloc_tests * * ****************************************************************/ void malloc_tests() { unsigned int row = 3; unsigned int col = 3; unsigned int size1 = 30000000; unsigned int* test_ptr1 = malloc_custom(size1, 0); set_row(row); set_col(col); vprintf_custom("1 Asked: %d, starts at: %x", size1, test_ptr1); set_row(row++); set_col(col + 40); vprintf_custom("mem left: %d", user_memory_size - allocated_space); unsigned int size2 = 1000; unsigned int* test_ptr2 = malloc_custom(size2, 0); set_row(row); set_col(col); vprintf_custom("2 Asked: %d, starts at: %x", size2, test_ptr2); set_row(row++); set_col(col + 40); vprintf_custom("mem left: %d", user_memory_size - allocated_space); unsigned int size3 = 0x00A00000; // 10MB unsigned int* test_ptr3 = malloc_custom(size3, 0); set_row(row); set_col(col); vprintf_custom("3 Asked: %d, starts at: %x", size3, test_ptr3); set_row(row++); set_col(col + 40); vprintf_custom("mem left: %d", user_memory_size - allocated_space); unsigned int size4 = 0x00A00000; // 10MB unsigned int* test_ptr4 = malloc_custom(size4, 0); set_row(row); set_col(col); vprintf_custom("4 Asked: %d, starts at: %x", size4, test_ptr4); set_row(row++); set_col(col + 40); vprintf_custom("mem left: %d", user_memory_size - allocated_space); unsigned int size5 = 0x00100000; // 1MB unsigned int* test_ptr5 = malloc_custom(size5, 1); set_row(row); set_col(col); vprintf_custom("5 Asked: %d, starts at: %x", size5, test_ptr5); set_row(row++); set_col(col + 40); vprintf_custom("mem left: %d", user_memory_size - allocated_space); unsigned int size6 = 0x00100000; // 1MB unsigned int* test_ptr6 = malloc_custom(size6, 0); set_row(row); set_col(col); vprintf_custom("6 Asked: %d, starts at: %x", size6, test_ptr6); set_row(row++); set_col(col + 40); vprintf_custom("mem left: %d", user_memory_size - allocated_space); unsigned int size7 = 0x00100000; // 1MB unsigned int* test_ptr7 = malloc_custom(size7, 0); set_row(row); set_col(col); vprintf_custom("7 Asked: %d, starts at: %x", size7, test_ptr7); set_row(row++); set_col(col + 40); vprintf_custom("mem left: %d", user_memory_size - allocated_space); unsigned int size8 = 0x00400000; // 4MB unsigned int* test_ptr8 = malloc_custom(size8, 0); set_row(row); set_col(col); vprintf_custom("8 Asked: %d, starts at: %x", size8, test_ptr8); set_row(row++); set_col(col + 40); vprintf_custom("mem left: %d", user_memory_size - allocated_space); unsigned int size9 = 0x00100000; // 64KB unsigned int* test_ptr9 = malloc_custom(size9, 0); set_row(row); set_col(col); vprintf_custom("9 Asked: %d, starts at: %x", size9, test_ptr9); set_row(row++); set_col(col + 40); vprintf_custom("mem left: %d", user_memory_size - allocated_space); unsigned int size10 = 0x00100000; // 64KB unsigned int* test_ptr10 = malloc_custom(size10, 0); set_row(row); set_col(col); vprintf_custom("10 Asked: %d, starts at: %x", size10, test_ptr10); set_row(row++); set_col(col + 40); vprintf_custom("mem left: %d", user_memory_size - allocated_space); unsigned int size11 = 0x00100000; // 64KB unsigned int* test_ptr11 = malloc_custom(size11, 0); set_row(row); set_col(col); vprintf_custom("11 Asked: %d, starts at: %x", size11, test_ptr11); set_row(row++); set_col(col + 40); vprintf_custom("mem left: %d", user_memory_size - allocated_space); free(test_ptr6); set_row(row); set_col(col); vprintf_custom("Released: %x (bytes)", size7); set_row(row++); set_col(col + 40); vprintf_custom("mem left: %d", user_memory_size - allocated_space); free(test_ptr7); set_row(row); set_col(col); vprintf_custom("Released: %x (bytes)", size7); set_row(row++); set_col(col + 40); vprintf_custom("mem left: %d", user_memory_size - allocated_space); test_ptr9 = malloc_custom(size9, 0); set_row(row); set_col(col); vprintf_custom("12 Asked: %d, starts at: %x", size9, test_ptr9); set_row(row++); set_col(col + 40); vprintf_custom("mem left: %d", user_memory_size - allocated_space); print_vscreen(); }
void Data_Elise_Gra_Win::set_fill_style(Data_Fill_St * dfst) { set_active(); set_col(dfst->dcp()); }
void Data_Elise_Gra_Win::set_line_style(Data_Line_St * dlst) { set_active(); _degd->set_line_witdh(dlst->witdh()); set_col(dlst->dcp()); }
/* * This program demonstrates the Cdk matrix widget. */ int main (int argc, char **argv) { /* *INDENT-EQLS* */ CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen = 0; CDKMATRIX *courseList = 0; WINDOW *cursesWin = 0; const char *title = 0; int rows = 8; int cols = 5; int vrows = 3; int vcols = 5; bool use_coltitles; bool use_rowtitles; const char *coltitle[MY_COLS]; const char *rowtitle[MY_COLS]; const char *mesg[MY_COLS]; int colwidth[MY_COLS]; int colvalue[MY_COLS]; CDK_PARAMS params; CDKparseParams (argc, argv, ¶ms, "trcT:" CDK_MIN_PARAMS); /* invert, so giving -S causes the shadow to turn off */ params.Shadow = !params.Shadow; /* cancel the default title, or supply a new one */ if (CDKparamValue (¶ms, 't', FALSE)) { title = 0; } else if ((title = CDKparamString (¶ms, 'T')) == 0) { title = "<C>This is the CDK\n<C>matrix widget.\n<C><#LT><#HL(30)><#RT>"; } /* allow cancelling of column and/or row titles with -c and/or -r */ use_coltitles = !CDKparamValue (¶ms, 'c', FALSE); use_rowtitles = !CDKparamValue (¶ms, 'r', FALSE); /* Set up CDK. */ cursesWin = initscr (); cdkscreen = initCDKScreen (cursesWin); /* Start CDK Colors. */ initCDKColor (); /* Create the horizontal and vertical matrix labels. */ #define set_col(n, width, string) \ coltitle[n] = use_coltitles ? string : 0 ;\ colwidth[n] = width ;\ colvalue[n] = vUMIXED set_col (1, 7, "</B/5>Course"); set_col (2, 7, "</B/33>Lec 1"); set_col (3, 7, "</B/33>Lec 2"); set_col (4, 7, "</B/33>Lec 3"); set_col (5, 1, "</B/7>Flag"); #define set_row(n, string) \ rowtitle[n] = use_rowtitles ? "<C></B/6>" string : 0 set_row (1, "Course 1"); set_row (2, "Course 2"); set_row (3, "Course 3"); set_row (4, "Course 4"); set_row (5, "Course 5"); set_row (6, "Course 6"); set_row (7, "Course 7"); set_row (8, "Course 8"); /* Create the matrix object. */ courseList = newCDKMatrix (cdkscreen, CDKparamValue (¶ms, 'X', CENTER), CDKparamValue (¶ms, 'Y', CENTER), rows, cols, vrows, vcols, title, (CDK_CSTRING2) rowtitle, (CDK_CSTRING2) coltitle, colwidth, colvalue, -1, -1, '.', COL, params.Box, params.Box, params.Shadow); /* Check to see if the matrix is null. */ if (courseList == 0) { /* Clean up. */ destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen); endCDK (); printf ("Cannot create the matrix widget.\n"); printf ("Is the window too small ?\n"); ExitProgram (EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Activate the matrix. */ activateCDKMatrix (courseList, 0); /* Check if the user hit escape or not. */ if (courseList->exitType == vESCAPE_HIT) { mesg[0] = "<C>You hit escape. No information passed back."; mesg[1] = ""; mesg[2] = "<C>Press any key to continue."; popupLabel (cdkscreen, (CDK_CSTRING2) mesg, 3); } else if (courseList->exitType == vNORMAL) { char temp[80]; sprintf (temp, "Current cell (%d,%d)", courseList->crow, courseList->ccol); mesg[0] = "<L>You exited the matrix normally."; mesg[1] = temp; mesg[2] = "<L>To get the contents of the matrix cell, you can"; mesg[3] = "<L>use getCDKMatrixCell():"; mesg[4] = getCDKMatrixCell (courseList, courseList->crow, courseList->ccol); mesg[5] = ""; mesg[6] = "<C>Press any key to continue."; popupLabel (cdkscreen, (CDK_CSTRING2) mesg, 7); } /* Clean up. */ destroyCDKMatrix (courseList); destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen); endCDK (); ExitProgram (EXIT_SUCCESS); }
void Ukf(VEC *omega, VEC *mag_vec, VEC *mag_vec_I, VEC *sun_vec, VEC *sun_vec_I, VEC *Torq_ext, double t, double h, int eclipse, VEC *state, VEC *st_error, VEC *residual, int *P_flag, double sim_time) { static VEC *omega_prev = VNULL, *mag_vec_prev = VNULL, *sun_vec_prev = VNULL, *q_s_c = VNULL, *x_prev = VNULL, *Torq_prev, *x_m_o; static MAT *Q = {MNULL}, *R = {MNULL}, *Pprev = {MNULL}; static double alpha, kappa, lambda, sqrt_lambda, w_m_0, w_c_0, w_i, beta; static int n_states, n_sig_pts, n_err_states, iter_num, initialize=0; VEC *x = VNULL, *x_priori = VNULL, *x_err_priori = VNULL, *single_sig_pt = VNULL, *v_temp = VNULL, *q_err_quat = VNULL, *err_vec = VNULL, *v_temp2 = VNULL, *x_ang_vel = VNULL, *meas = VNULL, *meas_priori = VNULL, *v_temp3 = VNULL, *x_posteriori_err = VNULL, *x_b_m = VNULL, *x_b_g = VNULL; MAT *sqrt_P = {MNULL}, *P = {MNULL}, *P_priori = {MNULL}, *sig_pt = {MNULL}, *sig_vec_mat = {MNULL}, *err_sig_pt_mat = {MNULL}, *result = {MNULL}, *result_larger = {MNULL}, *result1 = {MNULL}, *Meas_err_mat = {MNULL}, *P_zz = {MNULL}, *iP_vv = {MNULL}, *P_xz = {MNULL}, *K = {MNULL}, *result2 = {MNULL}, *result3 = {MNULL}, *C = {MNULL}; int update_mag_vec, update_sun_vec, update_omega, i, j; double d_res; if (inertia == MNULL) { inertia = m_get(3,3); m_ident(inertia); inertia->me[0][0] = 0.007; inertia->me[1][1] = 0.014; inertia->me[2][2] = 0.015; } if (initialize == 0){ iter_num = 1; n_states = (7+6); n_err_states = (6+6); n_sig_pts = 2*n_err_states+1; alpha = sqrt(3); kappa = 3 - n_states; lambda = alpha*alpha * (n_err_states+kappa) - n_err_states; beta = -(1-(alpha*alpha)); w_m_0 = (lambda)/(n_err_states + lambda); w_c_0 = (lambda/(n_err_states + lambda)) + (1 - (alpha*alpha) + beta); w_i = 0.5/(n_err_states +lambda); initialize = 1; sqrt_lambda = (lambda+n_err_states); if(q_s_c == VNULL) { q_s_c = v_get(4); q_s_c->ve[0] = -0.020656; q_s_c->ve[1] = 0.71468; q_s_c->ve[2] = -0.007319; q_s_c->ve[3] = 0.6991; } if(Torq_prev == VNULL) { Torq_prev = v_get(3); v_zero(Torq_prev); } quat_normalize(q_s_c); } result = m_get(9,9); m_zero(result); result1 = m_get(n_err_states, n_err_states); m_zero(result1); if(x_m_o == VNULL) { x_m_o = v_get(n_states); v_zero(x_m_o); } x = v_get(n_states); v_zero(x); x_err_priori = v_get(n_err_states); v_zero(x_err_priori); x_ang_vel = v_get(3); v_zero(x_ang_vel); sig_pt = m_get(n_states, n_err_states); m_zero(sig_pt); if (C == MNULL) { C = m_get(9, 12); m_zero(C); } if (P_priori == MNULL) { P_priori = m_get(n_err_states, n_err_states); m_zero(P_priori); } if (Q == MNULL) { Q = m_get(n_err_states, n_err_states); m_ident(Q); // Q->me[0][0] = 0.0001; Q->me[1][1] = 0.0001; Q->me[2][2] = 0.0001; Q->me[3][3] = 0.0001; Q->me[4][4] = 0.0001; Q->me[5][5] = 0.0001; Q->me[6][6] = 0.000001; Q->me[7][7] = 0.000001; Q->me[8][8] = 0.000001; Q->me[9][9] = 0.000001; Q->me[10][10] = 0.000001; Q->me[11][11] = 0.000001; } if( Pprev == MNULL) { Pprev = m_get(n_err_states, n_err_states); m_ident(Pprev); Pprev->me[0][0] = 1e-3; Pprev->me[1][1] = 1e-3; Pprev->me[2][2] = 1e-3; Pprev->me[3][3] = 1e-3; Pprev->me[4][4] = 1e-3; Pprev->me[5][5] = 1e-3; Pprev->me[6][6] = 1e-4; Pprev->me[7][7] = 1e-4; Pprev->me[8][8] = 1e-4; Pprev->me[9][9] = 1e-3; Pprev->me[10][10] = 1e-3; Pprev->me[11][11] = 1e-3; } if (R == MNULL) { R = m_get(9,9); m_ident(R); R->me[0][0] = 0.034; R->me[1][1] = 0.034; R->me[2][2] = 0.034; R->me[3][3] = 0.00027; R->me[4][4] = 0.00027; R->me[5][5] = 0.00027; R->me[6][6] = 0.000012; R->me[7][7] = 0.000012; R->me[8][8] = 0.000012; } if(eclipse==0) { R->me[0][0] = 0.00034; R->me[1][1] = 0.00034; R->me[2][2] = 0.00034; R->me[3][3] = 0.00027; R->me[4][4] = 0.00027; R->me[5][5] = 0.00027; R->me[6][6] = 0.0000012; R->me[7][7] = 0.0000012; R->me[8][8] = 0.0000012; Q->me[0][0] = 0.00001; Q->me[1][1] = 0.00001; Q->me[2][2] = 0.00001; Q->me[3][3] = 0.0001;//0.000012;//0.0175;//1e-3; Q->me[4][4] = 0.0001;//0.0175;//1e-3; Q->me[5][5] = 0.0001;//0.0175;//1e-3; Q->me[6][6] = 0.0000000001;//1e-6; Q->me[7][7] = 0.0000000001; Q->me[8][8] = 0.0000000001; Q->me[9][9] = 0.0000000001; Q->me[10][10] = 0.0000000001; Q->me[11][11] = 0.0000000001; } else { R->me[0][0] = 0.34; R->me[1][1] = 0.34; R->me[2][2] = 0.34; R->me[3][3] = 0.0027; R->me[4][4] = 0.0027; R->me[5][5] = 0.0027; R->me[6][6] = 0.0000012; R->me[7][7] = 0.0000012; R->me[8][8] = 0.0000012; Q->me[0][0] = 0.00001; Q->me[1][1] = 0.00001; Q->me[2][2] = 0.00001; Q->me[3][3] = 0.0001; Q->me[4][4] = 0.0001; Q->me[5][5] = 0.0001; Q->me[6][6] = 0.0000000001; Q->me[7][7] = 0.0000000001; Q->me[8][8] = 0.0000000001; Q->me[9][9] = 0.0000000001; Q->me[10][10] = 0.0000000001; Q->me[11][11] = 0.0000000001; } if(omega_prev == VNULL) { omega_prev = v_get(3); v_zero(omega_prev); } if(mag_vec_prev == VNULL) { mag_vec_prev = v_get(3); v_zero(mag_vec_prev); } if(sun_vec_prev == VNULL) { sun_vec_prev = v_get(3); v_zero(sun_vec_prev); } if (err_sig_pt_mat == MNULL) { err_sig_pt_mat = m_get(n_err_states, n_sig_pts); m_zero(err_sig_pt_mat); } if(q_err_quat == VNULL) { q_err_quat = v_get(4); // q_err_quat = v_resize(q_err_quat,4); v_zero(q_err_quat); } if(err_vec == VNULL) { err_vec = v_get(3); v_zero(err_vec); } v_temp = v_get(9); v_resize(v_temp,3); if(x_prev == VNULL) { x_prev = v_get(n_states); v_zero(x_prev); x_prev->ve[3] = 1; quat_mul(x_prev,q_s_c,x_prev); x_prev->ve[4] = 0.0; x_prev->ve[5] = 0.0; x_prev->ve[6] = 0.0; x_prev->ve[7] = 0.0; x_prev->ve[8] = 0.0; x_prev->ve[9] = 0.0; x_prev->ve[10] = 0.0; x_prev->ve[11] = 0.0; x_prev->ve[12] = 0.0; } sqrt_P = m_get(n_err_states, n_err_states); m_zero(sqrt_P); //result = m_resize(result, n_err_states, n_err_states); result_larger = m_get(n_err_states, n_err_states); int n, m; for(n = 0; n < result->n; n++) { for(m = 0; m < result->m; m++) { result_larger->me[m][n] = result->me[m][n]; } } //v_resize(v_temp, n_err_states); V_FREE(v_temp); v_temp = v_get(n_err_states); symmeig(Pprev, result_larger, v_temp); i = 0; for (j=0;j<n_err_states;j++){ if(v_temp->ve[j]>=0); else{ i = 1; } } m_copy(Pprev, result1); sm_mlt(sqrt_lambda, result1, result_larger); catchall(CHfactor(result_larger), printerr(sim_time)); for(i=0; i<n_err_states; i++){ for(j=i+1; j<n_err_states; j++){ result_larger->me[i][j] = 0; } } expandstate(result_larger, x_prev, sig_pt); sig_vec_mat = m_get(n_states, n_sig_pts); m_zero(sig_vec_mat); for(j = 0; j<(n_err_states+1); j++) { for(i = 0; i<n_states; i++) { if(j==0) { sig_vec_mat->me[i][j] = x_prev->ve[i]; } else if(j>0) { sig_vec_mat->me[i][j] = sig_pt->me[i][j-1]; } } } sm_mlt(-1,result_larger,result_larger); expandstate(result_larger, x_prev, sig_pt); for(j = (n_err_states+1); j<n_sig_pts; j++) { for(i = 0; i<n_states; i++) { sig_vec_mat->me[i][j] = sig_pt->me[i][j-(n_err_states+1)]; } } single_sig_pt = v_get(n_states); quat_rot_vec(q_s_c, Torq_ext); for(j=0; j<(n_sig_pts); j++) { //v_temp = v_resize(v_temp,n_states); V_FREE(v_temp); v_temp = v_get(n_states); get_col(sig_vec_mat, j, single_sig_pt); v_copy(single_sig_pt, v_temp); rk4(t, v_temp, h, Torq_prev); set_col(sig_vec_mat, j, v_temp); } v_copy(Torq_ext, Torq_prev); x_priori = v_get(n_states); v_zero(x_priori); v_resize(v_temp,n_states); v_zero(v_temp); for(j=0; j<n_sig_pts; j++) { get_col( sig_vec_mat, j, v_temp); if(j == 0) { v_mltadd(x_priori, v_temp, w_m_0, x_priori); } else { v_mltadd(x_priori, v_temp, w_i, x_priori); } } v_copy(x_priori, v_temp); v_resize(v_temp,4); quat_normalize(v_temp);//zaroori hai ye for(i=0; i<4; i++) { x_priori->ve[i] = v_temp->ve[i]; } v_resize(v_temp, n_states); v_copy(x_priori, v_temp); v_resize(v_temp, 4); quat_inv(v_temp, v_temp); for(i=0; i<3; i++) { x_ang_vel->ve[i] = x_priori->ve[i+4]; } x_b_m = v_get(3); v_zero(x_b_m); x_b_g = v_get(3); v_zero(x_b_g); /////////////////////////check it!!!!!!!! checked... doesnt change much the estimate for(i=0; i<3; i++) { x_b_m->ve[i] = x_priori->ve[i+7]; x_b_g->ve[i] = x_priori->ve[i+10]; } v_temp2 = v_get(n_states); v_zero(v_temp2); for(j=0; j<n_sig_pts; j++) { v_resize(v_temp2, n_states); get_col( sig_vec_mat, j, v_temp2); for(i=0; i<3; i++) { err_vec->ve[i] = v_temp2->ve[i+4]; } v_resize(v_temp2, 4); quat_mul(v_temp2, v_temp, q_err_quat); v_resize(q_err_quat, n_err_states); v_sub(err_vec, x_ang_vel, err_vec); for(i=3; i<6; i++) { q_err_quat->ve[i] = err_vec->ve[i-3]; } for(i=0; i<3; i++) { err_vec->ve[i] = v_temp2->ve[i+7]; } v_sub(err_vec, x_b_m, err_vec); for(i=6; i<9; i++) { q_err_quat->ve[i] = err_vec->ve[i-6]; } for(i=0; i<3; i++) { err_vec->ve[i] = v_temp2->ve[i+10]; } v_sub(err_vec, x_b_g, err_vec); for(i=9; i<12; i++) { q_err_quat->ve[i] = err_vec->ve[i-9]; } set_col(err_sig_pt_mat, j, q_err_quat); if(j==0){ v_mltadd(x_err_priori, q_err_quat, w_m_0, x_err_priori); } else{ v_mltadd(x_err_priori, q_err_quat, w_i, x_err_priori); } } v_resize(v_temp,n_err_states); for (j=0;j<13;j++) { get_col(err_sig_pt_mat, j, v_temp); v_sub(v_temp, x_err_priori, v_temp); get_dyad(v_temp, v_temp, result_larger); if(j==0){ sm_mlt(w_c_0, result_larger, result_larger); } else{ sm_mlt(w_i, result_larger, result_larger); } m_add(P_priori, result_larger, P_priori); } symmeig(P_priori, result_larger, v_temp); i = 0; for (j=0;j<n_err_states;j++){ if(v_temp->ve[j]>=0); else{ i = 1; } } m_add(P_priori, Q, P_priori); v_resize(v_temp,3); meas = v_get(9); if (!(is_vec_equal(sun_vec, sun_vec_prev)) /*&& (eclipse==0)*/ ){ update_sun_vec =1; v_copy(sun_vec, sun_vec_prev); v_copy(sun_vec, v_temp); normalize_vec(v_temp); quat_rot_vec(q_s_c, v_temp); normalize_vec(v_temp); for(i = 0; i<3;i++){ meas->ve[i] = v_temp->ve[i]; } } else{ update_sun_vec =0; for(i = 0; i<3;i++){ meas->ve[i] = 0; } } if (!(is_vec_equal(mag_vec, mag_vec_prev)) ){ update_mag_vec =1; v_copy(mag_vec, mag_vec_prev); v_copy(mag_vec, v_temp); normalize_vec(v_temp); quat_rot_vec(q_s_c, v_temp); normalize_vec(v_temp); for(i=3; i<6; i++){ meas->ve[i] = v_temp->ve[i-3]; } } else{ update_mag_vec =0; for(i=3; i<6; i++){ meas->ve[i] = 0;//mag_vec_prev->ve[i-3]; } } if (!(is_vec_equal(omega, omega_prev) ) ){ update_omega =1; v_copy(omega, omega_prev); v_copy(omega, v_temp); quat_rot_vec(q_s_c, v_temp); for(i=6; i<9; i++){ meas->ve[i] = v_temp->ve[i-6]; } } else{ update_omega =0; for(i=6; i<9; i++){ meas->ve[i] = 0; } } v_resize(v_temp, 9); v_resize(v_temp2, n_states); v_temp3 = v_get(3); Meas_err_mat = m_get(9, n_sig_pts); m_zero(Meas_err_mat); meas_priori = v_get(9); v_zero(meas_priori); for(j=0; j<n_sig_pts; j++) { get_col( sig_vec_mat, j, v_temp2); if(update_omega){ for(i=6;i<9;i++){ v_temp->ve[i] = v_temp2->ve[i-2] + x_b_g->ve[i-6]; } } else{ for(i=6;i<9;i++){ v_temp->ve[i] = 0; } } v_resize(v_temp2, 4); if(update_sun_vec){ for(i=0;i<3;i++){ v_temp3->ve[i] = sun_vec_I->ve[i]; } quat_rot_vec(v_temp2, v_temp3); normalize_vec(v_temp3); for(i=0;i<3;i++){ v_temp->ve[i] = v_temp3->ve[i]; } } else{ for(i=0;i<3;i++){ v_temp->ve[i] = 0; } } if(update_mag_vec){ for(i=0;i<3;i++){ v_temp3->ve[i] = mag_vec_I->ve[i]; } normalize_vec(v_temp3); for(i=0;i<3;i++){ v_temp3->ve[i] = v_temp3->ve[i] + x_b_m->ve[i]; } quat_rot_vec(v_temp2, v_temp3); normalize_vec(v_temp3); for(i=3;i<6;i++){ v_temp->ve[i] = v_temp3->ve[i-3]; } } else{ for(i=3;i<6;i++){ v_temp->ve[i] = 0; } } set_col(Meas_err_mat, j, v_temp); if(j==0){ v_mltadd(meas_priori, v_temp, w_m_0, meas_priori); } else{ v_mltadd(meas_priori, v_temp, w_i, meas_priori); } } v_resize(v_temp, 9); m_resize(result_larger, 9, 9); m_zero(result_larger); P_zz = m_get(9, 9); m_zero(P_zz); iP_vv = m_get(9, 9); m_zero(iP_vv); P_xz = m_get(n_err_states, 9); m_zero(P_xz); v_resize(v_temp2, n_err_states); result1 = m_resize(result1,n_err_states,9); for (j=0; j<n_sig_pts; j++) { get_col( Meas_err_mat, j, v_temp); get_col( err_sig_pt_mat, j, v_temp2); v_sub(v_temp, meas_priori, v_temp); get_dyad(v_temp, v_temp, result_larger); get_dyad(v_temp2, v_temp, result1); if(j==0){ sm_mlt(w_c_0, result_larger, result_larger); sm_mlt(w_c_0, result1, result1); } else{ sm_mlt(w_i, result_larger, result_larger); sm_mlt(w_i, result1, result1); } m_add(P_zz, result_larger, P_zz); m_add(P_xz, result1, P_xz); } symmeig(P_zz, result_larger, v_temp); i = 0; for (j=0; j<9; j++){ if(v_temp->ve[j]>=0); else{ i = 1; } } m_add(P_zz, R, P_zz); m_inverse(P_zz, iP_vv); K = m_get(n_err_states, 9); m_zero(K); m_mlt(P_xz, iP_vv, K); if(x_posteriori_err == VNULL) { x_posteriori_err = v_get(n_err_states); v_zero(x_posteriori_err); } v_resize(v_temp,9); v_sub(meas, meas_priori, v_temp); v_copy(v_temp, residual); mv_mlt(K, v_temp, x_posteriori_err); v_resize(v_temp2,3); for(i=0;i<3;i++){ v_temp2->ve[i] = x_posteriori_err->ve[i]; } for(i=4; i<n_states; i++){ x_prev->ve[i] = (x_posteriori_err->ve[i-1] + x_priori->ve[i]); } d_res = v_norm2(v_temp2); v_resize(v_temp2,4); if(d_res<=1 /*&& d_res!=0*/){ v_temp2->ve[0] = v_temp2->ve[0]; v_temp2->ve[1] = v_temp2->ve[1]; v_temp2->ve[2] = v_temp2->ve[2]; v_temp2->ve[3] = sqrt(1-d_res); } else//baad main daala hai { v_temp2->ve[0] = (v_temp2->ve[0])/(sqrt(1+d_res)); v_temp2->ve[1] = (v_temp2->ve[1])/(sqrt(1+d_res)); v_temp2->ve[2] = (v_temp2->ve[2])/(sqrt(1+d_res)); v_temp2->ve[3] = 1/sqrt(1 + d_res); } v_resize(x_posteriori_err, n_states); for(i=(n_states-1); i>3; i--){ x_posteriori_err->ve[i] = x_posteriori_err->ve[i-1]; } for(i=0; i<4; i++){ x_posteriori_err->ve[i] = v_temp2->ve[i]; } quat_mul(v_temp2, x_priori, v_temp2); for(i=0;i<4;i++){ x_prev->ve[i] = v_temp2->ve[i]; } m_resize(result_larger, n_err_states, 9); m_mlt(K, P_zz, result_larger); result2 = m_get(9, n_err_states); m_transp(K,result2); m_resize(result1, n_err_states, n_err_states); m_mlt(result_larger, result2, result1); v_resize(v_temp, n_err_states); m_sub(P_priori, result1, Pprev); symmeig(Pprev, result1 , v_temp); i = 0; for (j=0;j<n_err_states;j++){ if(v_temp->ve[j]>=0); else{ i = 1; } } v_copy(x_prev, v_temp); v_resize(v_temp,4); v_copy(x_prev, v_temp2); v_resize(v_temp2,4); v_copy(x_prev, x_m_o); //v_resize(x_m_o, 4); v_resize(v_temp,3); quat_inv(q_s_c, v_temp2); v_copy( x_prev, state); quat_mul(state, v_temp2, state); for(i=0; i<3; i++){ v_temp->ve[i] = state->ve[i+4]; } quat_rot_vec(v_temp2, v_temp); for(i=0; i<3; i++){ state->ve[i+4] = v_temp->ve[i]; } v_copy( x_posteriori_err, st_error); iter_num++; V_FREE(x); V_FREE(x_priori); V_FREE(x_err_priori); V_FREE(single_sig_pt); V_FREE(v_temp); V_FREE(q_err_quat); V_FREE(err_vec); V_FREE(v_temp2); V_FREE(x_ang_vel); V_FREE(meas); V_FREE(meas_priori); V_FREE(v_temp3); V_FREE(x_posteriori_err); V_FREE(x_b_m); V_FREE(x_b_g); M_FREE(sqrt_P); M_FREE(P); M_FREE(P_priori); M_FREE(sig_pt); M_FREE(sig_vec_mat); M_FREE(err_sig_pt_mat); M_FREE(result); M_FREE(result_larger); M_FREE(result1); M_FREE(Meas_err_mat); M_FREE(P_zz); M_FREE(iP_vv); M_FREE(P_xz); M_FREE(K); M_FREE(result2); M_FREE(result3); }
void turtle_t::exec(turtle_com_t *com) { if (com->cname==F) { turtle_fwd_t* fcom = dynamic_cast<turtle_fwd_t*>(com); if (fcom) forward(fcom->dist); } else if (com->cname==B) { turtle_bck_t* bcom = dynamic_cast<turtle_bck_t*>(com); if (bcom) back(bcom->dist); } else if (com->cname==L) { turtle_lft_t* lcom = dynamic_cast<turtle_lft_t*>(com); if (lcom) turn_left(lcom->angl); } else if (com->cname==R) { turtle_rht_t* rcom = dynamic_cast<turtle_rht_t*>(com); if (rcom) turn_right(rcom->angl); } else if (com->cname==MF) { turtle_mfwd_t* mfcom = dynamic_cast<turtle_mfwd_t*>(com); if (mfcom) forward_move(mfcom->dist); } else if (com->cname==MB) { turtle_mbck_t* mbcom = dynamic_cast<turtle_mbck_t*>(com); if (mbcom) backward_move(mbcom->dist); } else if (com->cname==CLS) { turtle_cls_t* clscom = dynamic_cast<turtle_cls_t*>(com); if (clscom) clear(); } else if (com->cname==RESET) { turtle_rst_t* rstcom = dynamic_cast<turtle_rst_t*>(com); if (rstcom) reset(); } else if (com->cname==COL) { turtle_col_t* colcom = dynamic_cast<turtle_col_t*>(com); if (colcom) set_col(colcom->r, colcom->g, colcom->b); } else if (com->cname==BGCOL) { turtle_bgcol_t* bgcolcom = dynamic_cast<turtle_bgcol_t*>(com); if (bgcolcom) set_bgcol(bgcolcom->r, bgcolcom->g, bgcolcom->b); } else if (com->cname==SCALE) { turtle_scale_t* scalecom = dynamic_cast<turtle_scale_t*>(com); if (scalecom) scale(scalecom->s); } else if (com->cname==PAUSE) { turtle_pause_t* pausecom = dynamic_cast<turtle_pause_t*>(com); if (pausecom) pause(pausecom->t); } else if (com->cname==REPEAT) { turtle_rep_t *repcom = dynamic_cast<turtle_rep_t*>(com); if (repcom) { unsigned int times = repcom->times; turtle_com_list_t sublist = repcom->replist; repeat(times, sublist); } } else if ((com->cname==ENDREP) || (com->cname==END) || (com->cname==BEGIN)) { //These commands are place holders and used for program structure //But no execution is necessary - generate a NoOP ; } else { std::cerr<<"Unknown Command: Ignoring"<<std::endl; exit(-1); } }
VEC *iter_mgcr(ITER *ip) #endif { STATIC VEC *As=VNULL, *beta=VNULL, *alpha=VNULL, *z=VNULL; STATIC MAT *N=MNULL, *H=MNULL; VEC *rr, v, s; /* additional pointer and structures */ Real nres; /* norm of a residual */ Real dd; /* coefficient d_i */ int i,j; int done; /* if TRUE then stop the iterative process */ int dim; /* dimension of the problem */ /* ip cannot be NULL */ if (ip == INULL) error(E_NULL,"mgcr"); /* Ax, b and stopping criterion must be given */ if (! ip->Ax || ! ip->b || ! ip->stop_crit) error(E_NULL,"mgcr"); /* at least one direction vector must exist */ if ( ip->k <= 0) error(E_BOUNDS,"mgcr"); /* if the vector x is given then b and x must have the same dimension */ if ( ip->x && ip->x->dim != ip->b->dim) error(E_SIZES,"mgcr"); if (ip->eps <= 0.0) ip->eps = MACHEPS; dim = ip->b->dim; As = v_resize(As,dim); alpha = v_resize(alpha,ip->k); beta = v_resize(beta,ip->k); MEM_STAT_REG(As,TYPE_VEC); MEM_STAT_REG(alpha,TYPE_VEC); MEM_STAT_REG(beta,TYPE_VEC); H = m_resize(H,ip->k,ip->k); N = m_resize(N,ip->k,dim); MEM_STAT_REG(H,TYPE_MAT); MEM_STAT_REG(N,TYPE_MAT); /* if a preconditioner is defined */ if (ip->Bx) { z = v_resize(z,dim); MEM_STAT_REG(z,TYPE_VEC); } /* if x is NULL then it is assumed that x has entries with value zero */ if ( ! ip->x ) { ip->x = v_get(ip->b->dim); ip->shared_x = FALSE; } /* v and s are additional pointers to rows of N */ /* they must have the same dimension as rows of N */ v.dim = v.max_dim = s.dim = s.max_dim = dim; done = FALSE; for (ip->steps = 0; ip->steps < ip->limit; ) { (*ip->Ax)(ip->A_par,ip->x,As); /* As = A*x */ v_sub(ip->b,As,As); /* As = b - A*x */ rr = As; /* rr is an additional pointer */ /* if a preconditioner is defined */ if (ip->Bx) { (*ip->Bx)(ip->B_par,As,z); /* z = B*(b-A*x) */ rr = z; } /* norm of the residual */ nres = v_norm2(rr); dd = nres; /* dd = ||r_i|| */ /* check if the norm of the residual is zero */ if (ip->steps == 0) { /* information for a user */ if (ip->info) (*ip->info)(ip,nres,As,rr); ip->init_res = fabs(nres); } if (nres == 0.0) { /* iterative process is finished */ done = TRUE; break; } /* save this residual in the first row of N */ v.ve = N->me[0]; v_copy(rr,&v); for (i = 0; i < ip->k && ip->steps < ip->limit; i++) { ip->steps++; v.ve = N->me[i]; /* pointer to a row of N (=s_i) */ /* note that we must use here &v, not v */ (*ip->Ax)(ip->A_par,&v,As); rr = As; /* As = A*s_i */ if (ip->Bx) { (*ip->Bx)(ip->B_par,As,z); /* z = B*A*s_i */ rr = z; } if (i < ip->k - 1) { s.ve = N->me[i+1]; /* pointer to a row of N (=s_{i+1}) */ v_copy(rr,&s); /* s_{i+1} = B*A*s_i */ for (j = 0; j <= i-1; j++) { v.ve = N->me[j+1]; /* pointer to a row of N (=s_{j+1}) */ /* beta->ve[j] = in_prod(&v,rr); */ /* beta_{j,i} */ /* modified Gram-Schmidt algorithm */ beta->ve[j] = in_prod(&v,&s); /* beta_{j,i} */ /* s_{i+1} -= beta_{j,i}*s_{j+1} */ v_mltadd(&s,&v,- beta->ve[j],&s); } /* beta_{i,i} = ||s_{i+1}||_2 */ beta->ve[i] = nres = v_norm2(&s); if ( nres <= MACHEPS*ip->init_res) { /* s_{i+1} == 0 */ i--; done = TRUE; break; } sv_mlt(1.0/nres,&s,&s); /* normalize s_{i+1} */ v.ve = N->me[0]; alpha->ve[i] = in_prod(&v,&s); /* alpha_i = (s_0 , s_{i+1}) */ } else { for (j = 0; j <= i-1; j++) { v.ve = N->me[j+1]; /* pointer to a row of N (=s_{j+1}) */ beta->ve[j] = in_prod(&v,rr); /* beta_{j,i} */ } nres = in_prod(rr,rr); /* rr = B*A*s_{k-1} */ for (j = 0; j <= i-1; j++) nres -= beta->ve[j]*beta->ve[j]; if (sqrt(fabs(nres)) <= MACHEPS*ip->init_res) { /* s_k is zero */ i--; done = TRUE; break; } if (nres < 0.0) { /* do restart */ i--; ip->steps--; break; } beta->ve[i] = sqrt(nres); /* beta_{k-1,k-1} */ v.ve = N->me[0]; alpha->ve[i] = in_prod(&v,rr); for (j = 0; j <= i-1; j++) alpha->ve[i] -= beta->ve[j]*alpha->ve[j]; alpha->ve[i] /= beta->ve[i]; /* alpha_{k-1} */ } set_col(H,i,beta); /* other method of computing dd */ /* if (fabs((double)alpha->ve[i]) > dd) { nres = - dd*dd + alpha->ve[i]*alpha->ve[i]; nres = sqrt((double) nres); if (ip->info) (*ip->info)(ip,-nres,VNULL,VNULL); break; } */ /* to avoid overflow/underflow in computing dd */ /* dd *= cos(asin((double)(alpha->ve[i]/dd))); */ nres = alpha->ve[i]/dd; if (fabs(nres-1.0) <= MACHEPS*ip->init_res) dd = 0.0; else { nres = 1.0 - nres*nres; if (nres < 0.0) { nres = sqrt((double) -nres); if (ip->info) (*ip->info)(ip,-dd*nres,VNULL,VNULL); break; } dd *= sqrt((double) nres); } if (ip->info) (*ip->info)(ip,dd,VNULL,VNULL); if ( ip->stop_crit(ip,dd,VNULL,VNULL) ) { /* stopping criterion is satisfied */ done = TRUE; break; } } /* end of for */ if (i >= ip->k) i = ip->k - 1; /* use (i+1) by (i+1) submatrix of H */ H = m_resize(H,i+1,i+1); alpha = v_resize(alpha,i+1); Usolve(H,alpha,alpha,0.0); /* c_i is saved in alpha */ for (j = 0; j <= i; j++) { v.ve = N->me[j]; v_mltadd(ip->x,&v,alpha->ve[j],ip->x); } if (done) break; /* stop the iterative process */ alpha = v_resize(alpha,ip->k); H = m_resize(H,ip->k,ip->k); } /* end of while */ #ifdef THREADSAFE V_FREE(As); V_FREE(beta); V_FREE(alpha); V_FREE(z); M_FREE(N); M_FREE(H); #endif return ip->x; /* return the solution */ }
/* * This program demonstrates the Cdk matrix widget. */ int main (int argc, char **argv) { /* Declare local variables. */ CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen = 0; CDKMATRIX *form_prov = 0; WINDOW *cursesWin = 0; char *title = 0; int rows = 5; int cols = 1; int vrows = 5; int vcols = 1; char *coltitle[10], *rowtitle[10], *mesg[10]; int colwidth[10], colvalue[10]; // CDK_PARAMS params; // CDKparseParams (argc, argv, ¶ms, CDK_MIN_PARAMS); /* Set up CDK. */ cursesWin = initscr(); cdkscreen = initCDKScreen (cursesWin); /* Start CDK Colors. */ initCDKColor(); /* Create the horizontal and vertical matrix labels. */ #define set_col(n, width, string) \ coltitle[n] = string; colwidth[n] = width ; colvalue[n] = vUMIXED set_col(1, 7, "</B/5>Proveedor"); set_col(2, 7, "</B/33>Lec 1"); set_col(3, 7, "</B/33>Lec 2"); set_col(4, 7, "</B/33>Lec 3"); set_col(5, 1, "</B/7>Flag"); #define set_row(n, string) \ rowtitle[n] = "</B/8>" string set_row(1, "ID"); set_row(2, "Nombre"); set_row(3, "Apellido"); set_row(4, "Correo"); set_row(5, "Direccion"); set_row(6, "Course 6"); set_row(7, "Course 7"); set_row(8, "Course 8"); /* Create the title. */ /* Create the matrix object. */ form_prov = newCDKMatrix (cdkscreen, CENTER, CENTER, rows, cols, vrows, vcols, title, rowtitle, coltitle, colwidth, colvalue, -1, -1, '.', COL, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE); /* Check to see if the matrix is null. */ if (form_prov == 0) { /* Clean up. */ destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen); endCDK(); /* Print out a little message. */ printf ("Oops. Can't seem to create the matrix widget. Is the window too small ?\n"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Activate the matrix. */ activateCDKMatrix (form_prov, 0); /* Check if the user hit escape or not. */ if (form_prov->exitType == vESCAPE_HIT) { mesg[0] = "<C>You hit escape. No information passed back."; mesg[1] = "", mesg[2] = "<C>Press any key to continue."; popupLabel (cdkscreen, mesg, 3); } else if (form_prov->exitType == vNORMAL) { char temp[80]; sprintf(temp, "Current cell (%d,%d)", form_prov->crow, form_prov->ccol); mesg[0] = "<L>You exited the matrix normally."; mesg[1] = temp; mesg[2] = "<L>To get the contents of the matrix cell, you can"; mesg[3] = "<L>use getCDKMatrixCell():"; mesg[4] = getCDKMatrixCell(form_prov, form_prov->crow, form_prov->ccol); mesg[5] = ""; mesg[6] = "<C>Press any key to continue."; popupLabel (cdkscreen, mesg, 7); } /* Clean up. */ destroyCDKMatrix (form_prov); destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen); endCDK(); exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); }
/*************************************************************** * void malloc_command * Calcula la cantidad de RAM que tiene la máquina. * ****************************************************************/ void malloc_command(char* params) { char option[20]; unsigned int size = 0; unsigned int i = 0; memset_custom(option, sizeof(option), 0); sscanf_custom(params, "%s %d", option, &size); if( strcmp(option, "get") == 0 ) { if( size > minimum_segment_size ) { void* ptr = malloc_custom(size, 0); newline(); if(ptr == 0) { vprintf_custom("No hay espacio para alocar %d bytes.", size); } else { for(i = 0; info[i].ptr != 0; i++) {} if( i < INFO_TABLE_SIZE ) { vprintf_custom("Se aloco la memoria. Esta en la direccion %x", ptr); info[i].ptr = ptr; info[i].size = size; } else { newline(); vprintf_custom("No puedes alocar mas memoria porque llenaste la" "tabla que tiene las referencias de las alocaciones, y que" "usa el comando malloc info."); } } } else { newline(); vprintf_custom("Debes pedir %d bytes o mas.", minimum_segment_size); } } else if( strcmp(option, "info") == 0) { clear_vscreen(); set_col(2); set_row(1); vprintf_custom("Los valores de la izquierda son la direcciones " "en donde empieza cada segmento, los de la derecha son los " "tamanos de los mismos."); set_col(2); set_row(3); for(i = 0; i < INFO_TABLE_SIZE; i++) { if( info[i].ptr != 0 ) { set_col(2); vprintf_custom("%x %d", info[i].ptr, info[i].size); newline(); if( i > SCREEN_WIDTH - 3 ) { set_col(20); set_row(3); } } } if (i == 0) { vprintf_custom("Aun no alocaste ninguna porcion de memoria."); } } else if( strcmp(option, "") == 0 ) { newline(); vprintf_custom("Debes ingresar al menos una opcion para" " ser usada por esta funcion."); } else if(strcmp(option, "test") == 0) { malloc_tests(); q_to_continue(SCREEN_LENGTH - 1, 2, 1); } else { newline(); vprintf_custom("El comando que ingresaste no es valido."); } print_vscreen(); }