bool aes_ctr_encrypter::set_key(const aes_256_key_t& key) { if (set_key(EVP_aes_256_ctr(), key.key, key.iv) == false) { return false; } return true; }
void AES::do_aes_encrypt(byte *plain,int size_p,byte *cipher,byte *key, int bits) { calc_size_n_pad(size_p); byte plain_p[get_size()]; padPlaintext(plain,plain_p); int blocks = get_size() / N_BLOCK; set_key (key, bits) ; cbc_encrypt (plain_p, cipher, blocks); }
void LanguageData_Language::MergeFrom(const LanguageData_Language& from) { GOOGLE_CHECK_NE(&from, this); statement_.MergeFrom(from.statement_); if (from._has_bits_[0 / 32] & (0xffu << (0 % 32))) { if (from.has_key()) { set_key(from.key()); } } }
u8 set_802_11_add_wep(_adapter* padapter, NDIS_802_11_WEP *wep) { u8 bdefaultkey; u8 btransmitkey; sint keyid; struct security_priv *psecuritypriv = &padapter->securitypriv; u8 ret = _SUCCESS; _func_enter_; bdefaultkey = (wep->KeyIndex & 0x40000000) > 0 ? _FALSE : _TRUE; //for ??? btransmitkey = (wep->KeyIndex & 0x80000000) > 0 ? _TRUE : _FALSE; //for ??? keyid = wep->KeyIndex & 0x3fffffff; if (keyid >= WEP_KEYS) { RT_TRACE(_module_rtl871x_ioctl_set_c_, _drv_err_, ("MgntActSet_802_11_ADD_WEP: keyid>4 FAIL!\n")); ret = _FALSE; goto exit; } switch (wep->KeyLength) { case 5: psecuritypriv->dot11PrivacyAlgrthm = _WEP40_; RT_TRACE(_module_rtl871x_ioctl_set_c_,_drv_info_,("MgntActSet_802_11_ADD_WEP:wep->KeyLength=5\n")); break; case 13: psecuritypriv->dot11PrivacyAlgrthm = _WEP104_; RT_TRACE(_module_rtl871x_ioctl_set_c_,_drv_info_,("MgntActSet_802_11_ADD_WEP:wep->KeyLength=13\n")); break; default: psecuritypriv->dot11PrivacyAlgrthm = _NO_PRIVACY_; RT_TRACE(_module_rtl871x_ioctl_set_c_,_drv_info_,("MgntActSet_802_11_ADD_WEP:wep->KeyLength!=5 or 13\n")); break; } RT_TRACE(_module_rtl871x_ioctl_set_c_,_drv_info_,("MgntActSet_802_11_ADD_WEP:befor memcpy, wep->KeyLength=0x%x wep->KeyIndex=0x%x keyid =%x\n",wep->KeyLength,wep->KeyIndex,keyid)); _memcpy(psecuritypriv->dot11DefKey[keyid].skey, &wep->KeyMaterial, wep->KeyLength); psecuritypriv->dot11DefKeylen[keyid] = wep->KeyLength; psecuritypriv->dot11PrivacyKeyIndex = keyid; RT_TRACE(_module_rtl871x_ioctl_set_c_,_drv_info_,("MgntActSet_802_11_ADD_WEP:security key material: %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x\n", psecuritypriv->dot11DefKey[keyid].skey[0],psecuritypriv->dot11DefKey[keyid].skey[1],psecuritypriv->dot11DefKey[keyid].skey[2], psecuritypriv->dot11DefKey[keyid].skey[3],psecuritypriv->dot11DefKey[keyid].skey[4],psecuritypriv->dot11DefKey[keyid].skey[5], psecuritypriv->dot11DefKey[keyid].skey[6],psecuritypriv->dot11DefKey[keyid].skey[7],psecuritypriv->dot11DefKey[keyid].skey[8], psecuritypriv->dot11DefKey[keyid].skey[9],psecuritypriv->dot11DefKey[keyid].skey[10],psecuritypriv->dot11DefKey[keyid].skey[11], psecuritypriv->dot11DefKey[keyid].skey[12])); if (set_key(padapter, psecuritypriv, keyid) == _FAIL) ret = _FALSE; exit: _func_exit_; return ret; }
void LoadConfig() { FILE *f; char str[256]; bool have_user_setting = false; if (!conf) conf = new PADconf; conf->init(); const std::string iniFile(s_strIniPath + "OnePAD.ini"); f = fopen(iniFile.c_str(), "r"); if (f == NULL) { printf("OnePAD: failed to load ini %s\n", iniFile.c_str()); SaveConfig(); //save and return return; } u32 value; if (fscanf(f, "log = %d\n", &value) == 0) return; conf->log = value; if (fscanf(f, "options = %d\n", &value) == 0) return; conf->options = value; if (fscanf(f, "mouse_sensibility = %d\n", &value) == 0) return; conf->sensibility = value; if (fscanf(f, "joy_pad_map = %d\n", &value) == 0) return; conf->joyid_map = value; if (fscanf(f, "ff_intensity = %d\n", &value) == 0) return; conf->ff_intensity = value; for (int pad = 0; pad < 2; pad++) { for (int key = 0; key < MAX_KEYS; key++) { sprintf(str, "[%d][%d] = 0x%%x\n", pad, key); u32 temp = 0; if (fscanf(f, str, &temp) == 0) temp = 0; set_key(pad, key, temp); if (temp && pad == 0) have_user_setting = true; } } u32 pad; u32 keysym; u32 index; while( fscanf(f, "PAD %d:KEYSYM 0x%x = %d\n", &pad, &keysym, &index) != EOF ) { set_keyboad_key(pad, keysym, index); if(pad == 0) have_user_setting = true; } fclose(f); if (!have_user_setting) DefaultKeyboardValues(); }
void Client::on_input_event(const InputData& input) { if (!are_options_visible()) { switch (input.data_type) { case InputData::InputDataTypeKeyDown: set_key(MappedKey::DeviceKeyboard, input.keycode); /* escape fallback */ if (input.key_type == InputData::InputKeyTypeEscape) { if (!input.key_repeat) { show_options_menu(); } } break; case InputData::InputDataTypeKeyUp: reset_key(MappedKey::DeviceKeyboard, input.keycode); break; case InputData::InputDataTypeJoyButtonDown: set_key(MappedKey::DeviceJoyButton, input.param1); break; case InputData::InputDataTypeJoyButtonUp: reset_key(MappedKey::DeviceJoyButton, input.param1); break; case InputData::InputDataTypeJoyMotion: { joyaxis_t axis = static_cast<joyaxis_t>(input.param1); if (me) { if (!get_stack_count()) { me->state.client_server_state.jaxis = axis; } else { me->state.client_server_state.jaxis = 0; } } break; } default: break; } } }
void draw_ring(struct razer_keys *keys,struct razer_pos *pos,struct razer_rgb *color) { set_key(keys,pos->x+1, pos->y,color); set_key(keys,pos->x-1, pos->y,color); if(pos->y==4 || pos->y==1) { set_key(keys,pos->x-1, pos->y-1,color); set_key(keys,pos->x, pos->y-1,color); set_key(keys,pos->x-1, pos->y+1,color); set_key(keys,pos->x, pos->y+1,color); } else { set_key(keys,pos->x, pos->y-1,color); set_key(keys,pos->x+1, pos->y-1,color); set_key(keys,pos->x, pos->y+1,color); set_key(keys,pos->x+1, pos->y+1,color); } }
static void find_best_workgroup() { cl_event myEvent; cl_ulong startTime, endTime, kernelExecTimeNs = CL_ULONG_MAX; size_t my_work_group = 1; cl_int ret_code; int i; size_t max_group_size; clGetDeviceInfo(devices[gpu_id], CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, sizeof(max_group_size), &max_group_size, NULL); cl_command_queue queue_prof = clCreateCommandQueue(context[gpu_id], devices[gpu_id], CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE, &ret_code); //printf("Max Group Work Size %d\n",(int)max_group_size); local_work_size = 1; /// Set keys char *pass = "******"; for (i = 0; i < KEYS_PER_CRYPT; i++) { set_key(pass, i); } /// Copy data to GPU HANDLE_CLERROR(clEnqueueWriteBuffer (queue_prof, mem_in, CL_FALSE, 0, insize, inbuffer, 0, NULL, NULL), "Copy memin"); HANDLE_CLERROR(clEnqueueWriteBuffer(queue_prof, mem_salt, CL_FALSE, 0, saltsize, &host_salt, 0, NULL, NULL), "Copy memsalt"); /// Find minimum time for (my_work_group = 1; (int) my_work_group <= (int) max_group_size; my_work_group *= 2) { size_t localworksize = my_work_group; HANDLE_CLERROR(clEnqueueNDRangeKernel (queue_prof, crypt_kernel, 1, NULL, &global_work_size, &localworksize, 0, NULL, &myEvent), "Set ND range"); HANDLE_CLERROR(clFinish(queue_prof), "clFinish error"); clGetEventProfilingInfo(myEvent, CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_SUBMIT, sizeof(cl_ulong), &startTime, NULL); clGetEventProfilingInfo(myEvent, CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_END, sizeof(cl_ulong), &endTime, NULL); if ((endTime - startTime) < kernelExecTimeNs) { kernelExecTimeNs = endTime - startTime; local_work_size = my_work_group; } //printf("%d time=%lld\n",(int) my_work_group, endTime-startTime); } //printf("Optimal Group work Size = %d\n",(int)local_work_size); clReleaseCommandQueue(queue_prof); }
void testDES() { char t[100]="11111111"; int i; set_key(t); scanf("%s",t); des_encrypt(t,t); printf("密文长度为%d %s\n",strlen(t),t); des_decrypt(t,t); printf("明文长度为%d %s\n",strlen(t),t); }
result_t Stats::set_key(int n, v8::Local<v8::Value> key) { v8::String::Utf8Value str(key); const char *p = *str; if (p == NULL) return CHECK_ERROR(CALL_E_INVALIDARG); set_key(n, p); return 0; }
void Preferences::copy(const Preferences& preferences) { for (size_t i = 0; i < KEY_COUNT; ++i) { set_key(i, preferences.key(i)); } set_play_idle_music(preferences.play_idle_music()); set_play_music_in_game(preferences.play_music_in_game()); set_speech_on(preferences.speech_on()); set_volume(preferences.volume()); set_screen_size(preferences.screen_size()); set_scenario_identifier(preferences.scenario_identifier()); }
/* * EAX_Decryption Constructor */ EAX_Decryption::EAX_Decryption(BlockCipher* ciph, const SymmetricKey& key, const InitializationVector& iv, size_t tag_size) : EAX_Base(ciph, tag_size) { set_key(key); set_iv(iv); queue.resize(2*TAG_SIZE + DEFAULT_BUFFERSIZE); queue_start = queue_end = 0; }
void remove_selected() { int key, pad, keysym; if (get_selected(pad, key, keysym)) { if (keysym) conf->keysym_map[pad].erase(keysym); else set_key(pad, key, 0); update(); } }
void Client::set_key(MappedKey::Device dev, int param) { set_key(dev, param, binding.left, PlayerKeyStateLeft); set_key(dev, param, binding.right, PlayerKeyStateRight); set_key(dev, param, binding.up, PlayerKeyStateUp); set_key(dev, param, binding.down, PlayerKeyStateDown); set_key(dev, param, binding.jump, PlayerKeyStateJump); set_key(dev, param,, PlayerKeyStateFire); set_key(dev, param, binding.drop1, PlayerKeyStateDrop1); set_key(dev, param, binding.drop2, PlayerKeyStateDrop2); set_key(dev, param, binding.drop3, PlayerKeyStateDrop3); if ( == dev && == param) { if (!get_stack_count()) { subsystem.clear_input_buffer(); int vw = subsystem.get_view_width(); int vh = subsystem.get_view_height(); int ww = 350; int wh = 30; GuiWindow *window = push_window(1, 1, ww, wh, "Enter Message"); window->set_on_keydown(static_window_keydown, this); window->set_on_joybuttondown(static_window_joybutton_down, this); ww = window->get_client_width(); chat_textbox = create_textbox(window, Spc, Spc, ww - 2 * Spc, ""); window->set_height(window->get_height() - window->get_client_height() + 2 * Spc + chat_textbox->get_height()); window->set_x(vw / 2 - window->get_client_width() / 2); window->set_y(vh / 2 - window->get_client_height() / 2); chat_textbox->set_focus(); if (me) { me->state.client_server_state.key_states = 0; } } } if (binding.stats.device == dev && binding.stats.param == param) { if (!get_stack_count()) { if (tournament) { tournament->show_stats(true); } } } if (binding.escape.device == dev && binding.escape.param == param) { show_options_menu(); } }
/* * XTS_Decryption constructor */ XTS_Decryption::XTS_Decryption(BlockCipher* ciph, const SymmetricKey& key, const InitializationVector& iv) { cipher = ciph; cipher2 = ciph->clone(); tweak.create(cipher->BLOCK_SIZE); buffer.create(2 * cipher->BLOCK_SIZE); position = 0; set_key(key); set_iv(iv); }
inline void set_bprint( container *C, buffer *B, char *delim, value a ) { int i=0; iterator it = set_begin(a.C); for (; it.valid; it=set_next(it)) { if (i==0) i++; else bprintf(B, "%s", delim); bprintv(((set_container_priv*)C->priv)->Key, B, delim, set_key(it)); } }
/* * Scroll up/down by figuring out the pred/succ key in the model */ static void screen_scroll_up(Screen *s) { RowIterator iter = RowMapLowerBound(rowmap(s), key(s)); if (iter != RowMapBegin(rowmap(s))) { iter--; set_key(s, RowGetKey(iter)); } else { clear_key(s); } }
static void screen_scroll_down(Screen *s) { RowIterator iter = RowMapLowerBound(rowmap(s), key(s)); if (iter != RowMapEnd(rowmap(s))) { iter++; if (iter != RowMapEnd(rowmap(s))) set_key(s, RowGetKey(iter)); } }
int Crypt::command(int argc, const char*const* argv) { if (argc == 3) { Tcl& tcl = Tcl::instance(); if (strcmp(argv[1], "key") == 0) { if (set_key(argv[2]) != 0) tcl.result("0"); else tcl.result("1"); return (TCL_OK); } } return (TclObject::command(argc, argv)); }
inline void set_print( container *C, value a ) { int i=0; iterator it = set_begin(a.C); printf("("); for (; it.valid; it=set_next(it)) { if (i==0) i++; else printf(" "); printv(((set_container_priv*)C->priv)->Key, set_key(it)); } printf(")"); }
void Joystick::save_default_config( void ) { FILE *stream; if ((stream = fopen(CONFIG_FILE, "w")) == NULL) return ; fputs("1,1,0,0,0", stream); fclose(stream); this->config[0] = 1; this->config[1] = 1; this->config[2] = 0; this->config[3] = 0; this->config[4] = 0; set_key(); }
Node tree_create(int key, void* value, int elementSize, Node left, Node right) { assert(value); assert(elementSize > 0); Node node = malloc(sizeof(*node)); assert(node); set_key(node, key); set_value(node, value, elementSize); set_elementSize(node, elementSize); set_left(node, left); set_right(node, right); return node; }
void register_service(std::string const &name, int port, std::map<std::string, std::string> const &txt) { directoryd::ServiceRequest request; request.set_type(directoryd::REGISTER); auto *r = request.mutable_register_(); auto l = r->add_location(); l->set_port(port); l->set_type("_hotdec._tcp"); r->set_name(name); for (auto &t : txt) { auto txtfield = r->add_txt(); txtfield->set_key(t.first); txtfield->set_value(t.second); } zframe_t *sf = zframe_new(NULL, request.ByteSize()); assert (sf != NULL); request.SerializeToArray(zframe_data(sf),zframe_size(sf)); string buffer; if (debug && TextFormat::PrintToString(request, &buffer)) { fprintf(stderr, "request: %s\n", buffer.c_str()); } int retval = zframe_send(&sf, DDClient::instance().register_socket(), 0); assert(retval == 0); zframe_t *rf = zframe_recv (DDClient::instance().register_socket()); directoryd::ServiceReply reply; reply.ParseFromArray(zframe_data(rf),zframe_size(rf)); if (debug && TextFormat::PrintToString(reply, &buffer)) { fprintf(stderr, "reply: %s\n", buffer.c_str()); } zframe_destroy(&rf); if (reply.type() != directoryd::REGISTER) { throw RegistrationError("Got back incorrect message type when trying to register."); } if (reply.success() != true) { throw RegistrationError(reply.result()); } RegistrationManager::instance().add(name); }
static void low_level_init(struct netif *netif) { struct udpif *udpif; struct sockaddr_in addr; udpif = (struct udpif *)netif->state; /* Obtain MAC address from network interface. */ /* (We just fake an address...), need make random */ /* udpif->ethaddr->addr[0] = 0x1; udpif->ethaddr->addr[1] = 0x2; udpif->ethaddr->addr[2] = 0x3; udpif->ethaddr->addr[3] = 0x4; udpif->ethaddr->addr[4] = 0x5; udpif->ethaddr->addr[5] = 0x6; */ rand_hw_addr(udpif->ethaddr->addr); /* Do whatever else is needed to initialize interface. */ set_key(udpif->enc_handle, udpif->ethaddr->addr, 6); udpif->fd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); LWIP_DEBUGF(UDPIF_DEBUG, ("udpif_init: fd %d\n", udpif->fd)); if(udpif->fd == -1) { perror("udpif_init: cannot open socket"); exit(1); } bzero(&addr, sizeof(addr)); addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_addr.s_addr = udpif->local_ip.addr; addr.sin_port = udpif->local_port; if(bind(udpif->fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr)) == -1) { perror("udpif_init: bind error"); exit(1); } sys_thread_new("udpif_thread", udpif_thread, netif, DEFAULT_THREAD_STACKSIZE, DEFAULT_THREAD_PRIO); }
void Joystick::load_config( void ) { FILE *stream; char buff[128] = {0}; if ((stream = fopen(CONFIG_FILE, "r")) == NULL) { save_default_config(); return ; } if ( fgets (buff , 128 , stream) == NULL ) { fclose(stream); save_default_config(); return ; } if (strlen(buff) < 9) return ; if ((buff[0] - '0' != 1 && buff[0] - '0' != 0) || (buff[2] - '0' != 1 && buff[2] - '0' != 0) || (buff[4] - '0' != 1 && buff[4] - '0' != 0) || (buff[6] - '0' != 1 && buff[6] - '0' != 0) || (buff[8] - '0' != 1 && buff[8] - '0' != 0)) return ; this->config[0] = buff[0] - '0'; this->config[1] = buff[2] - '0'; this->config[2] = buff[4] - '0'; this->config[3] = buff[6] - '0'; this->config[4] = buff[8] - '0'; fclose(stream); int i = 0, tmp = 0; while (i < 5) { if (this->config[i] == 1) tmp++; if (tmp > 2) { save_default_config(); return ; } i++; } set_key(); }
void Cxif_key::load_old(const byte*& data) { { // keys int count = read_int(data); while (count--) { Cxif_key& i = set_key(read_int(data)); i.load_old(data); } } { // values int count = read_int(data); while (count--) { Cxif_value& i = set_value(read_int(data)); i.load_old(data); } } }
//############################################################################## //############################################################################## void BerkeleyDB::add_new_range_version() { RANGE_LOG_FUNCTION(); this->init_info(); auto lock = info_->write_lock(record_type::GRAPH_META, "graph_list"); std::string buf = info_->get_record(record_type::GRAPH_META, "range_changelist"); ChangeList changes; if(!buf.empty()) { changes.ParseFromString(buf); } std::unordered_map<std::string, uint64_t> vermap; for (auto &gname : listGraphInstances()) { auto ginst = getGraphInstance(gname); vermap[gname] = ginst->version(); } ChangeList_Change *c = changes.add_change(); for(auto &verinfo : vermap) { auto item = c->add_items(); item->set_key(verinfo.first); item->set_version(verinfo.second); } struct timeval cur_time; gettimeofday(&cur_time, NULL); auto ts = c->mutable_timestamp(); ts->set_seconds(cur_time.tv_sec); ts->set_msec(cur_time.tv_usec / 1000); changes.set_current_version(changes.current_version() + 1); info_->commit_record(std::make_tuple(record_type::GRAPH_META, "range_changelist", 0, changes.SerializeAsString())); }
cl_ulong gws_test(int gws) { cl_ulong startTime, endTime, run_time; cl_command_queue queue_prof; cl_event myEvent; cl_int ret_code; int i; int num = VF * gws; create_clobj(gws); queue_prof = clCreateCommandQueue(context[ocl_gpu_id], devices[ocl_gpu_id], CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE, &ret_code); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) set_key(rar_fmt.params.tests[0].plaintext, i); HANDLE_CLERROR(clEnqueueWriteBuffer(queue_prof, cl_salt, BLOCK_IF_DEBUG, 0, 8, saved_salt, 0, NULL, NULL), "Failed transferring salt"); HANDLE_CLERROR(clEnqueueWriteBuffer(queue_prof, cl_saved_key, BLOCK_IF_DEBUG, 0, UNICODE_LENGTH * num, saved_key, 0, NULL, NULL), "Failed transferring keys"); HANDLE_CLERROR(clEnqueueWriteBuffer(queue_prof, cl_saved_len, BLOCK_IF_DEBUG, 0, sizeof(int) * num, saved_len, 0, NULL, NULL), "Failed transferring lengths"); ret_code = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(queue_prof, crypt_kernel, 1, NULL, &global_work_size, &local_work_size, 0, NULL, &myEvent); if (ret_code != CL_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", get_error_name(ret_code)); clReleaseCommandQueue(queue_prof); release_clobj(); return 0; } HANDLE_CLERROR(clFinish(queue_prof), "Failed running kernel"); clGetEventProfilingInfo(myEvent, CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_SUBMIT, sizeof(cl_ulong), &startTime, NULL); clGetEventProfilingInfo(myEvent, CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_END, sizeof(cl_ulong), &endTime, NULL); run_time = endTime - startTime; HANDLE_CLERROR(clEnqueueReadBuffer(queue_prof, cl_aes_iv, BLOCK_IF_DEBUG, 0, 16 * num, aes_iv, 0, NULL, &myEvent), "Failed reading iv back"); HANDLE_CLERROR(clEnqueueReadBuffer(queue_prof, cl_aes_key, BLOCK_IF_DEBUG, 0, 16 * num, aes_key, 0, NULL, &myEvent), "Failed reading key back"); HANDLE_CLERROR(clFinish(queue_prof), "Failed reading results back"); clGetEventProfilingInfo(myEvent, CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_SUBMIT, sizeof(cl_ulong), &startTime, NULL); clGetEventProfilingInfo(myEvent, CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_END, sizeof(cl_ulong), &endTime, NULL); clReleaseCommandQueue(queue_prof); release_clobj(); return (run_time + endTime - startTime); }
void loop_clone_rfid(uint8_t *menu, uint8_t *opmode) { uint8_t data[80]; uint8_t keyindex = 0; uint8_t block = 0; uint8_t tries = 0; int res, oid; get_firmware_version(); while (block < BLOCKS) { if ( READ != *menu) { break; } res = mifare_reader_init(data, sizeof(data)); if (tries >= KEYS) { tries = 0; block += 1; } if (res >= 0) { res = initiator_init(data, sizeof(data)); if (res >= 11) { if (0x00 == data[3] && data[6] >= 0x04) { memcpy(&oid, &data[7], sizeof(oid)); if (0x00 == block) { debug_printf("MIFARE_CARD_ID:"); rfid_hexdump(&oid, sizeof(oid)); } set_uid(data, oid); set_key(data, keyindex); res = mifare_authenticate_block(data, sizeof(data), block); /* debug_printf("res:"); rfid_hexdump(&res, sizeof(res)); debug_printf("data:"); rfid_hexdump(&data[0], sizeof(data)); */ if (0x41 == data[0] && 0x00 == data[1]) { debug_printf("Auth Succeeded.\n"); tries = 0; switch (*opmode) { case READ: res = mifare_read_block(data, sizeof(data), block); if (res == 18) { debug_printf("Block:"); rfid_hexdump(&block, sizeof(block)); debug_printf("Data:"); rfid_hexdump(&data[2], BLOCK_SIZE); debug_printf("Key:"); rfid_hexdump(&default_keys[keyindex], MIFARE_KEY_SIZE); memcpy(&mifare_card[block*BLOCK_SIZE], &data[2], BLOCK_SIZE); if (0x00 == (block+1) % 4) { memcpy(&mifare_card[block*BLOCK_SIZE], &default_keys[keyindex], MIFARE_KEY_SIZE); memcpy(&mifare_card[block*BLOCK_SIZE+6], &access_bytes[0], ACCESS_BYTES); memcpy(&mifare_card[block*BLOCK_SIZE+10], &key_b[0], MIFARE_KEY_SIZE); } } break; case WRITE: memcpy(&data[4], &mifare_card[block*BLOCK_SIZE], BLOCK_SIZE); res = mifare_write_block(data, sizeof(data), block); debug_printf("res:"); rfid_hexdump(&res, sizeof(res)); break; } block += 1; } else if (0x41 == data[0] && 0x14 == data[1]) { debug_printf("Auth Failed.\n"); keyindex = (keyindex + 1) % KEYS; tries += 1; } } } } else { turn_rf_off(data, sizeof(data)); } } *menu = LIBNFC; }
int rt2x00mac_set_key(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, enum set_key_cmd cmd, struct ieee80211_vif *vif, struct ieee80211_sta *sta, struct ieee80211_key_conf *key) { struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = hw->priv; int (*set_key) (struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, struct rt2x00lib_crypto *crypto, struct ieee80211_key_conf *key); struct rt2x00lib_crypto crypto; static const u8 bcast_addr[ETH_ALEN] = { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, }; struct rt2x00_sta *sta_priv = NULL; if (!test_bit(DEVICE_STATE_PRESENT, &rt2x00dev->flags)) return 0; if (!rt2x00_has_cap_hw_crypto(rt2x00dev)) return -EOPNOTSUPP; /* * To support IBSS RSN, don't program group keys in IBSS, the * hardware will then not attempt to decrypt the frames. */ if (vif->type == NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC && !(key->flags & IEEE80211_KEY_FLAG_PAIRWISE)) return -EOPNOTSUPP; if (key->keylen > 32) return -ENOSPC; memset(&crypto, 0, sizeof(crypto)); crypto.bssidx = rt2x00lib_get_bssidx(rt2x00dev, vif); crypto.cipher = rt2x00crypto_key_to_cipher(key); if (crypto.cipher == CIPHER_NONE) return -EOPNOTSUPP; if (crypto.cipher == CIPHER_TKIP && rt2x00_is_usb(rt2x00dev)) return -EOPNOTSUPP; crypto.cmd = cmd; if (sta) { crypto.address = sta->addr; sta_priv = sta_to_rt2x00_sta(sta); crypto.wcid = sta_priv->wcid; } else crypto.address = bcast_addr; if (crypto.cipher == CIPHER_TKIP) memcpy_tkip(&crypto, &key->key[0], key->keylen); else memcpy(crypto.key, &key->key[0], key->keylen); /* * Each BSS has a maximum of 4 shared keys. * Shared key index values: * 0) BSS0 key0 * 1) BSS0 key1 * ... * 4) BSS1 key0 * ... * 8) BSS2 key0 * ... * Both pairwise as shared key indeces are determined by * driver. This is required because the hardware requires * keys to be assigned in correct order (When key 1 is * provided but key 0 is not, then the key is not found * by the hardware during RX). */ if (cmd == SET_KEY) key->hw_key_idx = 0; if (key->flags & IEEE80211_KEY_FLAG_PAIRWISE) set_key = rt2x00dev->ops->lib->config_pairwise_key; else set_key = rt2x00dev->ops->lib->config_shared_key; if (!set_key) return -EOPNOTSUPP; return set_key(rt2x00dev, &crypto, key); }