std::unique_ptr<Expression> PostfixOperatorParser::parse(ElsaParser* parser, std::unique_ptr<Expression> left) { auto exp = std::make_unique<PostfixOperatorExpression>(); exp->set_expression(std::move(left)); exp->set_operator(parser->current_token()->get_type()); // Consume the operator token parser->consume(); exp->set_type(parser->type_checker().get_expression_type(exp->get_expression())); if(parser->current_token()->get_type() == TokenType::Semicolon) parser->consume(TokenType::Semicolon); return std::move(exp); }
void cairo_context::add_text(glyph_positions const& pos, cairo_face_manager & manager, composite_mode_e comp_op, composite_mode_e halo_comp_op, double scale_factor) { pixel_position const& base_point = pos.get_base_point(); const double sx = base_point.x; const double sy = base_point.y; for (auto const& glyph_pos : pos) { glyph_info const& glyph = glyph_pos.glyph; glyph.face->set_character_sizes(glyph.format->text_size * scale_factor); } //render halo double halo_radius = 0; set_operator(halo_comp_op); for (auto const& glyph_pos : pos) { glyph_info const& glyph = glyph_pos.glyph; halo_radius = glyph.format->halo_radius * scale_factor; // make sure we've got reasonable values. if (halo_radius <= 0.0 || halo_radius > 1024.0) continue; double text_size = glyph.format->text_size * scale_factor; cairo_matrix_t matrix; matrix.xx = text_size * glyph_pos.rot.cos; matrix.xy = text_size * glyph_pos.rot.sin; matrix.yx = text_size * -glyph_pos.rot.sin; matrix.yy = text_size * glyph_pos.rot.cos; matrix.x0 = 0; matrix.y0 = 0; set_font_matrix(matrix); set_font_face(manager, glyph.face); pixel_position new_pos = glyph_pos.pos + glyph.offset.rotate(glyph_pos.rot); glyph_path(glyph.glyph_index, pixel_position(sx + new_pos.x, sy - new_pos.y)); set_line_width(2.0 * halo_radius); set_line_join(ROUND_JOIN); set_color(glyph.format->halo_fill, glyph.format->halo_opacity); stroke(); } set_operator(comp_op); for (auto const& glyph_pos : pos) { glyph_info const& glyph = glyph_pos.glyph; double text_size = glyph.format->text_size * scale_factor; cairo_matrix_t matrix; matrix.xx = text_size * glyph_pos.rot.cos; matrix.xy = text_size * glyph_pos.rot.sin; matrix.yx = text_size * -glyph_pos.rot.sin; matrix.yy = text_size * glyph_pos.rot.cos; matrix.x0 = 0; matrix.y0 = 0; set_font_matrix(matrix); set_font_face(manager, glyph.face); pixel_position new_pos = glyph_pos.pos + glyph.offset.rotate(glyph_pos.rot); set_color(glyph.format->fill, glyph.format->text_opacity); show_glyph(glyph.glyph_index, pixel_position(sx + new_pos.x, sy - new_pos.y)); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int fd; /* fd to Erlang node */ unsigned char buf[BUFSIZE]; /* Buffer for incoming message */ ErlMessage emsg; /* Incoming message */ int c_node; /* C-Node number */ char cookie[EI_MAX_COOKIE_SIZE+1]; /* Shared cookie */ short creation; /* ?? */ char *erlang_node; /* Erlang node to connect to */ char *cookie_opt; /* Where to source our cookie */ char *cookie_data; /* Either the filename or literal cookie */ ETERM *fromp, *msgp, *fnp, *argp, *resp; int received, loop = 1; if (argc < 5) { quit_with_error("invalid_args"); } c_node = atoi(argv[1]); cookie_opt = argv[2]; cookie_data = argv[3]; creation = 0; erlang_node = argv[4]; erl_init(NULL, 0); get_cookie(cookie_opt, cookie_data, cookie); if (!erl_connect_init(c_node, cookie, creation)) { quit_with_error("erl_connect_init"); } if ((fd = erl_connect(erlang_node)) < 0) { quit_with_error("erl_connect"); } while (loop) { received = erl_receive_msg(fd, buf, BUFSIZE, &emsg); if (received == ERL_TICK) { /* ignore */ } else if (received == ERL_ERROR) { loop = 0; } else { if (emsg.type == ERL_REG_SEND) { fromp = erl_element(2, emsg.msg); msgp = erl_element(3, emsg.msg); fnp = erl_element(1, msgp); argp = erl_element(2, msgp); if (is_function(fnp, "stop")) { loop = 0; resp = erl_format("{c_node, ~i, ok}", c_node); } else if (is_function(fnp, "new_image_blank")) { resp = new_image_blank(argp, c_node); } else if (is_function(fnp, "write_to_png")) { resp = write_to_png(argp, c_node); } else if (is_function(fnp, "close_image")) { resp = close_image(argp, c_node); } else if (is_function(fnp, "save")) { resp = save(argp, c_node); } else if (is_function(fnp, "restore")) { resp = restore(argp, c_node); } else if (is_function(fnp, "set_line_width")) { resp = set_line_width(argp, c_node); } else if (is_function(fnp, "set_source_rgba")) { resp = set_source_rgba(argp, c_node); } else if (is_function(fnp, "set_operator")) { resp = set_operator(argp, c_node); } else if (is_function(fnp, "move_to")) { resp = move_to(argp, c_node); } else if (is_function(fnp, "line_to")) { resp = line_to(argp, c_node); } else if (is_function(fnp, "curve_to")) { resp = curve_to(argp, c_node); } else if (is_function(fnp, "rel_move_to")) { resp = rel_move_to(argp, c_node); } else if (is_function(fnp, "rel_line_to")) { resp = rel_line_to(argp, c_node); } else if (is_function(fnp, "rel_curve_to")) { resp = rel_curve_to(argp, c_node); } else if (is_function(fnp, "rectangle")) { resp = rectangle(argp, c_node); } else if (is_function(fnp, "arc")) { resp = arc(argp, c_node); } else if (is_function(fnp, "arc_negative")) { resp = arc_negative(argp, c_node); } else if (is_function(fnp, "close_path")) { resp = close_path(argp, c_node); } else if (is_function(fnp, "paint")) { resp = paint(argp, c_node); } else if (is_function(fnp, "fill")) { resp = fill(argp, c_node); } else if (is_function(fnp, "fill_preserve")) { resp = fill_preserve(argp, c_node); } else if (is_function(fnp, "stroke")) { resp = stroke(argp, c_node); } else if (is_function(fnp, "stroke_preserve")) { resp = stroke_preserve(argp, c_node); } else if (is_function(fnp, "translate")) { resp = translate(argp, c_node); } else if (is_function(fnp, "scale")) { resp = scale(argp, c_node); } else if (is_function(fnp, "rotate")) { resp = rotate(argp, c_node); } else if (is_function(fnp, "select_font")) { resp = select_font_face(argp, c_node); } else if (is_function(fnp, "set_font_size")) { resp = set_font_size(argp, c_node); } else if (is_function(fnp, "show_text")) { resp = show_text(argp, c_node); } else if (is_function(fnp, "text_extents")) { resp = text_extents(argp, c_node); } else if (is_function(fnp, "surface_create_from_png")) { resp = surface_create_from_png(argp, c_node); } else if (is_function(fnp, "surface_create_from_png_stream")) { resp = surface_create_from_png_stream(argp, c_node); } else if (is_function(fnp, "surface_get_width")) { resp = surface_get_width(argp, c_node); } else if (is_function(fnp, "surface_get_height")) { resp = surface_get_height(argp, c_node); } else if (is_function(fnp, "surface_destroy")) { resp = surface_destroy(argp, c_node); } else if (is_function(fnp, "set_source_surface")) { resp = set_source_surface(argp, c_node); } else if (is_function(fnp, "write_to_png_stream")) { resp = write_to_png_stream(argp, c_node); } else { resp = erl_format("{c_node, ~i, {error, '~s'}}", c_node, "unknown command"); } erl_send(fd, fromp, resp); erl_free_term(emsg.from); erl_free_term(emsg.msg); erl_free_term(fromp); erl_free_term(msgp); erl_free_term(fnp); erl_free_term(argp); erl_free_term(resp); } } } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }