void create_object() { set_name("castle"); set_short("Castle of " + capitalize(NAME)); set_long("This is the " + short() + ".\n"); set_area_name("Oakdale"); set_kingdom("Bird Island"); set_reputation("good"); set_bug_tracking(1); move_object(this_object(),"/castle_dest"); }
void create_object() { set_name("castle"); set_short("Castle of " + capitalize(NAME)); set_long("This is the " + short() + ".\n"); set_area_name("Pirate Caves"); set_kingdom("Newbie"); set_reputation("good"); set_optional_church(CHURCH_NEWBIEISLE,2); set_bug_tracking(1); move_object(this_object(),"/castle_dest"); }
void extra_create() { set_reputation("The Fellowship of Rangers", -15 - random(7)); set_short("A skinny goblin eating voraciously"); set_long(wrap("This goblin is greedily eating everything in sight, "+ "devouring the lumber camp's precious food supplies. He has an axe at his "+ "side, so he must have been a lumberjack also. You think that his hunger "+ "finally got the better of him, and he broke into this storehouse when "+ "nobody was watching to eat his fill. There is a slightly mad gleam to his "+ "eyes, you think it would be a bad idea to interrupt his gorging.\n")); set_name("Skinny goblin"); set_id( ({ "A skinny goblin eating voraciously", "a skinny goblin eating voraciously", "a skinny goblin", "skinny goblin eating voraciously", "skinny goblin", "goblin"}) );