Esempio n. 1
void Motif::read(istream& motin) {
	char line[200];
	vector<int> c;
	vector<int> p;
	vector<bool> s;
	// Read sites
	// (don't add yet, as they will get screwed up by the column changes)
	while(motin.getline(line, 200)) {
		if(line[0] == '*') break;
		strtok(line, "\t");
		c.push_back(atoi(strtok(NULL, "\t")));
		p.push_back(atoi(strtok(NULL, "\t")));
		s.push_back(atoi(strtok(NULL, "\0")));
	int motwidth = strlen(line);
	for(int i = 0; i < motwidth; i++) {
		if(line[i] == '*') add_col(i);
	// Add sites
	int num_sites = c.size();
	for(int i = 0; i < num_sites; i++) {
		assert(p[i] >= 0);
		add_site(c[i], p[i], s[i]);
	// Read MAP score
	motin.getline(line, 200);
	strtok(line, ":");
	set_map(atof(strtok(NULL, "\0")));
	// Read specificity
	motin.getline(line, 200);
	strtok(line, ":");
	set_spec(atof(strtok(NULL, "\0")));
	// Read sequence cutoff
	motin.getline(line, 200);
	strtok(line, ":");
	set_seq_cutoff(atof(strtok(NULL, "\0")));
	// Read expression cutoff
	motin.getline(line, 200);
	strtok(line, ":");
	set_expr_cutoff(atof(strtok(NULL, "\0")));
	// Read iteration found
	motin.getline(line, 200);
	strtok(line, ":");
	set_iter(strtok(NULL, "\0"));
	// Read dejavu
	motin.getline(line, 200);
	strtok(line, ":");
	set_dejavu(atoi(strtok(NULL, "\0")));
Esempio n. 2
void AudioBuffer::load(const WAVFile &_wav)
	if(!_wav.is_open()) {
		throw std::logic_error("file is not open");
	if(_wav.format() != WAV_FORMAT_PCM && _wav.format() != WAV_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT) {
		throw std::logic_error("unsupported data format");
	if(_wav.channels() > 2) {
		throw std::logic_error("unsupported number of channels");
	AudioFormat format;
	switch(_wav.bits()) {
		case 8:
			format = AUDIO_FORMAT_U8;
		case 16:
			format = AUDIO_FORMAT_S16;
		case 32:
			if(_wav.format() == WAV_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT) {
				format = AUDIO_FORMAT_F32;
			} else {
				throw std::logic_error("unsupported data format");
			throw std::logic_error("unsupported data format");
	set_spec({format,  _wav.channels(), _wav.rate()});
	m_data =;
CompactingPermGenGen::CompactingPermGenGen(ReservedSpace rs,
                                           ReservedSpace shared_rs,
                                           size_t initial_byte_size,
                                           int level, GenRemSet* remset,
                                           ContiguousSpace* space,
                                           PermanentGenerationSpec* spec_) :
  OneContigSpaceCardGeneration(rs, initial_byte_size, MinPermHeapExpansion,
                               level, remset, space) {

  if (!UseSharedSpaces && !DumpSharedSpaces) {

  // Break virtual space into address ranges for all spaces.

  if (spec()->enable_shared_spaces()) {
    shared_end = (HeapWord*)(shared_rs.base() + shared_rs.size());
      misccode_end = shared_end;
      misccode_bottom = misccode_end - heap_word_size(spec()->misc_code_size());
      miscdata_end = misccode_bottom;
      miscdata_bottom = miscdata_end - heap_word_size(spec()->misc_data_size());
      readwrite_end = miscdata_bottom;
      readwrite_bottom =
        readwrite_end - heap_word_size(spec()->read_write_size());
      readonly_end = readwrite_bottom;
      readonly_bottom =
        readonly_end - heap_word_size(spec()->read_only_size());
    shared_bottom = readonly_bottom;
    unshared_end = shared_bottom;
    assert((char*)shared_bottom == shared_rs.base(), "shared space mismatch");
  } else {
    shared_end = (HeapWord*)(rs.base() + rs.size());
      misccode_end = shared_end;
      misccode_bottom = shared_end;
      miscdata_end = shared_end;
      miscdata_bottom = shared_end;
      readwrite_end = shared_end;
      readwrite_bottom = shared_end;
      readonly_end = shared_end;
      readonly_bottom = shared_end;
    shared_bottom = shared_end;
    unshared_end = shared_bottom;
  unshared_bottom = (HeapWord*) rs.base();

  // Verify shared and unshared spaces adjacent.
  assert((char*)shared_bottom == rs.base()+rs.size(), "shared space mismatch");
  assert(unshared_end > unshared_bottom, "shared space mismatch");

  // Split reserved memory into pieces.

  ReservedSpace ro_rs   = shared_rs.first_part(spec()->read_only_size(),
  ReservedSpace tmp_rs1 = shared_rs.last_part(spec()->read_only_size());
  ReservedSpace rw_rs   = tmp_rs1.first_part(spec()->read_write_size(),
  ReservedSpace tmp_rs2 = tmp_rs1.last_part(spec()->read_write_size());
  ReservedSpace md_rs   = tmp_rs2.first_part(spec()->misc_data_size(),
  ReservedSpace mc_rs   = tmp_rs2.last_part(spec()->misc_data_size());

  _shared_space_size = spec()->read_only_size()
                     + spec()->read_write_size()
                     + spec()->misc_data_size()
                     + spec()->misc_code_size();

  // Allocate the unshared (default) space.
  _the_space = new ContigPermSpace(_bts,
               MemRegion(unshared_bottom, heap_word_size(initial_byte_size)));
  if (_the_space == NULL)
    vm_exit_during_initialization("Could not allocate an unshared"
                                  " CompactingPermGen Space");

  // Allocate shared spaces
  if (spec()->enable_shared_spaces()) {

    // If mapping a shared file, the space is not committed, don't
    // mangle.
    NOT_PRODUCT(bool old_ZapUnusedHeapArea = ZapUnusedHeapArea;)
Esempio n. 4
AudioBuffer::AudioBuffer(const AudioSpec &_spec)
Esempio n. 5
	/* sensible defaults */
	set_spec({AUDIO_FORMAT_S16, 1, 44100});