Esempio n. 1
void display_popup_win (INPUT_POPUP *ipu, const char* label)
	widget_list *wok;
	widget_list *wno;

	if(ipu->popup_win < 0)
		Uint32 flags = ELW_WIN_DEFAULT & ~ELW_CLOSE_BOX;
		ipu->popup_win = create_window (win_prompt, ipu->parent, 0, ipu->x, ipu->y, ipu->popup_x_len, ipu->popup_y_len, flags);

		// clear the buffer
		init_text_message (&ipu->popup_text, ipu->maxlen);
		set_text_message_color (&ipu->popup_text, 0.77f, 0.57f, 0.39f);

		// Label
		ipu->popup_label = label_add (ipu->popup_win, NULL, label, 5, 5);
		widget_set_color (ipu->popup_win, ipu->popup_label, 0.77f, 0.57f, 0.39f);

		// Input
		ipu->popup_field = text_field_add_extended (ipu->popup_win, 101, NULL, 5, 28, ipu->popup_x_len - 10, 28*ipu->rows, ipu->text_flags, 1.0f, 0.77f, 0.57f, 0.39f, &ipu->popup_text, 1, FILTER_ALL, 5, 5);
		widget_set_color (ipu->popup_win, ipu->popup_field, 0.77f, 0.57f, 0.39f);

		// Accept
		ipu->popup_ok = button_add (ipu->popup_win, NULL, button_okay, 0, 0);
		widget_set_OnClick (ipu->popup_win, ipu->popup_ok, popup_ok_button_handler);
		widget_set_color (ipu->popup_win, ipu->popup_ok, 0.77f, 0.57f, 0.39f);

		// Reject
		ipu->popup_no = button_add (ipu->popup_win, NULL, button_cancel, 0, 0);
		widget_set_OnClick (ipu->popup_win, ipu->popup_no, popup_cancel_button_handler);
		widget_set_color (ipu->popup_win, ipu->popup_no, 0.77f, 0.57f, 0.39f);

		// align the buttons
		wok = widget_find(ipu->popup_win, ipu->popup_ok);
		wno = widget_find(ipu->popup_win, ipu->popup_no);
		widget_move(ipu->popup_win, ipu->popup_ok, (ipu->popup_x_len - wok->len_x - wno->len_x)/3, ipu->popup_y_len - (wok->len_y + 5));
		widget_move(ipu->popup_win, ipu->popup_no, wok->len_x + 2*(ipu->popup_x_len - wok->len_x - wno->len_x)/3, ipu->popup_y_len - (wno->len_y + 5));

		set_window_handler (ipu->popup_win, ELW_HANDLER_KEYPRESS, popup_keypress_handler);

		if ((ipu->popup_win > -1) && (ipu->popup_win < windows_list.num_windows))
			windows_list.window[ipu->popup_win].data = ipu;
		if ((ipu->parent > -1) && (ipu->parent < windows_list.num_windows))
			window_info *win = &windows_list.window[ipu->parent];
			move_window(ipu->popup_win, ipu->parent, 0, win->pos_x+ipu->x, win->pos_y+ipu->y);
		text_field_clear(ipu->popup_win, ipu->popup_field);
		label_set_text (ipu->popup_win, ipu->popup_label, label);
		show_window (ipu->popup_win);
		select_window (ipu->popup_win);
Esempio n. 2
void init_text_buffers ()
	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < DISPLAY_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE; i++)
		init_text_message (display_text_buffer + i, 0);

	init_text_message (&input_text_line, MAX_TEXT_MESSAGE_LENGTH + 1);
	input_text_line.chan_idx = CHAT_ALL;
	set_text_message_color (&input_text_line, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
Esempio n. 3
static void init_note (int id, const char* name, const char* content)
	int nsize = MIN_NOTE_SIZE;

	if (content)
		int len = strlen (content);
		while (nsize <= len)
			nsize += nsize;

	init_text_message (&(note_list[id].text), nsize);
	set_text_message_data (&(note_list[id].text), content);
	set_text_message_color (&(note_list[id].text), 0.77f, 0.57f, 0.39f);

	note_list[id].button_id = -1;
	note_list[id].window = -1;
	safe_strncpy (note_list[id].name, name, sizeof (note_list[id].name));