Esempio n. 1
  void DOFVectorBase<double>::assemble(double factor, ElInfo* elInfo,
                                       const BoundaryType* bound,
                                       Operator* op)
    if (!(op || operators.size()))

    bool addVector = false;

    if (op)
      op->getElementVector(elInfo, elementVector);
      addVector = true;
      std::vector<double*>::iterator factorIt = operatorFactor.begin();

      for (Operator* op : operators)
        if (!op->getNeedDualTraverse())
          op->getElementVector(elInfo, elementVector, (*factorIt ? **factorIt : 1.0) );
          addVector = true;

    if (addVector)
      addElementVector(factor, this->elementVector, bound, elInfo);
Esempio n. 2
    initVector(VectorT& x) const
      x.init_distribution(col_distribution(*fullMatrix), num_cols(*fullMatrix));
Esempio n. 3
  void SolverMatrix<Matrix<DOFMatrix*>>::buildMatrix() const
    BlockMapper mapper(*this);
    matrix.change_dim(mapper.getNumRows(), mapper.getNumCols());
    MatMap<const SolverMatrix<Matrix<DOFMatrix*>>, BlockMapper> matMap{*this, mapper};
    matrix << matMap;

Esempio n. 4
int main(void)
		int i=0;
		int a[30];
		set_to_zero(a, sizeof(a)/4);
		for(i=0; i<sizeof(a)/4; i++)
			printf("%d ",a[i]);
		return 0;
inline void smat_smat_mult(const MatrixA& a, const MatrixB& b, MatrixC& c, Assign, 
			   tag::col_major,  // orientation a 
			   tag::row_major)  // orientation b
    if (Assign::init_to_zero) set_to_zero(c);
    // Average numbers of non-zeros per row
    double ava= double(a.nnz()) / num_rows(a), avb= double(b.nnz()) / num_rows(b); 

    // Define Updater type corresponding to assign mode
    typedef typename Collection<MatrixC>::value_type                            c_value_type;
    typedef typename operations::update_assign_mode<Assign, c_value_type>::type Updater;

    // Reserve 20% over the average's product for entries in c
    matrix::inserter<MatrixC, Updater>     ins(c, int( ava * avb * 1.2 ));

    typename traits::row<MatrixA>::type             row_a(a); 
    typename traits::col<MatrixA>::type             col_a(a); 
    typename traits::const_value<MatrixA>::type     value_a(a); 

    typename traits::row<MatrixB>::type             row_b(b); 
    typename traits::col<MatrixB>::type             col_b(b); 
    typename traits::const_value<MatrixB>::type     value_b(b); 

    typedef typename traits::range_generator<tag::col, MatrixA>::type  a_cursor_type;
    a_cursor_type a_cursor = begin<tag::col>(a), a_cend = end<tag::col>(a); 

    typedef typename traits::range_generator<tag::row, MatrixB>::type  b_cursor_type;
    b_cursor_type b_cursor = begin<tag::row>(b);

    for (unsigned ca= 0; a_cursor != a_cend; ++ca, ++a_cursor, ++b_cursor) {

	// Iterate over non-zeros of A's column
	typedef typename traits::range_generator<tag::nz, a_cursor_type>::type ia_cursor_type;
	for (ia_cursor_type ia_cursor = begin<tag::nz>(a_cursor), ia_cend = end<tag::nz>(a_cursor); 
	     ia_cursor != ia_cend; ++ia_cursor) 
	    typename Collection<MatrixA>::size_type     ra= row_a(*ia_cursor);   // row of non-zero
	    typename Collection<MatrixA>::value_type    va= value_a(*ia_cursor); // value of non-zero

	    // Iterate over non-zeros of B's row 
	    typedef typename traits::range_generator<tag::nz, b_cursor_type>::type ib_cursor_type;
	    for (ib_cursor_type ib_cursor = begin<tag::nz>(b_cursor), ib_cend = end<tag::nz>(b_cursor); 
		 ib_cursor != ib_cend; ++ib_cursor) 
		typename Collection<MatrixB>::size_type     cb= col_b(*ib_cursor);   // column of non-zero
		typename Collection<MatrixB>::value_type    vb= value_b(*ib_cursor); // value of non-zero
		ins(ra, cb) << va * vb;		
Esempio n. 6
inline void smat_smat_mult(const MatrixA& A, const MatrixB& B, MatrixC& C, Assign, 
			   tag::col_major,  // orientation A 
			   tag::row_major)  // orientation B
    if (Assign::init_to_zero) set_to_zero(C);
    // Average numbers of non-zeros per row
    double ava= double(A.nnz()) / num_rows(A), avb= double(B.nnz()) / num_rows(B); 

    // Define Updater type corresponding to assign mode
    typedef typename Collection<MatrixC>::value_type                            C_value_type;
    typedef typename operations::update_assign_mode<Assign, C_value_type>::type Updater;

    // Reserve 20% over the average's product for entries in C
    matrix::inserter<MatrixC, Updater>     ins(C, int( ava * avb * 1.2 ));

    typename traits::row<MatrixA>::type             row_A(A); 
    typename traits::col<MatrixA>::type             col_A(A); 
    typename traits::const_value<MatrixA>::type     value_A(A); 

    typename traits::row<MatrixB>::type             row_B(B); 
    typename traits::col<MatrixB>::type             col_B(B); 
    typename traits::const_value<MatrixB>::type     value_B(B); 

    typedef typename traits::range_generator<tag::col, MatrixA>::type  A_cursor_type;
    A_cursor_type A_cursor = begin<tag::col>(A), A_cend = end<tag::col>(A); 

    typedef typename traits::range_generator<tag::row, MatrixB>::type  B_cursor_type;
    B_cursor_type B_cursor = begin<tag::row>(B);

    for (unsigned ca= 0; A_cursor != A_cend; ++ca, ++A_cursor, ++B_cursor) {

	// Iterate over non-zeros of A's column
	typedef typename traits::range_generator<tag::nz, A_cursor_type>::type ia_cursor_type;
	for (ia_cursor_type ia_cursor = begin<tag::nz>(A_cursor), ia_cend = end<tag::nz>(A_cursor); 
	     ia_cursor != ia_cend; ++ia_cursor) 
	    typename Collection<MatrixA>::size_type     ra= row_A(*ia_cursor);   // row of non-zero
	    typename Collection<MatrixA>::value_type    va= value_A(*ia_cursor); // value of non-zero

	    // Iterate over non-zeros of B's row 
	    typedef typename traits::range_generator<tag::nz, B_cursor_type>::type ib_cursor_type;
	    for (ib_cursor_type ib_cursor = begin<tag::nz>(B_cursor), ib_cend = end<tag::nz>(B_cursor); 
		 ib_cursor != ib_cend; ++ib_cursor) 
		typename Collection<MatrixB>::size_type     cb= col_B(*ib_cursor);   // column of non-zero
		typename Collection<MatrixB>::value_type    vb= value_B(*ib_cursor); // value of non-zero
		ins(ra, cb) << va * vb;		
float MACD(float signif, int factor, int sp, int lp, int empp, float cu_price, vector <struct historicalprices> prev_price, vector <struct price_entry> prices){
    double dlp, dsp, ds;

    if (factor ==1){
        unsigned int num_consid = period_consider(lp,signif);
        float formatted_price[num_consid-1];
        format_price_days(prev_price, formatted_price);
        dlp = EMA(lp, signif, cu_price, formatted_price);
        dsp = EMA(sp, signif, cu_price,formatted_price);
        dsp -=dlp;
Esempio n. 8
inline void smat_smat_mult(const MatrixA& A, const MatrixB& B, MatrixC& C, Assign, 
			   tag::row_major,  // orientation A 
			   tag::row_major)  // orientation B
    if (Assign::init_to_zero) set_to_zero(C);
    // Average numbers of non-zeros per row
    double ava= num_cols(A) ? double(A.nnz()) / num_cols(A) : 0, 
	   avb= num_rows(B) ? double(B.nnz()) / num_rows(B) : 0; 

    // Define Updater type corresponding to assign mode
    typedef typename Collection<MatrixC>::value_type                            C_value_type;
    typedef typename operations::update_assign_mode<Assign, C_value_type>::type Updater;

    // Reserve 20% over the average's product for entries in C
    matrix::inserter<MatrixC, Updater>     ins(C, int( ava * avb * 1.4 ));

    typename traits::row<MatrixA>::type             row_A(A); 
    typename traits::col<MatrixA>::type             col_A(A); 
    typename traits::const_value<MatrixA>::type     value_A(A); 

    typename traits::col<MatrixB>::type             col_B(B); 
    typename traits::const_value<MatrixB>::type     value_B(B); 

    typedef typename traits::range_generator<tag::row, MatrixA>::type  cursor_type;
    cursor_type cursor = begin<tag::row>(A), cend = end<tag::row>(A); 
    for (unsigned ra= 0; cursor != cend; ++ra, ++cursor) {
	// Iterate over non-zeros of each row of A
	typedef typename traits::range_generator<tag::nz, cursor_type>::type icursor_type;
	for (icursor_type icursor = begin<tag::nz>(cursor), icend = end<tag::nz>(cursor); icursor != icend; ++icursor) {
	    typename Collection<MatrixA>::size_type     ca= col_A(*icursor);   // column of non-zero
	    typename Collection<MatrixA>::value_type    va= value_A(*icursor); // value of non-zero
	    // Get cursor corresponding to row 'ca' in matrix B
	    typedef typename traits::range_generator<tag::row, MatrixB>::type  B_cursor_type;
	    B_cursor_type B_cursor = begin<tag::row>(B);
	    B_cursor+= ca;

	    // Iterate over non-zeros of this row 
	    typedef typename traits::range_generator<tag::nz, B_cursor_type>::type ib_cursor_type;
	    for (ib_cursor_type ib_cursor = begin<tag::nz>(B_cursor), ib_cend = end<tag::nz>(B_cursor); 
		 ib_cursor != ib_cend; ++ib_cursor) {
		typename Collection<MatrixB>::size_type     cb= col_B(*ib_cursor);   // column of non-zero
		typename Collection<MatrixB>::value_type    vb= value_B(*ib_cursor); // value of non-zero
		ins(ra, cb) << va * vb;		
Esempio n. 9
  void Assembler::calculateElementVector(const ElInfo* elInfo,
                                         DenseVector<double>& userVec,
                                         double factor)
    if (remember && factor != 1.0)
      rememberElVec = true;

    Element* el = elInfo->getElement();

    if ((el != lastMatEl && el != lastVecEl) || !operat->isOptimized())

    if (el != lastVecEl || !operat->isOptimized())
      if (rememberElVec)

      lastVecEl = el;
      // Only possible in single mesh case when one operator
      // is used more than twice at dof vector?
      if (rememberElVec)
        userVec += factor * elementVector;

    DenseVector<double>& vec = rememberElVec ? elementVector : userVec;

    if (operat->getUhOld() && remember)
      matVecAssemble(elInfo, vec);
      if (rememberElVec)
        userVec += factor * elementVector;


    if (firstOrderAssemblerGrdPsi)
      firstOrderAssemblerGrdPsi->calculateElementVector(elInfo, vec);
    if (zeroOrderAssembler)
      zeroOrderAssembler->calculateElementVector(elInfo, vec);

    if (rememberElVec)
      userVec += factor * elementVector;
inline void laplacian_setup(Matrix& matrix, unsigned m, unsigned n)
    matrix.change_dim(m*n, m*n);
    inserter<Matrix>      ins(matrix);

    for (unsigned i= 0; i < m; i++)
	for (unsigned j= 0; j < n; j++) {
	    typename Collection<Matrix>::value_type four(4.0), minus_one(-1.0);
	    unsigned row= i * n + j;
	    ins(row, row) << four;
	    if (j < n-1) ins(row, row+1) << minus_one;
	    if (i < m-1) ins(row, row+n) << minus_one;
	    if (j > 0) ins(row, row-1) << minus_one;
	    if (i > 0) ins(row, row-n) << minus_one;
Esempio n. 11
  void Assembler::matVecAssemble(const ElInfo* elInfo, DenseVector<double>& vec)

    Element* el = elInfo->getElement();
    DenseVector<double> uhOldLoc(operat->getUhOld()->getFeSpace() == rowFeSpace ?
                                 nRow : nCol);
    operat->getUhOld()->getLocalVector(el, uhOldLoc);

    if (el != lastMatEl)
      calculateElementMatrix(elInfo, elementMatrix);

    vec += elementMatrix * uhOldLoc;
Esempio n. 12
  void Assembler::calculateElementMatrix(const ElInfo* elInfo,
                                         ElementMatrix& userMat,
                                         double factor)
    if (remember && (factor != 1.0 || operat->getUhOld()))
      rememberElMat = true;

    Element* el = elInfo->getElement();

    if (el != lastMatEl || !operat->isOptimized())

      if (rememberElMat)

      lastMatEl = el;
      // Only possible in single mesh case when one operator
      // is used more than twice?
      if (rememberElMat)
        if (&userMat != &elementMatrix)
          userMat += factor * elementMatrix;

    ElementMatrix& mat = rememberElMat ? elementMatrix : userMat;

    if (secondOrderAssembler)
      secondOrderAssembler->calculateElementMatrix(elInfo, mat);
    if (firstOrderAssemblerGrdPsi)
      firstOrderAssemblerGrdPsi->calculateElementMatrix(elInfo, mat);
    if (firstOrderAssemblerGrdPhi)
      firstOrderAssemblerGrdPhi->calculateElementMatrix(elInfo, mat);
    if (zeroOrderAssembler)
      zeroOrderAssembler->calculateElementMatrix(elInfo, mat);

    if (rememberElMat && &userMat != &elementMatrix)
      userMat += factor * elementMatrix;
Esempio n. 13
t_flags		*init_flags(void)
	t_flags		*current_flag;

	if (!(current_flag = (t_flags*)malloc(sizeof(t_flags))))
	current_flag->type = 0;
	current_flag->nb_max_char = 0;
	current_flag->nb_c_written = 0;
	current_flag->nb_min_char = 0;
	current_flag->plus = 0;
	current_flag->minus = 0;
	current_flag->space = 0;
	current_flag->zero = 0;
	current_flag->star = 0;
	current_flag->hash = 0;
	current_flag->dot_star = 0;
	return (current_flag);
Esempio n. 14
void run_tutorial()
  typedef mtl::dense2D<ScalarType>        MTL4DenseMatrix;
  typedef mtl::compressed2D<ScalarType>   MTL4SparseMatrix;

  * Create and fill dense matrices from the MTL4 library:
  mtl::dense2D<ScalarType>   mtl4_densemat(5, 5);
  mtl::dense2D<ScalarType>   mtl4_densemat2(5, 5);
  mtl4_densemat(0,0) = 2.0;   mtl4_densemat(0,1) = -1.0;
  mtl4_densemat(1,0) = -1.0;  mtl4_densemat(1,1) =  2.0;  mtl4_densemat(1,2) = -1.0;
  mtl4_densemat(2,1) = -1.0;  mtl4_densemat(2,2) = -1.0;  mtl4_densemat(2,3) = -1.0;
  mtl4_densemat(3,2) = -1.0;  mtl4_densemat(3,3) =  2.0;  mtl4_densemat(3,4) = -1.0;
                              mtl4_densemat(4,4) = -1.0;  mtl4_densemat(4,4) = -1.0;

  * Create and fill sparse matrices from the MTL4 library:
  MTL4SparseMatrix mtl4_sparsemat;
  mtl4_sparsemat.change_dim(5, 5);

  MTL4SparseMatrix mtl4_sparsemat2;
  mtl4_sparsemat2.change_dim(5, 5);

    mtl::matrix::inserter< MTL4SparseMatrix >  ins(mtl4_sparsemat);
    typedef typename mtl::Collection<MTL4SparseMatrix>::value_type  ValueType;
    ins(0,0) <<  ValueType(2.0);   ins(0,1) << ValueType(-1.0);
    ins(1,1) <<  ValueType(2.0);   ins(1,2) << ValueType(-1.0);
    ins(2,2) << ValueType(-1.0);   ins(2,3) << ValueType(-1.0);
    ins(3,3) <<  ValueType(2.0);   ins(3,4) << ValueType(-1.0);
    ins(4,4) << ValueType(-1.0);

  * Create and fill a few vectors from the MTL4 library:
  mtl::dense_vector<ScalarType> mtl4_rhs(5, 0.0);
  mtl::dense_vector<ScalarType> mtl4_result(5, 0.0);
  mtl::dense_vector<ScalarType> mtl4_temp(5, 0.0);

  mtl4_rhs(0) = 10.0;
  mtl4_rhs(1) = 11.0;
  mtl4_rhs(2) = 12.0;
  mtl4_rhs(3) = 13.0;
  mtl4_rhs(4) = 14.0;

  * Create the corresponding ViennaCL objects:
  viennacl::vector<ScalarType> vcl_rhs(5);
  viennacl::vector<ScalarType> vcl_result(5);
  viennacl::matrix<ScalarType> vcl_densemat(5, 5);
  viennacl::compressed_matrix<ScalarType> vcl_sparsemat(5, 5);

  * Directly copy the MTL4 objects to ViennaCL objects
  viennacl::copy(&(mtl4_rhs[0]), &(mtl4_rhs[0]) + 5, vcl_rhs.begin());  //method 1: via iterator interface (cf. std::copy())
  viennacl::copy(mtl4_rhs, vcl_rhs);  //method 2: via built-in wrappers (convenience layer)

  viennacl::copy(mtl4_densemat, vcl_densemat);
  viennacl::copy(mtl4_sparsemat, vcl_sparsemat);

  // For completeness: Copy matrices from ViennaCL back to Eigen:
  viennacl::copy(vcl_densemat, mtl4_densemat2);
  viennacl::copy(vcl_sparsemat, mtl4_sparsemat2);

  * Run dense matrix-vector products and compare results:
  mtl4_result = mtl4_densemat * mtl4_rhs;
  vcl_result = viennacl::linalg::prod(vcl_densemat, vcl_rhs);
  viennacl::copy(vcl_result, mtl4_temp);
  mtl4_result -= mtl4_temp;
  std::cout << "Difference for dense matrix-vector product: " << mtl::two_norm(mtl4_result) << std::endl;
  mtl4_result = mtl4_densemat2 * mtl4_rhs - mtl4_temp;
  std::cout << "Difference for dense matrix-vector product (MTL4->ViennaCL->MTL4): "
            << mtl::two_norm(mtl4_result) << std::endl;

  * Run sparse matrix-vector products and compare results:
  mtl4_result = mtl4_sparsemat * mtl4_rhs;
  vcl_result = viennacl::linalg::prod(vcl_sparsemat, vcl_rhs);
  viennacl::copy(vcl_result, mtl4_temp);
  mtl4_result -= mtl4_temp;
  std::cout << "Difference for sparse matrix-vector product: " << mtl::two_norm(mtl4_result) << std::endl;
  mtl4_result = mtl4_sparsemat2 * mtl4_rhs - mtl4_temp;
  std::cout << "Difference for sparse matrix-vector product (MTL4->ViennaCL->MTL4): "
            << mtl::two_norm(mtl4_result) << std::endl;

Esempio n. 15
	inline void zero_with_sparse_src(MatrixDest& dest, tag::sparse)
Esempio n. 16
 initVector(VectorT& x) const