NFP::model::Rating::Rating(int const& m, int const& u, int const& r, std::string const& d) { set_movie_id((uint16_t)m); set_user_id((uint32_t)u); set_rate((uint8_t)r); set_date(utils::DateS2US(d)); }
NFP::model::Rating::Rating(uint16_t const& m, uint32_t const& u, uint8_t const& r, uint16_t const& d) { set_movie_id(m); set_user_id(u); set_rate(r); set_date(d); }
int main(int argc, char ** argv) { QApplication * app = new QApplication(argc, argv); int cx = -1; int cy = -1; int w = QApplication::desktop()->width(); int h = QApplication::desktop()->height(); QSettings settings(QSettings::IniFormat, QSettings::UserScope, "DoUML", "settings"); settings.setIniCodec(QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8")); int uid = settings.value("Main/id", -1).toInt(); int l, t, r, b; l = settings.value("Desktop/left", -1).toInt(); r = settings.value("Desktop/right", -1).toInt(); t = settings.value("Desktop/top", -1).toInt(); b = settings.value("Desktop/bottom", -1).toInt(); if(l != -1 && r != -1 && t != -1 && b != -1) { if (!((r == 0) && (t == 0) && (r == 0) && (b == 0)) && !((r < 0) || (t < 0) || (r < 0) || (b < 0)) && !((r <= l) || (b <= t))) { cx = (r + l) / 2; cy = (t + b) / 2; w = r - l; h = b - t; } } if (uid == -1) QMessageBox::critical(0, "Synchro project", "Own identifier not defined"); else if ((uid < 2) || (uid > 127)) QMessageBox::critical(0, "Synchro project", "invalid Identifier"); else { set_user_id(uid, homeDir.dirName()); app->connect(app, SIGNAL(lastWindowClosed()), SLOT(quit())); init_pixmaps(); SynchroWindow * ww = new SynchroWindow(); ww->resize((w * 3) / 5, (h * 3) / 5); if (cx != -1) ww->move(ww->x() + cx - (ww->x() + ww->width() / 2), ww->y() + cy - (ww->y() + ww->height() / 2)); ww->show(); if (argc > 1) ww->load(argc - 1, argv + 1); app->exec(); } return 0; }
int zmq::curve_server_t::receive_and_process_zap_reply () { int rc = 0; msg_t msg [7]; // ZAP reply consists of 7 frames // Initialize all reply frames for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { rc = msg [i].init (); errno_assert (rc == 0); } for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { rc = session->read_zap_msg (&msg [i]); if (rc == -1) break; if ((msg [i].flags () & msg_t::more) == (i < 6? 0: msg_t::more)) { // Temporary support for security debugging puts ("CURVE I: ZAP handler sent incomplete reply message"); errno = EPROTO; rc = -1; break; } } if (rc != 0) goto error; // Address delimiter frame if (msg [0].size () > 0) { // Temporary support for security debugging puts ("CURVE I: ZAP handler sent malformed reply message"); errno = EPROTO; rc = -1; goto error; } // Version frame if (msg [1].size () != 3 || memcmp (msg [1].data (), "1.0", 3)) { // Temporary support for security debugging puts ("CURVE I: ZAP handler sent bad version number"); errno = EPROTO; rc = -1; goto error; } // Request id frame if (msg [2].size () != 1 || memcmp (msg [2].data (), "1", 1)) { // Temporary support for security debugging puts ("CURVE I: ZAP handler sent bad request ID"); errno = EPROTO; rc = -1; goto error; } // Status code frame if (msg [3].size () != 3) { // Temporary support for security debugging puts ("CURVE I: ZAP handler rejected client authentication"); errno = EACCES; rc = -1; goto error; } // Save status code status_code.assign (static_cast <char *> (msg [3].data ()), 3); // Save user id set_user_id (msg [5].data (), msg [5].size ()); // Process metadata frame rc = parse_metadata (static_cast <const unsigned char*> (msg [6].data ()), msg [6].size (), true); error: for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { const int rc2 = msg [i].close (); errno_assert (rc2 == 0); } return rc; }
int main(int argc, char ** argv) { ExitOnError = FALSE; QApplication a(argc, argv); QTextCodec::setCodecForCStrings(QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8")); //#ifdef DEBUG QsLogging::Logger & logger = QsLogging::Logger::instance(); logger.setLoggingLevel(QsLogging::TraceLevel); QDir dir; dir.setPath(qApp->applicationDirPath()); dir.remove(QString("douml") + QString(".log")); const QString sLogPath(QDir(qApp->applicationDirPath()).filePath(QString("douml") + QString(".log"))); QsLogging::DestinationPtr fileDestination(QsLogging::DestinationFactory::MakeFileDestination(sLogPath)); QsLogging::DestinationPtr debugDestination(QsLogging::DestinationFactory::MakeDebugOutputDestination()); logger.addDestination(debugDestination.get()); logger.addDestination(fileDestination.get()); QLOG_INFO() << "Starting the log"; //#endif An<EdgeMenuFactory> factory; factory->AddFactory(TypeIdentifier<ClassDialog>::id(), CreateClassDialogMenu); factory->AddConnectionFunctor(TypeIdentifier<ClassDialog>::id(), ConnectToClassDialog<EdgeMenuDialog>); factory->AddFactory(TypeIdentifier<OperationDialog>::id(), CreateClassDialogMenu); factory->AddConnectionFunctor(TypeIdentifier<OperationDialog>::id(), ConnectToClassDialog<EdgeMenuDialog>); factory->AddFactory(TypeIdentifier<ArtifactDialog>::id(), CreateLimitedDialogMenu); factory->AddConnectionFunctor(TypeIdentifier<ArtifactDialog>::id(), ConnectToLimitedDialog<EdgeMenuDialog>); factory->AddFactory(TypeIdentifier<ConstructorInitializerDialog>::id(), CreateLimitedDialogMenu); factory->AddConnectionFunctorQt4(TypeIdentifier<ConstructorInitializerDialog>::id(), ConnectToLimitedDialog<EdgeMenuDialogQt4>); UmlDesktop::init(); QSettings settings("settings.ini", QSettings::IniFormat); settings.setIniCodec(QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8")); bool overridePresent = QFileInfo("override_transition.txt").exists(); if(settings.value("Main/compatibility_save") .toInt() == 1 && !overridePresent) { QMessageBox::warning(0, QObject::tr("Warning"), QObject::tr("Douml is working in transitional mode.\n All UI improvements are yours to use, " "but saving is done in the format of Bouml 4.22 " "which loses all new c++11 and hierarchy specifiers\n\n" "To suppress this warning place empty file override_transition.txt into the application folder\n" "To disable the mode - change compatibility_save parameter to 0 in settings.ini\n")); } // note : bool conv_env = !QDir::home().exists(".doumlrc") doesn't work // if the path contains non latin1 characters, for instance cyrillic ! QString s = QDir::home().absFilePath(".doumlrc"); FILE * fp = fopen((const char *) s, "r"); bool conv_env = (fp == 0); if (conv_env) EnvDialog::edit(TRUE); else fclose(fp); read_doumlrc(); // for virtual desktop init_pixmaps(); init_font(); Shortcut::init(conv_env); bool exec = FALSE; bool no_gui = FALSE; if (argc > 3) { if (!strcmp(argv[2], "-execnogui")) exec = no_gui = TRUE; else exec = !strcmp(argv[2], "-exec"); } UmlWindow * uw = new UmlWindow(exec); if (no_gui) UmlDesktop::set_nogui(); else { uw->showMaximized(); } if (argc > 1) { try { if ((argc == 3) && !strcmp(argv[2], "-root") && (msg_critical(TR("DO NOT CONFIRM"), TR("Root mode protection\n\n" "This mode allows me to develop BOUML\n\n" "do NOT confirm to avoid a disaster !!!\n\n" "confirm ?"), QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::No) == QMessageBox::Yes)) { set_user_id(0); set_editor(getenv("BOUML_EDITOR")); // no environment file argc = 1; } uw->load_it(argv[1]); } catch (...) { // cannot read a file return -1; } } QObject::connect(&a, SIGNAL(lastWindowClosed()), &a, SLOT(quit())); try { if (argc > 2) { if (exec) { bool with_exit = FALSE; if (!strcmp(argv[argc - 1], "-exit")) { with_exit = TRUE; argc -= 1; } WrapperStr cmd = argv[3]; WrapperStr space = " "; int index; for (index = 4; index != argc; index += 1) cmd += space + WrapperStr(argv[index]); ToolCom::run((const char *) cmd, BrowserView::get_project(), with_exit); } else msg_warning(TR("Error"), TR("Bouml was called with wrong parameters, ignore them")); } ExitOnError = TRUE; a.exec(); } catch (...) { ; } return exit_value(); }
int main(int argc, char ** argv) { QApplication * app = new QApplication(argc, argv); int uid = -1; // note : QFile fp(QDir::home().absFilePath(".boumlrc")) doesn't work // if the path contains non latin1 characters, for instance cyrillic ! QDir homeDir = QDir::home(); QString s = homeDir.absFilePath(".boumlrc"); FILE * fp = fopen((const char *) s, "r"); int cx = -1; int cy = -1; int w = QApplication::desktop()->width(); int h = QApplication::desktop()->height(); if (fp != 0) { char line[512]; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line) - 1, fp) != 0) { remove_crlf(line); if (!strncmp(line, "ID ", 3)) { sscanf(line+3, "%d", &uid); break; } else if (!strncmp(line, "DESKTOP ", 8)) { int l, t, r, b; if (sscanf(line+8, "%d %d %d %d", &l, &t, &r, &b) == 4) { if (!((r == 0) && (t == 0) && (r == 0) && (b == 0)) && !((r < 0) || (t < 0) || (r < 0) || (b < 0)) && !((r <= l) || (b <= t))) { cx = (r + l) / 2; cy = (t + b) / 2; w = r - l; h = b - t; } } } } fclose(fp); } if (uid == -1) QMessageBox::critical(0, "Control project", "Own identifier not defined"); else if ((uid < 2) || (uid > 127)) QMessageBox::critical(0, "Control project", "invalid Identifier"); else { set_user_id(uid, homeDir.dirName()); app->connect(app, SIGNAL(lastWindowClosed()), SLOT(quit()) ); init_pixmaps(); ControlWindow * ww = new ControlWindow(homeDir); ww->resize((w * 3)/5, (h * 3)/5); if (cx != -1) ww->move(ww->x() + cx - (ww->x() + ww->width() / 2), ww->y() + cy - (ww->y() + ww->height() / 2)); ww->show(); app->exec(); } return 0; }
int zmq::null_mechanism_t::receive_and_process_zap_reply () { int rc = 0; msg_t msg [7]; // ZAP reply consists of 7 frames // Initialize all reply frames for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { rc = msg [i].init (); errno_assert (rc == 0); } for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { rc = session->read_zap_msg (&msg [i]); if (rc == -1) break; if ((msg [i].flags () & msg_t::more) == (i < 6? 0: msg_t::more)) { errno = EPROTO; rc = -1; break; } } if (rc != 0) goto error; // Address delimiter frame if (msg [0].size () > 0) { rc = -1; errno = EPROTO; goto error; } // Version frame if (msg [1].size () != 3 || memcmp (msg [1].data (), "1.0", 3)) { rc = -1; errno = EPROTO; goto error; } // Request id frame if (msg [2].size () != 1 || memcmp (msg [2].data (), "1", 1)) { rc = -1; errno = EPROTO; goto error; } // Status code frame if (msg [3].size () != 3 || memcmp (msg [3].data (), "200", 3)) { rc = -1; errno = EACCES; goto error; } // Save user id set_user_id (msg [5].data (), msg [5].size ()); // Process metadata frame rc = parse_metadata (static_cast <const unsigned char*> (msg [6].data ()), msg [6].size ()); error: for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { const int rc2 = msg [i].close (); errno_assert (rc2 == 0); } return rc; }
/** * Run a standard GNUnet service startup sequence (initialize loggers * and configuration, parse options). * * @param argc number of command line arguments * @param argv command line arguments * @param service_name our service name * @param options service options * @param task main task of the service * @param task_cls closure for @a task * @return #GNUNET_SYSERR on error, #GNUNET_OK * if we shutdown nicely */ int GNUNET_SERVICE_run (int argc, char *const *argv, const char *service_name, enum GNUNET_SERVICE_Options options, GNUNET_SERVICE_Main task, void *task_cls) { #define HANDLE_ERROR do { GNUNET_break (0); goto shutdown; } while (0) int err; int ret; char *cfg_fn; char *opt_cfg_fn; char *loglev; char *logfile; int do_daemonize; unsigned int i; unsigned long long skew_offset; unsigned long long skew_variance; long long clock_offset; struct GNUNET_SERVICE_Context sctx; struct GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_Handle *cfg; const char *xdg; struct GNUNET_GETOPT_CommandLineOption service_options[] = { GNUNET_GETOPT_OPTION_CFG_FILE (&opt_cfg_fn), {'d', "daemonize", NULL, gettext_noop ("do daemonize (detach from terminal)"), 0, GNUNET_GETOPT_set_one, &do_daemonize}, GNUNET_GETOPT_OPTION_HELP (NULL), GNUNET_GETOPT_OPTION_LOGLEVEL (&loglev), GNUNET_GETOPT_OPTION_LOGFILE (&logfile), GNUNET_GETOPT_OPTION_VERSION (PACKAGE_VERSION " " VCS_VERSION), GNUNET_GETOPT_OPTION_END }; err = 1; do_daemonize = 0; logfile = NULL; loglev = NULL; opt_cfg_fn = NULL; xdg = getenv ("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"); if (NULL != xdg) GNUNET_asprintf (&cfg_fn, "%s%s%s", xdg, DIR_SEPARATOR_STR, "gnunet.conf"); else cfg_fn = GNUNET_strdup (GNUNET_DEFAULT_USER_CONFIG_FILE); memset (&sctx, 0, sizeof (sctx)); sctx.options = options; sctx.ready_confirm_fd = -1; sctx.ret = GNUNET_OK; sctx.timeout = GNUNET_TIME_UNIT_FOREVER_REL; sctx.task = task; sctx.task_cls = task_cls; sctx.service_name = service_name; sctx.cfg = cfg = GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_create (); /* setup subsystems */ ret = GNUNET_GETOPT_run (service_name, service_options, argc, argv); if (GNUNET_SYSERR == ret) goto shutdown; if (GNUNET_NO == ret) { err = 0; goto shutdown; } if (GNUNET_OK != GNUNET_log_setup (service_name, loglev, logfile)) HANDLE_ERROR; if (NULL == opt_cfg_fn) opt_cfg_fn = GNUNET_strdup (cfg_fn); if (GNUNET_YES == GNUNET_DISK_file_test (opt_cfg_fn)) { if (GNUNET_SYSERR == GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_load (cfg, opt_cfg_fn)) { GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, _("Malformed configuration file `%s', exit ...\n"), opt_cfg_fn); goto shutdown; } } else { if (GNUNET_SYSERR == GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_load (cfg, NULL)) { GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, _("Malformed configuration, exit ...\n")); goto shutdown; } if (0 != strcmp (opt_cfg_fn, cfg_fn)) GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, _("Could not access configuration file `%s'\n"), opt_cfg_fn); } if (GNUNET_OK != setup_service (&sctx)) goto shutdown; if ((1 == do_daemonize) && (GNUNET_OK != detach_terminal (&sctx))) HANDLE_ERROR; if (GNUNET_OK != set_user_id (&sctx)) goto shutdown; LOG (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, "Service `%s' runs with configuration from `%s'\n", service_name, opt_cfg_fn); if ((GNUNET_OK == GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_get_value_number (sctx.cfg, "TESTING", "SKEW_OFFSET", &skew_offset)) && (GNUNET_OK == GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_get_value_number (sctx.cfg, "TESTING", "SKEW_VARIANCE", &skew_variance))) { clock_offset = skew_offset - skew_variance; GNUNET_TIME_set_offset (clock_offset); LOG (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, "Skewing clock by %dll ms\n", clock_offset); } /* actually run service */ err = 0; GNUNET_SCHEDULER_run (&service_task, &sctx); /* shutdown */ if ((1 == do_daemonize) && (NULL != sctx.server)) pid_file_delete (&sctx); GNUNET_free_non_null (sctx.my_handlers); shutdown: if (-1 != sctx.ready_confirm_fd) { if (1 != WRITE (sctx.ready_confirm_fd, err ? "I" : "S", 1)) LOG_STRERROR (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_WARNING, "write"); GNUNET_break (0 == CLOSE (sctx.ready_confirm_fd)); } #if HAVE_MALLINFO { char *counter; if ( (GNUNET_YES == GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_have_value (sctx.cfg, service_name, "GAUGER_HEAP")) && (GNUNET_OK == GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_get_value_string (sctx.cfg, service_name, "GAUGER_HEAP", &counter)) ) { struct mallinfo mi; mi = mallinfo (); GAUGER (service_name, counter, mi.usmblks, "blocks"); GNUNET_free (counter); } } #endif GNUNET_SPEEDUP_stop_ (); GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_destroy (cfg); i = 0; if (NULL != sctx.addrs) while (NULL != sctx.addrs[i]) GNUNET_free (sctx.addrs[i++]); GNUNET_free_non_null (sctx.addrs); GNUNET_free_non_null (sctx.addrlens); GNUNET_free_non_null (logfile); GNUNET_free_non_null (loglev); GNUNET_free (cfg_fn); GNUNET_free_non_null (opt_cfg_fn); GNUNET_free_non_null (sctx.v4_denied); GNUNET_free_non_null (sctx.v6_denied); GNUNET_free_non_null (sctx.v4_allowed); GNUNET_free_non_null (sctx.v6_allowed); return err ? GNUNET_SYSERR : sctx.ret; }