Esempio n. 1
/* Find existing open upvalue for a stack slot or create a new one. */
static GCupval *func_finduv(lua_State *L, TValue *slot)
  global_State *g = G(L);
  GCRef *pp = &L->openupval;
  GCupval *p;
  GCupval *uv;
  /* Search the sorted list of open upvalues. */
  while (gcref(*pp) != NULL && uvval((p = gco2uv(gcref(*pp)))) >= slot) {
    lua_assert(!p->closed && uvval(p) != &p->tv);
    if (uvval(p) == slot) {  /* Found open upvalue pointing to same slot? */
      if (isdead(g, obj2gco(p)))  /* Resurrect it, if it's dead. */
      return p;
    pp = &p->nextgc;
  /* No matching upvalue found. Create a new one. */
  uv = lj_mem_newt(L, sizeof(GCupval), GCupval);
  newwhite(g, uv);
  uv->gct = ~LJ_TUPVAL;
  uv->closed = 0;  /* Still open. */
  setmref(uv->v, slot);  /* Pointing to the stack slot. */
  /* NOBARRIER: The GCupval is new (marked white) and open. */
  setgcrefr(uv->nextgc, *pp);  /* Insert into sorted list of open upvalues. */
  setgcref(*pp, obj2gco(uv));
  setgcref(uv->prev, obj2gco(&g->uvhead));  /* Insert into GC list, too. */
  setgcrefr(uv->next, g->;
  setgcref(uvnext(uv)->prev, obj2gco(uv));
  setgcref(g->, obj2gco(uv));
  lua_assert(uvprev(uvnext(uv)) == uv && uvnext(uvprev(uv)) == uv);
  return uv;
Esempio n. 2
GCudata *lj_udata_new(lua_State *L, MSize sz, GCtab *env)
  GCudata *ud = lj_mem_newt(L, sizeof(GCudata) + sz, GCudata);
  global_State *g = G(L);
  newwhite(g, ud);  /* Not finalized. */
  ud->gct = ~LJ_TUDATA;
  ud->udtype = UDTYPE_USERDATA;
  ud->len = sz;
  /* NOBARRIER: The GCudata is new (marked white). */
  setgcref(ud->env, obj2gco(env));
  /* Chain to userdata list (after main thread). */
  setgcrefr(ud->nextgc, mainthread(g)->nextgc);
  setgcref(mainthread(g)->nextgc, obj2gco(ud));
  return ud;
Esempio n. 3
void lj_lib_prereg(lua_State *L, const char *name, lua_CFunction f, GCtab *env)
  luaL_findtable(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "_PRELOAD", 4);
  lua_pushcfunction(L, f);
  /* NOBARRIER: The function is new (marked white). */
  setgcref(funcV(L->top-1)->c.env, obj2gco(env));
  lua_setfield(L, -2, name);
Esempio n. 4
static GCfunc *func_newL(lua_State *L, GCproto *pt, GCtab *env)
  GCfunc *fn = (GCfunc *)lj_mem_newgco(L, sizeLfunc((MSize)pt->sizeuv));
  fn->l.gct = ~LJ_TFUNC;
  fn->l.ffid = FF_LUA;
  fn->l.nupvalues = 0;  /* Set to zero until upvalues are initialized. */
  /* NOBARRIER: Really a setgcref. But the GCfunc is new (marked white). */
  setmref(fn->l.pc, proto_bc(pt));
  setgcref(fn->l.env, obj2gco(env));
  return fn;
Esempio n. 5
GCfunc *lj_func_newC(lua_State *L, MSize nelems, GCtab *env)
  GCfunc *fn = (GCfunc *)lj_mem_newgco(L, sizeCfunc(nelems));
  fn->c.gct = ~LJ_TFUNC;
  fn->c.ffid = FF_C;
  fn->c.nupvalues = (uint8_t)nelems;
  /* NOBARRIER: The GCfunc is new (marked white). */
  setmref(fn->c.pc, &G(L)->bc_cfunc_ext);
  setgcref(fn->c.env, obj2gco(env));
  return fn;
Esempio n. 6
/* Create a new CLibrary object and push it on the stack. */
static CLibrary *clib_new(lua_State *L, GCtab *mt)
  GCtab *t = lj_tab_new(L, 0, 0);
  GCudata *ud = lj_udata_new(L, sizeof(CLibrary), t);
  CLibrary *cl = (CLibrary *)uddata(ud);
  cl->cache = t;
  ud->udtype = UDTYPE_FFI_CLIB;
  /* NOBARRIER: The GCudata is new (marked white). */
  setgcref(ud->metatable, obj2gco(mt));
  setudataV(L, L->top++, ud);
  return cl;
Esempio n. 7
/* Create a new Lua function with empty upvalues. */
GCfunc *lj_func_newL_empty(lua_State *L, GCproto *pt, GCtab *env)
  GCfunc *fn = func_newL(L, pt, env);
  MSize i, nuv = pt->sizeuv;
  /* NOBARRIER: The GCfunc is new (marked white). */
  for (i = 0; i < nuv; i++) {
    GCupval *uv = func_emptyuv(L);
    uv->dhash = (uint32_t)(uintptr_t)pt ^ ((uint32_t)proto_uv(pt)[i] << 24);
    setgcref(fn->l.uvptr[i], obj2gco(uv));
  fn->l.nupvalues = (uint8_t)nuv;
  return fn;
Esempio n. 8
/* Free a C data object. */
void LJ_FASTCALL lj_cdata_free(global_State *g, GCcdata *cd)
  if (LJ_UNLIKELY(cd->marked & LJ_GC_CDATA_FIN)) {
    GCobj *root;
    makewhite(g, obj2gco(cd));
    if ((root = gcref(g->gc.mmudata)) != NULL) {
      setgcrefr(cd->nextgc, root->gch.nextgc);
      setgcref(root->gch.nextgc, obj2gco(cd));
      setgcref(g->gc.mmudata, obj2gco(cd));
    } else {
      setgcref(cd->nextgc, obj2gco(cd));
      setgcref(g->gc.mmudata, obj2gco(cd));
  } else if (LJ_LIKELY(!cdataisv(cd))) {
    CType *ct = ctype_raw(ctype_ctsG(g), cd->ctypeid);
    CTSize sz = ctype_hassize(ct->info) ? ct->size : CTSIZE_PTR;
    lua_assert(ctype_hassize(ct->info) || ctype_isfunc(ct->info) ||
    lj_mem_free(g, cd, sizeof(GCcdata) + sz);
  } else {
    lj_mem_free(g, memcdatav(cd), sizecdatav(cd));
Esempio n. 9
/* -- Luajittex needs this one because it overloads loadfile  -- */
LUALIB_API int RESERVED_load_aux_JIT(lua_State *L, int status, int envarg)
  if (status == 0) {
    if (tvistab(L->base+envarg-1)) {
      GCfunc *fn = funcV(L->top-1);
      GCtab *t = tabV(L->base+envarg-1);
      setgcref(fn->c.env, obj2gco(t));
      lj_gc_objbarrier(L, fn, t);
    return 1;
  } else {
    return 2;
Esempio n. 10
static GCfunc *func_newL(lua_State *L, GCproto *pt, GCtab *env)
  uint32_t count;
  GCfunc *fn = (GCfunc *)lj_mem_newgco(L, sizeLfunc((MSize)pt->sizeuv));
  fn->l.gct = ~LJ_TFUNC;
  fn->l.ffid = FF_LUA;
  fn->l.nupvalues = 0;  /* Set to zero until upvalues are initialized. */
  /* NOBARRIER: Really a setgcref. But the GCfunc is new (marked white). */
  setmref(fn->l.pc, proto_bc(pt));
  setgcref(fn->l.env, obj2gco(env));
  /* Saturating 3 bit counter (0..7) for created closures. */
  count = (uint32_t)pt->flags + PROTO_CLCOUNT;
  pt->flags = (uint8_t)(count - ((count >> PROTO_CLC_BITS) & PROTO_CLCOUNT));
  return fn;
Esempio n. 11
/* String interning of metamethod names for fast indexing. */
void lj_meta_init(lua_State *L)
#define MMNAME(name)	"__" #name
  const char *metanames = MMDEF(MMNAME);
#undef MMNAME
  global_State *g = G(L);
  const char *p, *q;
  uint32_t mm;
  for (mm = 0, p = metanames; *p; mm++, p = q) {
    GCstr *s;
    for (q = p+2; *q && *q != '_'; q++) ;
    s = lj_str_new(L, p, (size_t)(q-p));
    /* NOBARRIER: g->gcroot[] is a GC root. */
    setgcref(g->gcroot[GCROOT_MMNAME+mm], obj2gco(s));
Esempio n. 12
/* Allocate variable-sized or specially aligned C data object. */
GCcdata *lj_cdata_newv(lua_State *L, CTypeID id, CTSize sz, CTSize align)
  global_State *g;
  MSize extra = sizeof(GCcdataVar) + sizeof(GCcdata) +
		(align > CT_MEMALIGN ? (1u<<align) - (1u<<CT_MEMALIGN) : 0);
  char *p = lj_mem_newt(L, extra + sz, char);
  uintptr_t adata = (uintptr_t)p + sizeof(GCcdataVar) + sizeof(GCcdata);
  uintptr_t almask = (1u << align) - 1u;
  GCcdata *cd = (GCcdata *)(((adata + almask) & ~almask) - sizeof(GCcdata));
  lua_assert((char *)cd - p < 65536);
  cdatav(cd)->offset = (uint16_t)((char *)cd - p);
  cdatav(cd)->extra = extra;
  cdatav(cd)->len = sz;
  g = G(L);
  setgcrefr(cd->nextgc, g->gc.root);
  setgcref(g->gc.root, obj2gco(cd));
  newwhite(g, obj2gco(cd));
  cd->marked |= 0x80;
  cd->gct = ~LJ_TCDATA;
  cd->ctypeid = id;
  return cd;
Esempio n. 13
/* Unsink allocation from the trace exit state. Unsink sunk stores. */
static void snap_unsink(jit_State *J, GCtrace *T, ExitState *ex,
			SnapNo snapno, BloomFilter rfilt,
			IRIns *ir, TValue *o)
  lua_assert(ir->o == IR_TNEW || ir->o == IR_TDUP ||
	     ir->o == IR_CNEW || ir->o == IR_CNEWI);
  if (ir->o == IR_CNEW || ir->o == IR_CNEWI) {
    CTState *cts = ctype_cts(J->L);
    CTypeID id = (CTypeID)T->ir[ir->op1].i;
    CTSize sz;
    CTInfo info = lj_ctype_info(cts, id, &sz);
    GCcdata *cd = lj_cdata_newx(cts, id, sz, info);
    setcdataV(J->L, o, cd);
    if (ir->o == IR_CNEWI) {
      uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)cdataptr(cd);
      lua_assert(sz == 4 || sz == 8);
      if (LJ_32 && sz == 8 && ir+1 < T->ir + T->nins && (ir+1)->o == IR_HIOP) {
	snap_restoredata(T, ex, snapno, rfilt, (ir+1)->op2, LJ_LE?p+4:p, 4);
	if (LJ_BE) p += 4;
	sz = 4;
      snap_restoredata(T, ex, snapno, rfilt, ir->op2, p, sz);
    } else {
      IRIns *irs, *irlast = &T->ir[T->snap[snapno].ref];
      for (irs = ir+1; irs < irlast; irs++)
	if (irs->r == RID_SINK && snap_sunk_store(T, ir, irs)) {
	  IRIns *iro = &T->ir[T->ir[irs->op1].op2];
	  uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)cd;
	  CTSize szs;
	  lua_assert(irs->o == IR_XSTORE && T->ir[irs->op1].o == IR_ADD);
	  lua_assert(iro->o == IR_KINT || iro->o == IR_KINT64);
	  if (irt_is64(irs->t)) szs = 8;
	  else if (irt_isi8(irs->t) || irt_isu8(irs->t)) szs = 1;
	  else if (irt_isi16(irs->t) || irt_isu16(irs->t)) szs = 2;
	  else szs = 4;
	  if (LJ_64 && iro->o == IR_KINT64)
	    p += (int64_t)ir_k64(iro)->u64;
	    p += iro->i;
	  lua_assert(p >= (uint8_t *)cdataptr(cd) &&
		     p + szs <= (uint8_t *)cdataptr(cd) + sz);
	  if (LJ_32 && irs+1 < T->ir + T->nins && (irs+1)->o == IR_HIOP) {
	    lua_assert(szs == 4);
	    snap_restoredata(T, ex, snapno, rfilt, (irs+1)->op2, LJ_LE?p+4:p,4);
	    if (LJ_BE) p += 4;
	  snap_restoredata(T, ex, snapno, rfilt, irs->op2, p, szs);
  } else
    IRIns *irs, *irlast;
    GCtab *t = ir->o == IR_TNEW ? lj_tab_new(J->L, ir->op1, ir->op2) :
				  lj_tab_dup(J->L, ir_ktab(&T->ir[ir->op1]));
    settabV(J->L, o, t);
    irlast = &T->ir[T->snap[snapno].ref];
    for (irs = ir+1; irs < irlast; irs++)
      if (irs->r == RID_SINK && snap_sunk_store(T, ir, irs)) {
	IRIns *irk = &T->ir[irs->op1];
	TValue tmp, *val;
	lua_assert(irs->o == IR_ASTORE || irs->o == IR_HSTORE ||
		   irs->o == IR_FSTORE);
	if (irk->o == IR_FREF) {
	  lua_assert(irk->op2 == IRFL_TAB_META);
	  snap_restoreval(J, T, ex, snapno, rfilt, irs->op2, &tmp);
	  /* NOBARRIER: The table is new (marked white). */
	  setgcref(t->metatable, obj2gco(tabV(&tmp)));
	} else {
	  irk = &T->ir[irk->op2];
	  if (irk->o == IR_KSLOT) irk = &T->ir[irk->op1];
	  lj_ir_kvalue(J->L, &tmp, irk);
	  val = lj_tab_set(J->L, t, &tmp);
	  /* NOBARRIER: The table is new (marked white). */
	  snap_restoreval(J, T, ex, snapno, rfilt, irs->op2, val);
	  if (LJ_SOFTFP && irs+1 < T->ir + T->nins && (irs+1)->o == IR_HIOP) {
	    snap_restoreval(J, T, ex, snapno, rfilt, (irs+1)->op2, &tmp);
	    val->u32.hi = tmp.u32.lo;