Esempio n. 1
Curve::getstepsize( void )
    minstepsize= 0;

    if( mapdesc->isConstantSampling() ) {
	// fixed number of samples per patch in each direction
	// maxrate is number of s samples per patch
        setstepsize( mapdesc->maxrate );
    } else if( mapdesc->isDomainSampling() ) {
	// maxrate is number of s samples per unit s length of domain
        setstepsize( mapdesc->maxrate * range[2] );
    } else {
	// upper bound on path length between sample points

	assert( order <= MAXORDER );
	/* points have been transformed, therefore they are homogeneous */
	const int tstride = sizeof(tmp[0]) / sizeof(REAL);
	int val = mapdesc->project( spts, stride, &tmp[0][0], tstride,  order ); 

        if( val == 0 ) {
	    // control points cross infinity, therefore derivatives are undefined
            setstepsize( mapdesc->maxrate );
        } else {
            REAL t = mapdesc->getProperty( N_PIXEL_TOLERANCE );
	    if( mapdesc->isParametricDistanceSampling() ) {
		REAL d = mapdesc->calcPartialVelocity( &tmp[0][0], tstride, order, 2, range[2] );
		stepsize = (d > 0.0) ? ::sqrtf( 8.0 * t / d ) : range[2];
		minstepsize = ( mapdesc->maxrate > 0.0 ) ? (range[2] / mapdesc->maxrate) : 0.0;
	    } else if( mapdesc->isPathLengthSampling() ) {
		// t is upper bound on path (arc) length
		REAL d = mapdesc->calcPartialVelocity( &tmp[0][0], tstride, order, 1, range[2] );
		stepsize = ( d > 0.0 ) ? (t / d) : range[2];
		minstepsize = ( mapdesc->maxrate > 0.0 ) ? (range[2] / mapdesc->maxrate) : 0.0;
	    } else {
		// control points cross infinity, therefore partials are undefined
		setstepsize( mapdesc->maxrate );
Esempio n. 2
int Integrator::dointstep(int (*func)(double, const double*, double*, void*), IntParams &params, double data[], double &time, const double endtime) {
	// Integrates a single step

	// Sets up the system to integrate, including the function that specifies the derivatives, NULL for the Jacobian, the number of elements
	// being integrated, and the parameters to pass through to the function
	gsl_odeiv2_system sys = { func, NULL, numelements, &params };

	// Make a copy of the stepsize - the evolution function wants to update this quantity, but a reference to the class' private information
	// makes things unhappy
	double stepsizecopy = stepsize;

	// Actually take the integration step
	int status = gsl_odeiv2_evolve_apply(evolve, control, step, &sys, &time, endtime, &stepsizecopy, data);

	// Update the stepsize according to what GSL thinks will work well, but make sure it doesn't get too big. We want some resolution on our functions!

	// Return the status: should be GSL_SUCCESS if everything worked
	return status;
