void UserInterface::setupEarlySettings() { LogFile::init(); initPrefs(); setupLogging(); FontSettingsDialog::setupFont(); }
SCPevaluation::SCPevaluation( UserInteraction* _userInteraction, const Objective* const objective_, const DynamicDiscretization* const dynamic_discretization_, const Constraint* const constraint_, BooleanType _isCP ) : AlgorithmicBase( _userInteraction ) { // setup options and loggings for stand-alone instances if ( _userInteraction == 0 ) { setupOptions( ); setupLogging( ); } if( objective_ != 0 ) objective = new Objective( *objective_ ); else objective = 0; if( dynamic_discretization_ != 0 ) dynamicDiscretization = dynamic_discretization_->clone(); else dynamicDiscretization = 0; if( constraint_ != 0 ) constraint = new Constraint( *constraint_ ); else constraint = 0; objectiveValue = 0.0; isCP = _isCP; areSensitivitiesFrozen = BT_FALSE; }
DenseQPsolver::DenseQPsolver( UserInteraction* _userInteraction ) : DenseCPsolver( _userInteraction ) { setupLogging( ); qpStatus = QPS_NOT_INITIALIZED; numberOfSteps = 0; }
Controller::Controller( ControlLaw& _controlLaw, Estimator& _estimator, ReferenceTrajectory& _referenceTrajectory ) : SimulationBlock( BN_CONTROLLER ) { setupOptions( ); setupLogging( ); if ( _controlLaw.isDefined( ) == BT_TRUE ) { controlLaw = &_controlLaw; setStatus( BS_NOT_INITIALIZED ); } else controlLaw = 0; if ( _estimator.isDefined( ) == BT_TRUE ) estimator = &_estimator; else estimator = 0; if ( _referenceTrajectory.isDefined( ) == BT_TRUE ) referenceTrajectory = &_referenceTrajectory; else referenceTrajectory = 0; setStatus( BS_NOT_INITIALIZED ); }
SimulationEnvironment::SimulationEnvironment( double _startTime, double _endTime, Process& _process, Controller& _controller ) : SimulationBlock( BN_SIMULATION_ENVIRONMENT ) { setupOptions( ); setupLogging( ); startTime = _startTime; endTime = _endTime; if ( _process.isDefined( ) == BT_TRUE ) { process = &_process; setStatus( BS_NOT_INITIALIZED ); } else process = 0; if ( _controller.isDefined( ) == BT_TRUE ) controller = &_controller; else controller = 0; nSteps = 0; }
BandedCPsolver::BandedCPsolver( UserInteraction* _userInteraction ) : AlgorithmicBase( _userInteraction ) { // setup options and loggings for stand-alone instances if ( _userInteraction == 0 ) { setupOptions( ); setupLogging( ); } }
NLPderivativeApproximation::NLPderivativeApproximation( UserInteraction* _userInteraction ) : AlgorithmicBase( _userInteraction ) { // setup options and loggings for stand-alone instances if ( _userInteraction == 0 ) { setupOptions( ); setupLogging( ); } hessianScaling = 1.0; }
DynamicDiscretization::DynamicDiscretization( UserInteraction* _userInteraction ) :AlgorithmicBase( _userInteraction ){ // setup options and loggings for stand-alone instances if ( _userInteraction == 0 ){ setupOptions( ); setupLogging( ); } initializeVariables(); }
int mainEntryClickHouseExtractFromConfig(int argc, char ** argv) { bool print_stacktrace = false; bool process_zk_includes = false; bool try_get = false; std::string log_level; std::string config_path; std::string key; namespace po = boost::program_options; po::options_description options_desc("Allowed options"); options_desc.add_options() ("help", "produce this help message") ("stacktrace", po::bool_switch(&print_stacktrace), "print stack traces of exceptions") ("process-zk-includes", po::bool_switch(&process_zk_includes), "if there are from_zk elements in config, connect to ZooKeeper and process them") ("try", po::bool_switch(&try_get), "Do not warn about missing keys") ("log-level", po::value<std::string>(&log_level)->default_value("error"), "log level") ("config-file,c", po::value<std::string>(&config_path)->required(), "path to config file") ("key,k", po::value<std::string>(&key)->required(), "key to get value for"); po::positional_options_description positional_desc; positional_desc.add("config-file", 1); positional_desc.add("key", 1); try { po::variables_map options; po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(options_desc).positional(positional_desc).run(), options); if (options.count("help")) { std::cerr << "Preprocess config file and extract value of the given key." << std::endl << std::endl; std::cerr << "Usage: clickhouse extract-from-config [options]" << std::endl << std::endl; std::cerr << options_desc << std::endl; return 0; } po::notify(options); setupLogging(log_level); std::cout << extractFromConfig(config_path, key, process_zk_includes, try_get) << std::endl; } catch (...) { std::cerr << DB::getCurrentExceptionMessage(print_stacktrace, true) << std::endl; return DB::getCurrentExceptionCode(); } return 0; }
void Application::slotParseMessage(const QString &msg, QObject*) { if (msg.startsWith(QLatin1String("MSG_PARSEOPTIONS:"))) { const int lengthOfMsgPrefix = 17; QStringList options = msg.mid(lengthOfMsgPrefix).split(QLatin1Char('|')); parseOptions(options); setupLogging(); } else if (msg.startsWith(QLatin1String("MSG_SHOWSETTINGS"))) { showSettingsDialog(); } }
BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ACADO // // PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS: // BandedCPsolver::BandedCPsolver( ) : AlgorithmicBase( ) { setupOptions( ); setupLogging( ); }
BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ACADO // // PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS: // NLPderivativeApproximation::NLPderivativeApproximation( ) : AlgorithmicBase( ) { setupOptions( ); setupLogging( ); hessianScaling = 1.0; }
BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ACADO // // PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS: // DenseQPsolver::DenseQPsolver( ) : DenseCPsolver( ) { setupLogging( ); qpStatus = QPS_NOT_INITIALIZED; numberOfSteps = 0; }
void AgoApp::setup() { setupLogging(); setupAgoConnection(); setupSignals(); setupApp(); setupIoThread(); //Send event app is started //This is useful to monitor app (most of the time systemd restarts app before agosystem find it has crashed) //And it fix enhancement #143 qpid::types::Variant::Map content; content["process"] = appShortName; //no internalid specified, processname is in event content agoConnection->emitEvent("", "event.monitoring.processstarted", content); }
BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ACADO // // PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS: // DynamicDiscretization::DynamicDiscretization() :AlgorithmicBase( ){ setupOptions( ); setupLogging( ); initializeVariables(); }
BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ACADO // // PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS: // Controller::Controller( ) : SimulationBlock( BN_CONTROLLER ) { setupOptions( ); setupLogging( ); controlLaw = 0; estimator = 0; referenceTrajectory = 0; setStatus( BS_NOT_INITIALIZED ); }
BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ACADO SimulationEnvironment::SimulationEnvironment( ) : SimulationBlock( BN_SIMULATION_ENVIRONMENT ) { setupOptions( ); setupLogging( ); startTime = 0.0; endTime = 0.0; process = 0; controller = 0; nSteps = 0; setStatus( BS_NOT_INITIALIZED ); }
BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ACADO // // PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS: // NLPsolver::NLPsolver( UserInteraction* _userInteraction ) : AlgorithmicBase( _userInteraction ) { // setup options and loggings for stand-alone instances if ( _userInteraction == 0 ) { setupOptions( ); setupLogging( ); } numberOfSteps = 0; }
BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ACADO // // PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS: // SCPevaluation::SCPevaluation( ) : AlgorithmicBase( ) { setupOptions( ); setupLogging( ); objective = 0; dynamicDiscretization = 0; constraint = 0; objectiveValue = 0.0; isCP = BT_FALSE; areSensitivitiesFrozen = BT_FALSE; }
SCPmethod::SCPmethod( UserInteraction* _userInteraction, const Objective *objective_ , const DynamicDiscretization *dynamic_discretization_, const Constraint *constraint_, BooleanType _isCP ) : NLPsolver( _userInteraction ) { eval = new SCPevaluation( _userInteraction,objective_,dynamic_discretization_,constraint_,_isCP ); scpStep = 0; derivativeApproximation = 0; bandedCPsolver = 0; status = BS_NOT_INITIALIZED; isCP = _isCP; hasPerformedStep = BT_FALSE; isInRealTimeMode = BT_FALSE; needToReevaluate = BT_FALSE; setupLogging( ); }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { GTSApplication app( argc, argv ); QCoreApplication::setOrganizationName("GTS"); QCoreApplication::setApplicationName("Ground Truth System"); setupLogging(); qRegisterMetaType<CameraDescription>("CameraDescription"); MainWindow mainWindow; InitialiseMessageHandler( mainWindow ); mainWindow.Start(); LOG_TRACE("Application starting..."); LOG_INFO(QObject::tr("Version: %1 Date: %2.").arg(GTS_BUILD_REVN) .arg(GTS_BUILD_DATE)); return app.exec(); }
BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ACADO // // PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS: // SCPmethod::SCPmethod( ) : NLPsolver( ) { setupLogging( ); eval = 0; scpStep = 0; derivativeApproximation = 0; bandedCPsolver = 0; status = BS_NOT_INITIALIZED; isCP = BT_FALSE; hasPerformedStep = BT_FALSE; isInRealTimeMode = BT_FALSE; needToReevaluate = BT_FALSE; }
void Application::slotParseOptions(const QString &opts) { QStringList options = opts.split(QLatin1Char('|')); parseOptions(options); setupLogging(); }
BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ACADO // // PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS: // Integrator::Integrator( ) :AlgorithmicBase( ){ // RHS: // -------- rhs = 0; m = 0; ma = 0; mdx = 0; md = 0; mn = 0; mu = 0; mui = 0; mp = 0; mpi = 0; mw = 0; transition = 0; // SETTINGS: // --------- h = (double*)calloc(1,sizeof(double)); h[0] = 0.001 ; hmin = 0.000001 ; hmax = 1.0e10 ; tune = 0.5 ; TOL = 0.000001 ; // INTERNAL INDEX LISTS: // --------------------- diff_index = 0; ddiff_index = 0; alg_index = 0; control_index = 0; parameter_index = 0; int_control_index = 0; int_parameter_index = 0; disturbance_index = 0; time_index = 0; // OTHERS: // ------- count = 0 ; count2 = 0 ; count3 = 0 ; maxNumberOfSteps = 1000; // PRINT-LEVEL: // ------------ PrintLevel = LOW; // SEED DIMENSIONS: // ---------------- nFDirs = 0; nBDirs = 0; nFDirs2 = 0; nBDirs2 = 0; // THE STATE OF AGGREGATION: // ------------------------- soa = SOA_UNFROZEN; setupOptions( ); setupLogging( ); }
void MpiLauncher::launch(const vector<string>& slaveArgs, const boost::shared_ptr<const InstanceMembership>& membership, const size_t maxSlaves) { vector<string> args; { ScopedMutexLock lock(_mutex); if (_pid != 0 || _waiting) { throw InvalidStateException(REL_FILE, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__) << " MPI launcher is already running"; } boost::shared_ptr<Query> query = _query.lock(); Query::validateQueryPtr(query); buildArgs(args, slaveArgs, membership, query, maxSlaves); } pid_t pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) { // error int err = errno; throw (SYSTEM_EXCEPTION(SCIDB_SE_INTERNAL, SCIDB_LE_SYSCALL_ERROR) << "fork" << pid << err <<""); } else if (pid > 0) { // parent ScopedMutexLock lock(_mutex); if (_pid != 0 || _waiting) { throw InvalidStateException(REL_FILE, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__) << " MPI launcher is corrupted after launch"; } _pid = pid; LOG4CXX_DEBUG(logger, "MPI launcher process spawned, pid="<<_pid); return; } else { // child becomeProcGroupLeader(); recordPids(); setupLogging(); if (DBG) { std::cerr << "LAUNCHER pid="<<getpid() << ", pgid="<< ::getpgid(0) << ", ppid="<< ::getppid()<<std::endl; } closeFds(); boost::scoped_array<const char*> argv(new const char*[args.size()+1]); initExecArgs(args, argv); const char *path = argv[0]; if (DBG) { std::cerr << "LAUNCHER pid="<<::getpid()<<" args for "<<path<<" are ready" << std::endl; for (size_t i=0; i<args.size(); ++i) { const char * arg = argv[i]; if (!arg) break; cerr << "LAUNCHER arg["<<i<<"] = "<< argv[i] << std::endl; } } int rc = ::execv(path, const_cast<char* const*>(argv.get())); assert(rc == -1); rc=rc; // avoid compiler warning perror("LAUNCHER execv"); _exit(1); } throw SYSTEM_EXCEPTION(SCIDB_SE_INTERNAL, SCIDB_LE_UNREACHABLE_CODE); }