Esempio n. 1
TextGui::TextGui(QStringList args)
    : m_debugger(NULL),
      m_console(std::cin, std::cout, std::cerr),
      m_spim_syscalls(&m_console, &m_syscallListener)

    QString filename =;

    QFile *f = new QFile(filename);
    if (!f->exists()) {
        cerr << "error, cannot find file " << filename.toStdString() << endl;

    if (!f->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QFile::Text)) {
        cerr << "error opening file " << filename.toStdString() << endl;

    QTextDocument p();
    QTextDocument *doc = new QTextDocument();


    if (VERBOSE) {
        cerr << "Parsing file: " << f->fileName().toStdString() << endl;
        cerr << "No Lines: " << doc->blockCount() << endl << endl;

    ParseList* parseList = Parser::parseDocument(doc);


    if (VERBOSE) cerr << "Executing the program.\n";

    // TIM, the NULL in the Debugger's constructor should be an instance of SyscallListener.
    // No more connections since it's all happening in the debugger thread.
    // Good news is it should be really easy to subclass SycallHandler and register it w/
    // an instance of SyscallListener to get the same functionality (when we have more time...)

    // ... later, never mind, it should work no; just don't need the signals/slots

    m_debugger = new Debugger(&m_syscallListener, parseList);
//   QObject::connect(m_debugger->getState(), SIGNAL(syscall(int, int)), this, SLOT(syscallReceived(int,int)));
    QObject::connect(m_debugger, SIGNAL(programTerminated(int)), this, SLOT(programTerminated(int)));
Esempio n. 2
void WidgetDatabase::setupDataBase( int id )
    was_in_setup = TRUE;
#ifndef UIC
    Q_UNUSED( id )
    if ( dbcount )
    if ( dbcount && id != -2 )
    if ( dbcount && !plugins_set_up ) {
    if ( dbcount && plugins_set_up)

    wGroups = new QStrList;
    invisibleGroups = new QStrList;
    invisibleGroups->append( "Forms" );
    invisibleGroups->append( "Temp" );
    className2Id = new QDict<int>( dbdictsize );
    className2Id->setAutoDelete( TRUE );

    WidgetDatabaseRecord *r = 0;

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->iconSet = "designer_pushbutton.png";
    r->name = "QPushButton";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Buttons" );
    r->toolTip = "Push Button";
    r->isCommon = TRUE;

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->iconSet = "designer_toolbutton.png";
    r->name = "QToolButton";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Buttons" );
    r->toolTip = "Tool Button";

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->iconSet = "designer_radiobutton.png";
    r->name = "QRadioButton";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Buttons" );
    r->toolTip = "Radio Button";
    r->isCommon = TRUE;

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->iconSet = "designer_checkbox.png";
    r->name = "QCheckBox";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Buttons" );
    r->toolTip = "Check Box";
    r->isCommon = TRUE;

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->iconSet = "designer_groupbox.png";
    r->name = "QGroupBox";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Containers" );
    r->toolTip = "Group Box";
    r->isContainer = TRUE;

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->iconSet = "designer_buttongroup.png";
    r->name = "QButtonGroup";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Containers" );
    r->toolTip = "Button Group";
    r->isContainer = TRUE;
    r->isCommon = TRUE;

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->iconSet = "designer_frame.png";
    r->name = "QFrame";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Containers" );
    r->toolTip = "Frame";
    r->isContainer = TRUE;

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->iconSet = "designer_tabwidget.png";
    r->name = "QTabWidget";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Containers" );
    r->toolTip = "Tabwidget";
    r->isContainer = TRUE;

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->iconSet = "designer_widgetstack.png";
    r->name = "QWidgetStack";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Containers" );
    r->toolTip = "Widget Stack";
    r->isContainer = TRUE;

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->iconSet = "designer_toolbox.png";
    r->name = "QToolBox";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Containers" );
    r->toolTip = "Tool Box";
    r->isContainer = TRUE;

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->iconSet = "designer_listbox.png";
    r->name = "QListBox";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Views" );
    r->toolTip = "List Box";
    r->isCommon = TRUE;

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->iconSet = "designer_listview.png";
    r->name = "QListView";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Views" );
    r->toolTip = "List View";

    append( r );

#if !defined(QT_NO_ICONVIEW) || defined(UIC)
    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->iconSet = "designer_iconview.png";
    r->name = "QIconView";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Views" );
    r->toolTip = "Icon View";

    append( r );

#if !defined(QT_NO_TABLE)
    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->iconSet = "designer_table.png";
    r->name = "QTable";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Views" );
    r->toolTip = "Table";

    append( r );

#if !defined(QT_NO_SQL)
    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->iconSet = "designer_datatable.png";
    r->includeFile = "qdatatable.h";
    r->name = "QDataTable";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Database" );
    r->toolTip = "Data Table";

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->iconSet = "designer_lineedit.png";
    r->name = "QLineEdit";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Input" );
    r->toolTip = "Line Edit";
    r->isCommon = TRUE;

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->iconSet = "designer_spinbox.png";
    r->name = "QSpinBox";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Input" );
    r->toolTip = "Spin Box";
    r->isCommon = TRUE;

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->iconSet = "designer_dateedit.png";
    r->name = "QDateEdit";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Input" );
    r->toolTip = "Date Edit";
    r->includeFile = "qdatetimeedit.h";

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->iconSet = "designer_timeedit.png";
    r->name = "QTimeEdit";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Input" );
    r->toolTip = "Time Edit";
    r->includeFile = "qdatetimeedit.h";

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->iconSet = "designer_datetimeedit.png";
    r->name = "QDateTimeEdit";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Input" );
    r->toolTip = "Date-Time Edit";
    r->includeFile = "qdatetimeedit.h";

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->iconSet = "designer_multilineedit.png";
    r->name = "QMultiLineEdit";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Temp" );
    r->toolTip = "Multi Line Edit";

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->iconSet = "designer_richtextedit.png";
    r->name = "QTextEdit";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Input" );
    r->toolTip = "Rich Text Edit";
    r->isCommon = TRUE;

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->iconSet = "designer_combobox.png";
    r->name = "QComboBox";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Input" );
    r->toolTip = "Combo Box";
    r->isCommon = TRUE;

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->iconSet = "designer_slider.png";
    r->name = "QSlider";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Input" );
    r->toolTip = "Slider";

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->iconSet = "designer_scrollbar.png";
    r->name = "QScrollBar";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Input" );
    r->toolTip = "Scrollbar";

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->iconSet = "designer_dial.png";
    r->name = "QDial";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Input" );
    r->toolTip = "Dial";

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->iconSet = "designer_label.png";
    r->name = "QLabel";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Temp" );
    r->toolTip = "Label";

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->iconSet = "designer_label.png";
    r->name = "TextLabel";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Display" );
    r->toolTip = "Text Label";
    r->whatsThis = "The Text Label provides a widget to display static text.";
    r->isCommon = TRUE;

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->iconSet = "designer_pixlabel.png";
    r->name = "PixmapLabel";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Display" );
    r->toolTip = "Pixmap Label";
    r->whatsThis = "The Pixmap Label provides a widget to display pixmaps.";

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->iconSet = "designer_lcdnumber.png";
    r->name = "QLCDNumber";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Display" );
    r->toolTip = "LCD Number";

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->iconSet = "designer_line.png";
    r->name = "Line";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Display" );
    r->toolTip = "Line";
    r->includeFile = "qframe.h";
    r->whatsThis = "The Line widget provides horizontal and vertical lines.";

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->iconSet = "designer_progress.png";
    r->name = "QProgressBar";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Display" );
    r->toolTip = "Progress Bar";

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->iconSet = "designer_textview.png";
    r->name = "QTextView";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Temp" );
    r->toolTip = "Text View";

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->iconSet = "designer_textbrowser.png";
    r->name = "QTextBrowser";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Display" );
    r->toolTip = "Text Browser";

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->iconSet = "designer_spacer.png";
    r->name = "Spacer";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Temp" );
    r->toolTip = "Spacer";
    r->whatsThis = "The Spacer provides horizontal and vertical spacing to be able to manipulate the behaviour of layouts.";

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->name = "QWidget";
    r->isForm = TRUE;
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Forms" );

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->name = "QDialog";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Forms" );
    r->isForm = TRUE;

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->name = "QWizard";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Forms" );
    r->isContainer = TRUE;

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->name = "QDesignerWizard";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Forms" );
    r->isContainer = TRUE;

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->name = "QLayoutWidget";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Temp" );
    r->includeFile = "";
    r->isContainer = TRUE;

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->name = "QSplitter";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Temp" );
    r->includeFile = "qsplitter.h";
    r->isContainer = TRUE;

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->iconSet = "designer_tabwidget.png";
    r->name = "QDesignerTabWidget";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Temp" );
    r->isContainer = TRUE;

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->iconSet = "designer_tabwidget.png";
    r->name = "QDesignerWidget";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Temp" );
    r->isContainer = TRUE;

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->iconSet = "designer_tabwidget.png";
    r->name = "QDesignerDialog";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Temp" );
    r->isContainer = TRUE;

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->iconSet = "";
    r->name = "QMainWindow";
    r->includeFile = "qmainwindow.h";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Temp" );
    r->isContainer = TRUE;

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->iconSet = "";
    r->name = "QDesignerAction";
    r->includeFile = "qaction.h";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Temp" );
    r->isContainer = FALSE;

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->iconSet = "";
    r->name = "QDesignerActionGroup";
    r->includeFile = "qaction.h";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Temp" );
    r->isContainer = FALSE;

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->iconSet = "";
    r->name = "QScrollView";
    r->includeFile = "qscrollview.h";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Temp" );
    r->isContainer = TRUE;

    append( r );

#ifndef QT_NO_SQL
    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->iconSet = "";
    r->name = "QDataBrowser";
    r->includeFile = "qdatabrowser.h";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Database" );
    r->toolTip = "Data Browser";
    r->iconSet = "designer_databrowser.png";
    r->isContainer = TRUE;

    append( r );

    r = new WidgetDatabaseRecord;
    r->iconSet = "";
    r->name = "QDataView";
    r->includeFile = "qdataview.h";
    r->group = widgetGroup( "Database" );
    r->toolTip = "Data View";
    r->iconSet = "designer_dataview.png";
    r->isContainer = TRUE;

    append( r );

#ifndef UIC
Esempio n. 3
KRenameWindow::KRenameWindow(QWidget *parent)
    : KMainWindow(parent),
      m_curPage(0), m_guiMode(nullptr),
    QWidget     *center = new QWidget();
    QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(center);

    m_delegate = new RichTextItemDelegate(this);
    m_tabBar  = new QTabBar(center);
    m_stack   = new QStackedWidget(center);
    m_buttons = new QDialogButtonBox(center);

    layout->addWidget(new KSeparator(Qt::Horizontal, center));
    layout->setStretchFactor(m_stack, 2);


    for (int i = 0; i < tAdvancedMode.numPages; i++) {
        const QIcon &icon = KIconLoader::global()->loadIcon(tAdvancedMode.pageIcons[i], KIconLoader::NoGroup, KIconLoader::SizeSmall);
        m_tabBar->addTab(icon, i18n(tAdvancedMode.pageTitles[i]));

    m_pageFiles    = new Ui::KRenameFiles();
    m_pageDests    = new Ui::KRenameDestination();
    m_pagePlugins  = new Ui::KRenamePlugins();
    m_pageFilename = new Ui::KRenameFilename();

    // add files page
    QWidget *page = new QWidget(m_stack);

    // add destination page
    page = new QWidget(m_stack);

    // add plugin page
    page = new QWidget(m_stack);

    // add filename page
    page = new QWidget(m_stack);


    StartUpInfo *startUp = new StartUpInfo();
    connect(startUp, &StartUpInfo::addFiles, this, &KRenameWindow::addFiles);
    connect(startUp, &StartUpInfo::enterTemplate,
            this, &KRenameWindow::slotGotoTemplatesPage);

    m_pageDests->urlrequester->setMode(KFile::Directory | KFile::ExistingOnly);

    // Make sure that now signal occurs before setupGui was called
    connect(m_tabBar, &QTabBar::currentChanged,
            this, &KRenameWindow::showPage);
    connect(m_buttonClose, &QPushButton::clicked,
            this, &KRenameWindow::close);
    connect(m_buttons, &QDialogButtonBox::accepted,
            this, &KRenameWindow::slotFinish);

    this->setAutoSaveSettings("KRenameWindowSettings", true);

    // Show the first page in any mode