Esempio n. 1
static sexp sexp_get_env_cell (sexp ctx, sexp self, sexp_sint_t n, sexp env, sexp id, sexp createp) {
  sexp cell;
  sexp_assert_type(ctx, sexp_envp, SEXP_ENV, env);
  cell = sexp_env_cell(ctx, env, id, 0);
  if (! cell) {
    if (sexp_synclop(id)) {
      env = sexp_synclo_env(id);
      id = sexp_synclo_expr(id);
    cell = sexp_env_cell(ctx, env, id, 0);
    if (!cell && createp)
      cell = sexp_env_cell_define(ctx, env, id, SEXP_UNDEF, NULL);
  return cell ? cell : SEXP_FALSE;
Esempio n. 2
static sexp sexp_get_env_cell (sexp ctx, sexp self, sexp_sint_t n, sexp env, sexp id) {
  sexp cell;
  sexp_assert_type(ctx, sexp_envp, SEXP_ENV, env);
  cell = sexp_env_cell(env, id, 0);
  while ((! cell) && sexp_synclop(id)) {
    env = sexp_synclo_env(id);
    id = sexp_synclo_expr(id);
  return cell ? cell : SEXP_FALSE;
Esempio n. 3
sexp run_main (int argc, char **argv) {
  char *impmod;
  char *arg;
  const char *prefix=NULL, *suffix=NULL, *main_symbol=NULL, *main_module=NULL;
  sexp_sint_t i, j, c, quit=0, print=0, init_loaded=0, mods_loaded=0,
    fold_case=SEXP_DEFAULT_FOLD_CASE_SYMS, nonblocking=0;
  sexp_uint_t heap_size=0, heap_max_size=SEXP_MAXIMUM_HEAP_SIZE;
  sexp out=SEXP_FALSE, ctx=NULL, ls;
  sexp_gc_var4(tmp, sym, args, env);
  args = SEXP_NULL;
  env = NULL;

  /* SRFI 22: invoke `main` procedure by default if the interpreter is */
  /* invoked as `scheme-r7rs`. */
  arg = strrchr(argv[0], '/');
  if (strncmp((arg == NULL ? argv[0] : arg + 1), "scheme-r7rs", strlen("scheme-r7rs")) == 0) {
    main_symbol = "main";
    /* skip option parsing since we can't pass `--` before the name of script */
    /* to avoid misinterpret the name as options when the interpreter is */
    /* executed via `#!/usr/env/bin scheme-r7rs` shebang.  */
    i = 1;
    goto done_options;

  /* parse options */
  for (i=1; i < argc && argv[i][0] == '-'; i++) {
    switch ((c=argv[i][1])) {
    case 'D':
      arg = (argv[i][2] == '\0') ? argv[++i] : argv[i]+2;
      sym = sexp_intern(ctx, arg, -1);
      ls = sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_FEATURES);
      if (sexp_pairp(ls)) {
        for (; sexp_pairp(sexp_cdr(ls)); ls=sexp_cdr(ls))
        sexp_cdr(ls) = sexp_cons(ctx, sym, SEXP_NULL);
    case 'e':
    case 'p':
      mods_loaded = 1;
      print = (argv[i][1] == 'p');
      arg = ((argv[i][2] == '\0') ? argv[++i] : argv[i]+2);
      check_nonull_arg('e', arg);
      tmp = check_exception(ctx, sexp_eval_string(ctx, arg, -1, env));
      if (print) {
        if (! sexp_oportp(out))
          out = sexp_eval_string(ctx, "(current-output-port)", -1, env);
        sexp_write(ctx, tmp, out);
        sexp_write_char(ctx, '\n', out);
      quit = 1;
    case 'l':
      mods_loaded = 1;
      arg = ((argv[i][2] == '\0') ? argv[++i] : argv[i]+2);
      check_nonull_arg('l', arg);
      check_exception(ctx, sexp_load_module_file(ctx, arg, env));
    case 'x':
      prefix = sexp_environment_prefix;
      suffix = sexp_environment_suffix;
    case 'm':
      arg = ((argv[i][2] == '\0') ? argv[++i] : argv[i]+2);
      if (c == 'x') {
        if (strcmp(arg, "chibi.primitive") == 0) {
          goto load_primitive;
        } else if (strcmp(arg, "scheme.small") == 0) {
      } else {
        prefix = sexp_import_prefix;
        suffix = sexp_import_suffix;
      mods_loaded = 1;
      load_init(c == 'x');
      check_nonull_arg(c, arg);
      impmod = make_import(prefix, arg, suffix);
      tmp = check_exception(ctx, sexp_eval_string(ctx, impmod, -1, (c=='x' ? sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_META_ENV) : env)));
      if (c == 'x') {
        sexp_set_parameter(ctx, sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_META_ENV), sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_INTERACTION_ENV_SYMBOL), tmp);
        sexp_context_env(ctx) = env = tmp;
        sexp_add_import_binding(ctx, env);
        tmp = sexp_param_ref(ctx, env, sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_CUR_OUT_SYMBOL));
        if (tmp != NULL && !sexp_oportp(tmp)) {
          sexp_load_standard_ports(ctx, env, stdin, stdout, stderr, 0);
    case 'Q':
      mods_loaded = 1;
      if (! init_loaded++)
        sexp_load_standard_ports(ctx, env, stdin, stdout, stderr, 0);
    case 'q':
      argv[i--] = (char*)"-xchibi";
    case 'A':
      arg = ((argv[i][2] == '\0') ? argv[++i] : argv[i]+2);
      check_nonull_arg('A', arg);
      sexp_add_module_directory(ctx, tmp=sexp_c_string(ctx,arg,-1), SEXP_TRUE);
    case 'I':
      arg = ((argv[i][2] == '\0') ? argv[++i] : argv[i]+2);
      check_nonull_arg('I', arg);
      sexp_add_module_directory(ctx, tmp=sexp_c_string(ctx,arg,-1), SEXP_FALSE);
    case 'b':
      nonblocking = 1;
    case '-':
      if (argv[i][2] == '\0') {
        goto done_options;
    case 'h':
      arg = ((argv[i][2] == '\0') ? argv[++i] : argv[i]+2);
      check_nonull_arg('h', arg);
      heap_size = strtoul(arg, &arg, 0);
      if (sexp_isalpha((unsigned char)*arg)) heap_size *= multiplier(*arg++);
      if (*arg == '/') {
        heap_max_size = strtoul(arg+1, &arg, 0);
        if (sexp_isalpha((unsigned char)*arg)) heap_max_size *= multiplier(*arg++);
    case 'i':
      arg = ((argv[i][2] == '\0') ? argv[++i] : argv[i]+2);
      if (ctx) {
        fprintf(stderr, "-:i <file>: image files must be loaded first\n");
      ctx = sexp_load_image(arg, 0, heap_size, heap_max_size);
      if (!ctx || !sexp_contextp(ctx)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "-:i <file>: couldn't open image file for reading: %s\n", arg);
        fprintf(stderr, "            %s\n", sexp_load_image_err());
        ctx = NULL;
      } else {
        env = sexp_load_standard_params(ctx, sexp_context_env(ctx), nonblocking);
    case 'd':
      if (! init_loaded++) {
        env = sexp_load_standard_env(ctx, env, SEXP_SEVEN);
      arg = ((argv[i][2] == '\0') ? argv[++i] : argv[i]+2);
      if (sexp_save_image(ctx, arg) != SEXP_TRUE) {
        fprintf(stderr, "-d <file>: couldn't save image to file: %s\n", arg);
        fprintf(stderr, "           %s\n", sexp_load_image_err());
      quit = 1;
    case 'V':
      if (! sexp_oportp(out))
        out = sexp_eval_string(ctx, "(current-output-port)", -1, env);
      sexp_write_string(ctx, sexp_version_string, out);
      tmp = sexp_env_ref(ctx, env, sym=sexp_intern(ctx, "*features*", -1), SEXP_NULL);
      sexp_write(ctx, tmp, out);
      sexp_newline(ctx, out);
      return SEXP_TRUE;
    case 'f':
      fold_case = 1;
      sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_FOLD_CASE_P) = SEXP_TRUE;
    case 'R':
      main_module = argv[i][2] != '\0' ? argv[i]+2 :
        (i+1 < argc && argv[i+1][0] != '-') ? argv[++i] : "chibi.repl";
      if (main_symbol == NULL) main_symbol = "main";
    case 'r':
      main_symbol = argv[i][2] == '\0' ? "main" : argv[i]+2;
    case 's':
      init_context(); sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_STRICT_P) = SEXP_TRUE;
    case 'T':
      init_context(); sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_NO_TAIL_CALLS_P) = SEXP_TRUE;
    case 't':
      mods_loaded = 1;
      arg = ((argv[i][2] == '\0') ? argv[++i] : argv[i]+2);
      check_nonull_arg('t', arg);
      suffix = strrchr(arg, '.');
      sym = sexp_intern(ctx, suffix + 1, -1);
      *(char*)suffix = '\0';
      impmod = make_import(sexp_trace_prefix, arg, sexp_trace_suffix);
      tmp = check_exception(ctx, sexp_eval_string(ctx, impmod, -1, sexp_meta_env(ctx)));
      if (!(tmp && sexp_envp(tmp))) {
        fprintf(stderr, "couldn't find library to trace: %s\n", impmod);
      } else if (!((sym = sexp_env_cell(ctx, tmp, sym, 0)))) {
        fprintf(stderr, "couldn't find binding to trace: %s in %s\n", suffix + 1, impmod);
      } else {
        sym = sexp_list1(ctx, sym);
        tmp = check_exception(ctx, sexp_eval_string(ctx, "(environment '(chibi trace))", -1, sexp_meta_env(ctx)));
        tmp = sexp_env_ref(ctx, tmp, sexp_intern(ctx, "trace-cell", -1), 0);
        if (tmp && sexp_procedurep(tmp))
          check_exception(ctx, sexp_apply(ctx, tmp, sym));
      fprintf(stderr, "unknown option: %s\n", argv[i]);
      /* ... FALLTHROUGH ... */
    case '?':

  if (!quit || main_symbol != NULL) {
    /* build argument list */
    if (i < argc)
      for (j=argc-1; j>=i; j--)
        args = sexp_cons(ctx, tmp=sexp_c_string(ctx,argv[j],-1), args);
    if (i >= argc || main_symbol != NULL)
      args = sexp_cons(ctx, tmp=sexp_c_string(ctx,argv[0],-1), args);
    load_init(i < argc || main_symbol != NULL);
    sexp_set_parameter(ctx, sexp_meta_env(ctx), sym=sexp_intern(ctx, sexp_argv_symbol, -1), args);
    if (i >= argc && main_symbol == NULL) {
      /* no script or main, run interactively */
      repl(ctx, env);
    } else {
      /* load the module or script */
      if (main_module != NULL) {
        impmod = make_import("(load-module '(", main_module, "))");
        env = check_exception(ctx, sexp_eval_string(ctx, impmod, -1, sexp_meta_env(ctx)));
        if (sexp_vectorp(env)) env = sexp_vector_ref(env, SEXP_ONE);
        check_exception(ctx, env);
        if (!sexp_envp(env)) {
          fprintf(stderr, "couldn't find module: %s\n", main_module);
      } else
      if (i < argc) {   /* script usage */
        /* reset the environment to have only the `import' and */
        /* `cond-expand' bindings */
        if (!mods_loaded) {
          env = sexp_make_env(ctx);
          sexp_set_parameter(ctx, sexp_meta_env(ctx),
                             sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_INTERACTION_ENV_SYMBOL), env);
          sexp_context_env(ctx) = env;
          sym = sexp_intern(ctx, "repl-import", -1);
          tmp = sexp_env_ref(ctx, sexp_meta_env(ctx), sym, SEXP_VOID);
          sym = sexp_intern(ctx, "import", -1);
          check_exception(ctx, sexp_env_define(ctx, env, sym, tmp));
          sym = sexp_intern(ctx, "cond-expand", -1);
          tmp = sexp_env_cell(ctx, sexp_meta_env(ctx), sym, 0);
          sexp_env_rename(ctx, env, sym, tmp);
          sexp_env_define(ctx, env, sym, sexp_cdr(tmp));
        sexp_context_tracep(ctx) = 1;
        tmp = sexp_env_bindings(env);
        /* use scheme load if possible for better stack traces */
        sym = sexp_intern(ctx, "load", -1);
        tmp = sexp_env_ref(ctx, sexp_meta_env(ctx), sym, SEXP_FALSE);
        if (sexp_procedurep(tmp)) {
          sym = sexp_c_string(ctx, argv[i], -1);
          sym = sexp_list2(ctx, sym, env);
          tmp = check_exception(ctx, sexp_apply(ctx, tmp, sym));
        } else
          tmp = check_exception(ctx, sexp_load(ctx, sym=sexp_c_string(ctx, argv[i], -1), env));
        sexp_warn_undefs(ctx, env, tmp, SEXP_VOID);
        if (sexp_applicablep(tmp)) {
          sexp_resume_ctx = ctx;
          sexp_resume_proc = tmp;
          sexp_preserve_object(ctx, sexp_resume_proc);
      /* SRFI-22: run main if specified */
      if (main_symbol) {
        sym = sexp_intern(ctx, main_symbol, -1);
        tmp = sexp_env_ref(ctx, env, sym, SEXP_FALSE);
        if (sexp_procedurep(tmp)) {
          args = sexp_list1(ctx, sexp_cdr(args));
          check_exception(ctx, sexp_apply(ctx, tmp, args));
        } else {
          fprintf(stderr, "couldn't find main binding: %s in %s\n", main_symbol, main_module ? main_module : argv[i]);

  if (sexp_destroy_context(ctx) == SEXP_FALSE) {
    fprintf(stderr, "destroy_context error\n");
    return SEXP_FALSE;
  return SEXP_TRUE;
Esempio n. 4
sexp sexp_scheduler (sexp ctx, sexp self, sexp_sint_t n, sexp root_thread) {
  int i, k;
  struct timeval tval;
  struct pollfd *pfds;
  useconds_t usecs = 0;
  sexp res, ls1, ls2, evt, runner, paused, front, pollfds;
  sexp_gc_preserve1(ctx, tmp);

  front  = sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_FRONT);
  paused = sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_PAUSED);

  /* check signals */
  if (sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_SIGNALS) != SEXP_ZERO) {
    runner = sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_SIGNAL_RUNNER);
    if (! sexp_contextp(runner)) { /* ensure the runner exists */
      if (sexp_envp(runner)) {
        tmp = sexp_env_cell(runner, (tmp=sexp_intern(ctx, "signal-runner", -1)), 0);
        if (sexp_pairp(tmp) && sexp_procedurep(sexp_cdr(tmp))) {
          runner = sexp_make_thread(ctx, self, 2, sexp_cdr(tmp), SEXP_FALSE);
          sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_SIGNAL_RUNNER) = runner;
          sexp_thread_start(ctx, self, 1, runner);
          if (!sexp_pairp(front))
            front = sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_FRONT);
    } else if (sexp_context_waitp(runner)) { /* wake it if it's sleeping */
      sexp_context_waitp(runner) = 0;
      sexp_thread_start(ctx, self, 1, runner);

  /* check blocked fds */
  pollfds = sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_POLL_FDS);
  if (sexp_pollfdsp(ctx, pollfds) && sexp_pollfds_num_fds(pollfds) > 0) {
    pfds = sexp_pollfds_fds(pollfds);
    k = poll(sexp_pollfds_fds(pollfds), sexp_pollfds_num_fds(pollfds), 0);
    for (i=sexp_pollfds_num_fds(pollfds)-1; i>=0 && k>0; --i) {
      if (pfds[i].revents > 0) { /* free all threads blocked on this fd */
        /* maybe unblock the current thread */
        evt = sexp_context_event(ctx);
        if ((sexp_portp(evt) && (sexp_port_fileno(evt) == pfds[i].fd))
            || (sexp_fixnump(evt) && (sexp_unbox_fixnum(evt) == pfds[i].fd))) {
          sexp_context_waitp(ctx) = 0;
          sexp_context_timeoutp(ctx) = 0;
          sexp_context_event(ctx) = SEXP_FALSE;
        /* maybe unblock paused threads */
        for (ls1=SEXP_NULL, ls2=paused; sexp_pairp(ls2); ) {
          /* TODO: distinguish input and output on the same fd? */
          evt = sexp_context_event(sexp_car(ls2));
          if ((sexp_portp(evt) && sexp_port_fileno(evt) == pfds[i].fd)
              || (sexp_fixnump(evt) && sexp_unbox_fixnum(evt) == pfds[i].fd)) {
            sexp_context_waitp(sexp_car(ls2)) = 0;
            sexp_context_timeoutp(sexp_car(ls2)) = 0;
            sexp_context_event(sexp_car(ls2)) = SEXP_FALSE;
            if (ls1==SEXP_NULL)
              sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_PAUSED) = paused = sexp_cdr(ls2);
              sexp_cdr(ls1) = sexp_cdr(ls2);
            tmp = sexp_cdr(ls2);
            sexp_cdr(ls2) = SEXP_NULL;
            if (sexp_car(ls2) != ctx) {
              if (! sexp_pairp(sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_BACK))) {
                sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_FRONT) = front = ls2;
              } else {
                sexp_cdr(sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_BACK)) = ls2;
              sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_BACK) = ls2;
            ls2 = tmp;
          } else {
            ls1 = ls2;
            ls2 = sexp_cdr(ls2);
        if (i < (sexp_pollfds_num_fds(pollfds) - 1)) {
          pfds[i] = pfds[sexp_pollfds_num_fds(pollfds) - 1];
        sexp_pollfds_num_fds(pollfds) -= 1;

  /* if we've terminated, check threads joining us */
  if (sexp_context_refuel(ctx) <= 0) {
    for (ls1=SEXP_NULL, ls2=paused; sexp_pairp(ls2); ) {
      if (sexp_context_event(sexp_car(ls2)) == ctx) {
        sexp_context_waitp(sexp_car(ls2)) = 0;
        sexp_context_timeoutp(sexp_car(ls2)) = 0;
        if (ls1==SEXP_NULL)
          sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_PAUSED) = paused = sexp_cdr(ls2);
          sexp_cdr(ls1) = sexp_cdr(ls2);
        tmp = sexp_cdr(ls2);
        sexp_cdr(ls2) = SEXP_NULL;
        if (! sexp_pairp(sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_BACK))) {
          sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_FRONT) = front = ls2;
        } else {
          sexp_cdr(sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_BACK)) = ls2;
        sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_BACK) = ls2;
        ls2 = tmp;
      } else {
        ls1 = ls2;
        ls2 = sexp_cdr(ls2);

  /* check timeouts */
  if (sexp_pairp(paused)) {
    if (gettimeofday(&tval, NULL) == 0) {
      ls1 = SEXP_NULL;
      ls2 = paused;
      while (sexp_pairp(ls2) && sexp_context_before(sexp_car(ls2), tval)) {
        sexp_context_timeoutp(sexp_car(ls2)) = 1;
        sexp_context_waitp(sexp_car(ls2)) = 0;
        ls1 = ls2;
        ls2 = sexp_cdr(ls2);
      if (sexp_pairp(ls1)) {
        sexp_cdr(ls1) = SEXP_NULL;
        if (! sexp_pairp(sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_BACK))) {
          sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_FRONT) = front = paused;
        } else {
          sexp_cdr(sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_BACK)) = paused;
        sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_BACK) = ls1;
        sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_PAUSED) = paused = ls2;

  /* dequeue next thread */
  if (sexp_pairp(front)) {
    res = sexp_car(front);
    if ((sexp_context_refuel(ctx) <= 0) || sexp_context_waitp(ctx)) {
      /* orig ctx is either terminated or paused */
      sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_FRONT) = sexp_cdr(front);
      if (! sexp_pairp(sexp_cdr(front)))
        sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_BACK) = SEXP_NULL;
      if (sexp_context_refuel(ctx) > 0 && sexp_not(sexp_memq(ctx, ctx, paused)))
        sexp_insert_timed(ctx, ctx, SEXP_FALSE);
      paused = sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_PAUSED);
    } else {
      /* swap with front of queue */
      sexp_car(sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_FRONT)) = ctx;
      /* rotate front of queue to back */
      sexp_cdr(sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_BACK))
        = sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_FRONT);
      sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_FRONT)
        = sexp_cdr(sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_FRONT));
      sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_BACK)
        = sexp_cdr(sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_BACK));
      sexp_cdr(sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_BACK)) = SEXP_NULL;
  } else {
    /* no threads to dequeue */
    res = ctx;
    /* prefer a thread we can wait on instead of spinning */
    if (sexp_context_refuel(ctx) <= 0) {
      for (ls1=paused; sexp_pairp(ls1); ls1=sexp_cdr(ls1)) {
        evt = sexp_context_event(sexp_car(ls1));
        if (sexp_fixnump(evt) || sexp_portp(evt)) {
          res = sexp_car(ls1);

  if (sexp_context_waitp(res)) {
    /* the only thread available was waiting */
    if (sexp_pairp(paused)
        && sexp_context_before(sexp_car(paused), sexp_context_timeval(res))) {
      tmp = res;
      res = sexp_car(paused);
      paused = sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_PAUSED) = sexp_cdr(paused);
      if (sexp_not(sexp_memq(ctx, tmp, paused)))
        sexp_insert_timed(ctx, tmp, tmp);
    } else {
      sexp_delete_list(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_PAUSED, res);
    paused = sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_PAUSED);
    usecs = 0;
    if ((sexp_context_timeval(res).tv_sec == 0)
        && (sexp_context_timeval(res).tv_usec == 0)) {
      /* no timeout, wait for default 10ms */
      usecs = 10*1000;
    } else {
      /* wait until the next timeout */
      gettimeofday(&tval, NULL);
      if (tval.tv_sec <= sexp_context_timeval(res).tv_sec) {
        usecs = (sexp_context_timeval(res).tv_sec - tval.tv_sec) * 1000000;
        if (tval.tv_usec < sexp_context_timeval(res).tv_usec || usecs > 0)
          usecs += sexp_context_timeval(res).tv_usec - tval.tv_usec;
    /* take a nap to avoid busy looping */
    sexp_context_waitp(res) = 0;
    sexp_context_timeoutp(res) = 1;

  return res;
Esempio n. 5
sexp sexp_scheduler (sexp ctx, sexp self, sexp_sint_t n, sexp root_thread) {
  int i, k;
  struct timeval tval;
  struct pollfd *pfds;
  useconds_t usecs = 0;
  sexp res, ls1, ls2, runner, paused, front, pollfds;
  sexp_gc_preserve1(ctx, tmp);

  front  = sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_FRONT);
  paused = sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_PAUSED);

  /* check signals */
  if (sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_SIGNALS) != SEXP_ZERO) {
    runner = sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_SIGNAL_RUNNER);
    if (! sexp_contextp(runner)) { /* ensure the runner exists */
      if (sexp_envp(runner)) {
        tmp = sexp_env_cell(runner, (tmp=sexp_intern(ctx, "signal-runner", -1)), 0);
        if (sexp_pairp(tmp) && sexp_procedurep(sexp_cdr(tmp))) {
          runner = sexp_make_thread(ctx, self, 2, sexp_cdr(tmp), SEXP_FALSE);
          sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_SIGNAL_RUNNER) = runner;
          sexp_thread_start(ctx, self, 1, runner);
    } else if (sexp_context_waitp(runner)) { /* wake it if it's sleeping */
      sexp_context_waitp(runner) = 0;
      sexp_thread_start(ctx, self, 1, runner);

  /* check blocked fds */
  pollfds = sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_POLL_FDS);
  if (sexp_pollfdsp(ctx, pollfds) && sexp_pollfds_num_fds(pollfds) > 0) {
    pfds = sexp_pollfds_fds(pollfds);
    k = poll(sexp_pollfds_fds(pollfds), sexp_pollfds_num_fds(pollfds), 0);
    for (i=sexp_pollfds_num_fds(pollfds)-1; i>=0 && k>0; --i) {
      if (pfds[i].revents > 0) { /* free all threads blocked on this fd */
        pfds[i].events = 0;     /* FIXME: delete from queue completely */
        for (ls1=SEXP_NULL, ls2=paused; sexp_pairp(ls2); ) {
          /* FIXME distinguish input and output on the same fd */
          if (sexp_portp(sexp_context_event(sexp_car(ls2)))
              && sexp_port_fileno(sexp_context_event(sexp_car(ls2))) == pfds[i].fd) {
            sexp_context_waitp(sexp_car(ls2)) = 0;
            sexp_context_timeoutp(sexp_car(ls2)) = 0;
            if (ls1==SEXP_NULL)
              sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_PAUSED) = paused = sexp_cdr(ls2);
              sexp_cdr(ls1) = sexp_cdr(ls2);
            tmp = sexp_cdr(ls2);
            sexp_cdr(ls2) = SEXP_NULL;
            if (! sexp_pairp(sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_BACK))) {
              sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_FRONT) = front = ls2;
            } else {
              sexp_cdr(sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_BACK)) = ls2;
            sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_BACK) = ls2;
            ls2 = tmp;
          } else {
            ls1 = ls2;
            ls2 = sexp_cdr(ls2);

  /* if we've terminated, check threads joining us */
  if (sexp_context_refuel(ctx) <= 0) {
    for (ls1=SEXP_NULL, ls2=paused; sexp_pairp(ls2); ) {
      if (sexp_context_event(sexp_car(ls2)) == ctx) {
        sexp_context_waitp(sexp_car(ls2)) = 0;
        sexp_context_timeoutp(sexp_car(ls2)) = 0;
        if (ls1==SEXP_NULL)
          sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_PAUSED) = paused = sexp_cdr(ls2);
          sexp_cdr(ls1) = sexp_cdr(ls2);
        tmp = sexp_cdr(ls2);
        sexp_cdr(ls2) = SEXP_NULL;
	if (! sexp_pairp(sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_BACK))) {
	  sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_FRONT) = front = ls2;
	} else {
	  sexp_cdr(sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_BACK)) = ls2;
	sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_BACK) = ls2;
        ls2 = tmp;
      } else {
        ls1 = ls2;
        ls2 = sexp_cdr(ls2);

  /* check timeouts */
  if (sexp_pairp(paused)) {
    if (gettimeofday(&tval, NULL) == 0) {
      ls1 = SEXP_NULL;
      ls2 = paused;
      while (sexp_pairp(ls2) && sexp_context_before(sexp_car(ls2), tval)) {
        sexp_context_timeoutp(sexp_car(ls2)) = 1;
        sexp_context_waitp(ctx) = 0;
        ls1 = ls2;
        ls2 = sexp_cdr(ls2);
      if (sexp_pairp(ls1)) {
        sexp_cdr(ls1) = SEXP_NULL;
	if (! sexp_pairp(sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_BACK))) {
	  sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_FRONT) = front = paused;
	} else {
	  sexp_cdr(sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_BACK)) = paused;
	sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_BACK) = ls1;
        sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_PAUSED) = paused = ls2;

  /* dequeue next thread */
  if (sexp_pairp(front)) {
    res = sexp_car(front);
    if ((sexp_context_refuel(ctx) <= 0) || sexp_context_waitp(ctx)) {
      /* either terminated or paused */
      sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_FRONT) = sexp_cdr(front);
      if (! sexp_pairp(sexp_cdr(front)))
        sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_BACK) = SEXP_NULL;
    } else {
      /* swap with front of queue */
      sexp_car(sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_FRONT)) = ctx;
      /* rotate front of queue to back */
      sexp_cdr(sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_BACK))
        = sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_FRONT);
      sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_FRONT)
        = sexp_cdr(sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_FRONT));
      sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_BACK)
        = sexp_cdr(sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_BACK));
      sexp_cdr(sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_BACK)) = SEXP_NULL;
  } else {
    res = ctx;

  if (sexp_context_waitp(res)) {
    /* the only thread available was waiting */
    if (sexp_pairp(paused)
        && sexp_context_before(sexp_car(paused), sexp_context_timeval(res))) {
      tmp = res;
      res = sexp_car(paused);
      sexp_global(ctx, SEXP_G_THREADS_PAUSED) = sexp_cdr(paused);
      if (sexp_not(sexp_memq(ctx, tmp, paused)))
        sexp_insert_timed(ctx, tmp, tmp);
    usecs = 0;
    if ((sexp_context_timeval(res).tv_sec == 0)
        && (sexp_context_timeval(res).tv_usec == 0)) {
      /* no timeout, wait for default 10ms */
      usecs = 10*1000;
    } else {
      /* wait until the next timeout */
      gettimeofday(&tval, NULL);
      if (tval.tv_sec <= sexp_context_timeval(res).tv_sec) {
        usecs = (sexp_context_timeval(res).tv_sec - tval.tv_sec) * 1000000;
        if (tval.tv_usec < sexp_context_timeval(res).tv_usec || usecs > 0)
          usecs += sexp_context_timeval(res).tv_usec - tval.tv_usec;
    /* either wait on an fd, or just sleep */
    pollfds = sexp_global(res, SEXP_G_THREADS_POLL_FDS);
    if (sexp_portp(sexp_context_event(res)) && sexp_pollfdsp(ctx, pollfds)) {
      if ((k = poll(sexp_pollfds_fds(pollfds), sexp_pollfds_num_fds(pollfds), usecs/1000)) > 0) {
        pfds = sexp_pollfds_fds(pollfds);
        goto unblock_io_threads;
    } else {
      sexp_context_waitp(res) = 0;
      sexp_context_timeoutp(res) = 1;

  return res;