Esempio n. 1
void intersectcurves(SplineCurve* cv1, SplineCurve* cv2, double epsge,
		     vector<std::pair<double,double> >& intersections)
  // Intersect two spline curves. Collect intersection parameters.

  // Make sisl curves and call sisl.
  SISLCurve *pc1 = Curve2SISL(*cv1, false);
  SISLCurve *pc2 = Curve2SISL(*cv2, false);

  int kntrack = 0;
  int trackflag = 0;  // Do not make tracks.
  SISLTrack **track =0;
  int knpt=0, kncrv=0;
  double *par1=0, *par2=0;
  int *pretop = 0;
  SISLIntcurve **intcrvs = 0;
  int stat = 0;
  sh1857(pc1, pc2, 0.0, epsge, trackflag, &kntrack, &track,
	 &knpt, &par1, &par2, &pretop, &kncrv, &intcrvs, &stat);

  ALWAYS_ERROR_IF(stat<0,"Error in intersection, code: " << stat);

  // Remember intersections points. The intersection curves are
  // skipped.
  int ki;
  for (ki=0; ki<knpt; ki++)

  if (kncrv > 0)
    freeIntcrvlist(intcrvs, kncrv);

  if (par1 != 0) free(par1);
  if (par2 != 0) free(par2);
  if (pretop != 0) free(pretop);
  if (pc1 != 0) freeCurve(pc1);
  if (pc2 != 0) freeCurve(pc2);
void intersect2Dcurves(const ParamCurve* cv1, const ParamCurve* cv2, double epsge,
		       vector<pair<double,double> >& intersections,
		       vector<int>& pretopology,
		       vector<pair<pair<double,double>, pair<double,double> > >& int_crvs)
  // Intersect two 2D spline curves. Collect intersection parameters
  // and pretopology information.

  // First make sure that the curves are spline curves.
    ParamCurve* tmpcv1 = const_cast<ParamCurve*>(cv1);
    ParamCurve* tmpcv2 = const_cast<ParamCurve*>(cv2);
    SplineCurve* sc1 = tmpcv1->geometryCurve();
    SplineCurve* sc2 = tmpcv2->geometryCurve();
    if (sc1 == NULL || sc2 == NULL)
        THROW("ParamCurves doesn't have a spline representation.");

    MESSAGE_IF(cv1->dimension() != 2,
		"Dimension different from 2, pretopology not reliable.");

  // Make sisl curves and call sisl.
  SISLCurve *pc1 = Curve2SISL(*sc1, false);
  SISLCurve *pc2 = Curve2SISL(*sc2, false);

  int kntrack = 0;
  int trackflag = 0;  // Do not make tracks.
  SISLTrack **track =0;
  int knpt=0, kncrv=0;
  double *par1=0, *par2=0;
  int *pretop = 0;
  SISLIntcurve **vcrv = 0;
  int stat = 0;
  sh1857(pc1, pc2, 0.0, epsge, trackflag, &kntrack, &track,
	 &knpt, &par1, &par2, &pretop, &kncrv, &vcrv, &stat);

  ALWAYS_ERROR_IF(stat<0,"Error in intersection, code: " << stat);

  // Remember intersections points. 
  int ki;
  for (ki=0; ki<knpt; ki++)
      pretopology.insert(pretopology.end(), pretop+4*ki, pretop+4*(ki+1));

  // Remember intersection curves
  for (ki=0; ki<kncrv; ++ki)
    int_crvs.push_back(std::make_pair(std::make_pair(vcrv[ki]->epar1[0], vcrv[ki]->epar2[0]), 

  if (kncrv > 0)
    freeIntcrvlist(vcrv, kncrv);

  if (par1 != 0) free(par1);
  if (par2 != 0) free(par2);
  if (pc1 != 0) freeCurve(pc1);
  if (pc2 != 0) freeCurve(pc2);
  if (pretop != 0) free(pretop);

  delete sc1;
  delete sc2;