int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct hcs *model; /* main structure, make sure to initialize with zeroes */ struct sh_lms *sol_spectral=NULL, *geoid = NULL, *dtopo = NULL; /* solution expansions */ struct sh_lms *pvel=NULL; /* local plate velocity expansion */ int nsol,lmax,solved; struct hc_parameters p[1]; /* parameters */ HC_PREC gcorr[3],dcorr[3]; /* correlations */ hc_struc_init(&model); hc_init_parameters(p); /* special options for this computation */ p->solver_mode = HC_SOLVER_MODE_DYNTOPO_INVERT; p->compute_geoid = 1; p->compute_geoid_correlations = TRUE; p->solution_mode = HC_RTRACTIONS; /* make sure to compute tractions */ /* */ p->verbose = 1; if(argc > 2){ /* read in the reference geoid */ strcpy(p->ref_geoid_file,argv[1]); hc_read_scalar_shexp(p->ref_geoid_file,&(p->ref_geoid), "reference geoid",p); /* read in the reference topography */ strcpy(p->ref_dtopo_file,argv[2]); hc_read_scalar_shexp(p->ref_dtopo_file,&(p->ref_dtopo), "reference dynamic topography",p); }else{ fprintf(stderr,"%s: ERROR: need geoid.ab dtopo.ab file as arguments\n",argv[0]); fprintf(stderr,"%s: usage:\n\n%s geoid.ab dtopo.ab\n\n",argv[0],argv[0]); fprintf(stderr,"%s: for help, use\n\n%s geoid.ab dtopo.ab -h\n\n",argv[0],argv[0]); exit(-1); } /* handle other command line arguments */ hc_handle_command_line(argc,argv,3,p); /* begin main program part */ hc_init_main(model,SH_RICK,p); nsol = (model->nradp2) * 3; if(p->free_slip) /* maximum degree is determined by the density expansion */ lmax = model->dens_anom[0].lmax; else /* max degree is determined by the plate velocities */ lmax = model->pvel.p[0].lmax; /* shouldn't be larger than that*/ sh_allocate_and_init(&pvel,2,lmax,model->sh_type,1,p->verbose,FALSE); sh_allocate_and_init(&sol_spectral,nsol,lmax,model->sh_type,HC_VECTOR, p->verbose,FALSE); sh_allocate_and_init(&geoid,1,model->dens_anom[0].lmax, model->sh_type,HC_SCALAR,p->verbose,FALSE); if(!p->free_slip) hc_select_pvel(p->pvel_time,&model->pvel,pvel,p->verbose); /* */ solved=0; { /* compute solution */ hc_solve(model,p->free_slip,p->solution_mode,sol_spectral, TRUE, /* density changed? */ (solved)?(FALSE):(TRUE), /* plate velocity changed? */ TRUE, /* viscosity changed */ FALSE,p->compute_geoid, pvel,model->dens_anom,geoid, p->verbose); /* extract the top tractions */ hc_compute_dynamic_topography(model,sol_spectral,&dtopo,TRUE,p->verbose); //sh_single_par_and_exp_to_file(dtopo,"dtopo.ab",TRUE,p->verbose); /* geoid correlation */ hc_compute_correlation(geoid,p->ref_geoid,(gcorr),0,p->verbose); /* full correlation */ hc_compute_correlation(geoid,p->ref_geoid,(gcorr+1),1,p->verbose); /* up to 20 and 4...9 */ fprintf(stdout,"geoid full: %10.7f L=20: %10.7f \n",(double)gcorr[0],(double)gcorr[1]); hc_compute_correlation(dtopo,p->ref_dtopo,(dcorr),0,p->verbose); /* full correlation */ hc_compute_correlation(dtopo,p->ref_dtopo,(dcorr+1),1,p->verbose); /* up to 20 and 4..9 */ fprintf(stdout,"dtopo full: %10.7f L=20: %10.7f \n",(double)dcorr[0],(double)dcorr[1]); solved++; } /* free memory */ sh_free_expansion(sol_spectral,nsol); /* local copies of plate velocities */ sh_free_expansion(pvel,2); /* */ sh_free_expansion(geoid,1); if(p->verbose) fprintf(stderr,"%s: done\n",argv[0]); hc_struc_free(&model); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ilayer,nvsol,ndsol=0,mode,shps,loop,i1,i2,nlat,nlon, ivec,lc,ndata,ndata_all,ndata_d,npoints,i,j, poff,shps_read=0,shps_read_d=0; FILE *in; struct sh_lms *vsol=NULL,*dsol=NULL; struct hcs *model; HC_PREC zlabel; hc_boolean binary_in = TRUE, verbose = FALSE,read_dsol=FALSE; HC_PREC *data,*plm=NULL,*xpos,*xvec,lon,lat,theta,phi,xtmp[3],pvec[3], *xscalar; HC_PREC polar_base[9]; hc_struc_init(&model); /* deal with parameters */ ilayer = 0; mode = 1; switch(argc){ case 3: sscanf(argv[2],"%i",&ilayer); break; case 4: sscanf(argv[2],"%i",&ilayer); sscanf(argv[3],"%i",&mode); break; case 5: sscanf(argv[2],"%i",&ilayer); sscanf(argv[3],"%i",&mode); read_dsol = TRUE; break; default: fprintf(stderr,"%s: usage\n%s sol.file layer [mode,%i] [scalar.sol]\n\n", argv[0],argv[0],mode); fprintf(stderr,"extracts spatial solution (velocity or stress, v) from output file sol.file\n"); fprintf(stderr," if scalar.sol argument is given, will also read in a scalar for VTK output\n"); fprintf(stderr,"layer: 1...nset\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\tif ilayer= 1..nset, will print one layer\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\t -1, will select nset (the top layer)\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\t -2, will print all layers\n"); fprintf(stderr,"mode: 1...4\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\tif mode = 1, will print lon lat z v_r \n"); fprintf(stderr,"\t 2, will print lon lat z v_theta v_phi \n"); fprintf(stderr,"\t 3, will print lon lat z v_r v_theta v_phi\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\t 4, will print the depth levels of all layers\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\t 5, compute all depth levels (set ilayer=-2) and write VTK file, ASCII\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\t 6, compute all depth levels (set ilayer=-2) and write VTK file, BINARY\n"); exit(-1); break; } if((mode == 4)||(mode==5)||(mode==6)) ilayer = -2; /* read in velocity/traction solution */ in = hc_fopen(argv[1],"r","hc_extract_spatial"); shps_read = hc_read_sh_solution(model,&vsol,in,binary_in,verbose); fclose(in); nvsol = model->nradp2 * shps_read; /* deal with selection */ loop = 0; if(ilayer == -1) ilayer = model->nradp2; else if(ilayer == -2){ ilayer = model->nradp2; loop =1; } if((ilayer < 1)||(ilayer > model->nradp2)){ fprintf(stderr,"%s: ilayer (%i) out of range, use 1 ... %i\n", argv[0],ilayer,model->nradp2); exit(-1); } /* set up layer bounds */ if(loop){ i1=0;i2=model->nradp2-1; }else{ i1=ilayer-1;i2 = i1; } /* detect number of expansions */ if(mode == 1){ shps = 1; /* r */ }else if(mode == 2){ shps = 2; /* theta,phi */ }else if((mode == 3)||(mode == 5)||(mode==6)){ shps = 3; /* r,theta,phi */ }else{ shps = 1; } if(shps > shps_read){ fprintf(stderr,"%s: solution file only had %i expansions, mode %i requests %i\n", argv[0],shps_read,mode,shps); exit(-1); } /* density solution or other scalar */ if(read_dsol){ if((mode != 5)&&(mode != 6)) HC_ERROR("hc_extract_spatial","error, only mode 5 and can handle scalar input"); in = hc_fopen(argv[4],"r","hc_extract_spatial"); shps_read_d = hc_read_sh_solution(model,&dsol,in,binary_in, verbose); fclose(in); ndsol = model->nradp2 * shps_read_d; } /* room for spatial expansion */ npoints = (vsol+i1*shps_read)->npoints; if((vsol+i1*shps_read)->type != SH_RICK) HC_ERROR("sh_extract_spatial","SH_RICK type required"); /* geographic set up */ nlat = (vsol+i1*shps_read)->rick.nlat; nlon = (vsol+i1*shps_read)->rick.nlon; ndata = npoints * shps ; ndata_d = npoints * shps_read_d; ndata_all = npoints * (shps + shps_read_d); if((mode == 5)||(mode==6)){ /* save all layers */ hc_vecalloc(&data,model->nradp2 * ndata_all,"hc_extract_spatial"); }else hc_vecalloc(&data, ndata_all,"hc_extract_spatial"); for(lc=0,ilayer=i1;ilayer <= i2;ilayer++,lc++){ /* output */ zlabel = HC_Z_DEPTH(model->r[ilayer]); switch(mode){ case 1: /* */ if(verbose) fprintf(stderr,"%s: printing v_r at layer %i (depth: %g)\n",argv[0],ilayer, (double)zlabel); ivec=FALSE;sh_compute_spatial((vsol+ilayer*shps_read),ivec,TRUE,&plm,data,verbose); sh_print_spatial_data_to_stream((vsol+ilayer*shps_read),shps,data,TRUE,zlabel,stdout); break; case 2: /* */ if(verbose) fprintf(stderr,"%s: printing v_theta v_phi SHE at layer %i (depth: %g)\n",argv[0],ilayer,(double)zlabel); ivec=TRUE;sh_compute_spatial((vsol+ilayer*shps_read+1),ivec,TRUE,&plm,data,verbose); sh_print_spatial_data_to_stream((vsol+ilayer*shps_read+1),shps,data,TRUE,zlabel,stdout); break; case 3: if(verbose) fprintf(stderr,"%s: printing v_r v_theta v_phi SHE at layer %i (depth: %g)\n",argv[0],ilayer,(double)zlabel); ivec=FALSE;sh_compute_spatial((vsol+ilayer*shps_read), ivec,TRUE,&plm,data,verbose); /* radial */ ivec=TRUE; sh_compute_spatial((vsol+ilayer*shps_read+1),ivec,TRUE,&plm,(data+npoints),verbose); /* theta,phi */ sh_print_spatial_data_to_stream((vsol+ilayer*shps_read),shps,data,TRUE,zlabel,stdout); break; case 4: fprintf(stdout,"%5i %11g\n",ilayer,(double)HC_Z_DEPTH(model->r[ilayer])); break; case 5: /* compute all and store */ case 6: ivec=FALSE;sh_compute_spatial((vsol+ilayer*shps_read), ivec,TRUE,&plm,(data+lc*ndata_all),verbose); /* radial */ ivec=TRUE; sh_compute_spatial((vsol+ilayer*shps_read+1),ivec,TRUE,&plm,(data+lc*ndata_all+npoints),verbose); /* theta,phi */ if(read_dsol){ if(!shps_read_d) HC_ERROR("sh_extract_spatial","logic error"); ivec=FALSE;sh_compute_spatial((dsol+ilayer*shps_read_d),ivec,TRUE,&plm,(data+lc*ndata_all+npoints*shps),verbose); /* radial */ } break; default: fprintf(stderr,"%s: error, mode %i undefined\n",argv[0],mode); exit(-1); break; } } /* clear and exit */ sh_free_expansion(vsol,nvsol); if(read_dsol) sh_free_expansion(dsol,ndsol); free(plm); /* */ if((mode == 5)||(mode==6)){ /* print the already stored properties */ if(shps != 3)HC_ERROR("hc_extract_spatial","shps has to be 3 for mode 5 and 6"); /* convert */ hc_vecalloc(&xpos,model->nradp2 * ndata,"hc_extract_spatial"); hc_vecalloc(&xvec,model->nradp2 * ndata,"hc_extract_spatial"); if(read_dsol) hc_vecalloc(&xscalar,model->nradp2 * ndata_d,"hc_extract_spatial"); for(i=0;i < npoints;i++){ /* loop through all points */ /* lon lat coordinates */ sh_get_coordinates((vsol+i1*3),i,&lon,&lat); theta = LAT2THETA(lat);phi = LON2PHI(lon); xtmp[0] = xtmp[1] = sin(theta); xtmp[0] *= cos(phi); /* x */ xtmp[1] *= sin(phi); /* y */ xtmp[2] = cos(theta); /* z */ /* for conversion */ calc_polar_base_at_theta_phi(theta,phi,polar_base); for(ilayer=0;ilayer < model->nradp2;ilayer++){ /* this is the slow data storage loop but it avoids recomputing the polar basis vector */ poff = ilayer * ndata + i*shps; /* point offset */ for(j=0;j < 3;j++){ xpos[poff+j] = xtmp[j] * model->r[ilayer]; /* cartesian coordinates */ } /* data are stored a bit weirdly, this makes for lots of jumping around in memory ... */ pvec[0] = data[ilayer*ndata_all + i]; pvec[1] = data[ilayer*ndata_all + npoints +i]; pvec[2] = data[ilayer*ndata_all + npoints*2+i]; lonlatpv2cv_with_base(pvec,polar_base,(xvec+poff)); /* assign scalar fata if any */ for(j=0;j < shps_read_d;j++) xscalar[j * model->nradp2 * ndata_d + ilayer * npoints + i] = data[ilayer * ndata_all + npoints*(shps+j) + i]; } } free(data); /* print in VTK format */ hc_print_vtk(stdout,xpos,xvec,npoints,model->nradp2,(mode==6), shps_read_d,xscalar,nlon,nlat); free(xvec);free(xpos); if(shps_read_d) free(xscalar); }else{ free(data); } return 0; }