Esempio n. 1
color_t getAntialiasedPixel(float x, float y, intersect_t *intersect, float antialiasLevel) {
  float antialiasLevelSquared = antialiasLevel * antialiasLevel;
  float precalculatedOffsetPart = 1.0 / (2.0 * antialiasLevel);
  point_t pos;
  vec_t rayDirection;
  ray_t ray;
  color_t color;
  float avgR = 0, avgG = 0, avgB = 0;
  for (int j = 0; j < antialiasLevel; j++) {
    for (int i = 0; i < antialiasLevel; i++) {
      float xOff = i / antialiasLevel + precalculatedOffsetPart;
      float yOff = j / antialiasLevel + precalculatedOffsetPart;
      float xPos = (x + xOff) * 2 / width - 1;
      float yPos = -((y + yOff) * 2 / height - 1);
      pos = point_new(xPos, yPos, -2);
      rayDirection = vec_normalize(point_direction(cameraPos, pos));
      ray = ray_new(cameraPos, rayDirection);
      color = shootRay(ray, intersect, 0);
      avgR += (float)color.r / (float)antialiasLevelSquared;
      avgG += (float)color.g / (float)antialiasLevelSquared;
      avgB += (float)color.b / (float)antialiasLevelSquared;

  return rgb((char)avgR, (char)avgG, (char)avgB);
Esempio n. 2
color_t getPixel(float x, float y, intersect_t *intersect) {
  intersect->t = -1;
  x = (x + 0.5) * 2 / width - 1;
  y = -((y + 0.5) * 2 / height - 1);
  point_t pixelPos = point_new(x, y, -2);
  vec_t rayDirection = vec_normalize(point_direction(cameraPos, pixelPos));
  ray_t ray = ray_new(cameraPos, rayDirection);
  return shootRay(ray, intersect, 0);
Esempio n. 3
void invRTSGame::terrainPoint()
	double objx, objy, objz;
	shootRay(objx, objy, objz, sinput->mousex, sinput->mousey);

	terrainX = (float)objx;
	terrainZ = (float)objz;
	// printf("terrainX : %g terrainZ : %g\n", terrainX, terrainZ);

	if(sinput->mousebutton == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT && sinput->mousestate == 2) {
		// notice lua
		lua_pushnumber(mainL, nb_selectedl);
		lua_setglobal(mainL, "nb_selected");

			lua_getglobal(mainL, "selected_units");
			lua_pushnumber(mainL, 1);
			lua_pushnumber(mainL, selectedl[0]->id);
			lua_rawset(mainL, -3);
			lua_pop(mainL, 1);
Esempio n. 4
color_t shootRay(ray_t ray, intersect_t *intersect, int recursionCount) {
  rayIntersectionTest(ray, intersect);
  if (intersect->t > 0) { // We hit something
    color_t color;
    GeomType geomType = intersect->geomType;
    void *geomObject = intersect->object;
    bool reflective = false;

    // Check the material
    if (geomType == GeomTypeTriangle) {
      triangle_t *temp = (triangle_t *)geomObject;
      color = temp->material.color;
      reflective = temp->material.reflective;
    else if (geomType == GeomTypeSphere) {
      sphere_t *temp = (sphere_t *)geomObject;
      color = temp->material.color;
      reflective = temp->material.reflective;
    } else if (geomType == GeomTypeLight) {
      return rgb(255, 255, 255);

    // Get a normal where we intersected
    vec_t normal;
    if (geomType == GeomTypeTriangle) {
      triangle_t *temp = (triangle_t *)geomObject;
      normal = temp->normal;
    else if (geomType == GeomTypeSphere) {
      sphere_t *temp = (sphere_t *)geomObject;
      normal = sphere_normal_at_point(*temp, intersect->point);

    if (reflective && recursionCount < 10) {
      // First find the reflected ray
      vec_t r = vec_sub(ray.direction, vec_mult(normal, 2 * vec_dot(normal, ray.direction)));
      point_t start = point_offset(intersect->point, vec_mult(r, 0.0001));
      ray_t reflectedRay = ray_new(start, r);
      // Shoot out a new ray and take its color
      color = shootRay(reflectedRay, intersect, recursionCount + 1);
    } else if (!reflective) {
      point_t sPos = intersect->point;
      ray_t sRay;
      float totalDiffuse = 0;
      for (int m = 0; m < numLights; m++) {
        if (lights[m].size == 0) {
          sRay = ray_to_light(lights[m], sPos);
          sRay.point = point_offset(sRay.point, vec_mult(sRay.direction, 0.0001));
          rayIntersectionNonLightTest(sRay, intersect);

          if (intersect->t <= 0) { // We did't hit anything, diffuse like normal
            totalDiffuse += fabsf(vec_dot(sRay.direction, normal));
          } // Otherwise, we're in shadow
        } else {
          float lightRays = 100 * lights[m].size;
          float lightDiffuse = 0;
          for (int l = 0; l < lightRays; l++) {
            sRay = ray_to_light(lights[m], sPos);
            sRay.point = point_offset(sRay.point, vec_mult(sRay.direction, 0.0001));
            rayIntersectionNonLightTest(sRay, intersect);

            if (intersect->t <= 0) {  // We didn't hit anything, diffuse like normal
              lightDiffuse += fabsf(vec_dot(sRay.direction, normal));
            } // Otherwise, we're in shadow

          totalDiffuse += lightDiffuse / lightRays;

      totalDiffuse /= numLights;  // We want the total intensity of lights to be the
                                  // same no matter how many we have

      if (totalDiffuse < 0.2) totalDiffuse = 0.2;
      if (totalDiffuse > 1) totalDiffuse = 1;
      color.r *= totalDiffuse;
      color.g *= totalDiffuse;
      color.b *= totalDiffuse;

    return color;
  // No intersection, color black
  return rgb(0, 0, 0);
Esempio n. 5
void CreateCadTesselation::scan(bool create_grid, int interlaces)
  m_Dx = (m_X2[0] - m_X1[0])/(m_Ni-1);
  m_Dy = (m_X2[1] - m_X1[1])/(m_Nj-1);
  m_Dz = (m_X2[2] - m_X1[2])/(m_Nk-1);

  EG_VTKSP(vtkImageData, gdata);
  gdata->SetDimensions(m_Ni, m_Nj, m_Nk);
  EG_VTKSP(vtkFloatArray, g);
  for (int i = 0; i < m_Ni; ++i) {
    for (int j = 0; j < m_Nj; ++j) {
      for (int k = 0; k < m_Nk; ++k) {                
        if (preserveFluid()) {
          g->SetValue(getIdx(i,j,k), 1);
        } else {
          g->SetValue(getIdx(i,j,k), 0);
  m_XScan1 = m_X2;
  m_XScan2 = m_X1;

  vec3_t x_in, x_out, n_in, n_out;

  int progress = 0;
  m_GeometryFound = false;

  double dxi = m_Dx/(interlaces + 1);
  double dyi = m_Dy/(interlaces + 1);
  double dzi = m_Dz/(interlaces + 1);

  double shift = 1e-6;

  // scan ij plane -> k direction
  //      xy plane -> z direction
  for (int i = 0; i < m_Ni; ++i) {
    for (int j = 0; j < m_Nj; ++j) {
      vec3_t x0 = getX(i,j,0);
      for (int i_il = 0; i_il <= interlaces; ++i_il) {
        for (int j_il = 0; j_il <= interlaces; ++j_il) {
          vec3_t x = x0;
          x[0] += i_il*dxi;
          x[1] += j_il*dyi;
          int k_last = 0;
          while (shootRay(x, vec3_t(0,0,1), x_in, x_out, n_in, n_out)) {
            m_GeometryFound = true;
            m_XScan1[2] = min(m_XScan1[2], x_in[2]);
            m_XScan2[2] = max(m_XScan2[2], x_out[2]);
            int k1 = int((x_in[2] - m_X1[2])/m_Dz) + 1;
            int k2 = int((x_out[2] - m_X1[2])/m_Dz);
            if (preserveFluid()) {
              for (int k = k_last; k < min(m_Nk-1,k1); ++k) {
                g->SetValue(getIdx(i,j,k), 0);
            } else {
              for (int k = max(0,k1); k <= min(m_Nk-1,k2); ++k) {
                g->SetValue(getIdx(i,j,k), 1);
            x = x_out;
            x[2] += shift*m_Dz;
            k_last = min(m_Nk-1,k2+1);
          if (preserveFluid()) {
            for (int k = k_last; k <= m_Nk-1; ++k) {
              g->SetValue(getIdx(i,j,k), 0);
    progress += m_Nj;

  // scan ik plane -> j direction
  //      xz plane -> y direction
  for (int i = 0; i < m_Ni; ++i) {
    for (int k = 0; k < m_Nk; ++k) {
      vec3_t x0 = getX(i,0,k);
      for (int i_il = 0; i_il <= interlaces; ++i_il) {
        for (int k_il = 0; k_il <= interlaces; ++k_il) {
          vec3_t x = x0;
          x[0] += i_il*dxi;
          x[2] += k_il*dzi;
          int j_last = 0;
          if (fabs(x0[0]) < 1.5 && fabs(x0[2]) < 1.5 && create_grid) {
            cout << x0 << endl;
          while (shootRay(x, vec3_t(0,1,0), x_in, x_out, n_in, n_out)) {
            m_GeometryFound = true;
            m_XScan1[1] = min(m_XScan1[1], x_in[1]);
            m_XScan2[1] = max(m_XScan2[1], x_out[1]);
            int j1 = int((x_in[1]-m_X1[1])/m_Dy) + 1;
            int j2 = int((x_out[1]-m_X1[1])/m_Dy);
            if (preserveFluid()) {
              for (int j = j_last; j < min(m_Nj-1,j1); ++j) {
                g->SetValue(getIdx(i,j,k), 0);
            } else {
              for (int j = max(0,j1); j <= min(m_Nj-1,j2); ++j) {
                g->SetValue(getIdx(i,j,k), 1);
            x = x_out;
            x[1] += shift*m_Dy;
            j_last = min(m_Nj-1,j2+1);
          if (preserveFluid()) {
            for (int j = j_last; j <= m_Nj-1; ++j) {
              g->SetValue(getIdx(i,j,k), 0);
    progress += m_Nk;

  // scan jk plane -> i direction
  //      yz plane -> x direction
  for (int j = 0; j < m_Nj; ++j) {
    for (int k = 0; k < m_Nk; ++k) {
      vec3_t x0 = getX(0,j,k);
      for (int j_il = 0; j_il <= interlaces; ++j_il) {
        for (int k_il = 0; k_il <= interlaces; ++k_il) {
          vec3_t x = x0;
          x[1] += j_il*dyi;
          x[2] += k_il*dzi;
          int i_last = 0;
          while (shootRay(x, vec3_t(1,0,0), x_in, x_out, n_in, n_out)) {
            m_GeometryFound = true;
            m_XScan1[0] = min(m_XScan1[0], x_in[0]);
            m_XScan2[0] = max(m_XScan2[0], x_out[0]);
            int i1 = int((x_in[0]-m_X1[0])/m_Dx) + 1;
            int i2 = int((x_out[0]-m_X1[0])/m_Dx);
            if (preserveFluid()) {
              for (int i = i_last; i < min(m_Ni-1,i1); ++i) {
                g->SetValue(getIdx(i,j,k), 0);
            } else {
              for (int i = max(0,i1); i <= min(m_Ni-1,i2); ++i) {
                g->SetValue(getIdx(i,j,k), 1);
            x = x_out;
            x[0] += shift*m_Dx;
            i_last = min(m_Ni-1,i2+1);
          if (preserveFluid()) {
            for (int i = i_last; i <= m_Ni-1; ++i) {
              g->SetValue(getIdx(i,j,k), 0);
    progress += m_Nk;

  if (create_grid) {

    GuiMainWindow::pointer()->resetProgress("smoothing", m_Ni*m_Nj*m_Nk*m_NumIterations);

    // smooth image data
    int progress = 0;
    for (int iter = 1; iter <= m_NumIterations; ++iter) {
      for (int i = 1; i < m_Ni-1; ++i) {
        for (int j = 1; j < m_Nj-1; ++j) {
          for (int k = 1; k < m_Nk-1; ++k) {
            int idx = getIdx(i,j,k);
            bool preserve = false;
            if (m_PreservationType == 1 && g->GetValue(idx) > 0.999) {
              preserve = true;
            if (m_PreservationType == 2 && g->GetValue(idx) < 0.001) {
              preserve = true;
            if (!preserve) {
              double g_new = 0;
              g_new += g->GetValue(getIdx(i+1,j,k));
              g_new += g->GetValue(getIdx(i-1,j,k));
              g_new += g->GetValue(getIdx(i,j+1,k));
              g_new += g->GetValue(getIdx(i,j-1,k));
              g_new += g->GetValue(getIdx(i,j,k+1));
              g_new += g->GetValue(getIdx(i,j,k-1));
              g_new *= 1.0/6.0;
              g->SetValue(idx, g_new);
        progress += m_Nj*m_Nk;

    // write image data for testing and reporting purposes
    EG_VTKSP(vtkXMLImageDataWriter, vti);
    QString file_name = GuiMainWindow::pointer()->getCwd() + "/g.vti";

    EG_VTKSP(vtkContourFilter, contour);
    double g_level = 0.5;
    if (m_PreservationType == 1) {
      g_level = 0.5;
    if (m_PreservationType == 2) {
      g_level = 0.5;
    contour->SetValue(0, g_level);
    EG_VTKSP(vtkTriangleFilter, tri);
    EG_VTKSP(vtkDecimatePro, decimate);

    allocateGrid(m_Grid, decimate->GetOutput()->GetNumberOfPolys(), decimate->GetOutput()->GetNumberOfPoints());
    for (vtkIdType id_node = 0; id_node < m_Grid->GetNumberOfPoints(); ++id_node) {
      vec3_t x;
      x[0] = m_X1[0] + x[0]*m_Dx;
      x[1] = m_X1[1] + x[1]*m_Dx;
      x[2] = m_X1[2] + x[2]*m_Dx;
    EG_VTKDCC(vtkIntArray, cell_code, m_Grid, "cell_code");
    for (vtkIdType id_cell = 0; id_cell < decimate->GetOutput()->GetNumberOfPolys(); ++id_cell) {
      EG_GET_CELL(id_cell, decimate->GetOutput());
      vtkIdType id_new_cell = m_Grid->InsertNextCell(type_cell, num_pts, pts);
      cell_code->SetValue(id_new_cell, 1);
void PointLight::emitPhoton(Ray &ray, RGBColor &_color){
    ray = shootRay();
    _color = color;