Esempio n. 1
Node* FocusController::nextFocusableNode(FocusNavigationScope scope, Node* start)
    if (start) {
        int tabIndex = adjustedTabIndex(start);
        // If a node is excluded from the normal tabbing cycle, the next focusable node is determined by tree order
        if (tabIndex < 0) {
            for (Node* node = NodeTraversal::next(*start); node; node = NodeTraversal::next(*node)) {
                if (shouldVisit(node) && adjustedTabIndex(node) >= 0)
                    return node;

        // First try to find a node with the same tabindex as start that comes after start in the scope.
        if (Node* winner = findNodeWithExactTabIndex(NodeTraversal::next(*start), tabIndex, FocusTypeForward))
            return winner;

        if (!tabIndex)
            // We've reached the last node in the document with a tabindex of 0. This is the end of the tabbing order.
            return 0;

    // Look for the first node in the scope that:
    // 1) has the lowest tabindex that is higher than start's tabindex (or 0, if start is null), and
    // 2) comes first in the scope, if there's a tie.
    if (Node* winner = nextNodeWithGreaterTabIndex(scope.rootNode(), start ? adjustedTabIndex(start) : 0))
        return winner;

    // There are no nodes with a tabindex greater than start's tabindex,
    // so find the first node with a tabindex of 0.
    return findNodeWithExactTabIndex(scope.rootNode(), 0, FocusTypeForward);
Esempio n. 2
Node* FocusController::findNodeWithExactTabIndex(Node* start, int tabIndex, FocusType type)
    // Search is inclusive of start
    for (Node* node = start; node; node = type == FocusTypeForward ? NodeTraversal::next(*node) : NodeTraversal::previous(*node)) {
        if (shouldVisit(node) && adjustedTabIndex(node) == tabIndex)
            return node;
    return 0;
Esempio n. 3
static Node* previousNodeWithLowerTabIndex(Node* start, int tabIndex)
    // Search is inclusive of start
    int winningTabIndex = 0;
    Node* winner = 0;
    for (Node* node = start; node; node = NodeTraversal::previous(*node)) {
        int currentTabIndex = adjustedTabIndex(node);
        if ((shouldVisit(node) || isNonKeyboardFocusableShadowHost(node)) && currentTabIndex < tabIndex && currentTabIndex > winningTabIndex) {
            winner = node;
            winningTabIndex = currentTabIndex;
    return winner;
Esempio n. 4
static Node* nextNodeWithGreaterTabIndex(Node* start, int tabIndex)
    // Search is inclusive of start
    int winningTabIndex = std::numeric_limits<short>::max() + 1;
    Node* winner = 0;
    for (Node* node = start; node; node = NodeTraversal::next(*node)) {
        if (shouldVisit(node) && node->tabIndex() > tabIndex && node->tabIndex() < winningTabIndex) {
            winner = node;
            winningTabIndex = node->tabIndex();

    return winner;
Esempio n. 5
  bool TestRunner::visitEnter(TestSuite& suite)
    if (m_context->shouldStop())
      return false;

    if (!TestQualifier::visitEnter(suite))
      return false;

    if (shouldVisit(currentPath()))
      return true;

    return false;
Esempio n. 6
  bool TestRunner::visit(TestCase& test)
    if (m_context->shouldStop())
      return false;
    if (!shouldVisit(currentPath() +
      return false;

    int rst = runTestCase(test, *m_context, logS());
    if( 0 != rst )
    // Always continue, regardless of test result, unless the context
    // object says otherwise.
    return !m_context->shouldStop();
Esempio n. 7
Node* FocusController::previousFocusableNode(FocusNavigationScope scope, Node* start)
    Node* last = 0;
    for (Node* node = scope.rootNode(); node; node = node->lastChild())
        last = node;

    // First try to find the last node in the scope that comes before start and has the same tabindex as start.
    // If start is null, find the last node in the scope with a tabindex of 0.
    Node* startingNode;
    int startingTabIndex;
    if (start) {
        startingNode = NodeTraversal::previous(*start);
        startingTabIndex = adjustedTabIndex(start);
    } else {
        startingNode = last;
        startingTabIndex = 0;

    // However, if a node is excluded from the normal tabbing cycle, the previous focusable node is determined by tree order
    if (startingTabIndex < 0) {
        for (Node* node = startingNode; node; node = NodeTraversal::previous(*node)) {
            if (shouldVisit(node) && adjustedTabIndex(node) >= 0)
                return node;

    if (Node* winner = findNodeWithExactTabIndex(startingNode, startingTabIndex, FocusTypeBackward))
        return winner;

    // There are no nodes before start with the same tabindex as start, so look for a node that:
    // 1) has the highest non-zero tabindex (that is less than start's tabindex), and
    // 2) comes last in the scope, if there's a tie.
    startingTabIndex = (start && startingTabIndex) ? startingTabIndex : std::numeric_limits<short>::max();
    return previousNodeWithLowerTabIndex(last, startingTabIndex);