Esempio n. 1
int PhotoViewer::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a)
    _id = QWidget::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a);
    if (_id < 0)
        return _id;
    if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) {
        switch (_id) {
        case 0: showList(); break;
        case 1: showFlow(); break;
        case 2: showFileInfo(); break;
        case 3: showImage(); break;
        _id -= 4;
    return _id;
Esempio n. 2
void my_plugin_run(unsigned char *frame)

	short threshold_n_points = 25;
	int tot_x=0;
	int tot_y=0;
	int x_avg = 0;
	int y_avg = 0;

	//magical scaling needed in order to calibrate opt flow angles to imu angles
	short scalex = 1024; //1024*(1/0.75)
	short scaley = 1024; //1024*(1/0.76)
	int i;

	if(old_img_init == 1)
		old_img_init = 0;

	// ***********************************************************************************************************************
	// (1) possibly find new points - keeping possible old ones (normal cv methods / efficient point finding / active corners)
	// ***********************************************************************************************************************

    	// Clear corners
    	findPoints(gray_frame, frame, imgWidth, imgHeight, &count, max_count, MAX_COUNT, flow_points, &flow_point_size, detected_points);
    	if(flow_point_size < threshold_n_points)
    		findPoints(gray_frame, frame, imgWidth, imgHeight, &count, max_count, MAX_COUNT, flow_points, &flow_point_size, detected_points);

	// **********************************************************************************************************************
	// (2) track the points to the new image, possibly using external information (TTC, known lateral / rotational movements)
	// **********************************************************************************************************************
		trackPoints(frame, prev_frame, imgWidth, imgHeight, &count, max_count, MAX_COUNT, flow_points, &flow_point_size, detected_points, x, y, new_x, new_y, dx, dy, status);
		//showFlow(frame, x, y, status, count, new_x, new_y, imgWidth, imgHeight);

		for (i=0; i<count;i++)
//			dx[i] = (new_x[i]-x[i]);
//			dy[i] = (new_y[i]-y[i]);
			dx[i] = flow_points[i].dx;
			dy[i] = flow_points[i].dy;

			tot_x = tot_x + dx[i];
			tot_y = tot_y + dy[i];
		// using moving average to filter out the noise
			x_buf[buf_point] = (tot_x*scalex)/count;
			y_buf[buf_point] = (tot_y*scaley)/count;
			buf_point = (buf_point+1) %5;

		for (i=0;i<5;i++) {

		//raw optic flow (for telemetry purpose)
		opt_angle_x_raw = x_avg;
		opt_angle_y_raw = y_avg;

		//tele purpose
//int diff_roll, diff_pitch, mean_alt;
//float mean_tti, median_tti, d_heading, d_pitch, pu[3], pv[3], divergence_error;

		/*int USE_FITTING = 0;

		if(USE_FITTING == 1)
			analyseTTI(&divergence, x, y, dx, dy, n_inlier_minu, n_inlier_minv, count, imgWidth, imgHeight);

		showFlow(frame, x, y, status, count, new_x, new_y, imgWidth, imgHeight);

		//DOWNLINK_SEND_OPTIC_FLOW(DefaultChannel, DefaultDevice, &FPS, &opt_angle_x_raw, &opt_angle_y_raw, &opt_trans_x, &opt_trans_y, &diff_roll, &diff_pitch, &mean_alt, &count, &count, &divergence, &mean_tti, &median_tti, &d_heading, &d_pitch, &pu[2], &pv[2], &divergence_error, n_inlier_minu, n_inlier_minv);

	//DOWNLINK_SEND_OF_ERROR(DefaultChannel, DefaultDevice, &error_corner, &error_opticflow);

	// Send to paparazzi
	//gst2ppz.ID = 0x0001;
	//gst2ppz.counter++; // to keep track of data through ppz communication
