int main() { CMCIClient *cc; CMPIObjectPath * objectpath; CMPIEnumeration * enumeration; CMPIStatus status; char *cim_host, *cim_host_passwd, *cim_host_userid, *cim_host_cert, *cim_client_cert, *cim_client_key; /* Setup a connection to the CIMOM */ cim_host = getenv("CIM_HOST"); if (cim_host == NULL) cim_host = "localhost"; cim_host_userid = getenv("CIM_HOST_USERID"); if (cim_host_userid == NULL) cim_host_userid = "root"; cim_host_passwd = getenv("CIM_HOST_PASSWD"); if (cim_host_passwd == NULL) cim_host_passwd = "password"; cim_host_cert = getenv("CIM_HOST_CERT"); cim_client_cert = getenv("CIM_CLIENT_CERT"); cim_client_key = getenv("CIM_CLIENT_KEY"); cc = cmciConnect2(cim_host, "https", "5989", cim_host_userid, cim_host_passwd, CMCI_VERIFY_PEER, cim_host_cert, cim_client_cert, cim_client_key, NULL); /* Test enumClassNames() */ printf("\n----------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("Testing enumClassNames() ...\n"); objectpath = newCMPIObjectPath("root/cimv2", NULL, NULL); enumeration = cc->ft->enumClassNames(cc, objectpath, 0, &status); /* Print the results */ printf( "enumClassNames() rc=%d, msg=%s\n", status.rc, (status.msg)? (char *)status.msg->hdl : NULL); if (!status.rc) { printf("result(s):\n"); while (enumeration->ft->hasNext(enumeration, NULL)) { CMPIData data = enumeration->ft->getNext(enumeration, NULL); showObjectPath(data.value.ref); } } if (enumeration) CMRelease(enumeration); if (objectpath) CMRelease(objectpath); if (status.msg) CMRelease(status.msg); if (cc) CMRelease(cc); return 0; }
int main() { CIMCEnv *ce; char *msg = NULL; int rc; CIMCStatus status; CMPIObjectPath *op = NULL ; CIMCEnumeration *enm = NULL; CIMCClient *client = NULL; CIMCInstance *instance = NULL; CIMCData data; char *cim_host, *cim_host_passwd, *cim_host_userid, *cim_host_port; int count = 0; cim_host = getenv("CIM_HOST"); if (cim_host == NULL) cim_host = "localhost"; cim_host_userid = getenv("CIM_HOST_USERID"); if (cim_host_userid == NULL) cim_host_userid = "root"; cim_host_passwd = getenv("CIM_HOST_PASSWD"); if (cim_host_passwd == NULL) cim_host_passwd = "password"; cim_host_port = getenv("CIM_HOST_PORT"); if (cim_host_port == NULL) cim_host_port = "5988"; printf(" Testing enumerateInstanceNames \n") ; printf(" using SfcbLocal interface : host = %s userid = %s\n", cim_host,cim_host_userid) ; ce = NewCIMCEnv("SfcbLocal",0,&rc,&msg); if(ce == NULL) { printf(" local connect failed call to NewCIMCEnv message = [%s] \n",msg) ; return 1; } printf("do connect \n") ; client = ce->ft->connect(ce, cim_host , "http", cim_host_port, cim_host_userid, cim_host_passwd , &status); if(client == NULL) { printf(" failed the call to connect \n") ; } printf("do newObjectPath \n") ; op = (CMPIObjectPath *)ce->ft->newObjectPath(ce, "root/cimv2", "TEST_Person" , &status); if(op == NULL) { printf(" failed the call to newObjectPath \n") ; } printf("do enumInstances \n") ; enm = client->ft->enumInstanceNames(client, (CIMCObjectPath *) op , &status); if(enm == NULL) { printf(" failed the call to client->ft->enumInstances \n") ; } /* Print the results */ if (!status.rc) { printf("results:\n"); count = enm->ft->hasNext(enm, NULL) ; while (count > 0) { data = enm->ft->getNext(enm, NULL); showObjectPath(data.value.ref); count = enm->ft->hasNext(enm, NULL) ; } } else { printf(" ERROR received from enumInstanceNames status.rc = %d\n",status.rc) ; if(msg) printf(" ERROR msg = %s\n",msg) ; } if(enm) enm->ft->release(enm); if(op) op->ft->release(op); if(client) client->ft->release(client); if(ce) ce->ft->release(ce); if(status.msg) CMRelease(status.msg); return 0; }
int main() { CIMCEnv *ce; char *msg = NULL; int rc; CIMCStatus status; CIMCClient *client; CIMCObjectPath *op, *objectpath_r; CMPIConstClass *clas; CMPIInstance *instance; CIMCString *path; CMPIString *classname; CIMCData data; CMPIData cdata; char *cim_host, *cim_host_passwd, *cim_host_userid, *cim_host_port; int i = 0; int retc = 0; int count = 0; int numproperties = 0; CMPIString *propertyname; char *cv; /* * Setup a connection to the CIMOM */ cim_host = getenv("CIM_HOST"); if (cim_host == NULL) cim_host = "localhost"; cim_host_userid = getenv("CIM_HOST_USERID"); if (cim_host_userid == NULL) cim_host_userid = "root"; cim_host_passwd = getenv("CIM_HOST_PASSWD"); if (cim_host_passwd == NULL) cim_host_passwd = "password"; cim_host_port = getenv("CIM_HOST_PORT"); if (cim_host_port == NULL) cim_host_port = "5988"; printf(" Testing CreateInstance \n"); printf(" using SfcbLocal interface : host = %s userid = %s\n", cim_host, cim_host_userid); ce = NewCIMCEnv("SfcbLocal", 0, &rc, &msg); if (ce == NULL) { printf (" local connect failed call to NewCIMCEnv rc = %d , message = [%s] \n", retc, msg); return 1; } client = ce->ft->connect(ce, cim_host, "http", cim_host_port, cim_host_userid, cim_host_passwd, &status); op = ce->ft->newObjectPath(ce, "root/cimv2", "TEST_LabeledLineage", &status); instance = ce->ft->newInstance(ce, op, NULL); CMSetProperty(instance, "label", "Mitchelle", CMPI_chars); objectpath_r = (CIMCObjectPath *) client->ft->createInstance(client, op, instance, &status); /* * Print the results */ printf("createInstance() rc=%d, msg=%s\n", status.rc, (status.msg) ? (char *) status.msg->hdl : NULL); if (!status.rc) { printf("result:\n"); showObjectPath(objectpath_r); } if (instance) CMRelease(instance); if (op) CMRelease(op); if (objectpath_r) CMRelease(objectpath_r); if (status.msg) CMRelease(status.msg); return 0; }