void dialogs::show_stage_dialog() { //std::cout << "DEBUG - dialogs::show_stage_dialog::stage: " << stage << ", player_n: " << (game_config.selected_player) << std::endl; if (strlen(stage_data.intro_dialog.face_graphics_filename) <= 0) { return; } if (strlen(stage_data.intro_dialog.line1[0]) <= 0) { return; } std::string lines[3]; for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { lines[i] = std::string(stage_data.intro_dialog.line1[i]); } show_dialog(stage_data.intro_dialog.face_graphics_filename, stage_data.intro_dialog.top_side, lines, true); for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { lines[i] = std::string(stage_data.intro_dialog.answer1[game_save.selected_player][i]); } show_dialog(game_data.players[game_save.selected_player].face_filename, stage_data.intro_dialog.top_side, lines, true); /// @TODO: create "extern" for player number if (strlen(stage_data.intro_dialog.line2[0]) > 0) { for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { lines[i] = std::string(stage_data.intro_dialog.line2[i]); } show_dialog(stage_data.intro_dialog.face_graphics_filename, stage_data.intro_dialog.top_side, lines, true); } }
void dialogs::show_boss_dialog() { if (strlen(stage_data.intro_dialog.face_graphics_filename) <= 0) { return; } std::string lines[3]; for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { lines[i] = std::string(stage_data.boss_dialog.line1[i]); } //std::cout << "stage: " << stage << ", boss_face: '" << stage_data.boss.face_graphics_filename << "'" << std::endl; if (strlen(stage_data.boss.face_graphics_filename) <= 0) { sprintf(stage_data.boss.face_graphics_filename, "%s", "dr_kanotus.png"); } show_dialog(stage_data.boss.face_graphics_filename, stage_data.boss_dialog.top_side, lines, true); for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { lines[i] = std::string(stage_data.boss_dialog.answer1[game_save.selected_player][i]); } if (lines[0].size() > 0) { show_dialog(game_data.players[game_save.selected_player].face_filename, stage_data.boss_dialog.top_side, lines, true); /// @TODO: create "extern" for player number } else { return; } if (strlen(stage_data.boss_dialog.line2[0]) > 0) { for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { lines[i] = std::string(stage_data.boss_dialog.line2[i]); } show_dialog(stage_data.boss.face_graphics_filename, stage_data.boss_dialog.top_side, lines, true); } }
void loadgame::load_game() { show_dialog(false, false); if(filename_ != "") throw game::load_game_exception(filename_, show_replay_, cancel_orders_, select_difficulty_, difficulty_); }
// Called only by play_controller to handle in-game attempts to load. Instead of returning true, // throws a "load_game_exception" to signal a resulting load game request. bool loadgame::load_game() { if (!gui_.video().faked()) { show_dialog(false, false); } if(filename_.empty()) { return false; } // Confirm the integrity of the file before throwing the exception. // Use the summary in the save_index for this. const config & summary = save_index_manager.get(filename_); if (summary["corrupt"].to_bool(false)) { gui2::show_error_message(gui_.video(), _("The file you have tried to load is corrupt: '")); return false; } if (!loadgame::check_version_compatibility(summary["version"].str(), gui_.video())) { return false; } throw game::load_game_exception(filename_, show_replay_, cancel_orders_, select_difficulty_, difficulty_, true); }
void nautilus_report_error_setting_permissions (NautilusFile *file, GError *error, GtkWindow *parent_window) { g_autofree char *truncated_name = NULL; g_autofree char *truncated_error_message = NULL; g_autofree char *message = NULL; if (error == NULL) { return; } truncated_name = get_truncated_name_for_file (file); truncated_error_message = eel_str_middle_truncate (error->message, MAXIMUM_DISPLAYED_ERROR_MESSAGE_LENGTH); message = g_strdup_printf (_("Sorry, could not change the permissions of “%s”: %s"), truncated_name, truncated_error_message); show_dialog (_("The permissions could not be changed."), message, parent_window, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR); }
void loadgame::load_multiplayer_game() { show_dialog(false, false); if (filename_.empty()) throw load_game_cancelled_exception(); std::string error_log; { cursor::setter cur(cursor::WAIT); log_scope("load_game"); manager::read_save_file(filename_, load_config_, &error_log); copy_era(load_config_); gamestate_ = game_state(load_config_); } if(!error_log.empty()) { gui2::show_error_message(gui_.video(), _("The file you have tried to load is corrupt: '") + error_log); throw load_game_cancelled_exception(); } if(gamestate_.classification().campaign_type != "multiplayer") { gui2::show_message(gui_.video(), "", _("This is not a multiplayer save")); throw load_game_cancelled_exception(); } check_version_compatibility(); }
bool loadgame::load_multiplayer_game() { show_dialog(false, false); if (filename_.empty()) return false; std::string error_log; { cursor::setter cur(cursor::WAIT); log_scope("load_game"); read_save_file(filename_, load_config_, &error_log); copy_era(load_config_); gamestate_.set_data(load_config_); } if(!error_log.empty()) { gui2::show_error_message(gui_.video(), _("The file you have tried to load is corrupt: '") + error_log); return false; } if(gamestate_.classification().campaign_type != game_classification::CAMPAIGN_TYPE::MULTIPLAYER) { gui2::show_transient_error_message(gui_.video(), _("This is not a multiplayer save.")); return false; } return check_version_compatibility(); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { gchar* start_page = NULL; GOptionEntry option_entries[] = { { "show-page", 'p', G_OPTION_FLAG_IN_MAIN, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &start_page, /* TRANSLATORS: don't translate the terms in brackets */ N_("Specify the name of the page to show (internet|multimedia|system|a11y)"), N_("page") }, {NULL} }; GOptionContext* context = g_option_context_new(_("- MATE Default Applications")); g_option_context_add_main_entries(context, option_entries, GETTEXT_PACKAGE); capplet_init(context, &argc, &argv); MateDACapplet* capplet = g_new0(MateDACapplet, 1); show_dialog(capplet, start_page); g_free(start_page); gtk_main(); return 0; }
void loadgame::load_game() { show_dialog(false, false); if(filename_ != "") throw game::load_game_exception(filename_, show_replay_, false); }
void Phone_item::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { QGraphicsItem::mouseReleaseEvent(event); update(); if(event->button() == Qt::RightButton) emit show_dialog(); }
void loadgame::load_game( const std::string& filename , const bool show_replay , const bool cancel_orders , const bool select_difficulty , const std::string& difficulty) { filename_ = filename; difficulty_ = difficulty; select_difficulty_ = select_difficulty; if (filename_.empty()){ show_dialog(show_replay, cancel_orders); } else{ show_replay_ = show_replay; cancel_orders_ = cancel_orders; } if (filename_.empty()) throw load_game_cancelled_exception(); if (select_difficulty_) show_difficulty_dialog(); std::string error_log; read_save_file(filename_, load_config_, &error_log); convert_old_saves(load_config_); if(!error_log.empty()) { try { gui2::show_error_message(gui_.video(), _("Warning: The file you have tried to load is corrupt. Loading anyway.\n") + error_log); } catch (utf8::invalid_utf8_exception&) { gui2::show_error_message(gui_.video(), _("Warning: The file you have tried to load is corrupt. Loading anyway.\n") + std::string("(UTF-8 ERROR)")); } } if (!difficulty_.empty()){ load_config_["difficulty"] = difficulty_; } #if 0 gamestate_.classification().campaign_define = load_config_["campaign_define"].str(); gamestate_.classification().campaign_type = lexical_cast_default<game_classification::CAMPAIGN_TYPE> (load_config_["campaign_type"].str(), game_classification::SCENARIO); gamestate_.classification().campaign_xtra_defines = utils::split(load_config_["campaign_extra_defines"]); gamestate_.classification().version = load_config_["version"].str(); gamestate_.classification().difficulty = load_config_["difficulty"].str(); #else // read classification to for loading the game_config config object. gamestate_.classification() = game_classification(load_config_); #endif check_version_compatibility(); }
static void run(const gchar G_GNUC_UNUSED *nome, gint nparams, const GimpParam * params, gint *nretvals, GimpParam ** retparams) { static GimpParam ret[1]; GimpPDBStatusType* status; GimpDrawable* drawable; param_type p = VIZ4; *nretvals = 1; *retparams = ret; ret[0].type = GIMP_PDB_STATUS; status = (GimpPDBStatusType*) &(ret[0].data.d_status); *status = GIMP_PDB_CALLING_ERROR; drawable = gimp_drawable_get(params[2].data.d_drawable); if (!gimp_get_data(nome, &p)) p = VIZ4; switch (params[0].data.d_int32) { case GIMP_RUN_INTERACTIVE: if (!show_dialog(&p)) { ret[0].data.d_status = GIMP_PDB_CANCEL; return; } break; case GIMP_RUN_WITH_LAST_VALS: break; case GIMP_RUN_NONINTERACTIVE: if (nparams != 4) { /* retorna o erro de chamadoa para o gimp */ ret[0].data.d_status = GIMP_PDB_CALLING_ERROR; return; } p = params[3].data.d_int8; break; default: g_error("programa no lugar errado"); ret[0].data.d_status = GIMP_PDB_EXECUTION_ERROR; return; } gimp_set_data(nome, &p, sizeof(param_type)); *status = execute_plugin(drawable, nome, &p); ret[0].data.d_status = GIMP_PDB_SUCCESS; return; }
HRESULT notification_exec(BSTR callback_id, BSTR action, BSTR args, VARIANT *result) { if(!wcscmp(action, L"alert") || !wcscmp(action, L"confirm")) return show_dialog(callback_id, args); if (!wcscmp(action, L"vibrate")) return vibrate(callback_id, args); if (!wcscmp(action, L"beep")) return beep(callback_id, args); return DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND; }
void nautilus_report_error_setting_group (NautilusFile *file, GError *error, GtkWindow *parent_window) { g_autofree char *truncated_name = NULL; g_autofree char *message = NULL; if (error == NULL) { return; } truncated_name = get_truncated_name_for_file (file); if (error->domain == G_IO_ERROR) { switch (error->code) { case G_IO_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED: { message = g_strdup_printf (_("You do not have the permissions necessary to change the group of “%s”."), truncated_name); } break; default: { } break; } } if (message == NULL) { g_autofree char *truncated_error_message = NULL; truncated_error_message = eel_str_middle_truncate (error->message, MAXIMUM_DISPLAYED_ERROR_MESSAGE_LENGTH); /* We should invent decent error messages for every case we actually experience. */ g_warning ("Hit unhandled case %s:%d in nautilus_report_error_setting_group", g_quark_to_string (error->domain), error->code); /* fall through */ message = g_strdup_printf (_("Sorry, could not change the group of “%s”: %s"), truncated_name, truncated_error_message); } show_dialog (_("The group could not be changed."), message, parent_window, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR); }
// handler of custom functions for the CSSS! engine virtual BOOL on_script_call(HELEMENT he, LPCSTR name, UINT argc, json::value* argv, json::value& retval) { if( aux::streq(name, "show") ) { show_dialog(he); return TRUE; } else if( aux::streq(name, "hide") ) { hide_dialog(he); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
/* void armor_edit::fill_armor_abilities() { std::string arm_abilities[] = {"Super-Shot", "Laser-Beam", "Always-Charged", "Freeze"}; std::string legs_abilities[] = {"Double Jump", "Air-Dash", "Wall-Grab"}; std::string body_abilities[] = {"Half-Damage", "Extended Imunnity", "Spikes Immune", "No Push-Back"}; */ void dialogs::showGotArmorDialog(e_ARMOR_PIECES armor_type) { std::string type_str = "???"; std::string ability_str = "???"; //std::cout << ">> showGotArmorDialog - p4.arms: " << game_data.armor_pieces[game_save.selected_player].special_ability[ARMOR_ARMS] << std::endl; int type = game_data.armor_pieces[armor_type].special_ability[game_save.selected_player]; //std::cout << "player: " << game_save.selected_player << ", armor_type: " << armor_type << ", armor.ability: " << type << std::endl; if (armor_type == ARMOR_ARMS) { type_str = "THESE IMPROVED ARMS WILL"; if (type == ARMOR_ABILITY_ARMS_ALWAYSCHARGED) { ability_str = "ALWAYS FIRE CHARGED"; } else if (type == ARMOR_ABILITY_ARMS_LASERBEAM) { ability_str = "CHARGE A LASER BEAM"; } else if (type == ARMOR_ABILITY_ARMS_SUPERSHOT) { ability_str = "FIRE A SUPER-SHOT!"; } else if (type == ARMOR_ABILITY_ARMS_MISSILE) { ability_str = "THROW A HADOUKEN."; } } else if (armor_type == ARMOR_LEGS) { if (type == ARMOR_ABILITY_LEGS_AIRDASH) { type_str = "THESE LIGHTER LEGS"; ability_str = "DASH IN MIDDLE-AIR."; } else if (type == ARMOR_ABILITY_LEGS_DOUBLEJUMP) { type_str = "THESE LIGHTER LEGS"; ability_str = "EXECUTE A DOUBLE JUMP."; } else if (type == ARMOR_ABILITY_LEGS_SHORYUKEN) { type_str = "HOLD UP AND DASH"; ability_str = "TO SHURYUKEN!"; } } else { type_str = "THIS FORTIFIED BODY WILL"; if (type == ARMOR_ABILITY_BODY_EXTENDEDIMMUNITY) { ability_str = "BE INTANGIBLE FOR MORE TIME."; } else if (type == ARMOR_ABILITY_BODY_HALFDAMAGE) { ability_str = "TAKE HALF DAMAGE."; } else if (type == ARMOR_ABILITY_BODY_NOPUSHBACK) { ability_str = "RESIST PUSH-BACK."; } else if (type == ARMOR_ABILITY_BODY_SPIKESIMMMUNE) { ability_str = "RESIST SPIKES."; } } std::string lines[] = {type_str, "GIVE YOU THE ABILITY TO", ability_str}; show_dialog("canotus_face.png", true, lines, true); }
static void gtk_file_chooser_native_show (GtkNativeDialog *native) { GtkFileChooserNative *self = GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_NATIVE (native); self->mode = MODE_FALLBACK; #ifdef GDK_WINDOWING_WIN32 if (gtk_file_chooser_native_win32_show (self)) self->mode = MODE_WIN32; #endif if (self->mode == MODE_FALLBACK) show_dialog (self); }
void save_load(GtkWindow* parent) { gchar * uri = show_dialog(parent, GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN); if (uri) { const gchar * frz_file = game_state_get_frz_file(); gchar * frz_uri = gnome_vfs_get_uri_from_local_path(frz_file); show_result(copy_file(uri, frz_uri), parent, "Game loaded"); g_free(frz_uri); } if (cur_save_uri) { g_free(cur_save_uri); } cur_save_uri = uri; }
void ui_dialog(int dialog_text_id, int button_text_id, float hide_after) { set_dialog_text(dialog_text_id); if (button_text_id != UI_BUTTON_NONE) { set_button_text(button_text_id); show_button(); } else { hide_button(); } show_dialog(); if (hide_after > 0) { hide_dialog_later(hide_after); } }
void save_save_as(GtkWindow* parent) { gchar * uri = show_dialog(parent, GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE); if (uri) { const gchar * frz_file = game_state_get_frz_file(); gchar * frz_uri = gnome_vfs_get_uri_from_local_path(frz_file); gboolean res = show_result(copy_file(frz_uri, uri), parent, "Game saved"); g_free(frz_uri); if (!res) return; if (cur_save_uri) { g_free(cur_save_uri); } cur_save_uri = uri; } }
int main (int argc, char** argv) { MateDACapplet* capplet; gchar* start_page = NULL; GOptionContext* context; GOptionEntry option_entries[] = { { "show-page", 'p', G_OPTION_FLAG_IN_MAIN, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &start_page, /* TRANSLATORS: don't translate the terms in brackets */ N_("Specify the name of the page to show (internet|multimedia|system|a11y)"), N_("page") }, {NULL} }; context = g_option_context_new(_("- MATE Default Applications")); g_option_context_add_main_entries (context, option_entries, GETTEXT_PACKAGE); capplet_init (context, &argc, &argv); capplet = g_new0(MateDACapplet, 1); capplet->mateconf = mateconf_client_get_default(); mateconf_client_add_dir(capplet->mateconf, "/desktop/mate/url-handlers", MATECONF_CLIENT_PRELOAD_RECURSIVE, NULL); mateconf_client_add_dir(capplet->mateconf, "/desktop/mate/applications", MATECONF_CLIENT_PRELOAD_RECURSIVE, NULL); mate_da_xml_load_list(capplet); show_dialog(capplet, start_page); g_free(start_page); gtk_main(); g_object_unref(capplet->mateconf); mate_da_xml_free(capplet); return 0; }
void loadgame::load_game( const std::string& filename , const bool show_replay , const bool cancel_orders) { filename_ = filename; if (filename_.empty()){ show_dialog(show_replay, cancel_orders); } else{ show_replay_ = show_replay; cancel_orders_ = cancel_orders; } if (filename_.empty()) throw load_game_cancelled_exception(); std::string error_log; manager::read_save_file(filename_, load_config_, &error_log); if(!error_log.empty()) { try { gui2::show_error_message(gui_.video(), _("Warning: The file you have tried to load is corrupt. Loading anyway.\n") + error_log); } catch (utils::invalid_utf8_exception&) { gui2::show_error_message(gui_.video(), _("Warning: The file you have tried to load is corrupt. Loading anyway.\n") + std::string("(UTF-8 ERROR)")); } } gamestate_.classification().difficulty = load_config_["difficulty"].str(); gamestate_.classification().campaign_define = load_config_["campaign_define"].str(); gamestate_.classification().campaign_type = load_config_["campaign_type"].str(); gamestate_.classification().campaign_xtra_defines = utils::split(load_config_["campaign_extra_defines"]); gamestate_.classification().version = load_config_["version"].str(); check_version_compatibility(); }
void loadgame::load_game(std::string& filename, bool show_replay, bool allow_network, hero_map& heros, hero_map* heros_start) { filename_ = filename; if (filename_.empty()){ show_dialog(show_replay, allow_network); } else { show_replay_ = show_replay; } if (filename_.empty()) throw load_game_cancelled_exception(); std::string error_log; manager::read_save_file(filename_, NULL, &load_config_, heros_start, &replay_data_, &heros, &error_log); if(!error_log.empty()) { try { gui2::show_error_message(gui_.video(), _("Warning: The file you have tried to load is corrupt. Loading anyway.\n") + error_log); } catch (utils::invalid_utf8_exception&) { gui2::show_error_message(gui_.video(), _("Warning: The file you have tried to load is corrupt. Loading anyway.\n") + std::string("(UTF-8 ERROR)")); } } gamestate_.classification().create = load_config_["create"].to_long(); gamestate_.classification().duration = load_config_["duration"].to_int(); gamestate_.classification().hash = load_config_["hash"].to_int(); gamestate_.classification().campaign_define = load_config_["campaign_define"].str(); gamestate_.classification().campaign = load_config_["campaign"].str(); gamestate_.classification().campaign_type = load_config_["campaign_type"].str(); gamestate_.classification().version = load_config_["version"].str(); check_version_compatibility(); }
// seg000:23F4 void __pascal far show_copyprot(int where) { #ifdef USE_COPYPROT char sprintf_temp[140]; if (current_level != 15) return; if (where) { if (text_time_remaining || is_cutscene) return; text_time_total = 1188; text_time_remaining = 1188; is_show_time = 0; snprintf(sprintf_temp, sizeof(sprintf_temp), "WORD %d LINE %d PAGE %d", copyprot_word[copyprot_idx], copyprot_line[copyprot_idx], copyprot_page[copyprot_idx]); display_text_bottom(sprintf_temp); } else { snprintf(sprintf_temp, sizeof(sprintf_temp), "Drink potion matching the first letter of Word %d on Line %d\n" "of Page %d of the manual.", copyprot_word[copyprot_idx], copyprot_line[copyprot_idx], copyprot_page[copyprot_idx]); show_dialog(sprintf_temp); } #endif }
static void add_dispatch_operation_cb (TpSimpleApprover *self, TpAccount *account, TpConnection *connection, GList *channels, TpChannelDispatchOperation *cdo, TpAddDispatchOperationContext *context, gpointer user_data) { TpContact *target = NULL; GList *l; (void)account; /* suppress unused-parameter warning */ (void)connection; /* suppress unused-parameter warning */ (void)user_data; /* suppress unused-parameter warning */ g_print ("Approving this batch of channels:\n"); for (l = channels; l != NULL; l = g_list_next (l)) { TpChannel *channel = l->data; if (TP_IS_DBUS_TUBE_CHANNEL (channel)) { target = tp_channel_get_target_contact (channel); break; } } if (target == NULL) { g_critical ("Hmm. No 1-1 D-Bus tube in cdo %s, so why did we get it?", tp_proxy_get_object_path (cdo)); g_return_if_reached (); } tp_add_dispatch_operation_context_accept (context); show_dialog (self, cdo, target); }
mainWindow::mainWindow() : QMainWindow(), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { this->setMinimumSize(1000,500); // Creating the general UI ui->setupUi(this); // Making last minute adjustments and // initializing some parts of the UI ui->tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(0); ui->fileName->setText("log_file"); ui->actionDisconnect->setEnabled(false); // Creating the logger file instance log = new QFile(); // Creating the session file instance session = new QFile("session.dat"); // Creating the QVector of double needed to store the graphs // points y[0] = new QVector<double>(2); x[0] = new QVector<double>(2); x[1] = new QVector<double>(200); y[1] = new QVector<double>(200); y[2] = new QVector<double>(200); y[3] = new QVector<double>(200); y[4] = new QVector<double>(200); y[5] = new QVector<double>(200); y[6] = new QVector<double>(200); y[7] = new QVector<double>(200); // The SettingsDialog instance handles the serial port configuration // window settings = new SettingsDialog(); file_viewer = new FileViewer(); // The Protocole instance handles the communication through the selected // serial port and parses the data received through a RegEx string protocole = new Protocole(); // Now that everything's ready, try restoring // an existing session restoreSession(); // Connecting all the commands button QSignalMapper * cmdMap = new QSignalMapper(this); connect(ui->cmdFreq,SIGNAL(clicked()),cmdMap,SLOT(map())); connect(ui->cmdBurst,SIGNAL(clicked()),cmdMap,SLOT(map())); connect(ui->cmdStream,SIGNAL(clicked()),cmdMap,SLOT(map())); cmdMap -> setMapping (ui->cmdFreq, "FRQ") ; cmdMap -> setMapping (ui->cmdBurst, "BST") ; cmdMap -> setMapping (ui->cmdStream, "STR") ; connect(cmdMap,SIGNAL(mapped(QString)),this,SLOT(sendCommandBox(QString))); // Connecting the buttons for RTC sync connect(ui->sendTime,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(sendRTCTime())); connect(ui->getTime,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(getRTCTime())); connect(ui->syncSysTime,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(getSysTime())); // Connecting the button to fetch the last logged frames // into the console connect(ui->logUpdate,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(update_c())); // Connecting the buttons used to connect to and configure // the serial port connect(ui->actionConnect, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(openSerialPort())); connect(ui->actionDisconnect, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(closeSerialPort())); connect(ui->actionConfigure, SIGNAL(clicked()), settings, SLOT(show())); connect(ui->cmdCustomSend,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(sendCustomCommand())); connect(ui->applyLog, SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(applyLog())); logMap = new QSignalMapper(this); logMap->setMapping(ui->viewLog,logDirectory); connect(ui->viewLog,SIGNAL(clicked()),logMap,SLOT(map())); connect(logMap,SIGNAL(mapped(QString)),file_viewer,SLOT(show_dialog(QString))); // Connectring the button to change the log directory connect(ui->changeDirectory,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(changeLogDirectory())); // Creating graphs instances by linking them to UI elements graph[0] = ui->graphXY; graph[1] = ui->graphXAxis; graph[2] = ui->graphYAxis; graph[3] = ui->graphZAxis; graph[4] = ui->gyroX; graph[5] = ui->gyroY; graph[6] = ui->gyroZ; graph[7] = ui->weightGraph; // The pen is used to draw a dot on XY graphs QPen pen; pen.setColor(QColor(229,115,115,255)); pen.setWidth(10); pen.setCapStyle(Qt::RoundCap); // The line is used to draw classic graphs QPen line; line.setColor(QColor(25,118,210,255)); line.setWidth(1); QPen line_red; line_red.setColor(QColor(210,25,118,255)); line_red.setWidth(1); QPen line_green; line_green.setColor(QColor(118,210,25,255)); line_green.setWidth(1); // Graph 1 to 6 stores the accelerometer and gyroscope // axis, and share similar settings. // Their label can be set directly in the next array QString label[16] = { "", "X","Y","Z", // Accelerometer's three axis "X","Y","Z" // Gyroscope's three axis }; for(int i=1;i<8;i++) { // Only one curve on those graphs : axis/time graph[i]->addGraph(); // The datas are stored in x[1] (time) and y[i] vectors graph[i]->graph(0)->setData(*x[1],*y[i]); graph[i]->graph(0)->setPen(line); // Setting the labels of each axis, as well // as the range graph[i]->xAxis->setLabel("t"); graph[i]->yAxis->setLabel(label[i]); graph[i]->yAxis->setRange(-32000,32000); // The X Axis should display time (text) graph[i]->setLocale(QLocale(QLocale::English, QLocale::Canada)); graph[i]->xAxis->setTickLabelType(QCPAxis::ltDateTime); graph[i]->xAxis->setDateTimeFormat("hh:mm:ss"); graph[i]->xAxis->setDateTimeSpec(Qt::OffsetFromUTC); // Activating the zoom and drag interraction in vertical mode graph[i]->setInteraction(QCP::iRangeDrag, true); graph[i]->setInteraction(QCP::iRangeZoom, true); graph[i]->yAxis->axisRect()->setRangeDrag(Qt::Vertical); graph[i]->yAxis->axisRect()->setRangeZoom(Qt::Vertical); } graph[2]->graph(0)->setPen(line_green); graph[3]->graph(0)->setPen(line_red); graph[5]->graph(0)->setPen(line_green); graph[6]->graph(0)->setPen(line_red); graph[7]->yAxis->setRange(0,150); // Populating the XY graph // Only one curve on this graph : X axis /Y axis of accelerometer graph[0]->addGraph(); // The datas are stored in x[0] and y[0] vectors graph[0]->graph(0)->setData(*x[0],*y[0]); // Draw a red dot graph[0]->graph(0)->setPen(pen); // Setting the labels of each axis, as well // as the range graph[0]->xAxis->setLabel("X"); graph[0]->yAxis->setLabel("Y"); graph[0]->xAxis->setRange(-10000,10000); graph[0]->yAxis->setRange(-10000,10000); // Activating the zoom and drag interraction in vertical and horizontal mode graph[0]->setInteraction(QCP::iRangeDrag, true); graph[0]->setInteraction(QCP::iRangeZoom, true); // For each graph, making the lines lighter in order to clean up the view for(int i=0;i<8;i++) { graph[i]->xAxis->setBasePen(QPen(QColor(195,195,195))); graph[i]->xAxis->setTickPen(QPen(QColor(195,195,195))); graph[i]->xAxis->setSubTickPen(QPen(QColor(195,195,195))); graph[i]->yAxis->setBasePen(QPen(QColor(195,195,195))); graph[i]->yAxis->setTickPen(QPen(QColor(195,195,195))); graph[i]->yAxis->setSubTickPen(QPen(QColor(195,195,195))); } // For every setting that should be saved, connecting the saveSession slot to // the state change signal connect(ui->appendDate,SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)),this,SLOT(saveSession())); connect(ui->logToFile,SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)),this,SLOT(saveSession())); connect(ui->fileName,SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)),this,SLOT(saveSession())); connect(ui->cmdValue,SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),this,SLOT(saveSession())); connect(settings,SIGNAL(updated()),this,SLOT(saveSession())); // Addding Window's title setWindowTitle("Doctor's Orders Data Logger"); // Creating a Timer for frame fetching serialFetch = new QTimer(); serialFetch->setInterval(2); connect(serialFetch,SIGNAL(timeout()),protocole,SLOT(fetch())); // Creating a Timer for GUI update guiUpdate = new QTimer(); guiUpdate->setInterval(50); connect(guiUpdate,SIGNAL(timeout()),this,SLOT(update())); // Connecting the serial port to the updateData slot connect(protocole,SIGNAL(updateData()),this,SLOT(updateData())); }
void View::about_dialog() { show_dialog ("about_dialog"); }
void gui_show_info_dialog(const std::string& message, Gtk::Window* parent) { show_dialog(message, "", parent, Gtk::MESSAGE_INFO, false); }
int get_vmem_info(char *string) { char buffer[100 * 1024], buffer1[500]; char dir1[50], dir2[50]; int fd1, fd2; int bytes; int vmem; int i = 1, j, m; char *c[10000], *ch[500], *p, *buf[50]; GtkTreeIter iter; char vmem_label_text[50]; sprintf(dir1, "/proc/%s/maps", string); fd1 = open(dir1, O_RDONLY); if(fd1 == -1) { char *title = "错误1"; char *content = "\n 打开文件失败 \n"; show_dialog(title, content); } bytes = read(fd1, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if(bytes == 0 || bytes == sizeof(buffer)) { char *title1 = "错误2"; char *content1 = "\n 读取文件失败 \n"; show_dialog(title1, content1); } close(fd1); // printf("%d\n", bytes); // printf("%s", buffer); c[0] = strtok(buffer, "\n"); i = 1; // printf("11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111\n"); // printf("%s\n", c[0]); while(p = strtok(NULL, "\n")) { c[i] = p; // printf("%d\n", i); // printf("%s\n", c[i]); i++; // printf("%d\n", i); // printf("%s\n", c[i]); } for(j = 0, m = 1; j < i; j++, m = 1) { ch[0] = strtok(c[j], " "); while(p = strtok(NULL, " ")) { ch[m] = p; // printf("%d\n", m); // printf("%s\n", ch[m]); m++; // printf("%d\n", m); // printf("%s\n", ch[m]); } gtk_list_store_append(vmem_store, &iter); gtk_list_store_set(vmem_store, &iter, ADDRESS_COLUMN, ch[0], PERMS_COLUMN, ch[1], OFFSET_COLUMN, ch[2], DEV_COLUMN, ch[3], INODE_COLUMN, ch[4], NAME1_COLUMN, ch[5], -1); } sprintf(dir2, "/proc/%s/stat", string); fd2 = open(dir2, O_RDONLY); read(fd2, buffer1, sizeof(buffer1)); close(fd2); buf[0] = strtok(buffer1, " "); i = 1; while(p = strtok(NULL, " ")) { buf[i] = p; i++; } vmem = atoi(buf[22]); vmem = vmem / 1024; sprintf(vmem_label_text, "Virtual Memory Size: %d KB", vmem); gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(v_label), vmem_label_text); return 1; }
void gui_show_info_dialog(const std::string& message, const std::string& sec_message, Gtk::Window* parent, bool sec_msg_markup) { show_dialog(message, sec_message, parent, Gtk::MESSAGE_INFO, sec_msg_markup); }