Esempio n. 1
File: main.cpp Progetto: rousse/vle
    int run(int argc, char *argv[])
        po::positional_options_description p;
        p.add("input", -1);

        try {
                        argv).options(desc).positional(p).run(), vm);

            if (vm.count("manager"))
                *manager_mode = true;

            if (vm.count("input"))
                *args = vm["input"].as < CmdArgs >();

            if (vm.count("log-file"))
                *trace = 0;

            if (vm.count("log-stdout"))
                *trace = 1;

            if (vm.count("help"))
                return show_help(generic);

            if (vm.count("version"))
                return show_version();

            if (vm.count("infos"))
                return show_infos();

            if (vm.count("list"))
                return show_package_list();

            if (vm.count("restart"))
                return remove_configuration_file();

            if (vm.count("package"))
                return PROGRAM_OPTIONS_PACKAGE;

            if (vm.count("remote"))
                return PROGRAM_OPTIONS_REMOTE;

            if (vm.count("config"))
                return PROGRAM_OPTIONS_CONFIG;
        } catch (const std::exception &e) {
            std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;

            return PROGRAM_OPTIONS_FAILURE;

        std::cerr << _("Nothing to do. Use package, remote or config mode."
                " See the help.\n");

        return PROGRAM_OPTIONS_END;
Esempio n. 2
static int
show_transaction_sizes(struct transaction *trans, int cols)
	uint64_t dlsize = 0, instsize = 0, rmsize = 0, disk_free_size = 0;
	char size[8];

	if (!print_trans_colmode(trans, cols)) {
		 * Show the list of packages that will be downloaded, installed, updated,
		 * removed or configured.
		xbps_dictionary_get_uint32(trans->d, "total-download-pkgs",
		if (trans->dl_pkgcnt) {
			printf("%u package%s will be downloaded:\n",
			    trans->dl_pkgcnt, trans->dl_pkgcnt == 1 ? "" : "s");
			show_package_list(trans, NULL, cols);
		xbps_dictionary_get_uint32(trans->d, "total-install-pkgs",
		if (trans->inst_pkgcnt) {
			printf("%u package%s will be installed:\n",
			    trans->inst_pkgcnt, trans->inst_pkgcnt == 1 ? "" : "s");
			show_package_list(trans, "install", cols);
		xbps_dictionary_get_uint32(trans->d, "total-update-pkgs",
		if (trans->up_pkgcnt) {
			printf("%u package%s will be updated:\n",
			    trans->up_pkgcnt, trans->up_pkgcnt == 1 ? "" : "s");
			show_package_list(trans, "update", cols);
		xbps_dictionary_get_uint32(trans->d, "total-configure-pkgs",
		if (trans->cf_pkgcnt) {
			printf("%u package%s will be configured:\n",
			    trans->cf_pkgcnt, trans->cf_pkgcnt == 1 ? "" : "s");
			show_package_list(trans, "configure", cols);
		xbps_dictionary_get_uint32(trans->d, "total-remove-pkgs",
		if (trans->rm_pkgcnt) {
			printf("%u package%s will be removed:\n",
			    trans->rm_pkgcnt, trans->rm_pkgcnt == 1 ? "" : "s");
			show_package_list(trans, "remove", cols);
	 * Show total download/installed/removed size for all required packages.
	xbps_dictionary_get_uint64(trans->d, "total-download-size", &dlsize);
	xbps_dictionary_get_uint64(trans->d, "total-installed-size", &instsize);
	xbps_dictionary_get_uint64(trans->d, "total-removed-size", &rmsize);
	xbps_dictionary_get_uint64(trans->d, "disk-free-size", &disk_free_size);
	if (dlsize || instsize || rmsize || disk_free_size)

	if (dlsize) {
		if (xbps_humanize_number(size, (int64_t)dlsize) == -1) {
			xbps_error_printf("humanize_number returns "
			    "%s\n", strerror(errno));
			return -1;
		printf("Size to download:             %6s\n", size);
	if (instsize) {
		if (xbps_humanize_number(size, (int64_t)instsize) == -1) {
			xbps_error_printf("humanize_number2 returns "
			    "%s\n", strerror(errno));
			return -1;
		printf("Size required on disk:        %6s\n", size);
	if (rmsize) {
		if (xbps_humanize_number(size, (int64_t)rmsize) == -1) {
			xbps_error_printf("humanize_number3 returns "
			    "%s\n", strerror(errno));
			return -1;
		printf("Size freed on disk:           %6s\n", size);
	if (disk_free_size) {
		if (xbps_humanize_number(size, (int64_t)disk_free_size) == -1) {
			xbps_error_printf("humanize_number3 returns "
			    "%s\n", strerror(errno));
			return -1;
		printf("Free space on disk:           %6s\n", size);

	return 0;
Esempio n. 3
static int
show_transaction_sizes(struct transaction *trans, int cols)
	uint64_t dlsize = 0, instsize = 0, rmsize = 0;
	char size[8];

	 * Show the list of packages that will be installed.
	if (xbps_dictionary_get_uint32(trans->d, "total-install-pkgs",
	    &trans->inst_pkgcnt)) {
		printf("%u package%s will be installed:\n",
		    trans->inst_pkgcnt, trans->inst_pkgcnt == 1 ? "" : "s");
		show_package_list(trans->iter, "install", cols);
	if (xbps_dictionary_get_uint32(trans->d, "total-update-pkgs",
	    &trans->up_pkgcnt)) {
		printf("%u package%s will be updated:\n",
		    trans->up_pkgcnt, trans->up_pkgcnt == 1 ? "" : "s");
		show_package_list(trans->iter, "update", cols);
	if (xbps_dictionary_get_uint32(trans->d, "total-configure-pkgs",
	    &trans->cf_pkgcnt)) {
		printf("%u package%s will be configured:\n",
		    trans->cf_pkgcnt, trans->cf_pkgcnt == 1 ? "" : "s");
		show_package_list(trans->iter, "configure", cols);
	if (xbps_dictionary_get_uint32(trans->d, "total-remove-pkgs",
	    &trans->rm_pkgcnt)) {
		printf("%u package%s will be removed:\n",
		    trans->rm_pkgcnt, trans->rm_pkgcnt == 1 ? "" : "s");
		show_package_list(trans->iter, "remove", cols);
	 * Show total download/installed/removed size for all required packages.
	xbps_dictionary_get_uint64(trans->d, "total-download-size", &dlsize);
	xbps_dictionary_get_uint64(trans->d, "total-installed-size",
	xbps_dictionary_get_uint64(trans->d, "total-removed-size", &rmsize);
	if (dlsize || instsize || rmsize)

	if (dlsize) {
		if (xbps_humanize_number(size, (int64_t)dlsize) == -1) {
			xbps_error_printf("humanize_number returns "
			    "%s\n", strerror(errno));
			return -1;
		printf("Total download size:\t%6s\n", size);
	if (instsize) {
		if (xbps_humanize_number(size, (int64_t)instsize) == -1) {
			xbps_error_printf("humanize_number2 returns "
			    "%s\n", strerror(errno));
			return -1;
		printf("Total installed size:\t%6s\n", size);
	if (rmsize) {
		if (xbps_humanize_number(size, (int64_t)rmsize) == -1) {
			xbps_error_printf("humanize_number3 returns "
			    "%s\n", strerror(errno));
			return -1;
		printf("Total freed size:\t%6s\n", size);

	return 0;